Jungle of BOOKS
Vivek Ayengar
WELCOME to my Cyber Bivouac...
I call this a Bivouac as I look forward to a permanent address
and unlimited disk-space...lots to tell the visitor.
The idea behind a homepage has always been to apprise the reader on what
the host's interests are..... leave alone the coffee and biscuits offered
in a concrete home, in case you visited my lil place at Bangalore.
Happy surfing as you discover the Vivek....
Flag off with a Vignette of mine :-)
Back to (what built) the future
I was born in Bombay and began my travel through the varied nuances of
Indian Culture then. The young Vivek lived at Bombay, Indore, Madras and
Bangalore learning the interwoven values of cultures from Central India
and South India apart from the arm-chair learning or Travelogue Knowledge
of Rest Of India.
Literacy, as I call it, but much more than signing on paper or writing
you name and address was the Engineering knowledge at SJCE, Mysore.
Exposure to the corporate virus was at Mindware - a 100% Software Exports
(Readers Digest publishes "First Jobs" in nearly all their issues....but
I really cannot feature in their columns as I was more of the white collared
kinds and not a rag picker/paper delivery boy ;-)
I am extremely grateful to my dear Mother and Sister who have always been supportive. My mother has been my sole moral support ever since my age 11 and inculcated a treasure trove in me which people call reading !
Psychological epicure (slurp....)
Hobbies :
Reading and creative writing (sometimes)......i don't dribble, i don't
cook, i don't weave or sew or launder or jog or ...........
I chat (on the net), read, write and work
!!!!!....sound a bit nerdish here ?????
Interests :
My Library <- CLICK HERE FOR MORE ! :
Revert back to me with
comments and suggestions. E-MAIL !!!
A word from the reader is worth twice of that from the writer ;)