Welcome to Half-Elf Enterprise, my domain on the web.  Who am I?  Well, I'm a History major at Bowling Green State University.  I'm interested in politics, Asian history, and all things Star Trek.  I'm also into music, all types.  If you like role -playing games, check out the links to Hero Quest and AD&D pages below.  They are worth your time.  The AD&D page chronicles my campaign that is currently running.  If you are a Star Trek fan, be sure to check out the midi files.  They are of excellent quality.
A little more about myself...Like mentioned above, I'm a junior at BGSU. Despite its image, BG really is a great place to be. The marching band is great, and there is always something happening on campus. My musical tastes run a wide spectrum. I would say that jazz and classical are my 2 favorite types, but I enjoy all "real" music. What is real music? I would have to say that most rap and most top 40 music does not qualify. If you want to check out some great music, try the band "Squirrel Nut Zippers." They are great.  I got to see them perform live and needless to say, I was not disappointed.
My favorite musical/play? "Joseph and the Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat." This is a wonderful show. Another great show is "Crazy for You." If you like music, you will love this show. Many of George Gershwin's greatest songs are performed in that play.
Okay, so you know I like music, now what else? I love hockey, and my favorite team is the Detroit Red Wings. It was great to finally see Steve Yzerman raise the Stanely Cup last year. All the Red Wings fans were finally rewarded for years of loyalty. Major League Soccer is actually a lot of fun. Give it a try. Baseball? Well, I think it's a little boring, but if there's a Tiger's game on, I'll probably watch it.

My thoughts on Star Trek: First Contact
An essay on Star Trek
The Music of Star Trek
Flute music from the Next Generation episode "The Inner Light". Very nice.
Now that you've read about First Contact, listen to its music.
Theme from Star Trek
Theme from Star Trek:The Next Generation
Theme from Star Trek:Deep Space Nine
Theme from Star Trek:Voyager
Click here for my Hero Quest page. Don't know what Hero Quest is? Click to find out!
Our role model, the paragon of virtue.
In memory of The Viking, Jon-Pall Sigmarsson
Chris Jericho's web page.
The World's Strongest Man Homepage
This is my friend Neil's page. Check it out.
This is where I go to school.
Need to find something? This is a great search engine.

All writings property of Randy Brown, Half-Elf Enterprises. Star Trek and all related items property of Paramount Pictures. No infringement is intended.
Half-Elf Enterprises
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