Welcome to the Vault! This area contains files pertaining to Hero Quest. I have created several new charcters for the Hero Quest game system. I have also written a short page about Hero Quest, for those who are unfamilar with the game
New Heros
New Weapons
Longbow...............................600 gold coins
Usable only by the Scout. 2 Combat Dice.
Warhammer...........................475 gold coins
May be used by Priest. Cannot be used with a Shield. 4 Combat Dice.
Mace......................................165 gold coins
May be used by Priest. 2 Combat Dice.
Morning Star..........................380 gold coins
Can be used by Priest. 3 Combat Dice.
New Armor
Leather....................................100 gold coins
May only be worn by Scout and Thief. 1 extra Defend Die.
None of the above weapons or armor may be used by the Wizard.