USA Faculty Senate Home Page Past Faculty Survey
Raw Data:




Fourteenth Faculty Survey

April 2001


The USA Faculty Senate needs your comments on the results from this year's survey. What do you make of the data? What should we make of it?

Once we've heard from you, the Senate will produce a written report on the survey for the faculty and the administration. The Senate will also use the survey and the written report as the basis for representing the faculty to the administration and the community over the coming year. 

If confidentiality is a concern, you may send written comments to:

Dr. Richard Wesenberg
Chair, Faculty Senate Evaluation Committee
Department of Radiology
MSTN 305

If confidentiality is not a concern, please e-mail your comments to Dr. Wesenberg at


How to View the Results

2001 Survey Summary Table Go here if you want this year's results only, for the University as a whole and by college.
Four-Year, University-Wide Comparative Results (1998- 2001) Go here if you want to compare results over the last four years for questions put to the entire University faculty
Four-Year, Comparative Results for Colleges (1998-2001) Click the link to any of these colleges or schools if you want to compare results over the last four years for questions put to the faculty of that college or school.

How Was the Survey Conducted?

For the first time, the USA Faculty Survey was conducted online. Through the collaboration of the Faculty Senate and the Office of Academic Computing, extraordinary steps were taken to insure the anonymity of all responses. The survey was announced campus wide via e-mail to all faculty accounts and via fax to all department chairs. 

The survey was conducted between April 23 and May 2, 2001. 335 surveys were completed, making it the most successful recent survey. The Computer Services Center received the data and, immediately upon the conclusion of the survey, provided the Faculty Senate with statistical compilations. The data displayed on these web pages is therefore what was returned to the Senate by the Computer Services Center. The formatting of the results on these pages is the responsibility of the Faculty Senate, not of the Computer Services Center.

What's New about This Year's Survey?

Faculty Comments during the Survey

A box was provided at the end of the survey form to allow for written comments. These comments will be screened to insure that any information that might tend to identify their authors is removed. If it proves impossible to remove such information and still maintain the integrity of the original comment, then the comment will not be shared with anyone. Those comments that already are anonymous, or that can be edited by the Senate so as to be made anonymous, will be shared with President Moulton and/or other appropriate persons (depending upon the nature of the comment). 


If you have any other questions about the survey, please e-mail Dr. Richard Wesenberg, Chair of the Faculty Senate Committee on Evaluation at

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University of South Alabama   -  Faculty Senate - HUMB 344 - Mobile, AL 36688-0002 / (334) 460-7610
For comments or questions about our web site, please E-mail the Faculty Senate
Last date changed: Sunday, May 13, 2001 10:30:29 AM