Stuff About Me

Hello, my name is Christy Leake.

This part of the website is all about me, my friends, family and interests. Here is a quick little bio about myself:

I was born on December 12, 1973 (I'm a Sagittarius) in a little itty-bitty town in Western Maryland called Frostburg.

In the Fall of '98 I became a student at Frostburg State University majoring in Theatre (Directing).

As for what I look like, click here to see pictures of me to find out.

Want to know about my friends? Of course you do! Click here to "meet" them.

Speaking of my friends, this semester I've started bringing my camera with me on certain occasions. This past semester (Spring 2001) has been a particularly fun & exciting one. Click here to see the fun and frivolity that has transpired.

Below is a list of some of my interests, my likes and hobbies:

Well, I hope you enjoyed your little exploration into the subject of ME. I know I had a good time.

Frostburg Western Maryland FSU Look at me! Friends

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