A Letter from Athena

December 8,1999

Merry Meet and Yuletide Greetings!

I want to thank everyone for stopping by today and especailly everyone that has stopped by in the last few years to make this sight such a successful and popular one. It's been a very interesting trip and I've enjoyed meeting with and helping so many of you in the last few years. I have seen several wonderful people go from thinking that "The Craft" was real to becoming very strong and spiritual Pagans. It's always great to see the glow on someones face or hear the ring in their voice when they have finally "come home" and found themselves in a spiritual way. For allowing me to be part of that for so many of you, I take you.

For those of you that have been visiting the site in the last 6 months or so and wondering why there hasn't been any changes or why even the full and new moon date or sabbat dates weren't changed, this was for several reasons. After Yahoo and Geocities joined forces there was a long and confuseing time period where it was near impossible to sing in to do any editing. Now that that's all been cleared up, that's one big obstacle removed. The other problem had to do with a major lack of time and, in some cases, lack of interest in maintaing the site. Recently I began to realize that working on the site and working with everyone that I come in contact with through it has been a big part of my connection with the God and Goddess. I have been going through a rough time recently and realized that I have lost a lot of my "connection" and have been feeling personally powerless because that Divine energy has been so lacking. It's coming back bit by bit every day and by doing this on a regular basis again, and with everyones help, this feeling will soon be nothing but a bad memory.

Also, to those that have tried to email me though the Ask Athena address, you may have been getting your mail bounced back to you. I wasn't aware that the account would be put into inactive status when I wasn't checking it. So for anyone that has been looking for help on anything, by all means, email me now and I should recieve it and be able to lend my assistance. And for anyone that has AOL or AIM I can be found on there with the screen name Rivetchick09, so feel free to IM me with your questions or if you need help.
Hope eveyone had a good New Year at Samhain and hope you all have a wonderful Yule!

Brightest Blessings!

)O( Athena