[ScotWeb History]
[Rampant Lion] [Edinburgh Crest]

Scottish Highlands and Islands, by...

Author - Medieval Historian

Robert M. Gunn, {Skyelander}


Awards for this Web Site.


Welcome, this is Skyelander's Scottish Highlands and Islands History Web Site. This Page will feature: Scottish History, Medieval History, Celtic History, Scottish Battles and Wars of England and Scotland. All original articles and updated bi-monthly.

[*New*]Complete Scottish Timeline - with Historic Links!
Click Below:
[Time Scroll]

The NBNews Editor's Choice Award..
[NBNews Editor's Choice Award for Education]

Awarded to this Timeline! Click to read.

Thank You for being visitor #
Cheering Scottish Mouse!

Since 4 April, 1997!

Celtic Spirit Site of the Year!
First Place, 1997

Click on the programme or picture below to see menus:

*New*THE HIGHLAND CLEARANCES.................................[Cleared Highlander]

*New*Breton and British Celts.....................................................[Celtic Knot]

1 -WitchCraft in Medieval Scotland...............................................[Witch]

2 -"Scottish Origins....Up to William Wallace"..................................[Cross]

3 -"The Battle of Stirling Bridge - the Truth"...................................[Wallace - Stirling Bridge]

4 -[*New*]"The Battle of Falkirk & Execution of Wallace"..............[Wallace - Falkirk]

5 -"The Bruce, Bannockburn and Beyond"....................................[TheBruce]

6 -"Tragedy at Glencoe - the Highland Massacre".......................[Glencoe]

7 -The Stone of Destiny/Scone ..........................................................[Stone of Destiny in Throne]

8 -Scottish ARCHIVES - *More History Online*...........................[Royal Shield]

CLAN MAP of Scotland...large file but worth the wait.

newComing soon....
Scottish and Medieval European Histories.

* - "Scottish Battles of the Second War of Independence"
* - "Breton and British Celts - Arthur"
* - "The Barbarian Invaders of Europe"
* - "Warlord of Ireland: Brian Boru"
* - "Viking Scotland"
* - "Owain of Wales: Welsh Warrior Hero"
* - "Scottish Wars & Battles"
.....and many more.....

All original compostions by Author/Medieval Historian,
Robert M. Gunn, h.w.a/fsanas
Page under perpetual rennovation.

location.href=url[sel+1]} //-->

[*New*]Complete Scottish Timeline - with Historic Links!
Click Below:
[Time Scroll]

"Best of the Best Site"
[A US-Scot 5 star site]
5 of 5 Stars

[Edinburgh Crest][Friends of Scotland]

Pages conceived and designed by ©Skye-Net;
Robert M. Gunn

©opyright 1997* _RMG_ All Rights Reserved
All original material has been Copyrighted and may not be published in any media except by SKYELANDER@SCOTLANDMAIL.com, Robert M. Gunn

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