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Visit the Chickenmarie Memorial here and plant a flower for her when you get there.

Visit the guardian of this site here.

See who found Milton and Bradley here.

Thanks to our newest Chicken, ShadowChicken, we've now got an amazing new graphic.
Show us how much you love us by putting this beautiful graphic on your site and linking back to us. (/Athens/Parthenon/3522)
Let us know if you do and we'll put a link to your site on ours.
links list

AHHHH!! The counter is broken. Someone got on Chickers' bad side and they started chasing each other all over the place. Chickers stepped on the counter and squashed it. Sorry, I don't know what the last count was, but the count will begin again once we get a new RELIABLE counter, with a lifetime warranty!

Visit Crazy Chicken in The Middle of  Nowhere!
Also, Acid Chicken has a site here check it out or you'll end up in our counter from hell just like the others.
Look!!! It's flaming! =)
And then there's Socio Chicken. Visit him here. The counter is always hungry.
Please don't forget to sign our guest book!
The Chickenpeople dedicate this site to Chickenmarie, our lost chicken, on this, the 29th of May, 1998.
 This site is 100% chicken friendly.  No chickens were harmed in it's production, with the exception of  Crazy Chicken, the webmistress.
created 02/17/1998 updated 07/03/1998

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