My Philosophies on Life

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Everything you will encounter on this page is MY opinion. If you dont like it leave....or e-mail me. Some of it is controversial, and some it is silly, but it is ALL in good fun.

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I figured because I was actually born in Athens and I have seen the Parthenon, this would be a good address for me. What do you think?

Do you know what it means to be human? To be human means having the right to choose. That is what makes us different from other species. How? Well, take dogs for instance. They dont chose who their owner is or how they live. They just survive with what their owner gives them. In my opinion, they lack the ability to communicate effectively, and ban together to fight back. Can you imagine dogs revolting?

Do you believe in GOD? That is very touche' subject. Wars have been won and lost over religion. Nobody knows for sure who, what , why or how we were created. Everbody has there own ideas, and they all think they are right? Who are they to say who is right and who is wrong? I dont know what I believe, I do know that everbody has a right to their own opinion, and not be subjected to other opinions. I was working at a construction site recently and a young man, Charles(not his real name), was recently paroled and gave us all a lesson in the Word of God. Of course, nobody likes to be preached at, least of all me. As one man said it, he was a Jail House Preacher. He told his story of how God came into his life while he was in prison for Drugs. He took it to an extreme in trying to inform us about God. He would stop in the middle of sweeping a room, pull out his bible and start preaching. I cant say I didnt learn anything, because I did, but I didnt like my work being interupted and he soon learned that. To make a long story short, we drove him off after we pointed out some of the more questionable parts of the bible. There were simply too many questions he couldnt answer. There are many contradictions in the bible. For one thing it dispells Charles Darwin's Theory of Evolution. It all boils down to what came first, the chicken or the egg? Was there some tree that had seeds of all the known types of trees? I believe that Dinosuar's once ruled the Earth. I have no clue how they died. Maybe a comet? The bible says that Adam and Eve were the first man and women on Earth. Maybe they were, but then again maybe they weren't. More on this later.

How comfortable are you with your sexuality? I am perfectly comfortable with mine. I find it funny when men (and boys) deny masturbating. It's only human nature. I know some girls masturbate, too. I had a girlfriend who once used a flashlight. And she showed me how she did it, too. hee hee That was fun...shut up Beavis. Anyways, a lot of my guy friend's are not comfortable, and become violently angry when confronted with masturbation. I get a kick out of it. I don't see what the big deal is, everbody does you?

Tattoo or not to tattoo? That is the question. Well, some people would say that having a tatoo on your body is desecration. If that were true, wouldn't even the tiniest scar on your body be desecration? I have encountered those people who think they are so good: you know the no having sex until you are married, pray to God for everything types, that cringe at the thought of tattoo's. Then again maybe they cringe at thought of pain. Pain? What pain? I didnt feel no stinkin' pain. And then their is the majority of young people today that have tatoo's. Maybe this should be the Tattoo Generation instead of Generation X. Everyone I know has a tattoo. Everywhere I go, everyone I see has one, wants one, or is getting one. Coulda, shoulda, woulda....

I always enjoyed Aseop's Fables. I can remember reading them when I was younger. They are now on-line.

Visit the Museum of London. If you ever have a chance to visit England or Europe, I strongly recommend it. Being a military brat I have had the opportunity to travel most of Europe and I have lived in England. There is a lot culture to be seen and it will broaden your mind, help you see the light.

If you need a good laugh, I am working on my HaHA page. It is my collection of funnies that have been e-mailed to me over the past year.

I know when I surf the waves of Cyberspace I like to see picture of the people who have their own websites. Here's some pictures of me and some of my friends.

All Day I Dream About Steve

Take a peek into my futureand see my dream car.

Check out Kat and Ralphie's Homepage!! They will rock your world! I have abandoned them in their quest to take over the world!

Here is a list of the links the helped me build my webpage.

If you are interested in Sports Card Collecting! Check out this comphrensive site!

Please visit my other webpages: Smith and Wesson: The Original Point and Click Interface.and Da Mented


You have any ideas of something you would like to see on this page please e-mail me and let me know.

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