A Message to those looking to Preach...

I hate to make a big deal out of this, but it seems that yet again the Christians that I talk to online that disagree with my religious beliefs and convictions, have felt the need to overwhelm me with what I call CHRISTIAN SPAM; Bible quotations, etc. If you want to preach or witness to me and tell me about Jesus, or, if you wish to do this with ANY Pagan or Wiccan, I suggest that you pay a visit to a page that will give you a bit more of a handle on why we these conversations never pan out to be much. Simply reading this will make things better for all involved. So please take a visit and read How to Share the Gospel with Pagans.

A note about the people on the Guestbook.

Some of you may go to the guestbook to take a look at who's been by and what they've been saying. And all I can say and that since I feel everyone has a right to their own opinion, I very rarely choose to remove entries that are of an offensive nature. But today, May 22nd, someone who can only be described as completely immature and a total disgrace, felt the need to slam on the guestbook twice. I didn't remove it because I feel that this person has shamed him or herself enough by posting in such a way there and I think that it can stay. The fact that this person would call themselves a Christian, and who obviously isn't and is looking just to get a rise out of me and those of you who read the page, and uses such language that I myself don't even use is quite humorous. I fell that this person, who ever they are shames us by writing to a Pagan guestbook, to Christians by using their name in such a dishonorable way, and to all people with a brain for being so infantile. I just wanted to make that statement. Thanks...carry on. (^_^)