The format of this home page is to provide information, some opinions,
and a few curious questions in which my readers may submit their personal,
educated, and highly intellectual opinions(no sarcasm or rudeness, please).
I welcome your information at my e-mail address below. Many topics of discussion
will education, band music, aesthetics, art form, conducting,
performance, religion, dramatic arts etc.
Thank you for your interest and participation. The Tradition of Pride and Excellence
Middle School Band***High School Concert Band
***Oriole Marching Band
The QHS Band and QMS Band have received
other honors including.........
Middle School Band
High School Band
© 1997
1999...Division I
1999...Division I 1999...Division I
1998...Division II 1998...Division I
1998...Division I
1997...Division I
1997...Division II
1997...Division I
1996...Division I
1996...Division I
1996...Division I
1995...Division I
1995...Division I
1995...Division I
1994...Division I
1994...Division I
1994...Division I
1993...Division I
1993...Division I
1993...Division I
1992...Division I
1994...Judges Award for Most Outstanding
Band (Music in the Parks)
1994...First Place in Class A (Music
in the Parks)
1995...First Place in Class A (Music
in the Parks)
1996...First Place in Class A (Music
in the Parks)
1997...First Place in Class A (Music
in the Parks)
1991...First Place in Competition
Class A (Festivals of Music-Nashville)
1993...Second Place in Competition
Class A (Festivals of Music-Toronto)
1995...First Place in Competition
Class A (International Music Festivals-St Louis)
1997...Performed at Disney World
for the 25th Anniversary
1999...First Place in Competition Class A (Festivals of Music-Toronto)
1999...Judges Choice for Most Outstanding Band at the Festival
Class A
1997...Second Place At Hastings
Invitational Marching Competition
1998...Third Place At Otsego Invitational
Marching Competition
Best Field Commanders
Best Percussion
1998...First Place At Hastings
Invitational Marching Competition
Best Music
Best Marching
Excellence in Percussion
1999...Fourth Place At Rockford
Invitational Marching Competition
Best Field Commanders
1999...Third Place At Otsego Invitational
Marching Competition
Best Field Commanders
Best Marching
1999...Second Place At Hastings Invitational
Marching Competition
Best Marching
Excellence in Color Guard
Excellence in Field Commanders
Links to other sites on the Web
The School Page
National Educators Association
Classical Music Forms
My School's Web Site!!!
Another Nifty Music Site for Educators
The Andrew Club
I love Jesus!!! Visit this link and learn more about my faith. I have also listed several awesome Christian internet sites with links on my faith page.
I truly enjoy the love of my close Christian friends. Visit this link and better understand my philosophy regarding Christian friendship. Also, be encouraged by selected Bible verses regarding friends.
to visit my page.
Click Here To E-mail Me!!!