Welcome to The Witches' Circle Guestbook! Look and see who's been here and what people have to say about the site!

Ann christin - 12/12/00 07:36:55
My Email:markz_babe@yahoo.com
Are you a member of a Pagan or Earth Based religion?: no
How long have you been into Wicca, witchcraft and/or Paganism; including studying and practice.: 4 years
If you care to answer this one, how old are you? Be honest or don't answer (none of you are 666 yrs. old!): 14
Did you like -The Craft-?: yes
Have you ever been discriminated against for your beliefs in Paganism or witchcraft?: no
Are you -out of the broom-closet-?: no


Deb - 11/01/00 00:41:42
My Email:n/a
Are you a member of a Pagan or Earth Based religion?: not really
How long have you been into Wicca, witchcraft and/or Paganism; including studying and practice.: forever
If you care to answer this one, how old are you? Be honest or don't answer (none of you are 666 yrs. old!): 30
Did you like -The Craft-?: sorta peaked my interest but didnt find it all that convincing
Have you ever been discriminated against for your beliefs in Paganism or witchcraft?: no
Are you -out of the broom-closet-?: not yet

I really enjoyed your site, very interesting to smeone who doesnt know very much. Very enlightening! Blessed be.

Amy Jo - 10/18/00 05:00:54
My Email:none
Are you a member of a Pagan or Earth Based religion?: no
How long have you been into Wicca, witchcraft and/or Paganism; including studying and practice.: since I was born
If you care to answer this one, how old are you? Be honest or don't answer (none of you are 666 yrs. old!): 27 and enlightened
Did you like -The Craft-?: interested
Have you ever been discriminated against for your beliefs in Paganism or witchcraft?: yes
Are you -out of the broom-closet-?: unfimilar

I am looking for someone to exchange ideas a philosphey with me please contact me A.S.A.P Is anybody out there interested in what I have to say intelectually????

maeco - 10/18/00 04:54:27
My Email:maeco_2001@hotmail
Are you a member of a Pagan or Earth Based religion?: yes
How long have you been into Wicca, witchcraft and/or Paganism; including studying and practice.: beginner
If you care to answer this one, how old are you? Be honest or don't answer (none of you are 666 yrs. old!): i am enlightened
Did you like -The Craft-?: yes
Have you ever been discriminated against for your beliefs in Paganism or witchcraft?: no
Are you -out of the broom-closet-?: unfimilar

i like this site and would come back for more answers

maeco - 10/18/00 04:53:07
My Email:maeco_2001@hotmail
Are you a member of a Pagan or Earth Based religion?: yes
How long have you been into Wicca, witchcraft and/or Paganism; including studying and practice.: beginner
If you care to answer this one, how old are you? Be honest or don't answer (none of you are 666 yrs. old!): i am enlightened
Did you like -The Craft-?: yes
Have you ever been discriminated against for your beliefs in Paganism or witchcraft?: no


Debbie Neubecker - 10/15/00 22:18:14
My Email:bbjones49@hotmail.com
Are you a member of a Pagan or Earth Based religion?: yes
How long have you been into Wicca, witchcraft and/or Paganism; including studying and practice.: I've loved witchcraft my whole life, been studying it for a few months.
If you care to answer this one, how old are you? Be honest or don't answer (none of you are 666 yrs. old!): 15
Did you like -The Craft-?: love it, my favorite show, well one of them. I have watched it 4 times in a row before.
Have you ever been discriminated against for your beliefs in Paganism or witchcraft?: kinda, but not really, my friends are pretty much cool with it, freaked, but are cool with it.
Are you -out of the broom-closet-?: no

This is an awsome page I think cause it shows the spells that can be made, it's very interesting, and informative.

River Walker - 10/10/00 16:49:35
My Email:LesterFlash@mindspring.com
Are you a member of a Pagan or Earth Based religion?: yes
How long have you been into Wicca, witchcraft and/or Paganism; including studying and practice.: 10 years
If you care to answer this one, how old are you? Be honest or don't answer (none of you are 666 yrs. old!): 30
Did you like -The Craft-?: entertaining
Have you ever been discriminated against for your beliefs in Paganism or witchcraft?: no
Are you -out of the broom-closet-?: no


LOST_kitty_k - 10/03/00 04:27:53
Are you a member of a Pagan or Earth Based religion?: No but I do like to fuck wearing spike heels.
How long have you been into Wicca, witchcraft and/or Paganism; including studying and practice.: Go fuck the pope. He is about to die and he wants his cock sucked by his servants.
If you care to answer this one, how old are you? Be honest or don't answer (none of you are 666 yrs. old!): Shove 666 up your ass. The number of Satan is 9. The Unknown Known. Like you would know! I am ageless so you can guess away while sucking the pope's cock.
Did you like -The Craft-?: No. Unfortunatley you had access to this horrible movie and now you want to live it. ITS A MOVIE RETARD. Now try living in the real world.
Have you ever been discriminated against for your beliefs in Paganism or witchcraft?: I get what I want from them no matter what. As a woman I can do that and no one can do anything about it.
Are you -out of the broom-closet-?: This is sickening. If you are going to be something you should be proud of it or it isn't worth doing at all. I shouldn't even have to say it.

Lost little people, come out so we can hang you for sucking the pope's cock. As the new christians it would be great for you to come out of your closets so we can have something else to laugh about. Tack on all of the years you want I know most of you go caught up in that stupid movie and think you're something special since then. I think you would be more successful if you would isolate youself from the world for a couple of years and try to think for youself. Well, my fun is over and all of the wiccan/ hristians are to fake to deal with any further. Goodbye.

alyssa - 09/23/00 10:09:56
My URL:http://gocities.com
My Email:none
Are you a member of a Pagan or Earth Based religion?: yes
How long have you been into Wicca, witchcraft and/or Paganism; including studying and practice.: 2 years
If you care to answer this one, how old are you? Be honest or don't answer (none of you are 666 yrs. old!): 12
Did you like -The Craft-?: yes
Have you ever been discriminated against for your beliefs in Paganism or witchcraft?: no
Are you -out of the broom-closet-?: no

WITCHES rule 4 ever

Lady Laura - 09/18/00 18:35:51
My Email:Laura.Gaffney@Dial.Pipex.Com
Are you a member of a Pagan or Earth Based religion?: A bit
How long have you been into Wicca, witchcraft and/or Paganism; including studying and practice.: 2 years
If you care to answer this one, how old are you? Be honest or don't answer (none of you are 666 yrs. old!): 15
Did you like -The Craft-?: Yes
Have you ever been discriminated against for your beliefs in Paganism or witchcraft?: Yes by two dangerous Psychics who want to to get rid of witches and there faith
Are you -out of the broom-closet-?: No

Hello people I wondered if any one could send me a spell to get rid of peoples powers (two dangerous psychics who want destroy the wiccan faith)please she has already taken my friend's powers away PLEASE!!!!!!!!!

Malissa Tormey - 09/14/00 03:37:57
My Email:vcsweet162000@aol.com
Are you a member of a Pagan or Earth Based religion?: I don't think so
How long have you been into Wicca, witchcraft and/or Paganism; including studying and practice.: Ever since I was little
If you care to answer this one, how old are you? Be honest or don't answer (none of you are 666 yrs. old!): I'm 15
Did you like -The Craft-?: yes
Have you ever been discriminated against for your beliefs in Paganism or witchcraft?: noone knows
Are you -out of the broom-closet-?: no

I have a question. Is it normal to have pyschic attacks?

Shannon Faerie - 09/13/00 02:34:46
My URL:http://www.butterflymessiah.com
My Email:hazelfaery@aol.com
Are you a member of a Pagan or Earth Based religion?: yes
How long have you been into Wicca, witchcraft and/or Paganism; including studying and practice.: consciously for almost 9 years
If you care to answer this one, how old are you? Be honest or don't answer (none of you are 666 yrs. old!): 20 mortal years
Did you like -The Craft-?: ew no, i feel a little hurt at that question!
Have you ever been discriminated against for your beliefs in Paganism or witchcraft?: yes
Are you -out of the broom-closet-?: yep

Nice site... a gothic witch myself. I will bookmark this one =) You may like my music... blessed be.

Air Dancer - 09/09/00 05:08:52
Are you a member of a Pagan or Earth Based religion?: no
How long have you been into Wicca, witchcraft and/or Paganism; including studying and practice.: 5 no practice
If you care to answer this one, how old are you? Be honest or don't answer (none of you are 666 yrs. old!): 43
Did you like -The Craft-?: n/a
Have you ever been discriminated against for your beliefs in Paganism or witchcraft?: n/a
Are you -out of the broom-closet-?: n/a

I'm a progressive Christian. I wish you well and speak on your behalf. Just dropped by to say hello and blessed be.

Air Dancer - 09/09/00 05:02:58
Are you a member of a Pagan or Earth Based religion?: No
How long have you been into Wicca, witchcraft and/or Paganism; including studying and practice.: 5 no practice
If you care to answer this one, how old are you? Be honest or don't answer (none of you are 666 yrs. old!): 43
Did you like -The Craft-?: It'


Majiklmoon - 09/05/00 01:50:24
My URL:http://www.majiklmoon.com
My Email:webmistress@majiklmoon.com
Are you a member of a Pagan or Earth Based religion?: yes
How long have you been into Wicca, witchcraft and/or Paganism; including studying and practice.: 15+ years
If you care to answer this one, how old are you? Be honest or don't answer (none of you are 666 yrs. old!): 34
Did you like -The Craft-?: if you mean the movie, it was humorous
Have you ever been discriminated against for your beliefs in Paganism or witchcraft?: no
Are you -out of the broom-closet-?: nope, i hide behind the dusbunnies in my closet

Merry Meet I was surfing around and I found your site and I really wanted to let you know how much I liked it. I really got a kick out of some of your guestbook questions. I hope you will be updating your page soon. I will check back again Bright Blessings Majiklmoon

maria - 09/04/00 15:39:26
My Email:schovitch@aol.com
Are you a member of a Pagan or Earth Based religion?: not yet?
How long have you been into Wicca, witchcraft and/or Paganism; including studying and practice.: 12years/2weeks
If you care to answer this one, how old are you? Be honest or don't answer (none of you are 666 yrs. old!): 34
Did you like -The Craft-?: parts of it/ya on the hole
Have you ever been discriminated against for your beliefs in Paganism or witchcraft?: not yet!
Are you -out of the broom-closet-?: no

I found you through another site when looking for stores and connections in CT. I'm very new to computers so I hope your Athena from southington.Ialso went to library alot when youger and 1st read drawing down the moon. That explains the 12yearsago study, but I just recently really got into seriosly looking it up when I discovered the search button and finally got some insite I've been longing for in the back of my mind. I'm a little nervous about it. I too was in ccd, but I found it hard to swallow. I,m r luctant to start on my own and have been looking for someone close by. I live in Meriden. Please E-mail me. Thank-you 4 your time.

azoth - 09/01/00 20:57:19
My URL:http://www.httpcity.com/azoth
My Email:azoth@angelfire.com
Are you a member of a Pagan or Earth Based religion?: no
How long have you been into Wicca, witchcraft and/or Paganism; including studying and practice.: always
If you care to answer this one, how old are you? Be honest or don't answer (none of you are 666 yrs. old!): 23
Did you like -The Craft-?: At points. Generally, yes.
Have you ever been discriminated against for your beliefs in Paganism or witchcraft?: yes
Are you -out of the broom-closet-?: yes

an interesting book of shadows

Ravenmoon - 08/30/00 17:15:58
My Email:theravenmoon@yahoo.com
Are you a member of a Pagan or Earth Based religion?: not yet
How long have you been into Wicca, witchcraft and/or Paganism; including studying and practice.: three weeks
If you care to answer this one, how old are you? Be honest or don't answer (none of you are 666 yrs. old!): 34
Did you like -The Craft-?: never saw it
Have you ever been discriminated against for your beliefs in Paganism or witchcraft?: no
Are you -out of the broom-closet-?: not yet-I live in the extreme "Bible belt"

I was raised Christian, but have had several Wiccan friends who I love dearly. I have just recently started studing Wicca (because my ancestors were Celtic and because of my friends) I find that I agree with much of what Wicca teaches and believes. I s ill have some strong feelings toward the "Jewish" concept of God (as the loving father) but not the male dominate middle east culture and not as the critical judge. I completely agree with you about the idiot and his "Christian" message. The real Christ never preached such hatred, violence, and filth, and would be ashamed to see his name used on the vicious nonsense sent to your guestbook by the so-called Christians(They're not real Christians!) Am I seriously considering coverting to Paganism? I think that I've take a magical name and wear a petagram medalion speaks for itself. Great site!

Jamie Wright - 08/28/00 16:46:57
My Email:lustyleo1.excite.com
Are you a member of a Pagan or Earth Based religion?: yes, in sercret
How long have you been into Wicca, witchcraft and/or Paganism; including studying and practice.: neare a year
If you care to answer this one, how old are you? Be honest or don't answer (none of you are 666 yrs. old!): 16
Did you like -The Craft-?: kindya
Have you ever been discriminated against for your beliefs in Paganism or witchcraft?: I haven't told anyone
Are you -out of the broom-closet-?: NO


Jennifer D. Rojas - 08/04/00 21:05:31
My Email:crimsonred_01@yahoo.com
Are you a member of a Pagan or Earth Based religion?: no
How long have you been into Wicca, witchcraft and/or Paganism; including studying and practice.: a couple of days
If you care to answer this one, how old are you? Be honest or don't answer (none of you are 666 yrs. old!): 17 (10-10-82)
Did you like -The Craft-?: yes
Have you ever been discriminated against for your beliefs in Paganism or witchcraft?: no
Are you -out of the broom-closet-?: no

I am interested in becoming a witch. My concerns with others accepting this, my family, troubles me.I'm not sure how exactly to deal with this. Any opinions and advice can be sent to my e-mail address: crimsonred_01@yahoo.com

mike - 07/16/00 17:25:48
My Email:icpkid88
Are you a member of a Pagan or Earth Based religion?: no
How long have you been into Wicca, witchcraft and/or Paganism; including studying and practice.: just started
If you care to answer this one, how old are you? Be honest or don't answer (none of you are 666 yrs. old!): 13
Did you like -The Craft-?: yes
Have you ever been discriminated against for your beliefs in Paganism or witchcraft?: yes
Are you -out of the broom-closet-?: yes

this stie is teaching me a lot

- 07/13/00 03:50:35


megan - 07/09/00 06:19:03
My URL:http://aol.com
My Email:monks78@aol.com
Are you a member of a Pagan or Earth Based religion?: not yet
How long have you been into Wicca, witchcraft and/or Paganism; including studying and practice.: just learning now
If you care to answer this one, how old are you? Be honest or don't answer (none of you are 666 yrs. old!): 25
Did you like -The Craft-?: it was entertaining but not realistic

i would realy love to learn more about wicca!! i visited salem, mass last week and it realy sparked my curiousity!!!! i am anxious to learn more!! great site thank-you!!!!

megan - 07/09/00 05:40:50
My URL:http:// ? i
My Email:monks78@aol.com
Are you a member of a Pagan or Earth Based religion?: no
How long have you been into Wicca, witchcraft and/or Paganism; including studying and practice.: i have just started to learn
If you care to answer this one, how old are you? Be honest or don't answer (none of you are 666 yrs. old!): 25

your site has taught me alot, keep up the good work!!

william e thomas - 07/08/00 15:22:21
My Email:wetpgw@aol.com
Are you a member of a Pagan or Earth Based religion?: no
How long have you been into Wicca, witchcraft and/or Paganism; including studying and practice.: just started
If you care to answer this one, how old are you? Be honest or don't answer (none of you are 666 yrs. old!): 48
Did you like -The Craft-?: yes
Have you ever been discriminated against for your beliefs in Paganism or witchcraft?: no
Are you -out of the broom-closet-?: no

i just recently started reading about the different types of majick and it has aroused my curiosity

- 07/05/00 20:55:25


Racheal cooke - 06/27/00 01:14:13
Are you a member of a Pagan or Earth Based religion?: no
How long have you been into Wicca, witchcraft and/or Paganism; including studying and practice.: 17
If you care to answer this one, how old are you? Be honest or don't answer (none of you are 666 yrs. old!): yes however unrealistic
Did you like -The Craft-?: no
Have you ever been discriminated against for your beliefs in Paganism or witchcraft?: in sorcery
Are you -out of the broom-closet-?: yes

Thank you so much for having this site I've been at a stand still forever.

Adrianna - 06/26/00 08:39:31
My Email:maggie@postkassa.no
Are you a member of a Pagan or Earth Based religion?: yes
How long have you been into Wicca, witchcraft and/or Paganism; including studying and practice.: over a year
If you care to answer this one, how old are you? Be honest or don't answer (none of you are 666 yrs. old!): 15
Did you like -The Craft-?: yeah, kinda.LOL
Have you ever been discriminated against for your beliefs in Paganism or witchcraft?: yes, at school, all the time
Are you -out of the broom-closet-?: i'm on my way out...

MM.Really nice page, keep up the good work!MM&BB

anna - 06/20/00 18:43:37
My Email:abunt@excite.com
Are you a member of a Pagan or Earth Based religion?: yes
How long have you been into Wicca, witchcraft and/or Paganism; including studying and practice.: 3 years
If you care to answer this one, how old are you? Be honest or don't answer (none of you are 666 yrs. old!): 21
Did you like -The Craft-?: yes
Have you ever been discriminated against for your beliefs in Paganism or witchcraft?: yes
Are you -out of the broom-closet-?: both


H. MARDIS-DAVIS - 06/19/00 20:29:34
My Email:Pmardis@DP.net
Are you a member of a Pagan or Earth Based religion?: No
How long have you been into Wicca, witchcraft and/or Paganism; including studying and practice.: over 2 years-but my family has always been into the craft.
If you care to answer this one, how old are you? Be honest or don't answer (none of you are 666 yrs. old!): 25
Did you like -The Craft-?: yes but Practical Magic was a little more realistic-there is no devil in the craft.
Have you ever been discriminated against for your beliefs in Paganism or witchcraft?: Not many people . some have there own opinions.
Are you -out of the broom-closet-?: yes

I am very proud of my beliefs in the god and goddess and do not care what others think of me. I am very happy to find this web page and read about so many others who believe. thanks...

H. MARDIS-DAVIS - 06/19/00 20:26:47
My Email:Pmardis@DP.net
Are you a member of a Pagan or Earth Based religion?: No
How long have you been into Wicca, witchcraft and/or Paganism; including studying and practice.: over 2 years-but my family has always been into the craft.
If you care to answer this one, how old are you? Be honest or don't answer (none of you are 666 yrs. old!): 25
Did you like -The Craft-?: yes but Practical Magic was a little more realistic-there is no devil in the craft.
Have you ever been discriminated against for your beliefs in Paganism or witchcraft?: Not by many people-only counting the ones that know.
Are you -out of the broom-closet-?: yes

I am very proud of my beliefs in the god and goddess and do not care what others think of me. I am very happy to find this web page and read about so many others who believe. thanks...

Tiffany - 06/18/00 01:52:59
My Email:Shadyluver69420@aol.com
Are you a member of a Pagan or Earth Based religion?: nope
How long have you been into Wicca, witchcraft and/or Paganism; including studying and practice.: for about 2 years
If you care to answer this one, how old are you? Be honest or don't answer (none of you are 666 yrs. old!): 15
Did you like -The Craft-?: I loved that movie it was the best movie I have every seen
Have you ever been discriminated against for your beliefs in Paganism or witchcraft?: yup

Hey if you live in St.charles IL we have a coven that is looking for a fourth. so e-mail me if you live in St.charles IL.

NICOLE JOHNSON - 06/16/00 18:46:33
Are you a member of a Pagan or Earth Based religion?: NOT YET
How long have you been into Wicca, witchcraft and/or Paganism; including studying and practice.: SENCE I WAS 5 SO ABOUT 10 YEARS
If you care to answer this one, how old are you? Be honest or don't answer (none of you are 666 yrs. old!): 15
Did you like -The Craft-?: YES
Have you ever been discriminated against for your beliefs in Paganism or witchcraft?: YES BUT WHAT IS NEW


Angel - 06/16/00 04:34:59
Are you a member of a Pagan or Earth Based religion?: no
How long have you been into Wicca, witchcraft and/or Paganism; including studying and practice.: 3 years
If you care to answer this one, how old are you? Be honest or don't answer (none of you are 666 yrs. old!): 16
Did you like -The Craft-?: yes
Have you ever been discriminated against for your beliefs in Paganism or witchcraft?: no

I loved your page! It gave me all sorts of interesting ideas and answered some of my questions. I also liked your spells but you have more about love! Great page again, and keep up the good work... I will be visiting again. Bye!

elysa - 06/12/00 23:11:24
My Email:elysa25@hotmail.com
Are you a member of a Pagan or Earth Based religion?: neither
How long have you been into Wicca, witchcraft and/or Paganism; including studying and practice.: one week
If you care to answer this one, how old are you? Be honest or don't answer (none of you are 666 yrs. old!): 26
Did you like -The Craft-?: no
Have you ever been discriminated against for your beliefs in Paganism or witchcraft?: yes
Are you -out of the broom-closet-?: no

I'm not a practicing witch,but I am curious about you and your beleifs.

Priscilla Morton - 06/05/00 23:13:53
My Email:keykey53@hotmail.com
Are you a member of a Pagan or Earth Based religion?: no
How long have you been into Wicca, witchcraft and/or Paganism; including studying and practice.: sense I was 6
If you care to answer this one, how old are you? Be honest or don't answer (none of you are 666 yrs. old!): 13-14 in Aug.1 2000
Did you like -The Craft-?: yes!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Have you ever been discriminated against for your beliefs in Paganism or witchcraft?: sometimes
Are you -out of the broom-closet-?: I don't now!

I have dreamed of being a witch ever sense I can remembered.

daniel gee - 06/01/00 02:12:38
My Email:duhlittleredcar@aol.com
Are you a member of a Pagan or Earth Based religion?: no
How long have you been into Wicca, witchcraft and/or Paganism; including studying and practice.: all my life
If you care to answer this one, how old are you? Be honest or don't answer (none of you are 666 yrs. old!): 25
Did you like -The Craft-?: yes
Have you ever been discriminated against for your beliefs in Paganism or witchcraft?: no
Are you -out of the broom-closet-?: no

i dont know a whole lot about paganism but i would like to learn more. ive always been fascinated by it. i would like to learn how to cast spells and ive even cast one before when i was with some friends and we had all four elements of the zodiac althou h i havent been able to do it since. by the way...kewl site.

Kat - 05/28/00 19:46:22
My Email:stormkat1973@hotmail.com
Are you a member of a Pagan or Earth Based religion?: Yes
How long have you been into Wicca, witchcraft and/or Paganism; including studying and practice.: approx 20 years
If you care to answer this one, how old are you? Be honest or don't answer (none of you are 666 yrs. old!): 27
Did you like -The Craft-?: Yes and no. Some things were semi realistic, some things were just totally made up
Have you ever been discriminated against for your beliefs in Paganism or witchcraft?: yes
Are you -out of the broom-closet-?: my whole life, it's a family thing

MM. You have a nice site, very informative. The graphics are beautiful. MP.

Olivia - 05/23/00 23:55:46
My Email:flaming_ham@yahoo.com
Are you a member of a Pagan or Earth Based religion?: yep
How long have you been into Wicca, witchcraft and/or Paganism; including studying and practice.: into it all my life, study/practice- 6 months
If you care to answer this one, how old are you? Be honest or don't answer (none of you are 666 yrs. old!): 14
Did you like -The Craft-?: was that supposed to be real?? lol
Have you ever been discriminated against for your beliefs in Paganism or witchcraft?: yep, sure have
Are you -out of the broom-closet-?: to my mother, yes, my dad, no

wonderful site, and remember, all you beautiful Witches, never back down!!! May the Lord and Lady bless you all!! 8^)

Jill - 05/17/00 17:23:18
My Email:Meee_69@hotmail.com
How long have you been into Wicca, witchcraft and/or Paganism; including studying and practice.: just getting into it
If you care to answer this one, how old are you? Be honest or don't answer (none of you are 666 yrs. old!): 14
Did you like -The Craft-?: yes
Have you ever been discriminated against for your beliefs in Paganism or witchcraft?: kindof but not really
Are you -out of the broom-closet-?: kindof

I really think your website is great but I would like to know how to find out if there are anyy witch circles around where you live.

Elizabeth Varela - 05/16/00 19:28:30
My Email:silverluna67@aol.com
Are you a member of a Pagan or Earth Based religion?: no
How long have you been into Wicca, witchcraft and/or Paganism; including studying and practice.: around 2yrs
If you care to answer this one, how old are you? Be honest or don't answer (none of you are 666 yrs. old!): I am 32
Did you like -The Craft-?: yes
Have you ever been discriminated against for your beliefs in Paganism or witchcraft?: no
Are you -out of the broom-closet-?: still searching


Nancy - 05/13/00 19:26:34
Are you a member of a Pagan or Earth Based religion?: YES
How long have you been into Wicca, witchcraft and/or Paganism; including studying and practice.: 3 YEARS
If you care to answer this one, how old are you? Be honest or don't answer (none of you are 666 yrs. old!): 14
Did you like -The Craft-?: YES
Have you ever been discriminated against for your beliefs in Paganism or witchcraft?: NO
Are you -out of the broom-closet-?: YES


Nancy - 05/09/00 16:30:04
My Email:jnelias@hotmail.com
Are you a member of a Pagan or Earth Based religion?: eclectic w/focus on Wicca
How long have you been into Wicca, witchcraft and/or Paganism; including studying and practice.: really focused the last 5 years
If you care to answer this one, how old are you? Be honest or don't answer (none of you are 666 yrs. old!): I am 37 years old
Did you like -The Craft-?: I love my religion and all it's aspects
Have you ever been discriminated against for your beliefs in Paganism or witchcraft?: No, but I have been avoided! (LOL)
Are you -out of the broom-closet-?: I'm semi-some know; some don't

This is one of the most excellent sites I have been to. Your BOS is outstanding!! I bookmarked this site, which I don't do too often! Thank you so much! Bright Blessings, Nancy

Hlegestr - 04/26/00 23:05:15
My URL:http://windlab.com/~hlegestr/
My Email:no
Are you a member of a Pagan or Earth Based religion?: no
How long have you been into Wicca, witchcraft and/or Paganism; including studying and practice.: n/a
If you care to answer this one, how old are you? Be honest or don't answer (none of you are 666 yrs. old!): very old
Did you like -The Craft-?: no
Have you ever been discriminated against for your beliefs in Paganism or witchcraft?: no
Are you -out of the broom-closet-?: yes

The gods are ashamed of you.

Brittni - 04/17/00 00:53:15
My Email:babybrit911@aol.com
Are you a member of a Pagan or Earth Based religion?: no
How long have you been into Wicca, witchcraft and/or Paganism; including studying and practice.: 2 months
If you care to answer this one, how old are you? Be honest or don't answer (none of you are 666 yrs. old!): 12
Did you like -The Craft-?: yes
Have you ever been discriminated against for your beliefs in Paganism or witchcraft?: yes
Are you -out of the broom-closet-?: no


Sara Brown - 04/13/00 01:34:22
My URL:http://www.aol.com
My Email:fariysong8222
Are you a member of a Pagan or Earth Based religion?: no
How long have you been into Wicca, witchcraft and/or Paganism; including studying and practice.: never studied, interested
If you care to answer this one, how old are you? Be honest or don't answer (none of you are 666 yrs. old!): 33
Did you like -The Craft-?: I really don't know
Have you ever been discriminated against for your beliefs in Paganism or witchcraft?: well, sort of
Are you -out of the broom-closet-?: i am not in one, no

I have not studied Wicca or Witchcraft. I am very curious and interested. I have 3 friends who do, and they are so at peace with themselves. But the are in the "broom closet" though. I think it would help me to study it. I am a very stressed person with a very stressful job.

Sara Brown - 04/13/00 01:31:32
My URL:http://www.aol.com
My Email:fariysong8222
Are you a member of a Pagan or Earth Based religion?: no
How long have you been into Wicca, witchcraft and/or Paganism; including studying and practice.: never studied, interested
If you care to answer this one, how old are you? Be honest or don't answer (none of you are 666 yrs. old!): 33


Haywire Haz - 04/11/00 14:45:59
My Email:goldengreek@start.com.au
Are you a member of a Pagan or Earth Based religion?: none
How long have you been into Wicca, witchcraft and/or Paganism; including studying and practice.: 3 years
If you care to answer this one, how old are you? Be honest or don't answer (none of you are 666 yrs. old!): 15
Did you like -The Craft-?: If you mean the movie NO
Have you ever been discriminated against for your beliefs in Paganism or witchcraft?: No
Are you -out of the broom-closet-?: No

Very good site all the others make you pay for spells and stuff like that. I am a beliver in norse runes(they realy work) i sugest you (reading this) get a set i got my first set when i was 9. Im a guy does that make it wrong for me to belive in this(naaaa). but this isnt my whole life i do other thing too. I would also like to speak with anyone within the same age as me who has the same intres as me.

sue - 04/08/00 11:24:05
My URL:wildgypsy9@hotmail.com
Are you a member of a Pagan or Earth Based religion?: yes
How long have you been into Wicca, witchcraft and/or Paganism; including studying and practice.: 7 months
If you care to answer this one, how old are you? Be honest or don't answer (none of you are 666 yrs. old!): 39
Did you like -The Craft-?: yes
Have you ever been discriminated against for your beliefs in Paganism or witchcraft?: no
Are you -out of the broom-closet-?: yes

i have been interested in wicca all my life, i am currently doing outer court,(im australian) and everyday i love wicca more and more, i cant wait for the day until i am 100% initiated. BLESSED BE SUE

amy hollowell - 03/30/00 18:06:22
My Email:icpchik88@aol.com
Are you a member of a Pagan or Earth Based religion?: pagan
How long have you been into Wicca, witchcraft and/or Paganism; including studying and practice.: four years
If you care to answer this one, how old are you? Be honest or don't answer (none of you are 666 yrs. old!): fourteen
Did you like -The Craft-?: the movie?
Have you ever been discriminated against for your beliefs in Paganism or witchcraft?: yes
Are you -out of the broom-closet-?: no


Toni - 03/29/00 03:08:21
My Email:BEaWiccan@aol.com
Are you a member of a Pagan or Earth Based religion?: no
How long have you been into Wicca, witchcraft and/or Paganism; including studying and practice.: About 3 years
If you care to answer this one, how old are you? Be honest or don't answer (none of you are 666 yrs. old!): 19
Did you like -The Craft-?: yes
Have you ever been discriminated against for your beliefs in Paganism or witchcraft?: Of Course
Are you -out of the broom-closet-?: yes


Caroline - 03/27/00 21:52:17
Are you a member of a Pagan or Earth Based religion?: No
How long have you been into Wicca, witchcraft and/or Paganism; including studying and practice.: I am not one yet

I am very interested in the study of Wicca, and my friend and I are beginning to study it.

Diana Belinda Laws - 03/24/00 22:00:49
My Email:Belinda.Laws1@uk.dreamcast.com
Are you a member of a Pagan or Earth Based religion?: no
How long have you been into Wicca, witchcraft and/or Paganism; including studying and practice.: interested for a long time, reading and finding out - about six months
If you care to answer this one, how old are you? Be honest or don't answer (none of you are 666 yrs. old!): 44
Have you ever been discriminated against for your beliefs in Paganism or witchcraft?: not yet, but living in the Highlands of Scotland - it is certain that i will!
Are you -out of the broom-closet-?: only immediate family

loved the site, I need to find out so much more...

Amy - 03/24/00 14:42:55
My Email:chambergirl@olg.com
Are you a member of a Pagan or Earth Based religion?: Pagan
How long have you been into Wicca, witchcraft and/or Paganism; including studying and practice.: Ever since I was 9
If you care to answer this one, how old are you? Be honest or don't answer (none of you are 666 yrs. old!): 16
Did you like -The Craft-?: Yes
Have you ever been discriminated against for your beliefs in Paganism or witchcraft?: No
Are you -out of the broom-closet-?: Yes

I have been a huge fan of spells to help the earth and to help the elements. If anyone has any spells please mail a site where I could find them. Thanx.

cecilie lund - 03/22/00 09:19:15
My Email:cecilie_eugenial@hotmail.com
Are you a member of a Pagan or Earth Based religion?: nei
How long have you been into Wicca, witchcraft and/or Paganism; including studying and practice.: nei
If you care to answer this one, how old are you? Be honest or don't answer (none of you are 666 yrs. old!): 18
Did you like -The Craft-?: ja
Have you ever been discriminated against for your beliefs in Paganism or witchcraft?: nei
Are you -out of the broom-closet-?: ja


SERENITY - 03/13/00 00:14:39
Are you a member of a Pagan or Earth Based religion?: YES
How long have you been into Wicca, witchcraft and/or Paganism; including studying and practice.: YEARS
If you care to answer this one, how old are you? Be honest or don't answer (none of you are 666 yrs. old!): 13
Did you like -The Craft-?: NEVER SEEN IT
Have you ever been discriminated against for your beliefs in Paganism or witchcraft?: YES
Are you -out of the broom-closet-?: NO


TANYA COFFEY - 03/02/00 07:20:04


kira - 02/26/00 22:06:42
My Email:akiram@hotmail.com
Are you a member of a Pagan or Earth Based religion?: yes
How long have you been into Wicca, witchcraft and/or Paganism; including studying and practice.: one year
If you care to answer this one, how old are you? Be honest or don't answer (none of you are 666 yrs. old!): 20
Did you like -The Craft-?: yes
Have you ever been discriminated against for your beliefs in Paganism or witchcraft?: yes
Are you -out of the broom-closet-?: no

i'm a lil' indifferent about following this path but i have seen and felt things... i'm just not sure.

Iselin Hind - 02/24/00 18:37:47
My Email:magica_boo@hotmail.com
Are you a member of a Pagan or Earth Based religion?: no I`m not
How long have you been into Wicca, witchcraft and/or Paganism; including studying and practice.: about 4 yers
If you care to answer this one, how old are you? Be honest or don't answer (none of you are 666 yrs. old!): 14
Did you like -The Craft-?: yes
Have you ever been discriminated against for your beliefs in Paganism or witchcraft?: yes

I Havent reed your hole site but so far I do like it. I am Norwegian so I am not so good in engelish. I vil wissit your site often, to learn more, I promis.

Danielle - 02/18/00 11:48:04
My Email:jdjd@picknowl.com.au
Are you a member of a Pagan or Earth Based religion?: no
How long have you been into Wicca, witchcraft and/or Paganism; including studying and practice.: 1 year
If you care to answer this one, how old are you? Be honest or don't answer (none of you are 666 yrs. old!): 16
Did you like -The Craft-?: yes
Have you ever been discriminated against for your beliefs in Paganism or witchcraft?: yes
Are you -out of the broom-closet-?: yes

love your site its fantastic would also love to be put into contact with other Australians wiccans out there ! Dannii

Jessica - 02/13/00 18:50:58
My URL:http://www.yahoo.com
My Email:rbswenty@earthlink.net
Are you a member of a Pagan or Earth Based religion?: ya
How long have you been into Wicca, witchcraft and/or Paganism; including studying and practice.: 2 years
If you care to answer this one, how old are you? Be honest or don't answer (none of you are 666 yrs. old!): 12
Did you like -The Craft-?: ya
Have you ever been discriminated against for your beliefs in Paganism or witchcraft?: ya
Are you -out of the broom-closet-?: i guess

i need help to contol my powers. my friends and i wanna learn to desigues are powers

courtney hemingway - 02/11/00 06:53:56
My Email:hay-o-lee at the park.com.au
Are you a member of a Pagan or Earth Based religion?: yes
If you care to answer this one, how old are you? Be honest or don't answer (none of you are 666 yrs. old!): 19
Did you like -The Craft-?: yes
Have you ever been discriminated against for your beliefs in Paganism or witchcraft?: yes
Are you -out of the broom-closet-?: no


luna - 02/08/00 11:03:48
My URL:http://www.gurlpages.com/spirit/c.i/
My Email:luna@wicca.zzn.com
Are you a member of a Pagan or Earth Based religion?: yes
How long have you been into Wicca, witchcraft and/or Paganism; including studying and practice.: 11 months ( feels like years..)
If you care to answer this one, how old are you? Be honest or don't answer (none of you are 666 yrs. old!): 17
Did you like -The Craft-?: it was entertaining enough, far from the truth, but saddening that peeps think it to be true...
Have you ever been discriminated against for your beliefs in Paganism or witchcraft?: only thru my website
Are you -out of the broom-closet-?: half way

i would like to comment on my half way statement..it means that my parents and closest friends know, but the rest of my family, school and work don't. I see it as a little protection from stoopid questions! Stunning site, btw!

Faith Harris - 02/07/00 01:33:42
My Email:faith_h99@htomail.com
Are you a member of a Pagan or Earth Based religion?: Yes
How long have you been into Wicca, witchcraft and/or Paganism; including studying and practice.: 1 year
If you care to answer this one, how old are you? Be honest or don't answer (none of you are 666 yrs. old!): 13
Did you like -The Craft-?: diffenatly!!!
Have you ever been discriminated against for your beliefs in Paganism or witchcraft?: yes
Are you -out of the broom-closet-?: kinda

Hi! I'm am a 13 year old wiccan and i just wanted to say that i really injoyed your website. Me and some of my friends all practice witchcraft and we get on the net and read tons of books to kind of build up our BOS. I really liked your website! Faith

Night Flow - 02/05/00 08:04:04
My Email:hutson5@greensboro.com
Are you a member of a Pagan or Earth Based religion?: yes
How long have you been into Wicca, witchcraft and/or Paganism; including studying and practice.: 2 years
If you care to answer this one, how old are you? Be honest or don't answer (none of you are 666 yrs. old!): 17 10-31-82 (seriously)
Did you like -The Craft-?: no
Have you ever been discriminated against for your beliefs in Paganism or witchcraft?: yes at school
Are you -out of the broom-closet-?: yes


Chelsea - 02/04/00 01:04:47
My Email:rkrider@gateway.net
How long have you been into Wicca, witchcraft and/or Paganism; including studying and practice.: 3 years
Did you like -The Craft-?: yes
Have you ever been discriminated against for your beliefs in Paganism or witchcraft?: yes
Are you -out of the broom-closet-?: yes

i love the website its very informative. If you would like some more spells to add to your collection please e-mail me. Blessed be and Merry part.

Kali - 02/02/00 21:10:13
My Email:Spudgirl@aol.com
Are you a member of a Pagan or Earth Based religion?: Yes
How long have you been into Wicca, witchcraft and/or Paganism; including studying and practice.: 2 years
If you care to answer this one, how old are you? Be honest or don't answer (none of you are 666 yrs. old!): 12
Did you like -The Craft-?: Yes
Have you ever been discriminated against for your beliefs in Paganism or witchcraft?: No
Are you -out of the broom-closet-?: What????

I liked your web page, it was very useful to me and I will come here more often!

Desiree Juarbe - 02/02/00 03:14:45
My Email:Chomper2000@aol.com
Are you a member of a Pagan or Earth Based religion?: no
How long have you been into Wicca, witchcraft and/or Paganism; including studying and practice.: 1to 2years
If you care to answer this one, how old are you? Be honest or don't answer (none of you are 666 yrs. old!): 13
Did you like -The Craft-?: yes
Have you ever been discriminated against for your beliefs in Paganism or witchcraft?: no
Are you -out of the broom-closet-?: yes

i am totally into it and i have been to this liberary and i have seen spells but don't know if they really work

Luna - 01/31/00 22:43:48
My Email:none... :(
Are you a member of a Pagan or Earth Based religion?: Yep!
How long have you been into Wicca, witchcraft and/or Paganism; including studying and practice.: about... hrm... I dunno, really... Uhm... I'd say a year and a half.
If you care to answer this one, how old are you? Be honest or don't answer (none of you are 666 yrs. old!): 17
Did you like -The Craft-?: Don't remember much of it. I fell asleep half-way through it. :P
Have you ever been discriminated against for your beliefs in Paganism or witchcraft?: YEP! I was almost expelled from school! >:(
Are you -out of the broom-closet-?: Depends on who's asking... If I'm talking to my boss, I'm just new age. :P

Great page. Happy Imbolc, too! ^_^ Blessed Be, - Luna

elizabeth hedrick - 01/29/00 18:58:05
My URL:http://expage.com/page/elizabeth2003
My Email:smile@kin.net
Are you a member of a Pagan or Earth Based religion?: not yet
How long have you been into Wicca, witchcraft and/or Paganism; including studying and practice.: birth
If you care to answer this one, how old are you? Be honest or don't answer (none of you are 666 yrs. old!): 15 amost 16
Did you like -The Craft-?: yes
Have you ever been discriminated against for your beliefs in Paganism or witchcraft?: yes
Are you -out of the broom-closet-?: yes

i love this site it rocks me and my 2 best friends r south , east and west

Amanda - 01/28/00 16:42:52
My Email:PeaceGirl@hipplanet.com
Are you a member of a Pagan or Earth Based religion?: Yes.
How long have you been into Wicca, witchcraft and/or Paganism; including studying and practice.: For the past 3 years.
If you care to answer this one, how old are you? Be honest or don't answer (none of you are 666 yrs. old!): I am 17.
Did you like -The Craft-?: Yes.
Have you ever been discriminated against for your beliefs in Paganism or witchcraft?: Some of my fellow students at school would make fun of me, but they don't anymore.
Are you -out of the broom-closet-?: Sort of.

I am really glad that I have found this way of life. It has opened so many doors for me. I would really like to merry meet some other people that believe the same way I do.

athame - 01/28/00 14:38:16
My Email:athame1@hotmail.com
Are you a member of a Pagan or Earth Based religion?: yes
How long have you been into Wicca, witchcraft and/or Paganism; including studying and practice.: 3 years
If you care to answer this one, how old are you? Be honest or don't answer (none of you are 666 yrs. old!): 15
Did you like -The Craft-?: yes
Have you ever been discriminated against for your beliefs in Paganism or witchcraft?: YES LOTS
Are you -out of the broom-closet-?: yes

love this site!!! keep on bringing them

Patty - 01/27/00 20:00:05
My Email:Mystical_girl_99@yahoo.com
Are you a member of a Pagan or Earth Based religion?: no
How long have you been into Wicca, witchcraft and/or Paganism; including studying and practice.: I've never practiced it but I have read about it for 2 yrs.
If you care to answer this one, how old are you? Be honest or don't answer (none of you are 666 yrs. old!): 17
Have you ever been discriminated against for your beliefs in Paganism or witchcraft?: yes for reading about Wicca

People need to get it through their heads that Wicca is not evil, and that the people who practice it are happy and to basically leave them alone and le them do what they will.

Martin F. - 01/25/00 13:32:01
My Email:IcE-9@coolmail.com
Are you a member of a Pagan or Earth Based religion?: Roman Catholic
How long have you been into Wicca, witchcraft and/or Paganism; including studying and practice.: 1 day
If you care to answer this one, how old are you? Be honest or don't answer (none of you are 666 yrs. old!): 16
Did you like -The Craft-?: It was sweet
Have you ever been discriminated against for your beliefs in Paganism or witchcraft?: yes- In grade 6 -
Are you -out of the broom-closet-?: What does that mean?

This page is SWEET! I may be a newbie but This page has EXACTLY what I'm looking for. This stuff is really intersting.

Jessica Meldrum - 01/19/00 23:28:23
My URL:http://www.aol/
My Email:paprika@start.com.au
Are you a member of a Pagan or Earth Based religion?: no
How long have you been into Wicca, witchcraft and/or Paganism; including studying and practice.: 3 months
If you care to answer this one, how old are you? Be honest or don't answer (none of you are 666 yrs. old!): 14
Did you like -The Craft-?: i love it
Have you ever been discriminated against for your beliefs in Paganism or witchcraft?: yes
Are you -out of the broom-closet-?: totally

It's a good site with most things toget me started and I printed out some of the spells to get me going. What I would Like to know but is how to do these things in a group and how many do I need?

toni caprice - 01/12/00 08:12:03
My Email:toni@inspire.net.nz
Are you a member of a Pagan or Earth Based religion?: not yet
How long have you been into Wicca, witchcraft and/or Paganism; including studying and practice.: n/a well not yet anyhow
If you care to answer this one, how old are you? Be honest or don't answer (none of you are 666 yrs. old!): 23
Did you like -The Craft-?: sounds great. just need to know a little more
Have you ever been discriminated against for your beliefs in Paganism or witchcraft?: no
Are you -out of the broom-closet-?: no

i would really like to know a lot more about paganism...

Trisha - 01/07/00 16:54:23
My Email:cherryred3@aol.com
Are you a member of a Pagan or Earth Based religion?: no
How long have you been into Wicca, witchcraft and/or Paganism; including studying and practice.: 1year
If you care to answer this one, how old are you? Be honest or don't answer (none of you are 666 yrs. old!): 19
Did you like -The Craft-?: yes
Have you ever been discriminated against for your beliefs in Paganism or witchcraft?: no
Are you -out of the broom-closet-?: no


Shirley Behrman - 01/06/00 21:11:01
My Email:bebopper68@aol.com
Are you a member of a Pagan or Earth Based religion?: not yet
How long have you been into Wicca, witchcraft and/or Paganism; including studying and practice.: Just starting
If you care to answer this one, how old are you? Be honest or don't answer (none of you are 666 yrs. old!): 31
Did you like -The Craft-?: yes
Have you ever been discriminated against for your beliefs in Paganism or witchcraft?: yes
Are you -out of the broom-closet-?: yes

I have had alot of interest in this religion for years. I would like more info.; and advice on the proper why of following this religion. Please send me the information soon. Thank You.

kimberly kenady - 01/06/00 19:24:30
My Email:kakkenady@aol.com
Are you a member of a Pagan or Earth Based religion?: no
How long have you been into Wicca, witchcraft and/or Paganism; including studying and practice.: was introduced to a store in Long Beach,Ca owned by Judith DeFrain, when I was in 11th grade. Been intrigued every since then. Want to learn more
If you care to answer this one, how old are you? Be honest or don't answer (none of you are 666 yrs. old!): 35 yrs.
Did you like -The Craft-?: sure
Have you ever been discriminated against for your beliefs in Paganism or witchcraft?: N/A

I am a guest on my boyfriends computer. So Email me about anything at kakkenady@aol.com

Stephanie - 01/06/00 01:44:16
My Email:haloluv@aol.com
Are you a member of a Pagan or Earth Based religion?: Not yet, Gathering info
How long have you been into Wicca, witchcraft and/or Paganism; including studying and practice.: just learning
If you care to answer this one, how old are you? Be honest or don't answer (none of you are 666 yrs. old!): 26
Did you like -The Craft-?: Far Fetched but good flick
Have you ever been discriminated against for your beliefs in Paganism or witchcraft?: n/a
Are you -out of the broom-closet-?: not yet! lol

My birth mother (met her 7 years ago) has been Wiccan for years. She made me aware of it and I have been leery. I just got a book of Simple Spells for success and I am very excited about my new beginning. I feel like I have found myself here and I have felt like a new, happier, more vibrant person in the last few weeks since I started reading up. I look forward to learning lots and visiting your site often. Thank you for being so dedicated. Blessed Be. Stephanie

Amy - 01/02/00 04:28:09
My Email:kozy_kittie@yahoo.com
Are you a member of a Pagan or Earth Based religion?: trying to be
How long have you been into Wicca, witchcraft and/or Paganism; including studying and practice.: 2 yrs
If you care to answer this one, how old are you? Be honest or don't answer (none of you are 666 yrs. old!): 16

I'm interested in being Paganism, but I'm a beginner. I researched it a while and any advice would be much appreciated. Thankyou, Amy

Iris - 12/30/99 04:37:47
My Email:iduree@flash.net
Are you a member of a Pagan or Earth Based religion?: i was earth based when i was small
How long have you been into Wicca, witchcraft and/or Paganism; including studying and practice.: i have been readding on this for a year
If you care to answer this one, how old are you? Be honest or don't answer (none of you are 666 yrs. old!): 26
Did you like -The Craft-?: yes
Have you ever been discriminated against for your beliefs in Paganism or witchcraft?: yes
Are you -out of the broom-closet-?: kind of


DarkAngel - 12/23/99 08:24:14
My Email:jvamp@hotmail.com
Are you a member of a Pagan or Earth Based religion?: no I chose not to at this time
How long have you been into Wicca, witchcraft and/or Paganism; including studying and practice.: yes
If you care to answer this one, how old are you? Be honest or don't answer (none of you are 666 yrs. old!): n/a
Did you like -The Craft-?: yes
Have you ever been discriminated against for your beliefs in Paganism or witchcraft?: yes
Are you -out of the broom-closet-?: yes

I really like your site an I would like to become more...an if there is any one in Southern Ca I would like to chat to you

DarkAngel - 12/23/99 08:22:01
My Email:jvamp@hotmail.com
Are you a member of a Pagan or Earth Based religion?: no I chose not to at this time
How long have you been into Wicca, witchcraft and/or Paganism; including studying and practice.: yes
If you care to answer this one, how old are you? Be honest or don't answer (none of you are 666 yrs. old!): n/a
Did you like -The Craft-?: yes
Have you ever been discriminated against for your beliefs in Paganism or witchcraft?: yes
Are you -out of the broom-closet-?: yes


DarkAngel - 12/23/99 08:19:37
My Email:jvamp@hotmail.com
Are you a member of a Pagan or Earth Based religion?: no I chose not to at this time


Jamie - 12/19/99 01:00:53
My Email:Babiegrl175@aol.com
Are you a member of a Pagan or Earth Based religion?: yes
How long have you been into Wicca, witchcraft and/or Paganism; including studying and practice.: 10 years
If you care to answer this one, how old are you? Be honest or don't answer (none of you are 666 yrs. old!): 15
Did you like -The Craft-?: yes
Have you ever been discriminated against for your beliefs in Paganism or witchcraft?: yes
Are you -out of the broom-closet-?: yes


Alan - 12/16/99 21:19:03
Are you a member of a Pagan or Earth Based religion?: Yes
How long have you been into Wicca, witchcraft and/or Paganism; including studying and practice.: Natural Born
If you care to answer this one, how old are you? Be honest or don't answer (none of you are 666 yrs. old!): 30
Did you like -The Craft-?: Yes
Have you ever been discriminated against for your beliefs in Paganism or witchcraft?: Yes
Are you -out of the broom-closet-?: Yes

Very good site.Keep up the good work .People need to be educated to see that we are not like the fairytale image of witches.But ordinary people with a love for the mother goddess and your site helps in getting rid of this negativity towards witches and other pagan groups

Christine Atha - 12/09/99 17:04:40
My Email:atha4@oz-online.net
Are you a member of a Pagan or Earth Based religion?: no
How long have you been into Wicca, witchcraft and/or Paganism; including studying and practice.: 1 week
If you care to answer this one, how old are you? Be honest or don't answer (none of you are 666 yrs. old!): 30
Did you like -The Craft-?: yes-interesting
Have you ever been discriminated against for your beliefs in Paganism or witchcraft?: no
Are you -out of the broom-closet-?: sort of

As you can see, I am very new at this but I have carried this gift inside me for as long as I can remember. I knew somehow that I was a witch but never knew how to use the gift. I would love help from someone; aside from my computer. A human would be g eat! HaHa. The only person who knows what's been happening to me is my mom. I told her a couple of days ago and to my surprise she was wondering when I was going to speak to her about this. Seems it comes from a long line of generations past. I would love to have fun with this and build my confidence in myself. I am married and my husband doesn't believe in this. So Thank you for your time and Blessed be. Chris

- 11/26/99 18:44:34

I am a cristian wiccan. I believe in God and his son Jesus.Even though I do cast. I love being a Witch.

PANDORA - 11/26/99 01:47:38
Are you a member of a Pagan or Earth Based religion?: NO
How long have you been into Wicca, witchcraft and/or Paganism; including studying and practice.: BIRTH
If you care to answer this one, how old are you? Be honest or don't answer (none of you are 666 yrs. old!): 18
Did you like -The Craft-?: YES AND NO
Have you ever been discriminated against for your beliefs in Paganism or witchcraft?: NO
Are you -out of the broom-closet-?: NO


Rebecca - 11/25/99 16:17:13
My Email:siren929@hotmail.com
Are you a member of a Pagan or Earth Based religion?: no Im Catholic
How long have you been into Wicca, witchcraft and/or Paganism; including studying and practice.: I have always liked it but I cant practice it or Ill burn in hell...
If you care to answer this one, how old are you? Be honest or don't answer (none of you are 666 yrs. old!): 16
Did you like -The Craft-?: Its one of my favorite movies
Have you ever been discriminated against for your beliefs in Paganism or witchcraft?: well my group of friends (we are all catholic, althoug we dont practice it formally) like all this stuff, witches, spells, sacrifices it intrigue us so we get bot ered by the peoplr but were cool with it
Are you -out of the broom-closet-?: nope!!!

I just want to know what kind of religion is Paganism? all my life i have heard witches are evil they worship the devil! or they dont exist! they do exists and I want to learn more about you... i like magic and spells but Im afraid is I practice that kind of rituals Ill condemn ny soul forever...

Liz - 11/10/99 21:27:31
My Email:triste_angel-tristessa@hotmail.com
Are you a member of a Pagan or Earth Based religion?: yes
How long have you been into Wicca, witchcraft and/or Paganism; including studying and practice.: all my life
If you care to answer this one, how old are you? Be honest or don't answer (none of you are 666 yrs. old!): 17
Did you like -The Craft-?: to a point
Have you ever been discriminated against for your beliefs in Paganism or witchcraft?: yes
Are you -out of the broom-closet-?: not yet they wouldn't understand


kristin - 11/10/99 06:03:50
My Email:not yet
Are you a member of a Pagan or Earth Based religion?: 3 mounths studying
How long have you been into Wicca, witchcraft and/or Paganism; including studying and practice.: 16
Have you ever been discriminated against for your beliefs in Paganism or witchcraft?: yes
Are you -out of the broom-closet-?: no

thank you, your web page was great and it really helped me.

Andros - 10/20/99 19:20:56
My URL:http://www.flash.net/~ldytarot/RCMUD.htm
My Email:earthclb@hotmail.com
Are you a member of a Pagan or Earth Based religion?: Heck, I dunno
How long have you been into Wicca, witchcraft and/or Paganism; including studying and practice.: n/a
If you care to answer this one, how old are you? Be honest or don't answer (none of you are 666 yrs. old!): I'll retire
Did you like -The Craft-?: Everything
Have you ever been discriminated against for your beliefs in Paganism or witchcraft?: I dunno.
Are you -out of the broom-closet-?: sapphire

I loved the site and found it all quite interesting.Come visit us at our free online Role Playing Game.

jordan and jessica - 10/16/99 22:18:05
Are you a member of a Pagan or Earth Based religion?: no
How long have you been into Wicca, witchcraft and/or Paganism; including studying and practice.: month
Did you like -The Craft-?: yes
Have you ever been discriminated against for your beliefs in Paganism or witchcraft?: no and my parents dont know
Are you -out of the broom-closet-?: no

we have only been a witch for a month but we like it. hope yall get more stuff on this site.and i dont see why on your voodoo stuff insn't real exciting you should have more stuff there like dolls that you toy with

Pentalpha - 10/05/99 01:46:54
My Email:lorrwill@jps.net
Are you a member of a Pagan or Earth Based religion?: Of course
How long have you been into Wicca, witchcraft and/or Paganism; including studying and practice.: seriously for 2 years, played at it for 26 years
If you care to answer this one, how old are you? Be honest or don't answer (none of you are 666 yrs. old!): 38
Did you like -The Craft-?: didn't see it
Have you ever been discriminated against for your beliefs in Paganism or witchcraft?: of course
Are you -out of the broom-closet-?: Yeah, I'm out of all my closets for good or bane!

I was very stoked to find the GothWitch email list through onelist and then this site. You mentioned the movie "The Craft", I don't know how accurate or inaccurate it was but the shows on TV are enought to make me gag. I allow the folks at work to call e "Sabrina" because they don't mean any harm. At least I can be myself there! But its sad that on on end of the spectrum you have shows like "Sabrina, the teenaged witch" (inaccurate but harmless)and on the other, Poltergeist:The Legacy which advocates illing Witches. Thats unacceptable! Thanks for trying to put the truth out there!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

A Happy, Converted, Child of God!! (I Don't Give Out My Real Name; I Don't Want Anyone Tracking Me Down) - 10/03/99 23:54:17
My URL:http://www.jesussaves.org/know_that/God's_Love_has/succeeded_in/expunging_paganism/in_r placing_it/with_the_true_path/formerly_known_as/The_Way
My Email:Why are you using red on black, are you trying to look threatening?!
Are you a member of a Pagan or Earth Based religion?: I am a born-agai Christian
How long have you been into Wicca, witchcraft and/or Paganism; including studying and practice.: Well, I'm a Christian, have been for 3 years
If you care to answer this one, how old are you? Be honest or don't answer (none of you are 666 yrs. old!): 6666 days old just by chance
Did you like -The Craft-?: I live in Salem, the witch city, and there are no more witches here than anywhere else cause "Paganism" is DEAD
Have you ever been discriminated against for your beliefs in Paganism or witchcraft?: The normal order of the world is murder, rape, and predation. Normally, evil always wins, crime pays, and those who try to help are sure to be shot down. God is both Power and Love and is responsible for the few places in the world where this pattern breaks down. To come to God is to become enveloped in a Power protective enough to banish from Heaven the hounds of Hell that is also a Love strong enough to offer free ticket to this eternal Paradise.
Are you -out of the broom-closet-?: Paganism was mortally wounded in 600 BC with the introduction of Buddhism and is now only struggling to survive a further moment as it gasps its last breaths.

Dear Assorted Witches, Pagans, and even Satanists: If you are able transcend your evil religion and become a true saint, this rebuke does not apply to you. Otherwise, realize that billions of Christians, Muslims and other devouts, by far more than your sum, are tonight praying that you may one day be in he light of God, seeing unfiltered the Ultimate Truth -- believing in the one true God that is and rules the infinitude. This relentless gentle prayer comes forth from God's endless store of love, as only through God can one become a true Believer. Mono heism is the only possible way to at once become imbued with an infinite goodness and yet an infinite happiness, for without God, doing good deeds is the hardest possible work, while with God, doing good deeds is the greatest possible fun.

Theppala if you want to track me down - 10/03/99 23:37:55
My URL:http://www.
My Email:Why are you using red on black, are you trying to look threatening?!
Are you a member of a Pagan or Earth Based religion?: I am a born-agai Christian
If you care to answer this one, how old are you? Be honest or don't answer (none of you are 666 yrs. old!): 6666 days old
Did you like -The Craft-?: I live in Salem, the witch city, and there are no more witches here than anywhere else cause "Paganism"


Ruby - 09/23/99 00:43:49
My Email:Ruby79942
Are you a member of a Pagan or Earth Based religion?: yes
How long have you been into Wicca, witchcraft and/or Paganism; including studying and practice.: studying 3yrs. natuarl born
If you care to answer this one, how old are you? Be honest or don't answer (none of you are 666 yrs. old!): 33yrs
Did you like -The Craft-?: yes, prac. mag. is good
Have you ever been discriminated against for your beliefs in Paganism or witchcraft?: yes
Are you -out of the broom-closet-?: yes

LOVE, the site, Need more ones, myself, working on one, and starting a coven in NORTH MYRTLE BEACH! so need all the good energy I can .. THE bible belt is ruff, new to compters to, but, came along way, so mote it be....

Ruby - 09/23/99 00:20:21
My Email:Ruby79942
Are you a member of a Pagan or Earth Based religion?: Wiccan
How long have you been into Wicca, witchcraft and/or Paganism; including studying and practice.: #3 yrs. naturle, born.;..
If you care to answer this one, how old are you? Be honest or don't answer (none of you are 666 yrs. old!): 33yrs,,
Did you like -The Craft-?: yea, oh, yes
Have you ever been discriminated against for your beliefs in Paganism or witchcraft?: yes
Are you -out of the broom-closet-?: yes,

things happan, to me alot, I see the fay ones alot, I have O.B.E. alot ..3 people are tring to connect with me in dream state, at least that is what i think, 3 pentagrams vividly seen . who dont know. .. what do you think?

Weird Paul - 09/13/99 04:01:46
My URL:http://submit2agony.virtualave.net
My Email:weirdxpaul@aol.com
Are you a member of a Pagan or Earth Based religion?: no
How long have you been into Wicca, witchcraft and/or Paganism; including studying and practice.: just starting
If you care to answer this one, how old are you? Be honest or don't answer (none of you are 666 yrs. old!): 20
Did you like -The Craft-?: yes

Hey, nice site, I found it off the Wumpscut Mailing list. =P ICQ: 10609998

romney - 09/08/99 08:50:14
My Email:romneyf@writeme.com
Are you a member of a Pagan or Earth Based religion?: no
How long have you been into Wicca, witchcraft and/or Paganism; including studying and practice.: 2 1/2 yrs
If you care to answer this one, how old are you? Be honest or don't answer (none of you are 666 yrs. old!): 27
Did you like -The Craft-?: yes
Have you ever been discriminated against for your beliefs in Paganism or witchcraft?: no
Are you -out of the broom-closet-?: to some people

I am not what you call a practicing witch. I am a pagan that is still learning all I can. Blessed Be

Dawn Denton - 09/08/99 02:17:37
My Email:dawnmd@digitex.net
Are you a member of a Pagan or Earth Based religion?: no
How long have you been into Wicca, witchcraft and/or Paganism; including studying and practice.: since I was born
If you care to answer this one, how old are you? Be honest or don't answer (none of you are 666 yrs. old!): 25
Did you like -The Craft-?: yes
Have you ever been discriminated against for your beliefs in Paganism or witchcraft?: no
Are you -out of the broom-closet-?: no


Ricky Harden - 08/24/99 18:53:56
My Email:Lockdown@hotmail.com
Are you a member of a Pagan or Earth Based religion?: Earth based
How long have you been into Wicca, witchcraft and/or Paganism; including studying and practice.: 9 years
If you care to answer this one, how old are you? Be honest or don't answer (none of you are 666 yrs. old!): 17 my sister
Did you like -The Craft-?: my honer and my magic are my life
Have you ever been discriminated against for your beliefs in Paganism or witchcraft?: Yes, I was told I was a satanist Freak that should be stoned
Are you -out of the broom-closet-?: Very much so

My thought are my own. People dont think about that and that is why there is hate in this world. No one man can have his religon and the jesus freak's not try to convert or kill him. But I hold true and will never falter. I will die if my Godess deems it necasary. Sincerly, Ricky Lee Harden JR Keeper of the West Watch Tower.

Lisa Rodgers - 08/24/99 16:30:34
My URL:http://www.cnsp.com/MiraStables/Mira.htm
My Email:Mira_Stables@cnsp.com
Are you a member of a Pagan or Earth Based religion?: no
How long have you been into Wicca, witchcraft and/or Paganism; including studying and practice.: 27 years
If you care to answer this one, how old are you? Be honest or don't answer (none of you are 666 yrs. old!): 35
Did you like -The Craft-?: N/A
Have you ever been discriminated against for your beliefs in Paganism or witchcraft?: no
Are you -out of the broom-closet-?: yes

Salutations, I am not a practising Witch, only a learning one. I am earnest in my pursuit of knowledge of everything regarding Wiches/Wicca etc. Many thanks for your openess, keep up the excellent work. Lisa in NM....Orginally from England!

Stacy Weir - 08/22/99 04:33:17
My Email:southernbell25@hotmail.com
Are you a member of a Pagan or Earth Based religion?: No
How long have you been into Wicca, witchcraft and/or Paganism; including studying and practice.: it's been about four years now
If you care to answer this one, how old are you? Be honest or don't answer (none of you are 666 yrs. old!): I will be 31 in Nov
Did you like -The Craft-?: Yes!!
Have you ever been discriminated against for your beliefs in Paganism or witchcraft?: no,because I haven't told anyone yet.
Are you -out of the broom-closet-?: no I guess not!!

I would like to learn more about it!Thats if some one is willing to teach me.

Destiny Gayle - 08/22/99 00:43:10
My Email:DGRyan3@aol.com
Are you a member of a Pagan or Earth Based religion?: yes
How long have you been into Wicca, witchcraft and/or Paganism; including studying and practice.: about one year
If you care to answer this one, how old are you? Be honest or don't answer (none of you are 666 yrs. old!): 19
Did you like -The Craft-?: sort of....
Have you ever been discriminated against for your beliefs in Paganism or witchcraft?: yes...I was told that I was going to hell because of my beliefs
Are you -out of the broom-closet-?: not really...only to a precious few

any info or encouragement is welcomed. BLESSED BE!

Toby - 08/18/99 01:53:14
My URL:http://www.blackoceandrowning.com
My Email:wyrdsisters@prodigy.net
Are you a member of a Pagan or Earth Based religion?: yes
How long have you been into Wicca, witchcraft and/or Paganism; including studying and practice.: 8 yrs
If you care to answer this one, how old are you? Be honest or don't answer (none of you are 666 yrs. old!): 25
Did you like -The Craft-?: i liked fairuza balk
Have you ever been discriminated against for your beliefs in Paganism or witchcraft?: no
Are you -out of the broom-closet-?: sorta' just selective whom i tell

i really liked your website, I found it refreshing to see other gothic pagans points of view on things. thank you for sharing it

boudewijn - 08/14/99 19:29:10
My URL:http://www.bvandenhazel.demon.nl
My Email:boudewijn@bvandenhazel.demon.nl
Are you a member of a Pagan or Earth Based religion?: no
How long have you been into Wicca, witchcraft and/or Paganism; including studying and practice.: ??
If you care to answer this one, how old are you? Be honest or don't answer (none of you are 666 yrs. old!): 28
Did you like -The Craft-?: who?

Nice homepage

Bryan - 08/05/99 12:01:05
My URL:http://www.mcn.net/~codelord
My Email:codelord@mcn.net
Are you a member of a Pagan or Earth Based religion?: Some similarities
How long have you been into Wicca, witchcraft and/or Paganism; including studying and practice.: 5 years
If you care to answer this one, how old are you? Be honest or don't answer (none of you are 666 yrs. old!): 22
Did you like -The Craft-?: Seen better, seen worse. It's a movie. :)
Have you ever been discriminated against for your beliefs in Paganism or witchcraft?: No
Are you -out of the broom-closet-?: Could sound interesting, if one wanted to take that wrong, but, for a serious answer, I've never hidden my beliefs.

For clarification on the first question, I pretty much created my own religion. I study religious beliefs, and then decide what I wish to believe. This is why I came here, to learn a bit more about yours for future referance. I am unbiased, I will study all religion. I cannot be truly interested in knowledge, if I choose to ignore information. ;) The similarities, I consider myself a servant of nature, and justice. Peace would be a nice dream, but I doubt it will ever be a reality, thus I feel that there should be warriors to defend those who either cannot, or would prefer not to defend themselves. I will not preach my religious beliefs, but if someone is interested in what I believe, or what I have learned, my e-mail is available. Also, about the lamer(s) who insult you... One who knows not what they speak about should not speak. Get informed before you attack. The method (if you can call it that), of attack I witnessed shows complete ignorance about what they were attacking. I wil admit, I have found information about various religions that I do not agree with, but that does not make mine right. It is right to me, make yours right for you, it does not matter what anyone else believes, it is your soul. Of all the beliefs I could mention, the one that makes me sad that this person does not believe in, is knowledge. Knowledge is power, for without it, we are useless. Well, if I keep going, I'll be making quotes all night, so, be well.

Patricia - 08/02/99 02:07:16
My Email:snnflwr@aol.com
Are you a member of a Pagan or Earth Based religion?: not sure yet
How long have you been into Wicca, witchcraft and/or Paganism; including studying and practice.: on & off all my life
If you care to answer this one, how old are you? Be honest or don't answer (none of you are 666 yrs. old!): 26
Did you like -The Craft-?: never saw it
Have you ever been discriminated against for your beliefs in Paganism or witchcraft?: not yet
Are you -out of the broom-closet-?: absolutely, sort of

Enjoyed the site! Am I the only fallen Catholic in CT practicing witchcraft? Email me! Please, no one under 18. No Satan stuff- just the harnessing of spiritual energy directed at improving one's life and situations.

Patricia Blecich - 08/02/99 01:56:54
Are you a member of a Pagan or Earth Based religion?: Not sure yet
How long have you been into Wicca, witchcraft and/or Paganism; including studying and practice.: 4 months
If you care to answer this one, how old are you? Be honest or don't answer (none of you are 666 yrs. old!): 26
Did you like -The Craft-?: never saw it
Have you ever been discriminated against for your beliefs in Paganism or witchcraft?: not yet
Are you -out of the broom-closet-?: absolutely, sort of


Sorcha - 07/30/99 14:12:43
My URL:/Athens/Cyprus/5329/index.html
My Email:mileena_2@hotmail.com
Are you a member of a Pagan or Earth Based religion?: Yeppers
How long have you been into Wicca, witchcraft and/or Paganism; including studying and practice.: ten months
If you care to answer this one, how old are you? Be honest or don't answer (none of you are 666 yrs. old!): 13
Did you like -The Craft-?: YES!!! But who did they worship?
Have you ever been discriminated against for your beliefs in Paganism or witchcraft?: Ohhh yeah
Are you -out of the broom-closet-?: Yep

Hi buddy! Wowers, I can tell you worked real hard on this site! Next to yours, my site is vapid! This site is on the top of my Cool Wiccan Site list! Keep it up!

ashlee - 07/19/99 09:18:10
My Email:nympho92096@hotmail.com
Are you a member of a Pagan or Earth Based religion?: kind of
How long have you been into Wicca, witchcraft and/or Paganism; including studying and practice.: about 2 years
If you care to answer this one, how old are you? Be honest or don't answer (none of you are 666 yrs. old!): 16
Did you like -The Craft-?: the movie? it was good i know alot of that stuff isn't right though
Have you ever been discriminated against for your beliefs in Paganism or witchcraft?: yes
Are you -out of the broom-closet-?: yes

i love this stuff so much it makes me feel so good about everything i just wish i could do it all i am a lone witch without a coven and i need someone to teach me and initiate me etc. i know so little and need to know and understand more please help sincerely, dedicated love always ashlee marie

Aphrodite (hey you dont need my REAL name) - 07/17/99 04:39:45
My Email:filmvixen@gUrlmail.com
Are you a member of a Pagan or Earth Based religion?: um...sort of
How long have you been into Wicca, witchcraft and/or Paganism; including studying and practice.: as long as i can remember
If you care to answer this one, how old are you? Be honest or don't answer (none of you are 666 yrs. old!): 17
Did you like -The Craft-?: very much so
Have you ever been discriminated against for your beliefs in Paganism or witchcraft?: no, no one really knows about my interest in it.
Are you -out of the broom-closet-?: not yet

i'm glad there are people out there like Wiccans who are kind and open-minded. i like the page, there is a lot of information, and i would like to know more. e-mail me anyone. :c) blessed be.

Kathleen - 07/11/99 22:19:44
My Email:wildredone@snet.net
Are you a member of a Pagan or Earth Based religion?: Yes
How long have you been into Wicca, witchcraft and/or Paganism; including studying and practice.: Pagan all my life, Wiccan for the last year
If you care to answer this one, how old are you? Be honest or don't answer (none of you are 666 yrs. old!): 39
Did you like -The Craft-?: The movie? If so, no.
Have you ever been discriminated against for your beliefs in Paganism or witchcraft?: yes
Are you -out of the broom-closet-?: yes

Myself and my 15 yo son are both very new to open practice of Wicca.My husband and younger son are starting to practice Paganism. We are solitaries...and open to learning all we can from others in the Craft. Great site...keep up the wonderful work. Kathleen

Chris - 07/03/99 23:47:00
My URL:http://www.erols.com/sedona/index.html
My Email:zero101@hotmail.com
Are you a member of a Pagan or Earth Based religion?: no
How long have you been into Wicca, witchcraft and/or Paganism; including studying and practice.: 0 days, 0 months, 0 years
If you care to answer this one, how old are you? Be honest or don't answer (none of you are 666 yrs. old!): 21
Did you like -The Craft-?: yes
Have you ever been discriminated against for your beliefs in Paganism or witchcraft?: um, no
Are you -out of the broom-closet-?: um, no

Nifty page. :)

Daniel - 07/01/99 00:16:26
My Email:shadow74578@yahoo.com
Are you a member of a Pagan or Earth Based religion?: no
How long have you been into Wicca, witchcraft and/or Paganism; including studying and practice.: i have not studied it but i am interested in wicca
If you care to answer this one, how old are you? Be honest or don't answer (none of you are 666 yrs. old!): 16
Did you like -The Craft-?: yes
Have you ever been discriminated against for your beliefs in Paganism or witchcraft?: no
Are you -out of the broom-closet-?: no

I like the website. I will be back many times.

Daniel - 07/01/99 00:15:30
My Email:shadow74578@yahoo.com
Are you a member of a Pagan or Earth Based religion?: no
If you care to answer this one, how old are you? Be honest or don't answer (none of you are 666 yrs. old!): 16
Did you like -The Craft-?: yes


Rebecca - 06/20/99 02:15:08
My Email:Diti1@altavista.net
Are you a member of a Pagan or Earth Based religion?: Wicca
How long have you been into Wicca, witchcraft and/or Paganism; including studying and practice.: Almost 3 years of studying
If you care to answer this one, how old are you? Be honest or don't answer (none of you are 666 yrs. old!): 53
Did you like -The Craft-?: Have not seen it
Have you ever been discriminated against for your beliefs in Paganism or witchcraft?: No
Are you -out of the broom-closet-?: Yes

I like your site very much and will be back again. Blessed Be

DarkR - 06/19/99 20:18:05
My Email:doublr@mindspring.com
How long have you been into Wicca, witchcraft and/or Paganism; including studying and practice.: 11 Years
If you care to answer this one, how old are you? Be honest or don't answer (none of you are 666 yrs. old!): 29

icq 30888520 Nice page well done.

Katie - 06/01/99 14:26:20
Are you a member of a Pagan or Earth Based religion?: No
How long have you been into Wicca, witchcraft and/or Paganism; including studying and practice.: 1 day
If you care to answer this one, how old are you? Be honest or don't answer (none of you are 666 yrs. old!): 24
Did you like -The Craft-?: yes
Have you ever been discriminated against for your beliefs in Paganism or witchcraft?: no
Are you -out of the broom-closet-?: yes

This is a great website. I am going to be on it many times this summer.

Night sight - 06/01/99 13:43:03
My Email:Nightsight@kevinkim.globalnet.co.uk
Are you a member of a Pagan or Earth Based religion?: yes
How long have you been into Wicca, witchcraft and/or Paganism; including studying and practice.: 7 years
If you care to answer this one, how old are you? Be honest or don't answer (none of you are 666 yrs. old!): 13/14
Did you like -The Craft-?: yes
Have you ever been discriminated against for your beliefs in Paganism or witchcraft?: yes
Are you -out of the broom-closet-?: yes

I need some more spells because i've run out of mine. If you have some you can e-mail me. You can also e-mail me if you want to talk or/and be friends. Night Sight

Night sight - 06/01/99 13:42:42
My Email:Nightsight@kevinkim.globalnet.co.uk
Are you a member of a Pagan or Earth Based religion?: yes
How long have you been into Wicca, witchcraft and/or Paganism; including studying and practice.: 7 years
If you care to answer this one, how old are you? Be honest or don't answer (none of you are 666 yrs. old!): 13/14
Did you like -The Craft-?: yes
Have you ever been discriminated against for your beliefs in Paganism or witchcraft?: yes
Are you -out of the broom-closet-?: yes

I need some more spells because i've run out of mine. If you have some you can e-mail me. You can also e-mail me if you want to talk or/and be friends. Night Sight

Herbert - 06/01/99 05:04:15
My Email:repervert@hotmail.com
Are you a member of a Pagan or Earth Based religion?: no
How long have you been into Wicca, witchcraft and/or Paganism; including studying and practice.: I've just read about white magic I have one book
If you care to answer this one, how old are you? Be honest or don't answer (none of you are 666 yrs. old!): 16
Did you like -The Craft-?: honestly, it's my favorite
Have you ever been discriminated against for your beliefs in Paganism or witchcraft?: no
Are you -out of the broom-closet-?: ???????

I like a lot your web page, I'm from El Salvador(central america), I would like to learn more about white magik, either I would to dominate it, because I konw It's better not to mess around with stuff you cannot dominate, but I'm sure I can do it. You've ort of encouraged me to do it.

Herbert - 06/01/99 04:55:58
My Email:repervert@hotmail.com
Are you a member of a Pagan or Earth Based religion?: no
How long have you been into Wicca, witchcraft and/or Paganism; including studying and practice.: I've just read about it, and liked it very much, I have one book
If you care to answer this one, how old are you? Be honest or don't answer (none of you are 666 yrs. old!): 16
Did you like -The Craft-?: honestly, my favorite
Have you ever been discriminated against for your beliefs in Paganism or witchcraft?: no
Are you -out of the broom-closet-?: ?????

I like a lot your web page, I'm from El Salvador(central america), I would like to learn more about white magik, either I would to dominate it, because I konw It's better not to mess around with stuff you cannot dominate, but I'm sure I can do it. You've ort of encouraged me to do it.

Herbert - 06/01/99 04:54:15
My Email:repervert@hotmail.com
Are you a member of a Pagan or Earth Based religion?: no
How long have you been into Wicca, witchcraft and/or Paganism; including studying and practice.: I've just read about it, and liked it very much, I have one book
If you care to answer this one, how old are you? Be honest or don't answer (none of you are 666 yrs. old!): 16
Did you like -The Craft-?: honestly, my favorite
Have you ever been discriminated against for your beliefs in Paganism or witchcraft?: no
Are you -out of the broom-closet-?: ?????

I like a lot your web page, I'm from El Salvador(central america), I would like to learn more about white magik, either I would to dominate it, because I konw It's better not to mess around with stuff you cannot dominate, but I'm sure I can do it. You've ort of encouraged me to do it.

Simon - 05/29/99 17:16:27
My Email:skiela@providence.mb.ca
Are you a member of a Pagan or Earth Based religion?: no
How long have you been into Wicca, witchcraft and/or Paganism; including studying and practice.: well, none -- but i explored a bit
If you care to answer this one, how old are you? Be honest or don't answer (none of you are 666 yrs. old!): 27
Did you like -The Craft-?: have not seen it -- should I?
Have you ever been discriminated against for your beliefs in Paganism or witchcraft?: well, no :-)
Are you -out of the broom-closet-?: :-)

Labas (that's a Lithuanian greeting) I thought that was an interesting website. As in regards to the f**ks and s**ks of that person (I think everybody already knows who I'm talking about) I have something to say. Just the other day I saw a movie about the southern states and the black issu . That person mentioned something about KKK. It seems that s/he sympathizes to them. Well, if they are Christian, then I'm a Wiccan priest. So, all those that considered that person seriously or tried to identify him/her with Christianity should think again. It's ridiculous...

Simon - 05/29/99 16:45:36
My Email:skiela@providence.mb.ca
Are you a member of a Pagan or Earth Based religion?: no
How long have you been into Wicca, witchcraft and/or Paganism; including studying and practice.: well, none -- but i explored a bit
If you care to answer this one, how old are you? Be honest or don't answer (none of you are 666 yrs. old!): 27
Did you like -The Craft-?: have not seen it -- should I?
Have you ever been discriminated against for your beliefs in Paganism or witchcraft?: well, no :-)
Are you -out of the broom-closet-?: :-)

Labas (that's a Lithuanian greeting) I thought that was an interesting website. As in regards to the f**ks and s**ks of that person (I think everybody already knows who I'm talking about) I have something to say. Just the other day I saw a movie about the southern states and the black issu . That person mentioned something about KKK. It seems that s/he sympathizes to them. Well, if they are Christian, then I'm a Wiccan priest. So, all those that considered that person seriously or tried to identify him/her with Christianity should think again. It's ridiculous...

Simon - 05/29/99 16:38:45
My Email:skiela@providence.mb.ca
Are you a member of a Pagan or Earth Based religion?: no
How long have you been into Wicca, witchcraft and/or Paganism; including studying and practice.: well, none -- but i explored a bit
If you care to answer this one, how old are you? Be honest or don't answer (none of you are 666 yrs. old!): 27
Did you like -The Craft-?: have not seen it -- should I?
Have you ever been discriminated against for your beliefs in Paganism or witchcraft?: well, no :-)
Are you -out of the broom-closet-?: :-)

Labas (that's a Lithuanian greeting) I thought that was an interesting website. As in regards to the f**ks and s**ks of that person (I think everybody already knows who I'm talking about) I have something to say. Just the other day I saw a movie about the southern states and the black issu . That person mentioned something about KKK. It seems that s/he sympathizes to them. Well, if they are Christian, then I'm a Wiccan priest. So, all those that considered that person seriously or tried to identify him/her with Christianity should think again. It's ridiculous...

Simon - 05/29/99 16:29:55
My Email:skiela@providence.mb.ca
Are you a member of a Pagan or Earth Based religion?: no
How long have you been into Wicca, witchcraft and/or Paganism; including studying and practice.: well, none -- but i explored a bit
If you care to answer this one, how old are you? Be honest or don't answer (none of you are 666 yrs. old!): 27
Did you like -The Craft-?: have not seen it -- should I?
Have you ever been discriminated against for your beliefs in Paganism or witchcraft?: well, no :-)
Are you -out of the broom-closet-?: :-)

Labas (that's a Lithuanian greeting) I thought that was an interesting website. As in regards to the f**ks and s**ks of that person (I think everybody already knows who I'm talking about) I have something to say. Just the other day I saw a movie about the southern states and the black issu . That person mentioned something about KKK. It seems that s/he sympathizes to them. Well, if they are Christian, then I'm a Wiccan priest. So, all those that considered that person seriously or tried to identify him/her with Christianity should think again. It's ridiculous...

Simon - 05/29/99 16:29:42
My Email:skiela@providence.mb.ca
Are you a member of a Pagan or Earth Based religion?: no
How long have you been into Wicca, witchcraft and/or Paganism; including studying and practice.: well, none -- but i explored a bit
If you care to answer this one, how old are you? Be honest or don't answer (none of you are 666 yrs. old!): 27
Did you like -The Craft-?: have not seen it -- should I?
Have you ever been discriminated against for your beliefs in Paganism or witchcraft?: well, no :-)
Are you -out of the broom-closet-?: :-)

Labas (that's a Lithuanian greeting) I thought that was an interesting website. As in regards to the f**ks and s**ks of that person (I think everybody already knows who I'm talking about) I have something to say. Just the other day I saw a movie about the southern states and the black issu . That person mentioned something about KKK. It seems that s/he sympathizes to them. Well, if they are Christian, then I'm a Wiccan priest. So, all those that considered that person seriously or tried to identify him/her with Christianity should think again. It's ridiculous...

Simon - 05/29/99 16:27:13
My Email:skiela@providence.mb.ca
Are you a member of a Pagan or Earth Based religion?: no
How long have you been into Wicca, witchcraft and/or Paganism; including studying and practice.: well, none -- but i explored a bit
If you care to answer this one, how old are you? Be honest or don't answer (none of you are 666 yrs. old!): 27
Did you like -The Craft-?: have not seen it -- should I?
Have you ever been discriminated against for your beliefs in Paganism or witchcraft?: well, no :-)
Are you -out of the broom-closet-?: :-)

Labas (that's a Lithuanian greeting) I thought that was an interesting website. As in regards to the f**ks and s**ks of that person (I think everybody already knows who I'm talking about) I have something to say. Just the other day I saw a movie about the southern states and the black issu . That person mentioned something about KKK. It seems that s/he sympathizes to them. Well, if they are Christian, then I'm a Wiccan priest. So, all those that considered that person seriously or tried to identify him/her with Christianity should think again. It's ridiculous...

Simon - 05/29/99 16:17:39
My Email:skiela@providence.mb.ca
Are you a member of a Pagan or Earth Based religion?: no
How long have you been into Wicca, witchcraft and/or Paganism; including studying and practice.: well, none -- but i explored a bit
If you care to answer this one, how old are you? Be honest or don't answer (none of you are 666 yrs. old!): 27
Did you like -The Craft-?: have not seen it -- should I?
Have you ever been discriminated against for your beliefs in Paganism or witchcraft?: well, no :-)
Are you -out of the broom-closet-?: :-)

Labas (that's a Lithuanian greeting) I thought that was an interesting website. As in regards to the f**ks and s**ks of that person (I think everybody already knows who I'm talking about) I have something to say. Just the other day I saw a movie about the southern states and the black issu . That person mentioned something about KKK. It seems that s/he sympathizes to them. Well, if they are Christian, then I'm a Wiccan priest. So, all those that considered that person seriously or tried to identify him/her with Christianity should think again. It's ridiculous...

Simon - 05/29/99 16:17:29
My Email:skiela@providence.mb.ca
Are you a member of a Pagan or Earth Based religion?: no
How long have you been into Wicca, witchcraft and/or Paganism; including studying and practice.: well, none -- but i explored a bit
If you care to answer this one, how old are you? Be honest or don't answer (none of you are 666 yrs. old!): 27
Did you like -The Craft-?: have not seen it -- should I?
Have you ever been discriminated against for your beliefs in Paganism or witchcraft?: well, no :-)
Are you -out of the broom-closet-?: :-)

Labas (that's a Lithuanian greeting) I thought that was an interesting website. As in regards to the f**ks and s**ks of that person (I think everybody already knows who I'm talking about) I have something to say. Just the other day I saw a movie about the southern states and the black issu . That person mentioned something about KKK. It seems that s/he sympathizes to them. Well, if they are Christian, then I'm a Wiccan priest. So, all those that considered that person seriously or tried to identify him/her with Christianity should think again. It's ridiculous...

firelily - 05/23/99 17:47:06
My Email:wannasoit@snet.net
Are you a member of a Pagan or Earth Based religion?: solitary wicca
How long have you been into Wicca, witchcraft and/or Paganism; including studying and practice.: 5 years
If you care to answer this one, how old are you? Be honest or don't answer (none of you are 666 yrs. old!): 28
Did you like -The Craft-?: very much
Have you ever been discriminated against for your beliefs in Paganism or witchcraft?: no
Are you -out of the broom-closet-?: no

I have always been interested in the goddess and god religion and have always felt comfortable in it. I havent actively practiced the entire 5 years but i have always read and followed the ways.Just lately I have had a strong pull to study furthur.I am al o a decendant of John Proctor. Which really has no bearing on my feeling but I just think its interesting that I feel like I have always been meant to study wicca and my ansestors were prosecuted for it. thanks for such a wonderful and helpful site.

Margie Cotton - 05/17/99 16:51:08
My Email:mac400 @ webtv. net
Are you a member of a Pagan or Earth Based religion?: not as of now but would like to be
If you care to answer this one, how old are you? Be honest or don't answer (none of you are 666 yrs. old!): I am 60 years

I would like to belong to the craft but I just don"t know to get into one. Can you help me.

Mari Elise Baustad - 05/13/99 17:36:15
My Email:tara_rhiamon@innocent.com
Are you a member of a Pagan or Earth Based religion?: No
How long have you been into Wicca, witchcraft and/or Paganism; including studying and practice.: 4 months, I'm trying to learn alone, but it's not easy
If you care to answer this one, how old are you? Be honest or don't answer (none of you are 666 yrs. old!): 16
Did you like -The Craft-?: If you mean the movie, I haven't seen it...
Have you ever been discriminated against for your beliefs in Paganism or witchcraft?: Not many people know.As I said, I'm still just learning.
Are you -out of the broom-closet-?: Never been in it...

If anyone could please e-mail me some info about Wicca, I would be very happy.I want to learn all I can about Wicca.Unfortunately I live in a small community in Norway so I don't know anyone else who practises Wicca. Blessed be. MariEl.

Magda - 04/27/99 02:36:42
My Email:suck_my_pusssy_please@yahoo.com
Are you a member of a Pagan or Earth Based religion?: yes
How long have you been into Wicca, witchcraft and/or Paganism; including studying and practice.: most of my life
If you care to answer this one, how old are you? Be honest or don't answer (none of you are 666 yrs. old!): 14
Did you like -The Craft-?: YES !!!
Have you ever been discriminated against for your beliefs in Paganism or witchcraft?: yes


Jenifer - 04/10/99 00:42:14
My Email:JaJeJaBo3@aol.com
Are you a member of a Pagan or Earth Based religion?: Yes
How long have you been into Wicca, witchcraft and/or Paganism; including studying and practice.: 3 years
If you care to answer this one, how old are you? Be honest or don't answer (none of you are 666 yrs. old!): 18
Did you like -The Craft-?: yes, it's a way of life
Have you ever been discriminated against for your beliefs in Paganism or witchcraft?: not yet so far
Are you -out of the broom-closet-?: well, kinda


Jenifer Bonsell - 04/10/99 00:40:54
My Email:JaJeJaBo3@aol.com
Are you a member of a Pagan or Earth Based religion?: Yes
How long have you been into Wicca, witchcraft and/or Paganism; including studying and practice.: 3 years
If you care to answer this one, how old are you? Be honest or don't answer (none of you are 666 yrs. old!): 18
Did you like -The Craft-?: Very Much, it's a way l


terilyn - 04/07/99 03:47:02
My URL:http://altavista.net
My Email:terilyn@altavista.net
Are you a member of a Pagan or Earth Based religion?: yep
How long have you been into Wicca, witchcraft and/or Paganism; including studying and practice.: + - 20 years
If you care to answer this one, how old are you? Be honest or don't answer (none of you are 666 yrs. old!): 33
Did you like -The Craft-?: The movie? not all that much unrealistic
Have you ever been discriminated against for your beliefs in Paganism or witchcraft?: oh yeah I live in the bible belt
Are you -out of the broom-closet-?: never been in it

I'm new to the net and enjoy all the pagan sites. yours is great I've always been a solo so it's good to see other spells and rituals ,I don't know if I've made mine up or if I remembered them from a past life, maybe alittle of both ...anyway thanks for haring-keep up the great work!

- 03/10/99 20:15:07

it was nice seeing all those diffrent sites on wiccan awarnes

jamie - 03/10/99 20:09:17
Are you a member of a Pagan or Earth Based religion?: intrested wicca
How long have you been into Wicca, witchcraft and/or Paganism; including studying and practice.: 1 or 2 years
If you care to answer this one, how old are you? Be honest or don't answer (none of you are 666 yrs. old!): 14
Did you like -The Craft-?: the movie not realistic
Have you ever been discriminated against for your beliefs in Paganism or witchcraft?: yes
Are you -out of the broom-closet-?: not realy

i liked your page

Garnet RanaEquus - 03/01/99 05:35:13
My URL:http://www.gurlpages.com/other/garnet98
My Email:garnet98@gurlmail.com
Are you a member of a Pagan or Earth Based religion?: I am Pagan/Wiccan
How long have you been into Wicca, witchcraft and/or Paganism; including studying and practice.: 3 years
If you care to answer this one, how old are you? Be honest or don't answer (none of you are 666 yrs. old!): 19
Did you like -The Craft-?: Yes
Have you ever been discriminated against for your beliefs in Paganism or witchcraft?: Yes
Are you -out of the broom-closet-?: Nope

Hey there, I came and saw your site and liked it very much. I saw you on Onelist, and decided to check you out. I have a wiccan site also. I just thought I'd come and say Merry Meet to you. Hope you come for a visit.

- 02/27/99 01:11:12
Are you a member of a Pagan or Earth Based religion?: No
How long have you been into Wicca, witchcraft and/or Paganism; including studying and practice.: I have been intrested for a while
If you care to answer this one, how old are you? Be honest or don't answer (none of you are 666 yrs. old!): 15
Did you like -The Craft-?: Yes
Have you ever been discriminated against for your beliefs in Paganism or witchcraft?: No i don't show my intrest publicly
Are you -out of the broom-closet-?: No

I have been intrested in witches for a long time. Every time I say something about it to one of my friends they look at like I'm certifiable. You see I am one of the popular kids and thats just not acceptable for me to be intrested in anything a little ou of the norm. If it's possible to become a witch I'd like to mabey it would bring me happiness.

Meghan - 02/25/99 20:05:04
My Email:meggy_deggy@hotmail.com
Are you a member of a Pagan or Earth Based religion?: No
How long have you been into Wicca, witchcraft and/or Paganism; including studying and practice.: -----------------
If you care to answer this one, how old are you? Be honest or don't answer (none of you are 666 yrs. old!): 13
Did you like -The Craft-?: sort of
Have you ever been discriminated against for your beliefs in Paganism or witchcraft?: -----------------
Are you -out of the broom-closet-?: ------------------

I really like this site it is helping me make my decision about becoming a witch and i just want to say thanx to Aradia for answering all my questions about witchcraft

Candice - 02/23/99 00:05:18
My Email:Candy0307
Are you a member of a Pagan or Earth Based religion?: yes
How long have you been into Wicca, witchcraft and/or Paganism; including studying and practice.: 2 years
If you care to answer this one, how old are you? Be honest or don't answer (none of you are 666 yrs. old!): 12 almost 13
Did you like -The Craft-?: ya
Have you ever been discriminated against for your beliefs in Paganism or witchcraft?: no
Are you -out of the broom-closet-?: yes


Francis - 02/16/99 21:29:32
My Email:francis@alchemyst.demon.co.uk
Are you a member of a Pagan or Earth Based religion?: Yes: Wicca & Druidry
How long have you been into Wicca, witchcraft and/or Paganism; including studying and practice.: nearly 30 years
If you care to answer this one, how old are you? Be honest or don't answer (none of you are 666 yrs. old!): three scores years and eleven
Did you like -The Craft-?: It was OK - no more than that
Have you ever been discriminated against for your beliefs in Paganism or witchcraft?: Yes. It was part of my loosing a job
Are you -out of the broom-closet-?: Yes

I'm so glad to see Wicca is recognised as a religion in the US of A. Roll on the day when the same is true in the UK.

An ghealach - 02/11/99 21:30:58
My Email:moeler@hotmail.com
If you care to answer this one, how old are you? Be honest or don't answer (none of you are 666 yrs. old!): 40

Lovely site!!!! I will be back - often!

Jadite Le Fae @}-'-,- - 02/10/99 21:58:41
My URL:http://www.angelfire.com/az/azstarelleclanfaes/index.html
My Email:morgan@trefoils.demon.co.uk
Are you a member of a Pagan or Earth Based religion?: yes, but not part of a practicing group, other than my own Clan.
How long have you been into Wicca, witchcraft and/or Paganism; including studying and practice.: all my life, dearie.
If you care to answer this one, how old are you? Be honest or don't answer (none of you are 666 yrs. old!): thrice seven.
Did you like -The Craft-?: havn't seen it, actually, though i will.
Have you ever been discriminated against for your beliefs in Paganism or witchcraft?: yes, i have been called all sorts of names thru my life, called a satanist, called a hippy, called a weirdo, called a mentally disturbed young woman, - by a prof ssional psychiatrist. oh yeh.
Are you -out of the broom-closet-?: i have never been in it, that's my trouble : D

I love the site. Totally. Peace, Love, Light and Happiness be with thee.

meatyboy - 02/08/99 22:57:20
My URL:http://members.xoom.com/wcoven
My Email:meatyboy1@hotmail.com
Are you a member of a Pagan or Earth Based religion?: yes, a Pantheist
How long have you been into Wicca, witchcraft and/or Paganism; including studying and practice.: 4 years, nearly 5
If you care to answer this one, how old are you? Be honest or don't answer (none of you are 666 yrs. old!): 17
Did you like -The Craft-?: Not really, though the chicks were hot =)
Have you ever been discriminated against for your beliefs in Paganism or witchcraft?: couple times
Are you -out of the broom-closet-?: YEAH!!

Hey, nice page, gotta check your links though, a lot of them are dead. Just thought I'd give you some free consulting advice, of course I shouldn't do that or I'd lose my job. oh well. Nice page anyway. See ya later.

Panacea - 02/08/99 04:53:08
My Email:cerridwyn9@www.hotmail.com
Are you a member of a Pagan or Earth Based religion?: yes
How long have you been into Wicca, witchcraft and/or Paganism; including studying and practice.: app. 4 years
If you care to answer this one, how old are you? Be honest or don't answer (none of you are 666 yrs. old!): 18
Did you like -The Craft-?: hmm...it was okay, I guess
Have you ever been discriminated against for your beliefs in Paganism or witchcraft?: YES
Are you -out of the broom-closet-?: depends on who is asking

I love this site! Also, I'd like to comment that the word Christian, literally translated, means "Christ-like" and, therefore, the people/person who wrote all of the insulting comments in the guestbook certainly are not Christians. I know quite a bit abou the bible, and Jesus never said "fuck you" to anyone, no matter what their religion. If you are Wiccan in the southern Arkansas area please e-mail me! Blessed be!

Elley Weber - 02/05/99 16:30:49
My Email:Elanor@TheWebers.freeserve.com
Are you a member of a Pagan or Earth Based religion?: Not at the moment (I'm New)
How long have you been into Wicca, witchcraft and/or Paganism; including studying and practice.: About a month
If you care to answer this one, how old are you? Be honest or don't answer (none of you are 666 yrs. old!): 15
Did you like -The Craft-?: Yes!! I LOVED IT
Have you ever been discriminated against for your beliefs in Paganism or witchcraft?: Sort of. By the Bitchy girl in our year but not many people know.
Are you -out of the broom-closet-?: No

I'd really like others to send any info/spells to help me get started.

cresha maggio - 02/05/99 13:44:06
My Email:cresha69@hotmail.com
Are you a member of a Pagan or Earth Based religion?: no
How long have you been into Wicca, witchcraft and/or Paganism; including studying and practice.: a few years
If you care to answer this one, how old are you? Be honest or don't answer (none of you are 666 yrs. old!): 16
Did you like -The Craft-?: yes-very much
Have you ever been discriminated against for your beliefs in Paganism or witchcraft?: yes
Are you -out of the broom-closet-?: I don't know

I would like to know how to be a witch?

Connie - 01/17/99 18:32:58
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/heartland/pointe/3566
My Email:cjwoznick@sent.net
Are you a member of a Pagan or Earth Based religion?: Solitary
How long have you been into Wicca, witchcraft and/or Paganism; including studying and practice.: almost a year, practicing about 4 months
If you care to answer this one, how old are you? Be honest or don't answer (none of you are 666 yrs. old!): 49
Did you like -The Craft-?: Very much
Have you ever been discriminated against for your beliefs in Paganism or witchcraft?: in a sense, yes
Are you -out of the broom-closet-?: When I need to be

Your site was one of the first I visited when searching for information about Wicca. I read and printed and printed and read. I visited so much and saved so much information. I now want to thank you for all you have given me. Bright Blessings to you.< r>
Pinecone - 01/17/99 05:00:52
My Email:Peter_Pinecone@hotmail.com
Are you a member of a Pagan or Earth Based religion?: No
How long have you been into Wicca, witchcraft and/or Paganism; including studying and practice.: 1.5 years
If you care to answer this one, how old are you? Be honest or don't answer (none of you are 666 yrs. old!): 41
Did you like -The Craft-?: yes
Have you ever been discriminated against for your beliefs in Paganism or witchcraft?: no
Are you -out of the broom-closet-?: no

Thank you for you web page. nice graphices. Pinecone

Pinecone - 01/17/99 04:56:59
My Email:Peter_Pinecone@hotmail.com
Are you a member of a Pagan or Earth Based religion?: No
How long have you been into Wicca, witchcraft and/or Paganism; including studying and practice.: 1.5 years
If you care to answer this one, how old are you? Be honest or don't answer (none of you are 666 yrs. old!): 41


Vanda Edwards-Jones - 01/11/99 02:50:21
My Email:jackl_jones@msn.com
Are you a member of a Pagan or Earth Based religion?: I am wiccan/pagan
How long have you been into Wicca, witchcraft and/or Paganism; including studying and practice.: 6 years studying; since childhood in spirit.
If you care to answer this one, how old are you? Be honest or don't answer (none of you are 666 yrs. old!): 42
Did you like -The Craft-?: I keep putting off seeing it; I have had enough crap from people; I don't know if I'd like it
Have you ever been discriminated against for your beliefs in Paganism or witchcraft?: yes; people (christians) have had a good laugh; "you're a witch? well, do some in front of me! ho ho" they can kiss my broom
Are you -out of the broom-closet-?: To some people; I don't deny if confronted; I just don't advertise

Wicca has given me the most warm and centered feeling; more than anything else I have ever encountered. Most Christians I have ever known have been mean people. I enjoy the solitary practice - no one to judge you except the moon and earth. Blessed Be
Kaatryn MacMorgan - 12/27/98 21:53:58
My URL:http://members.xoom.com/GreenReview/index.html
My Email:ladykat@ix.netcom.com
Are you a member of a Pagan or Earth Based religion?: Yes, Universal Eclectic Wiccan
How long have you been into Wicca, witchcraft and/or Paganism; including studying and practice.: 25 years
Did you like -The Craft-?: That would involve seeing it, which I won't
Have you ever been discriminated against for your beliefs in Paganism or witchcraft?: Yes, often, it's part of the Wiccan Experience
Are you -out of the broom-closet-?: Yes, I am out of the closet through the front door and standing across the Street on the Neighbor's poarch looking at the broom closet right now.

Your site has been indexed under "w" on The Green's Review of Wiccan and Pagan Websites.
I am sorry to see the spam in your guestbook, but hey, when you get 30-50 emails a day that tell you that you, personally, are the anti-christ, I'll get sympathetic..
We are the frontline, we draw the fire...
Good luck.

Alaya - 12/27/98 03:57:08
My URL:http://members.aol.com/Lily32/index2.html
My Email:Silverlily2@hotmail.com
Are you a member of a Pagan or Earth Based religion?: Yes
How long have you been into Wicca, witchcraft and/or Paganism; including studying and practice.: 3 years
If you care to answer this one, how old are you? Be honest or don't answer (none of you are 666 yrs. old!): 15
Have you ever been discriminated against for your beliefs in Paganism or witchcraft?: Yes
Are you -out of the broom-closet-?: Yes

I really enjoyed your page. Has some great infomation. Except I noticed that you wrote about the rede and not harming others. However in your BOS you had a love spell that would be put on a certain person which would make the person fall in love with you ithout their consent. This would be causing harm to them. Besides that, great job.

Ellie - 12/09/98 00:22:43
My Email:o_leia@hotmail.com
Are you a member of a Pagan or Earth Based religion?: I'm not
If you care to answer this one, how old are you? Be honest or don't answer (none of you are 666 yrs. old!): 18
Did you like -The Craft-?: It's alright

I'd realy like some information on your god and goddesses as well as your religion. This site is realy cool!!!

Ellen - 12/06/98 10:09:58
My Email:efetters@tm.net.my
Are you a member of a Pagan or Earth Based religion?: Wiccan
How long have you been into Wicca, witchcraft and/or Paganism; including studying and practice.: just started last month
If you care to answer this one, how old are you? Be honest or don't answer (none of you are 666 yrs. old!): 34
Did you like -The Craft-?: Haven't seen it yet (it probably won't reach Malaysia, darn!)
Have you ever been discriminated against for your beliefs in Paganism or witchcraft?: not yet
Are you -out of the broom-closet-?: no

I've just gotten started and found your page via Search Engine. I find your page wonderful and very informative! I'd be pleased to hear from you :-) Merry Meet Merry Part and Merry Meet again but Always Blessed Be!

Guenevere - 11/28/98 04:38:31
My Email:lady_guenevere@geocities.com
Are you a member of a Pagan or Earth Based religion?: yes
How long have you been into Wicca, witchcraft and/or Paganism; including studying and practice.: Been Wiccan all my life... every woman in my family is so its like a hereditary thing.
If you care to answer this one, how old are you? Be honest or don't answer (none of you are 666 yrs. old!): 21
Did you like -The Craft-?: yes and i dont like charmed
Have you ever been discriminated against for your beliefs in Paganism or witchcraft?: YES!! I wear a pentagram around my neck and I have had more than a few odd stares and looks. Many, older people mostly, feel threatened by the fact that I pract ce Wicca.
Are you -out of the broom-closet-?: To my friends and family yes... to my co-workers (devout Christians) no.


Starla - 11/27/98 12:18:30
My URL:http://www.angelfire.com/ca/starsong
My Email:starla_4u@webtv.net
Are you a member of a Pagan or Earth Based religion?: my own religion.. what is it? heck if I know..lol
How long have you been into Wicca, witchcraft and/or Paganism; including studying and practice.: Just interested for aout .. hmm since a kid
If you care to answer this one, how old are you? Be honest or don't answer (none of you are 666 yrs. old!): almost 32
Did you like -The Craft-?: I ike Charmed...
Have you ever been discriminated against for your beliefs in Paganism or witchcraft?: Yes for spirit writting..
Are you -out of the broom-closet-?: I may have been looked in there a time or two..lol

I loved your page and am still looking around. This great! I found you by the ring of awards. I just got into it. Thank you so much for putting this all up on here. You see I do spirit write.. as you will tell from some pof my poems and thought they are altoghetr differant. It is creepy but hey.. life has to be strange other wise I would be bored! Thank you again.. I would apply for your purple award but I think I would have to say magenta or off perple was purple.. at one time I had purple all over but have changed it a bit... come and apply for my award ok Starla

Dawn Vodden - 11/20/98 11:51:52
My URL:http://budehaven.com.uk
My Email:8512@budehaven.cornwall.sch.uk
Are you a member of a Pagan or Earth Based religion?: not yet
How long have you been into Wicca, witchcraft and/or Paganism; including studying and practice.: not long, im new to it really
If you care to answer this one, how old are you? Be honest or don't answer (none of you are 666 yrs. old!): 16
Did you like -The Craft-?: yep, excellent!!!
Have you ever been discriminated against for your beliefs in Paganism or witchcraft?: I dress Gothic, I get a lot of jip about the way I look but it doesnt stop me.
Are you -out of the broom-closet-?: yep???

I am new to all of this, but very keen to learn. I have always been looking for the right thing for me an I am really excited now because I think that I have found what Ive been searching for for ages. I only hope that my age (16) is no problem. I cant ait to hear from you.

jillmeegan - 11/12/98 04:03:07
My URL:http://.yahoo
My Email:jdmd82@hotmail.com
Are you a member of a Pagan or Earth Based religion?: yes
How long have you been into Wicca, witchcraft and/or Paganism; including studying and practice.: 10yrs
If you care to answer this one, how old are you? Be honest or don't answer (none of you are 666 yrs. old!): 20yrs
Did you like -The Craft-?: didn't watch
Have you ever been discriminated against for your beliefs in Paganism or witchcraft?: no one knows
Are you -out of the broom-closet-?: nope

the shadows are coming and wanting to battle if in the columbia county area please email me at jdmd82@hotmail.com if u would like to help battle them.

Sorrow - 11/11/98 05:51:38
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Athens/Styx/1033
My Email:s_o_r_r_o_w@hotmail.com
Are you a member of a Pagan or Earth Based religion?: Negative
How long have you been into Wicca, witchcraft and/or Paganism; including studying and practice.: 0 days, hours, minutes
If you care to answer this one, how old are you? Be honest or don't answer (none of you are 666 yrs. old!): 19
Did you like -The Craft-?: Only cause Neve Campbell is easy to look at!
Have you ever been discriminated against for your beliefs in Paganism or witchcraft?: See above.
Are you -out of the broom-closet-?: Sorry, I am a vacuum kind of guy.

Good looking page, pleasing to the eye and straight forward to read. Congratulations on your Awards! I am a Christian Goth who applauds your passion. I welcome the opportunity to converse with you. ICQ=16505837. Smile! A Higher Being loves you!

Anne - 11/04/98 20:35:35
My Email:Annie@goharris.com
Are you a member of a Pagan or Earth Based religion?: no
How long have you been into Wicca, witchcraft and/or Paganism; including studying and practice.: a couple years (@ 7 years)
If you care to answer this one, how old are you? Be honest or don't answer (none of you are 666 yrs. old!): 19
Did you like -The Craft-?: love it (if you mean the movie)
Have you ever been discriminated against for your beliefs in Paganism or witchcraft?: no
Are you -out of the broom-closet-?: no


midnight7 - 11/03/98 02:07:24
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/~ravyn9
My Email:midnight_7@hotmail.com
Are you a member of a Pagan or Earth Based religion?: yes
How long have you been into Wicca, witchcraft and/or Paganism; including studying and practice.: 3 years
If you care to answer this one, how old are you? Be honest or don't answer (none of you are 666 yrs. old!): 19
Did you like -The Craft-?: yes and no
Have you ever been discriminated against for your beliefs in Paganism or witchcraft?: yes
Are you -out of the broom-closet-?: mostly-not with parents

while the remarks of 'pagan killa' and 'alcoholic' were immature, poorly worded and outright ridiculous, I feel that we shouldn't get so enraged-after all it is not the fault of these poor souls that they are undereducated, lacking in intelligence and st ture, and simply ignorant! There will always be those who continue to believe what they want to, all the while we know the truth-and that is what truly matters. Be true to yourself and your beliefs-no matter what they may be, and stay tolerant of others. Continue to keep education of paganism available to all-your site is absolutely lovely!!! Bright Blessings

Aarzu - 11/02/98 01:25:47
My Email:Aarzu4@AOL.com
Are you a member of a Pagan or Earth Based religion?: yes
How long have you been into Wicca, witchcraft and/or Paganism; including studying and practice.: one year
If you care to answer this one, how old are you? Be honest or don't answer (none of you are 666 yrs. old!): 29
Did you like -The Craft-?: yes
Have you ever been discriminated against for your beliefs in Paganism or witchcraft?: nobody knows
Are you -out of the broom-closet-?: no


Aarzu - 11/02/98 01:22:55
My Email:Aarzu4@AOL.com
Are you a member of a Pagan or Earth Based religion?: yes
How long have you been into Wicca, witchcraft and/or Paganism; including studying and practice.: one year
If you care to answer this one, how old are you? Be honest or don't answer (none of you are 666 yrs. old!): 29
Did you like -The Craft-?: yes
Have you ever been discriminated against for your beliefs in Paganism or witchcraft?: nobody knows
Are you -out of the broom-closet-?: no


GWELDAR - 10/30/98 00:56:18
Are you a member of a Pagan or Earth Based religion?: NOT YET
How long have you been into Wicca, witchcraft and/or Paganism; including studying and practice.: ALL MY LIFE
If you care to answer this one, how old are you? Be honest or don't answer (none of you are 666 yrs. old!): 15
Did you like -The Craft-?: NO
Have you ever been discriminated against for your beliefs in Paganism or witchcraft?: NO
Are you -out of the broom-closet-?: SORT OF


10/26/98 12:59:07
Name: Bad Bunny My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me

Just surfing and came accross your page Thanks

Kathleen - 10/21/98 05:29:39
My Email:abbymom@evansville.net
Are you a member of a Pagan or Earth Based religion?: Yes I am Wiccan
How long have you been into Wicca, witchcraft and/or Paganism; including studying and practice.: 7 years
If you care to answer this one, how old are you? Be honest or don't answer (none of you are 666 yrs. old!): 22
Did you like -The Craft-?: No
Have you ever been discriminated against for your beliefs in Paganism or witchcraft?: Oh yes!!!
Are you -out of the broom-closet-?: Yes, and I am proud of it!!!

You have a wonderful site!!! I really enjoyed it keep up the good work!!! Blessed be!!!!!

Molly Stroot - 10/20/98 19:38:32
My Email:pygmy99@yahoo.com
Are you a member of a Pagan or Earth Based religion?: not yet
How long have you been into Wicca, witchcraft and/or Paganism; including studying and practice.: just getting started
If you care to answer this one, how old are you? Be honest or don't answer (none of you are 666 yrs. old!): 35
Did you like -The Craft-?: yes and no. It was interesting and entertaining. I thought it depicted witchcraft in a manner that non-wiccans/pagans would see as dark and evil. What little I know and believe about the Wiccan way, strikes me as living i peace with all things.
Have you ever been discriminated against for your beliefs in Paganism or witchcraft?: nope
Are you -out of the broom-closet-?: never been in it.

I was raised as a christian. However, I've always maintained an open mind. There are many ways in which people can worship or celebrate life. Each of us must find the way which brings us and those around us the most peace. I have always felt close to the iccan way but just recently learned it's name. I'm in MN and looking for a good place to learn more about Wicca. Please feel free to email me w/any info.

David - 10/15/98 00:59:45
My URL:http://www.madisoncolby.com
My Email:akashaair@yahoo.com
Are you a member of a Pagan or Earth Based religion?: YES
How long have you been into Wicca, witchcraft and/or Paganism; including studying and practice.: 15years
If you care to answer this one, how old are you? Be honest or don't answer (none of you are 666 yrs. old!): 22
Did you like -The Craft-?: NO NO NO NO
Have you ever been discriminated against for your beliefs in Paganism or witchcraft?: as always
Are you -out of the broom-closet-?: YES

I love to see all the great pagan and wicca sites on the web. To all those who wish to learn please don't hesitate to email me with any questions you may have. I'm in the CT area so if anyone is around here and is new to the pagan community, I would love o hear from you. Blessed Be!!!

Beckie - 10/14/98 15:37:34
My Email:nuggy5101@copuserve.co.uk
Are you a member of a Pagan or Earth Based religion?: no
How long have you been into Wicca, witchcraft and/or Paganism; including studying and practice.: 2 years
If you care to answer this one, how old are you? Be honest or don't answer (none of you are 666 yrs. old!): 15
Did you like -The Craft-?: YES
Have you ever been discriminated against for your beliefs in Paganism or witchcraft?: YES


shadowwolf - 10/09/98 21:49:55
Are you a member of a Pagan or Earth Based religion?: yes in Australia
How long have you been into Wicca, witchcraft and/or Paganism; including studying and practice.: six months
If you care to answer this one, how old are you? Be honest or don't answer (none of you are 666 yrs. old!): 35
Did you like -The Craft-?: i thought it was interesting
Have you ever been discriminated against for your beliefs in Paganism or witchcraft?: not to my knowledge some
Are you -out of the broom-closet-?: yes

I live in Texas and need to know if there are any groups in Houston.

shadow wolf - 10/09/98 21:44:36


Rochelle - 10/07/98 12:18:14
My Email:Bunny17_@htmail.com
Are you a member of a Pagan or Earth Based religion?: Umm not as yet
How long have you been into Wicca, witchcraft and/or Paganism; including studying and practice.: gee bout 2 months
If you care to answer this one, how old are you? Be honest or don't answer (none of you are 666 yrs. old!): 18
Did you like -The Craft-?: if you mean the movie yeah it was prutty cool
Have you ever been discriminated against for your beliefs in Paganism or witchcraft?: well yeah, but i expected it
Are you -out of the broom-closet-?: well kinda

This page is prutty good lots of infomation and that is what i need. Thanks =)

Wise Eagle - 10/07/98 05:59:07
My Email:WiseEagle7@aol.com
Are you a member of a Pagan or Earth Based religion?: Wiccan
How long have you been into Wicca, witchcraft and/or Paganism; including studying and practice.: many years
If you care to answer this one, how old are you? Be honest or don't answer (none of you are 666 yrs. old!): rather not say,but have a very old soul.
Did you like -The Craft-?: yes and no, it showed the Law of Three perfectly
Have you ever been discriminated against for your beliefs in Paganism or witchcraft?: yes,unfortunately
Are you -out of the broom-closet-?: always

Your site was informative,i will return for future visits, BLESSED BE

NICOLE - 10/04/98 01:21:27
Are you a member of a Pagan or Earth Based religion?: JUST LEARNING
If you care to answer this one, how old are you? Be honest or don't answer (none of you are 666 yrs. old!): 26
Did you like -The Craft-?: THE MOVIE?


damiana - 10/01/98 20:10:41
My URL:http://members.carol.net/damiana
My Email:damiana@carol.net
Are you a member of a Pagan or Earth Based religion?: If baptist is earth based then yes
How long have you been into Wicca, witchcraft and/or Paganism; including studying and practice.: Been reading about it several years hadn't really got into practicing
If you care to answer this one, how old are you? Be honest or don't answer (none of you are 666 yrs. old!): 36
Did you like -The Craft-?: Yes but don't really think people's flesh body can fly out of body yes.
Have you ever been discriminated against for your beliefs in Paganism or witchcraft?: Not really discriminated against just aggravated about not putting a spell on someone or their machines
Are you -out of the broom-closet-?: never was in the closet just gonna be me crazy and full of mischief

I really liked your site. There's alot of info on it. Got alot of questions answered. And just a word of advise for anyone who does the bad stuff to people it does come back to get you three times as bad or worse. Keep up the good work. Peace and Love.

Jasmine Smyth - 09/30/98 15:05:29
My Email:N/A
Are you a member of a Pagan or Earth Based religion?: no
How long have you been into Wicca, witchcraft and/or Paganism; including studying and practice.: A few months
If you care to answer this one, how old are you? Be honest or don't answer (none of you are 666 yrs. old!): 22
Did you like -The Craft-?: I thought it was worth watching
Have you ever been discriminated against for your beliefs in Paganism or witchcraft?: no
Are you -out of the broom-closet-?: sort of

I really enjoyed this website and I will visit it daily=)

moonglow - 09/28/98 19:12:21
My Email:moonglow1@hotmail.com
Are you a member of a Pagan or Earth Based religion?: yes
How long have you been into Wicca, witchcraft and/or Paganism; including studying and practice.: 3+ years
If you care to answer this one, how old are you? Be honest or don't answer (none of you are 666 yrs. old!): 39 in this life..but a very old soul
Did you like -The Craft-?: it was ok.
Have you ever been discriminated against for your beliefs in Paganism or witchcraft?: not really..most people who know me just accept it
Are you -out of the broom-closet-?: if asked..i tell!

wonderful site!! will be visiting often...

Dawn - 09/25/98 22:09:42
My Email:IROCZ2832@aol.com
Are you a member of a Pagan or Earth Based religion?: yes
How long have you been into Wicca, witchcraft and/or Paganism; including studying and practice.: on and off for 2 years
If you care to answer this one, how old are you? Be honest or don't answer (none of you are 666 yrs. old!): 27
Did you like -The Craft-?: not really
Have you ever been discriminated against for your beliefs in Paganism or witchcraft?: yes
Are you -out of the broom-closet-?: no

would like to get in touch with others like myself

Aelia - 09/25/98 03:41:27
My Email:MommyNell@hotmail.com
Are you a member of a Pagan or Earth Based religion?: Yes
How long have you been into Wicca, witchcraft and/or Paganism; including studying and practice.: 10 months
If you care to answer this one, how old are you? Be honest or don't answer (none of you are 666 yrs. old!): 16
Did you like -The Craft-?: I did, yet i didnt. it had alot of truth in it, but alot of false.. the Witch that ran the shop was wonderful! themovie was a wonderful "teacher" on the three-fold law.
Have you ever been discriminated against for your beliefs in Paganism or witchcraft?: Unfortunately, very much so
Are you -out of the broom-closet-?: Yes

This is a wonderful site! Thanks for creating it.. am wondering is there anything on teenagers within the Craft? I havent found any specifics yet. it would be wonderful to see some! other than that.. it is a beautiful site! Goddess bless

Katarine - 09/25/98 00:26:22
My Email:tulodzieski.2@wright.edu
Are you a member of a Pagan or Earth Based religion?: no
How long have you been into Wicca, witchcraft and/or Paganism; including studying and practice.: 2 months
If you care to answer this one, how old are you? Be honest or don't answer (none of you are 666 yrs. old!): 19
Did you like -The Craft-?: yes
Have you ever been discriminated against for your beliefs in Paganism or witchcraft?: yes
Are you -out of the broom-closet-?: no

I am new at this, but I really am interested and believe in witchcraft. I just need more help and more experience.

Katarine - 09/25/98 00:22:52
My Email:tulodzieski.2@wright.edu
Are you a member of a Pagan or Earth Based religion?: no
How long have you been into Wicca, witchcraft and/or Paganism; including studying and practice.: 2 months
If you care to answer this one, how old are you? Be honest or don't answer (none of you are 666 yrs. old!): 19
Did you like -The Craft-?: yes
Have you ever been discriminated against for your beliefs in Paganism or witchcraft?: yes
Are you -out of the broom-closet-?: yes

I am new at this, but I really am interested and believe in witchcraft. I just need more help and more experience.

Tony Gardner AKA Anton Dagon AKA bongzilla - 09/21/98 12:12:14
My Email:Candlelady@mailexite.com
Are you a member of a Pagan or Earth Based religion?: wicca
How long have you been into Wicca, witchcraft and/or Paganism; including studying and practice.: 4years
If you care to answer this one, how old are you? Be honest or don't answer (none of you are 666 yrs. old!): 19
Did you like -The Craft-?: two words HELL YEA!!!
Have you ever been discriminated against for your beliefs in Paganism or witchcraft?: unfortunately so :(
Are you -out of the broom-closet-?: Very much so

I live in richmond va. Anyone in the area looking for info please contact me via e-mail.

Cheryl - 09/21/98 11:11:37
My Email:wenilyn@hotmail.com
Are you a member of a Pagan or Earth Based religion?: not yet
How long have you been into Wicca, witchcraft and/or Paganism; including studying and practice.: one month
If you care to answer this one, how old are you? Be honest or don't answer (none of you are 666 yrs. old!): 41
Did you like -The Craft-?: interesting
Have you ever been discriminated against for your beliefs in Paganism or witchcraft?: not yet
Are you -out of the broom-closet-?: yes

have not yet started going through your page but am grateful that such pages exist. I live in a place that's just coming out of the Dark Ages and it is difficult to find reading matter relating to Wicca.

Isis - 09/19/98 16:33:37
Are you a member of a Pagan or Earth Based religion?: I am a solitary wiccan
How long have you been into Wicca, witchcraft and/or Paganism; including studying and practice.: 10 years +
If you care to answer this one, how old are you? Be honest or don't answer (none of you are 666 yrs. old!): 39
Did you like -The Craft-?: it was entertainment, could have been worse, fun taken with a grain of salt.
Have you ever been discriminated against for your beliefs in Paganism or witchcraft?: once in a while
Are you -out of the broom-closet-?: yes

really liked your site, thought it was informative and beautiful. I will be back, keep up the good work. Merry part.

David le Blanc - 09/18/98 23:25:55
My URL:http://geocities.com/Area51/Shadowlands/4306
My Email:davidleblanc@mailcity.com
Are you a member of a Pagan or Earth Based religion?: Pagan
How long have you been into Wicca, witchcraft and/or Paganism; including studying and practice.: about a year
If you care to answer this one, how old are you? Be honest or don't answer (none of you are 666 yrs. old!): 17
Did you like -The Craft-?: very much but it strays
Have you ever been discriminated against for your beliefs in Paganism or witchcraft?: yes
Are you -out of the broom-closet-?: no

I wold like to become a witch but I really don't know where to begain. Also I have limited funds to buy books about it so if possible a short summory would be apreciated. One more thing I have been trying to cast spells and every time I pray to the Godd ss for rain, or try to cast a rain spell, a hurricane forms on the east coast. I would like to know if it is caused by me conicadence or someone else? Thank you for your time. David le Blanc

JaymesB - 09/18/98 02:48:01
My URL:http://members.aol.com/JaymesB/pubpage.htm
My Email:JaymesB@aol.com
Are you a member of a Pagan or Earth Based religion?: Witch
How long have you been into Wicca, witchcraft and/or Paganism; including studying and practice.: 27 years
If you care to answer this one, how old are you? Be honest or don't answer (none of you are 666 yrs. old!): 27 years young =)
Did you like -The Craft-?: Yes....quite funny
Have you ever been discriminated against for your beliefs in Paganism or witchcraft?: Yes, unfortunately
Are you -out of the broom-closet-?: Yes

Greetings and Bright Blessings! Just a note to let you know what a wonderful site you have. It is my hope that my own site will approach this calibur someday! Untill then, I am very glad that your site and others are here! May the Lady and Lord keep you in Their hearts always! B*B Jaymes

Danu weiss - 09/16/98 15:15:50
My Email:childsjn@po.muohio.edu
Are you a member of a Pagan or Earth Based religion?: Yes'm
How long have you been into Wicca, witchcraft and/or Paganism; including studying and practice.: I've studied for two years, practicing four months
If you care to answer this one, how old are you? Be honest or don't answer (none of you are 666 yrs. old!): 17
Did you like -The Craft-?: Um, yes and no
Have you ever been discriminated against for your beliefs in Paganism or witchcraft?: Yeppers that is a roger
Are you -out of the broom-closet-?: At times. My family knows and some of my friends know. It's getting around town as well

Wonderful sight and one that allows for acceptence *could not say she would have been as happy to keep the lovely may messages up*. Keep up the good work and may many voices rise to sing the beauty of love. Danu

Divination Information and Links - 09/16/98 01:36:46
My URL:http://www.rosemarywest.com/rlinks.shtml

I found your site by following the Ring of the Moon. There are so many interesting things! I hope you'll visit my site, too!

tamera davis - 09/11/98 03:49:39
My Email:creiddylad@aol.com
Are you a member of a Pagan or Earth Based religion?: yes
How long have you been into Wicca, witchcraft and/or Paganism; including studying and practice.: 1 year as of yule
If you care to answer this one, how old are you? Be honest or don't answer (none of you are 666 yrs. old!): 35
Did you like -The Craft-?: yes
Have you ever been discriminated against for your beliefs in Paganism or witchcraft?: not yet
Are you -out of the broom-closet-?: yes at home, no in public

I was surprised to find so many other pagens out there

Sarah - 09/07/98 02:17:20
Are you a member of a Pagan or Earth Based religion?: no
How long have you been into Wicca, witchcraft and/or Paganism; including studying and practice.: am just getting started
If you care to answer this one, how old are you? Be honest or don't answer (none of you are 666 yrs. old!): 20
Did you like -The Craft-?: yes
Have you ever been discriminated against for your beliefs in Paganism or witchcraft?: no
Are you -out of the broom-closet-?: yes

I just wanted to say that while I was reading through some things on the main page, I found it very sad for that so called "christian" to be so close-minded. I know that we soon to be witches and witches alike are always being critized about our beliefs. just wanted to let you know that I think you have a really great and informative site, I enjoyed looking around and knowing that I too, will be in this wonderful religion. Thanx.

Gin Hudson - 09/05/98 01:30:09
My URL:http://www.flash.net/~ldytarot/
My Email:lady_of_tarot@yahoo.com
Are you a member of a Pagan or Earth Based religion?: Eclectic Pagan
How long have you been into Wicca, witchcraft and/or Paganism; including studying and practice.: 10-12 years
If you care to answer this one, how old are you? Be honest or don't answer (none of you are 666 yrs. old!): 29
Did you like -The Craft-?: It gave me a few giggles, but overall not really. It was a better depiction of the beliefs than "Hocus Pocus".
Have you ever been discriminated against for your beliefs in Paganism or witchcraft?: Yes
Are you -out of the broom-closet-?: Yes

Nice site, very extensive. I need to put up a link to it. Lots of good information I think I will come back many times. Thank you for putting all this together. Blessed Be!

jeremy - 09/03/98 02:10:05
My Email:poetick1@aol.com
Are you a member of a Pagan or Earth Based religion?: pagan
How long have you been into Wicca, witchcraft and/or Paganism; including studying and practice.: 1 year
If you care to answer this one, how old are you? Be honest or don't answer (none of you are 666 yrs. old!): 18
Did you like -The Craft-?: yes, love it
Have you ever been discriminated against for your beliefs in Paganism or witchcraft?: yes
Are you -out of the broom-closet-?: friends yes, family no way

This site is very helpful. I like it a lot, and wish I could have just a little more info please.

jeremy wells - 09/03/98 02:01:17
Are you a member of a Pagan or Earth Based religion?: yes
How long have you been into Wicca, witchcraft and/or Paganism; including studying and practice.: 1 year


NOVA - 09/01/98 02:29:51
Are you a member of a Pagan or Earth Based religion?: Mi'kmaq - Canadian Indian
How long have you been into Wicca, witchcraft and/or Paganism; including studying and practice.: 3-4 years on and off
If you care to answer this one, how old are you? Be honest or don't answer (none of you are 666 yrs. old!): 22
Did you like -The Craft-?: Yes
Have you ever been discriminated against for your beliefs in Paganism or witchcraft?: No
Are you -out of the broom-closet-?: no - I haven't really shared my beliefs with any one in my family. But with my friends yes/no I am still exploring my path and trying to find the right way to explore my beliefs.

I find this site very interesting and introspective however the guestbook contains alot of well wishers and caring souls who either want to explore wiccan/pagan ways however I think most of them do it for the wrong reasons. As for those who fill this si e with so much hatred and anger I only have sympathy for them because they just can't seem to see the world in all it's multidiverse dimensions and ways. For them I extend my forgiveness for thier blindness and wish them well in their paths and that they find peace in their own religion. As for everyone else bless you for being open minded and I wish everyone a long and liberated life :)

Spen - 08/25/98 23:42:58
My Email:cyndra@mailexcite.com
Are you a member of a Pagan or Earth Based religion?: yes, Wicca
How long have you been into Wicca, witchcraft and/or Paganism; including studying and practice.: 4 years
If you care to answer this one, how old are you? Be honest or don't answer (none of you are 666 yrs. old!): 25
Did you like -The Craft-?: yes
Have you ever been discriminated against for your beliefs in Paganism or witchcraft?: no
Are you -out of the broom-closet-?: sort of, to my husband & a couple of really close friends.

I really like this page, it's a good source of info. I only wish I lived in a large city so I could meet more Wiccans personally. If any are in the Grand Rapids, Mi area & are interested in exchanging e-mail, ideas etc. just send me a note.

Banshee - 08/25/98 03:56:51
My Email:sexybanshee@hotmail.com
Are you a member of a Pagan or Earth Based religion?: I want to be... i'm recieving the calling. 8)
If you care to answer this one, how old are you? Be honest or don't answer (none of you are 666 yrs. old!): 24yrs
Did you like -The Craft-?: yes
Have you ever been discriminated against for your beliefs in Paganism or witchcraft?: yes
Are you -out of the broom-closet-?: yes

I'm looking for a coven/ circle to join. I can't seem to locate any in new Zealand. As That is where I live .. I would love to learn more then start one own circle here 8)

- 08/20/98 03:22:17
My Email:conwlf@AOL.COM
Are you a member of a Pagan or Earth Based religion?: no
How long have you been into Wicca, witchcraft and/or Paganism; including studying and practice.: new calling
If you care to answer this one, how old are you? Be honest or don't answer (none of you are 666 yrs. old!): 47
Did you like -The Craft-?: silly
Have you ever been discriminated against for your beliefs in Paganism or witchcraft?: n/a
Are you -out of the broom-closet-?: n/a

always interested, suddenly feel a really strong calling, hence the visit to your sight. still trying to sort out the real deal from the hype. oh by the way I'm from the same town by the shore.

IshAng1065 - 08/19/98 14:11:24
My URL:http://ww.Aol.com
My Email:IshAng1065
Are you a member of a Pagan or Earth Based religion?: Pagan
How long have you been into Wicca, witchcraft and/or Paganism; including studying and practice.: 4yrs
If you care to answer this one, how old are you? Be honest or don't answer (none of you are 666 yrs. old!): 18

I would like to join a cove

Playfull - 08/13/98 19:34:10
My Email:Playful719@Aol.com
Are you a member of a Pagan or Earth Based religion?: learning/studying the Wiccan ways
How long have you been into Wicca, witchcraft and/or Paganism; including studying and practice.: about 3 months
If you care to answer this one, how old are you? Be honest or don't answer (none of you are 666 yrs. old!): 16
Did you like -The Craft-?: haven't practiced it yet
Have you ever been discriminated against for your beliefs in Paganism or witchcraft?: I tryed to tell my mom I ways interested i it and she just looked at me wierd
Are you -out of the broom-closet-?: no

I reallly liked your web site it was pretty cool:)

Kelly - 08/12/98 19:25:22
Are you a member of a Pagan or Earth Based religion?: want to be
How long have you been into Wicca, witchcraft and/or Paganism; including studying and practice.: seven months
If you care to answer this one, how old are you? Be honest or don't answer (none of you are 666 yrs. old!): 18
Did you like -The Craft-?: yes
Have you ever been discriminated against for your beliefs in Paganism or witchcraft?: yes
Are you -out of the broom-closet-?: no

More info on Ohio groups and covens. Please!

Kelly - 08/12/98 19:15:23
Are you a member of a Pagan or Earth Based religion?: would like to be
How long have you been into Wicca, witchcraft and/or Paganism; including studying and practice.: only seven months
If you care to answer this one, how old are you? Be honest or don't answer (none of you are 666 yrs. old!): 18
Did you like -The Craft-?: yes
Have you ever been discriminated against for your beliefs in Paganism or witchcraft?: yes
Are you -out of the broom-closet-?: no, not with MY family

Excellent page...quite helpful and informative

Diana - 08/10/98 23:11:33
My URL:http://krypton.mankato.msus.edu/~trillian/index.html
My Email:trillian@mail.mankato.msus.edu
Are you a member of a Pagan or Earth Based religion?: yes
How long have you been into Wicca, witchcraft and/or Paganism; including studying and practice.: 4 years
If you care to answer this one, how old are you? Be honest or don't answer (none of you are 666 yrs. old!): 22
Did you like -The Craft-?: no
Have you ever been discriminated against for your beliefs in Paganism or witchcraft?: yes
Are you -out of the broom-closet-?: yes

I enjoyed the page -- lots of good info! :)

Shannon Harper - 08/06/98 19:16:59
My Email:harpers@mail.globalco.net
Are you a member of a Pagan or Earth Based religion?: No...would like to be.
How long have you been into Wicca, witchcraft and/or Paganism; including studying and practice.: I have always been intrigued by witchcraft.
If you care to answer this one, how old are you? Be honest or don't answer (none of you are 666 yrs. old!): 25
Did you like -The Craft-?: I found it to be mildly entertaining
Have you ever been discriminated against for your beliefs in Paganism or witchcraft?: no
Are you -out of the broom-closet-?: yes


antigoni - 08/04/98 18:00:41
My URL:http://www.personal.isat.com/g4ufrank
My Email:g4ufrank@isat.com
Are you a member of a Pagan or Earth Based religion?: no
How long have you been into Wicca, witchcraft and/or Paganism; including studying and practice.: all my life
If you care to answer this one, how old are you? Be honest or don't answer (none of you are 666 yrs. old!): 36
Did you like -The Craft-?: the show was to negative
Have you ever been discriminated against for your beliefs in Paganism or witchcraft?: yes
Are you -out of the broom-closet-?: no

I put your site in fav.. good job.. found you through Bluestars page nn mp & mma peace be

Sara - 08/04/98 03:25:50
Are you a member of a Pagan or Earth Based religion?: yes
How long have you been into Wicca, witchcraft and/or Paganism; including studying and practice.: 2 years
If you care to answer this one, how old are you? Be honest or don't answer (none of you are 666 yrs. old!): 21
Did you like -The Craft-?: whatever
Have you ever been discriminated against for your beliefs in Paganism or witchcraft?: yes
Are you -out of the broom-closet-?: somewhat( family, boyfriend knows)

I feel since taking up this religon that I'm closer to THE ONE I feel I really relate and am closer to understanding why I'm here. Although my time is almost up. I'm an old soul

Mande - 07/30/98 20:24:32
My Email:daria_rulz@yahoo.com
Are you a member of a Pagan or Earth Based religion?: trying to be
How long have you been into Wicca, witchcraft and/or Paganism; including studying and practice.: about 6 months, as of 7/30/98
If you care to answer this one, how old are you? Be honest or don't answer (none of you are 666 yrs. old!): 15
Did you like -The Craft-?: oh yes, i loved it! even if most teens didn't fully understand it, the movie attempted to teach a valuable lesson about the Threefold Law.
Have you ever been discriminated against for your beliefs in Paganism or witchcraft?: yes, by people at school mostly.
Are you -out of the broom-closet-?: somewhat; if someone asked me, i'd tell the truth, but there's certain people i'd rather not tell on my own (without being asked by them)

wonderful site. i would like tons more info on spellcrafting, especially love, money, and beauty spells

John - 07/30/98 19:03:11
Are you a member of a Pagan or Earth Based religion?: no
How long have you been into Wicca, witchcraft and/or Paganism; including studying and practice.: 3 years
If you care to answer this one, how old are you? Be honest or don't answer (none of you are 666 yrs. old!): 32

I like your website. It has excellent info for thoses who don't know anything about the Pagan/Wiccan practice. In general, I am born and raised Christian. However all beliefs must be respected. There are many more powers at work on this plane than one od. Good work. Merry Part.

barbara - 07/30/98 01:21:15
My URL:http://bdyslve@aol.com
Are you a member of a Pagan or Earth Based religion?: yes wiccan
How long have you been into Wicca, witchcraft and/or Paganism; including studying and practice.: 16 years
If you care to answer this one, how old are you? Be honest or don't answer (none of you are 666 yrs. old!): 28
Did you like -The Craft-?: no unrealistic
Have you ever been discriminated against for your beliefs in Paganism or witchcraft?: yes
Are you -out of the broom-closet-?: yes

it is a great site nice to see other pagans out and about in the community keep up the good work

Sarah - 07/29/98 21:30:14
My Email:BuffySumr2@AOL.com
Are you a member of a Pagan or Earth Based religion?: no but i want to be
How long have you been into Wicca, witchcraft and/or Paganism; including studying and practice.: 2 years
If you care to answer this one, how old are you? Be honest or don't answer (none of you are 666 yrs. old!): 14
Did you like -The Craft-?: very much so
Have you ever been discriminated against for your beliefs in Paganism or witchcraft?: nope
Are you -out of the broom-closet-?: nope

cool page, can u send me some cool love spells or something like that please? thanx ~Sarah

John - 07/28/98 14:23:01
My URL:http://members.tripod.com/~jwiginton/index.html
My Email:jwiginton@watervalley.net
Are you a member of a Pagan or Earth Based religion?: Yes
How long have you been into Wicca, witchcraft and/or Paganism; including studying and practice.: About 17 years
If you care to answer this one, how old are you? Be honest or don't answer (none of you are 666 yrs. old!): 32
Did you like -The Craft-?: didn't see it
Have you ever been discriminated against for your beliefs in Paganism or witchcraft?: yes
Are you -out of the broom-closet-?: yes

Don't want to make your guest book a personal ad, but I would really like to meet a female around 22-38 in northern Mississippi to help me start a coven. I am a practicing solitaire and have been for too long. I can see that Wicca is emerging and want to elp it along, but I've heard of nothing in this area. If anyone is interested, please send me an e-mail. Thanx! Blessed Be!

Bodhi the gray - 07/23/98 14:57:41
My URL:/SoHo/Coffeehouse/2847
My Email:eadaoin@bigfoot.com
Are you a member of a Pagan or Earth Based religion?: yes
How long have you been into Wicca, witchcraft and/or Paganism; including studying and practice.: all my life
If you care to answer this one, how old are you? Be honest or don't answer (none of you are 666 yrs. old!): 20
Did you like -The Craft-?: *laugh*...i have mixed emotions
Have you ever been discriminated against for your beliefs in Paganism or witchcraft?: no one would dare...:0)
Are you -out of the broom-closet-?: certainly


i have throughouly enjoyed your site...'tis very informative and beautiful...keep up the wonderful work!!....

Wednesday Jones - 07/23/98 02:54:00
My Email:heike2@worldnet.att.net
Are you a member of a Pagan or Earth Based religion?: yes
How long have you been into Wicca, witchcraft and/or Paganism; including studying and practice.: 16 years
If you care to answer this one, how old are you? Be honest or don't answer (none of you are 666 yrs. old!): 29
Did you like -The Craft-?: never saw it.
Have you ever been discriminated against for your beliefs in Paganism or witchcraft?: not really
Are you -out of the broom-closet-?: If asked, I tell the truth

Bright Blessings. Lovely site.

Jenny Permaul - 07/21/98 16:07:23
My Email:Lathchmi@aol.com
Are you a member of a Pagan or Earth Based religion?: no
How long have you been into Wicca, witchcraft and/or Paganism; including studying and practice.: new interest
Did you like -The Craft-?: yes
Have you ever been discriminated against for your beliefs in Paganism or witchcraft?: no
Are you -out of the broom-closet-?: no

I'm looking to laern more about the craft. I need someone to guide me. This is a great sight for the beginer. I found it very helpful. The graphics are wonderful.

Nightsong - 07/16/98 18:38:03
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Athens/Aegean/2438/index.html
My Email:toozabell@hotmail.com
Are you a member of a Pagan or Earth Based religion?: Yes
How long have you been into Wicca, witchcraft and/or Paganism; including studying and practice.: 10 years
If you care to answer this one, how old are you? Be honest or don't answer (none of you are 666 yrs. old!): 43
Did you like -The Craft-?: Haven't seen it
Have you ever been discriminated against for your beliefs in Paganism or witchcraft?: No, but my beliefs have made some of my husband's friends nervous
Are you -out of the broom-closet-?: In some ways

Great site! Thanks for linking to the essay about preaching the gospel to Pagans. I may send it to some of my husband's friends. He's a heretical Christian, and some of his friends are very fundamentalist in their beliefs. I'm a UU pagan, so most of my fr ends are pretty liberal and open-minded about an individual's right to his/her own path. Keep up the good work! Bright blessings!

Llia - 07/16/98 03:11:21
My Email:ghatch@wave.home.com
Are you a member of a Pagan or Earth Based religion?: YES!!
How long have you been into Wicca, witchcraft and/or Paganism; including studying and practice.: 3 yrs
If you care to answer this one, how old are you? Be honest or don't answer (none of you are 666 yrs. old!): 16
Did you like -The Craft-?: yup!It was funny
Have you ever been discriminated against for your beliefs in Paganism or witchcraft?: kind of
Are you -out of the broom-closet-?: I wish!

thank you

Julie Robinson - 07/15/98 18:08:26
My Email:jeha3@hotmail.com
Are you a member of a Pagan or Earth Based religion?: yes
How long have you been into Wicca, witchcraft and/or Paganism; including studying and practice.: 1 year
If you care to answer this one, how old are you? Be honest or don't answer (none of you are 666 yrs. old!): 13
Did you like -The Craft-?: yes
Have you ever been discriminated against for your beliefs in Paganism or witchcraft?: yes
Are you -out of the broom-closet-?: I've only told some of my friends

I loved your page. It's really hard finding spells on the internet. If any other witches want to email me (especially around my age), feel free. I'll be back!

Melody - 07/13/98 03:57:17
My URL:Working on it!
My Email:AriaMoonChild@Yahoo.com
Are you a member of a Pagan or Earth Based religion?: yes
How long have you been into Wicca, witchcraft and/or Paganism; including studying and practice.: 20 years
If you care to answer this one, how old are you? Be honest or don't answer (none of you are 666 yrs. old!): 31+
Did you like -The Craft-?: Absolutely!
Have you ever been discriminated against for your beliefs in Paganism or witchcraft?: By my family, in a way, but they are coming to understand my beliefs, or more like my right to believe the way I do.
Are you -out of the broom-closet-?: Yes.

I want to come back and check out your site better, when I have time.

dancing black wolf - 07/10/98 16:37:07
My URL:http://www.angelfire.com/wi/heartfulldreams/seashell.html
My Email:wilkinm@hotmail.com
Are you a member of a Pagan or Earth Based religion?: single worshiper
How long have you been into Wicca, witchcraft and/or Paganism; including studying and practice.: 2yrs
If you care to answer this one, how old are you? Be honest or don't answer (none of you are 666 yrs. old!): middle way of 4 moons
Did you like -The Craft-?: yes-have acopy
Are you -out of the broom-closet-?: yes

would like some information on area of raliegh wiccans?

dancing black wolf - 07/10/98 16:35:52
My URL:http://angelfire.com/wi/heartfulldreams/seashell.html
My Email:wilkinm@hotmail.com
Are you a member of a Pagan or Earth Based religion?: single worshiper
How long have you been into Wicca, witchcraft and/or Paganism; including studying and practice.: 2yrs
If you care to answer this one, how old are you? Be honest or don't answer (none of you are 666 yrs. old!): middle way of 4 moons
Did you like -The Craft-?: yes-have acopy
Are you -out of the broom-closet-?: yes

would like some information on area of raliegh wiccans?

dancing black wolf - 07/10/98 16:34:24
My URL:http://angelfire.com/wi/heartfulldreams/seashell.html
My Email:in webpage
Are you a member of a Pagan or Earth Based religion?: single worshiper
How long have you been into Wicca, witchcraft and/or Paganism; including studying and practice.: 2yrs
Did you like -The Craft-?: yes-have acopy
Are you -out of the broom-closet-?: yes

would like some information on area of raliegh wiccans?

dancing black wolf - 07/10/98 16:33:40
My URL:http://angelfire.com/wi/heartfulldreams/seashell.html
My Email:in webpage
Are you a member of a Pagan or Earth Based religion?: single worshiper
How long have you been into Wicca, witchcraft and/or Paganism; including studying and practice.: 2yrs
Did you like -The Craft-?: yes-have acopy
Are you -out of the broom-closet-?: yes

would like some information on area of raliegh wiccans?

dancing black wolf - 07/10/98 16:31:57
My URL:http://angelfire.com/wi/seashell.html
My Email:in webpage
Are you a member of a Pagan or Earth Based religion?: single worshiper
How long have you been into Wicca, witchcraft and/or Paganism; including studying and practice.: 2yrs
Did you like -The Craft-?: yes-have acopy
Are you -out of the broom-closet-?: yes

would like some information on area of raliegh wiccans?

Chrissy - 07/10/98 06:03:15
My URL:/Hollywood/Bungalow/2159/index.html
My Email:CCinMich@aol.com
Are you a member of a Pagan or Earth Based religion?: Yes
How long have you been into Wicca, witchcraft and/or Paganism; including studying and practice.: 8 years
If you care to answer this one, how old are you? Be honest or don't answer (none of you are 666 yrs. old!): 30
Did you like -The Craft-?: I found it entertaining, but unrealistic. I had fun watching it, but I didn't take it as a serious statement on my faith.
Have you ever been discriminated against for your beliefs in Paganism or witchcraft?: Yes, many times
Are you -out of the broom-closet-?: Partially. I have those in my life who know my truth, and those that I will never reveal it to.

You have a wonderful website!! I really enjoyed my visit:) Stop by my site & check it out when you have a chance.

Chrissy - 07/10/98 05:39:29
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Hollywood/Bungalow/2159/index.html
My Email:CCinMich@aol.com
Are you a member of a Pagan or Earth Based religion?: Yes
How long have you been into Wicca, witchcraft and/or Paganism; including studying and practice.: 8 years
If you care to answer this one, how old are you? Be honest or don't answer (none of you are 666 yrs. old!): 30
Did you like -The Craft-?: I found it entertaining, but unrealistic. I had fun watching it, but I didn't take it as a serious statement on my faith.
Have you ever been discriminated against for your beliefs in Paganism or witchcraft?: Yes, many times
Are you -out of the broom-closet-?: Partially. I have those in my life who know my truth, and those that I will never reveal it to.

You have a wonderful website!! I really enjoyed my visit:) Stop by my site & check it out when you have a chance.

Kara Townsend - 07/03/98 11:41:24
My URL:http://www.dynamicSex.com
My Email:dwebmistress@yahoo.com

Hi! I was surfing through GeoCities and saw your page. Pretty Cool! My name is Kara. I am 24 years old and live in San Diego, CA. I have been teaching myself HTML for the last several months. Please visit my site, Kara s dynamicSex and tell me what you think of it. I will be adding pictures of myself within the next couple days. I would love to exchange links with you!

Richard Christensen - 07/02/98 20:49:49
My Email:wicca_123@hotmail.com
Are you a member of a Pagan or Earth Based religion?: No
How long have you been into Wicca, witchcraft and/or Paganism; including studying and practice.: A couple of months!
If you care to answer this one, how old are you? Be honest or don't answer (none of you are 666 yrs. old!): 13 soon 14
Did you like -The Craft-?: I´d love it! It was the best movie I´d ever seen!
Have you ever been discriminated against for your beliefs in Paganism or witchcraft?: Yes, in school!

Couldn´t you please, send me some spells and tips! I wood love that! I love your page!

Richard Christensen - 07/02/98 20:37:46
Have you ever been discriminated against for your beliefs in Paganism or witchcraft?: Yes in school!

I´d like to learn more about Wicca!

Nicole - 07/02/98 00:02:09
My Email:fara9@hotmail.com
Are you a member of a Pagan or Earth Based religion?: No
How long have you been into Wicca, witchcraft and/or Paganism; including studying and practice.: 15 years
If you care to answer this one, how old are you? Be honest or don't answer (none of you are 666 yrs. old!): 37
Did you like -The Craft-?: Yes
Have you ever been discriminated against for your beliefs in Paganism or witchcraft?: Yes

)Please e-mail me any new and interesting spells and chants. Thankyou

mynah - 06/30/98 13:35:32
My Email:mynah7@webtv.net
Are you a member of a Pagan or Earth Based religion?: yes
How long have you been into Wicca, witchcraft and/or Paganism; including studying and practice.: 12 yrs
If you care to answer this one, how old are you? Be honest or don't answer (none of you are 666 yrs. old!): 25
Did you like -The Craft-?: no
Have you ever been discriminated against for your beliefs in Paganism or witchcraft?: yes
Are you -out of the broom-closet-?: yes

i found your site to be very interesting, and informative. i must say that the ignorance displayed by several of the other signers of your guesbook is not amusing. i face this sort of hatred every day. i refuse to live in secret, but reading remarks such s those are terribly frightening. my latest "battle" has been with my mother-in-law, who insists that i must worship the devil, and therefor am not fit to raise my daughter. i would like to hear from anyone who may have any suggestions regarding this. als , i would like to say to my fellow wiccans, hang in there... i am!

Morgan - 06/29/98 19:44:02
My Email:rd72470@aol.com
Are you a member of a Pagan or Earth Based religion?: yes
How long have you been into Wicca, witchcraft and/or Paganism; including studying and practice.: 6 years
If you care to answer this one, how old are you? Be honest or don't answer (none of you are 666 yrs. old!): 28
Did you like -The Craft-?: Haven't bothered to watch it
Have you ever been discriminated against for your beliefs in Paganism or witchcraft?: not that I've noticed
Are you -out of the broom-closet-?: The door is open but I like it in here!

Nice site. Keep up the good work.

Sequana - 06/29/98 15:03:11
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Area51/Shadowlands/3642/
My Email:sequana_chan@hotmail.com
Are you a member of a Pagan or Earth Based religion?: yep
How long have you been into Wicca, witchcraft and/or Paganism; including studying and practice.: interested for my whole life, practiced for about 4 years
If you care to answer this one, how old are you? Be honest or don't answer (none of you are 666 yrs. old!): 15
Did you like -The Craft-?: some of it was ok
Have you ever been discriminated against for your beliefs in Paganism or witchcraft?: yep
Are you -out of the broom-closet-?: if someone asks, i dont lie

merry meet! A very nice page! A love all the info you have here. I'll have to come back later, it's a wonderful page. Blessed be

Patrica Sager - 06/28/98 17:08:13
My Email:RavenPls@webtv.net
Are you a member of a Pagan or Earth Based religion?: yes
How long have you been into Wicca, witchcraft and/or Paganism; including studying and practice.: over 15 years
If you care to answer this one, how old are you? Be honest or don't answer (none of you are 666 yrs. old!): 29
Did you like -The Craft-?: yes
Have you ever been discriminated against for your beliefs in Paganism or witchcraft?: yes
Are you -out of the broom-closet-?: yes

Bless Be

Nicole - 06/28/98 14:00:50
My Email:wicca@ace.net.au
Are you a member of a Pagan or Earth Based religion?: not yet
How long have you been into Wicca, witchcraft and/or Paganism; including studying and practice.: 10 yrs
If you care to answer this one, how old are you? Be honest or don't answer (none of you are 666 yrs. old!): 22
Did you like -The Craft-?: yes
Are you -out of the broom-closet-?: got a foot out!

Really good site, more on solitary though. Not sure if was just me and my computer but the page with terms for a beginner did'nt work?? Being just a beginner in solitary wicca, I really liked your refresher on circle casting. Anyone want to email me with any help they can give me please do so, wicca@ace.net.au (just in case it did'nt appear with my name and stuff) Blessed Be!

Vern Mathis - 06/24/98 20:11:33
My Email:pictman@gte.net
How long have you been into Wicca, witchcraft and/or Paganism; including studying and practice.: curious
If you care to answer this one, how old are you? Be honest or don't answer (none of you are 666 yrs. old!): 42
Did you like -The Craft-?: ??
Have you ever been discriminated against for your beliefs in Paganism or witchcraft?: no

I am just checking this out. I am curious about the lifestyle and am looking for information so that I can be properly informed so I will know what to do Thanks vern

Lori - 06/21/98 03:04:12
My Email:CdnWitch2@aol.com
Are you a member of a Pagan or Earth Based religion?: yes
How long have you been into Wicca, witchcraft and/or Paganism; including studying and practice.: for about 15 yrs. now
If you care to answer this one, how old are you? Be honest or don't answer (none of you are 666 yrs. old!): 39
Did you like -The Craft-?: yes, it was ok
Have you ever been discriminated against for your beliefs in Paganism or witchcraft?: no
Are you -out of the broom-closet-?: not entirely


Pandora - 06/18/98 20:02:20
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Area51/Hollow/9681
My Email:bader#1@hamilton.net
Are you a member of a Pagan or Earth Based religion?: not yet
If you care to answer this one, how old are you? Be honest or don't answer (none of you are 666 yrs. old!): 17
Did you like -The Craft-?: yes I thoought it was a great movie

I really like the site. It would be a great help to get me started.

Brandy - 06/17/98 19:22:25
My Email:bramble56@aol.com
How long have you been into Wicca, witchcraft and/or Paganism; including studying and practice.: about 1 month
If you care to answer this one, how old are you? Be honest or don't answer (none of you are 666 yrs. old!): 14
Did you like -The Craft-?: yeah, but mostly for the special effects
Have you ever been discriminated against for your beliefs in Paganism or witchcraft?: once; i had told a christian friend i was really interested in it and she start saying things like the devil was going to take my soul
Are you -out of the broom-closet-?: not yet- the broom is jammed in the doorway

This is a great site! The info on colors was great. All you out there that have to come in here and swear, cut it out or at least go like this (@#$!*). MM MP BB

joseph weed - 06/16/98 19:47:24
My Email:wicked chikenwing@yahoo.com
Are you a member of a Pagan or Earth Based religion?: not yet
How long have you been into Wicca, witchcraft and/or Paganism; including studying and practice.: about 2 weeks
If you care to answer this one, how old are you? Be honest or don't answer (none of you are 666 yrs. old!): im 14
Did you like -The Craft-?: yep
Have you ever been discriminated against for your beliefs in Paganism or witchcraft?: yep
Are you -out of the broom-closet-?: ????????????????????

that last question was crazy!!!!!

Japheth - 06/14/98 21:12:19
My Email:Japheth@citynet.net
Are you a member of a Pagan or Earth Based religion?: Christian with an open mind
How long have you been into Wicca, witchcraft and/or Paganism; including studying and practice.: N/A
If you care to answer this one, how old are you? Be honest or don't answer (none of you are 666 yrs. old!): 20
Did you like -The Craft-?: Hilarious movie, though very uninformative
Have you ever been discriminated against for your beliefs in Paganism or witchcraft?: no
Are you -out of the broom-closet-?: no

You have a wonderful website, and it is good to see the responses (even the bad ones) because it just brings more information out. Some of the Earth-based posters could be a bit more mature, but then, couldn't everyone? For everyone out there, it is nev r bad to learn something new, regardless of the subject matter, it is only the way you use that information that labels you. Behave! friend of all, Japheth.

Shewolf - 06/14/98 16:34:40
My Email:marissa27@hotmail.com
Are you a member of a Pagan or Earth Based religion?: Yes
How long have you been into Wicca, witchcraft and/or Paganism; including studying and practice.: 3-4 years
If you care to answer this one, how old are you? Be honest or don't answer (none of you are 666 yrs. old!): 27
Did you like -The Craft-?: It was amusing...if not factual
Have you ever been discriminated against for your beliefs in Paganism or witchcraft?: No
Are you -out of the broom-closet-?: Yes...if asked

Blessed Be Sister, I just wanted to thank you for your efforts to inform people about our beliefs. Any attepmts to lessen the descrimination against our religious preferences are to be APPLAUDED!!!! Once again, Thank You. Merry Meet, Merry Part and Merry Meet Again.

Iris Topez.. - 06/13/98 05:52:25
My URL:http://members.aol.com/IveyPoison/index.html
My Email:Iveypoison@aol.com
Are you a member of a Pagan or Earth Based religion?: No
How long have you been into Wicca, witchcraft and/or Paganism; including studying and practice.: To tell the truth I don't really have a belief.
If you care to answer this one, how old are you? Be honest or don't answer (none of you are 666 yrs. old!): 16 (10-9-81)
Did you like -The Craft-?: Yes... but I liked the acting and the visual effects. I don't think Witch craft would be that shallow.
Have you ever been discriminated against for your beliefs in Paganism or witchcraft?: I have been discriminated against, but I am not pagan. I read comics and I am a "pretty Girl" so people don't understand me.
Are you -out of the broom-closet-?: Cute... and I was never in it.

Well, I came here thinking "great, another witch page" and I guess maybe I have a little more respect for you now because of the way you carried your message across. I doesn't make me want to go and join a cult or church group, but noth ng ever really hits me that hard. By reading the comments on your Guestbook, I'd say you have a hard time being who you are, but what doesn't kill us only makes us stranger (or stronger as Nick would say). I'm not here to preach or follow.. I am just tell ng you I liek what you've done, and I hope you'll visit my page. I believe in inner magic. Mindpowers and stuff. But thats another story and no one believes me when I try to tell them so I'll just let that one go. I'll see you around.

Michael & Anette - 06/12/98 18:19:27
My URL:http://w1.1471.telia.com/~u147100170/index.html
My Email:anette.andersen@stenloese.mail.telia.com
Are you a member of a Pagan or Earth Based religion?: No
How long have you been into Wicca, witchcraft and/or Paganism; including studying and practice.: ??? Im not..
If you care to answer this one, how old are you? Be honest or don't answer (none of you are 666 yrs. old!): 25, 34
Did you like -The Craft-?: Yes.
Have you ever been discriminated against for your beliefs in Paganism or witchcraft?: ... I don't
Are you -out of the broom-closet-?: heheheh

Just some Greetings from Denmark, Dear Withches..

- 06/10/98 01:23:03


- 06/10/98 01:15:58


Kristen - 06/08/98 17:49:27
My Email:Krisdcm
If you care to answer this one, how old are you? Be honest or don't answer (none of you are 666 yrs. old!): 17


- 06/07/98 07:12:30
My Email:witch@starmail.com
How long have you been into Wicca, witchcraft and/or Paganism; including studying and practice.: study 1 year
If you care to answer this one, how old are you? Be honest or don't answer (none of you are 666 yrs. old!): 24
Did you like -The Craft-?: yes but not for the accuracy -- it was just a somewhat amusing teenage movie
Have you ever been discriminated against for your beliefs in Paganism or witchcraft?: no
Are you -out of the broom-closet-?: somewhat but not to everybody - I consider it more personal than that!

I have visited your site several times in the last year and am always impressed -- especially by how often it's updated! Great job -- and thanks for being willing to do it. Blessings!

Stephen Brown - 06/06/98 13:18:37
My Email:step130102@aol.com
Are you a member of a Pagan or Earth Based religion?: no
How long have you been into Wicca, witchcraft and/or Paganism; including studying and practice.: no
If you care to answer this one, how old are you? Be honest or don't answer (none of you are 666 yrs. old!): 33
Did you like -The Craft-?: it was not bad, typically hollywood film
Have you ever been discriminated against for your beliefs in Paganism or witchcraft?: n/a
Are you -out of the broom-closet-?: well, i am as daft as a brush (english saying)

I class myself as a christian, but I DO have an open mind, I have always been interested in for the lack of a better expression the occult and other paranormal goings on. I would just like to say your web page is very well designed and looks professional. If you have the time would it be possible for you to send me more information relating to WICCA and other subjects, as I am interested to read more about it, also if you want to chat to me, you have my email address. Thankyou

fiametta - 06/06/98 07:48:10
My URL:http://non
My Email:fiametta@webtv,net
Are you a member of a Pagan or Earth Based religion?: yes
How long have you been into Wicca, witchcraft and/or Paganism; including studying and practice.: very young
If you care to answer this one, how old are you? Be honest or don't answer (none of you are 666 yrs. old!): mid 20's
Did you like -The Craft-?: the movie was crap but the actul craft is true to my heart.
Have you ever been discriminated against for your beliefs in Paganism or witchcraft?: yes
Are you -out of the broom-closet-?: no

I have seen some of the previous comments and I am having a hard time beleiving that one paticular person who I won't name is truly Wiccan. I saw a commentary in which a Wiccan believer cursed and swore retaliation on a non-Wiccan believer. I ask you, does Harm None ring a bell? So what if the idiot thinks he/she is hunting witches to burn them if the are stupid enough to try let them come we won't burn ever again!!!!!!!

fiametta - 06/06/98 07:44:23
My URL:http://non
My Email:fiametta@webtv,net
Are you a member of a Pagan or Earth Based religion?: yes
How long have you been into Wicca, witchcraft and/or Paganism; including studying and practice.: very young
If you care to answer this one, how old are you? Be honest or don't answer (none of you are 666 yrs. old!): mid 20's
Did you like -The Craft-?: the movie was crap but the actul craft is true to my heart.
Have you ever been discriminated against for your beliefs in Paganism or witchcraft?: yes
Are you -out of the broom-closet-?: no

I have seen some of the previous comments and I am having a hard time beleiving that one paticular person who I won't name is truly Wiccan. I saw a commentary in which a Wiccan believer cursed and swore retaliation on a non-Wiccan believer. I ask you, does Harm None ring a bell? So what if the idiot thinks he/she is hunting witches to burn them if the are stupid enough to try let them come we won't burn ever again!!!!!!!

fiametta - 06/06/98 07:37:19
My URL:http://non
My Email:fiametta@webtv,net
Are you a member of a Pagan or Earth Based religion?: yes
How long have you been into Wicca, witchcraft and/or Paganism; including studying and practice.: very young
If you care to answer this one, how old are you? Be honest or don't answer (none of you are 666 yrs. old!): mid 20's
Did you like -The Craft-?: NO!!!!!!!!
Have you ever been discriminated against for your beliefs in Paganism or witchcraft?: yes
Are you -out of the broom-closet-?: no

I have seen some of the previous comments and I am having a hard time beleiving that one paticular person who I won't name is truly Wiccan. I saw a commentary in which a Wiccan believer cursed and swore retaliation on a non-Wiccan believer. I ask you, does Harm None ring a bell? So what if the idiot thinks he/she is hunting witches to burn them if the are stupid enough to try let them come we won't burn ever again!!!!!!!

HILDEGARD - 06/04/98 06:56:47
My URL:http://NONE
My Email:witch@istar.ca
Are you a member of a Pagan or Earth Based religion?: YES
How long have you been into Wicca, witchcraft and/or Paganism; including studying and practice.: NEARLY ALL MY LIFE.
If you care to answer this one, how old are you? Be honest or don't answer (none of you are 666 yrs. old!): RATHER NOT SAY.
Did you like -The Craft-?: YES AND NO.
Have you ever been discriminated against for your beliefs in Paganism or witchcraft?: WHEN I WAS YOUNGER, BUT NOT NOW.
Are you -out of the broom-closet-?: ALWAYS


HILDEGARD - 06/04/98 06:55:40
My URL:http://NONE
My Email:witch@istar.ca
Are you a member of a Pagan or Earth Based religion?: YES
How long have you been into Wicca, witchcraft and/or Paganism; including studying and practice.: NEARLY ALL MY LIFE.
If you care to answer this one, how old are you? Be honest or don't answer (none of you are 666 yrs. old!): RATHER NOT SAY.
Did you like -The Craft-?: YES AND NO.
Have you ever been discriminated against for your beliefs in Paganism or witchcraft?: WHEN I WAS YOUNGER, BUT NOT NOW.
Are you -out of the broom-closet-?: ALWAYS


Ben - 06/04/98 05:32:32
My Email:bennywild@hotmail.com
Are you a member of a Pagan or Earth Based religion?: I'm Jewish (not sure if it is "Earth Based")
How long have you been into Wicca, witchcraft and/or Paganism; including studying and practice.: about 1 year
If you care to answer this one, how old are you? Be honest or don't answer (none of you are 666 yrs. old!): 13
Did you like -The Craft-?: yes, very much
Have you ever been discriminated against for your beliefs in Paganism or witchcraft?: no
Are you -out of the broom-closet-?: huh?

I have been studying witchcraft and spellcasting for a long time. I just have a few questions. Does magic work all the time or only part of the time? Do you have to be Pagan to cast spells. Would I be going against me Jewish religion by casting a spel ? Were would you buy supplies to cast spells (or buy books of new spells, etc.)?

LORELEI (EVIL EYE) - 06/03/98 15:30:14
My URL:http://*
Are you a member of a Pagan or Earth Based religion?: YES
How long have you been into Wicca, witchcraft and/or Paganism; including studying and practice.: 4 YEARS ON AND OFF
If you care to answer this one, how old are you? Be honest or don't answer (none of you are 666 yrs. old!): 18
Did you like -The Craft-?: YES


LORELEI EVIL EYE - 06/03/98 15:20:09


Aurelia - 06/03/98 12:20:52
My Email:mcodner@hotmail.com
Are you a member of a Pagan or Earth Based religion?: Not really. I don't know enough to get really serious about it yet.
How long have you been into Wicca, witchcraft and/or Paganism; including studying and practice.: about a year.
If you care to answer this one, how old are you? Be honest or don't answer (none of you are 666 yrs. old!): 18
Did you like -The Craft-?: Somewhat
Have you ever been discriminated against for your beliefs in Paganism or witchcraft?: Just teased by family and friends.

Cool site. I found it more interesting and informative than a lot of sites I've seen.

Coronach Darkhand - 06/02/98 19:09:11
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Area51/Hollow/4224/
My Email:Darkhand@lycosmail.com
Are you a member of a Pagan or Earth Based religion?: yes
How long have you been into Wicca, witchcraft and/or Paganism; including studying and practice.: 10 years
If you care to answer this one, how old are you? Be honest or don't answer (none of you are 666 yrs. old!): 26
Did you like -The Craft-?: what is there not to like?
Have you ever been discriminated against for your beliefs in Paganism or witchcraft?: once Banished
Are you -out of the broom-closet-?: yes

Time is a never ending struggle to view that which we call change.. i teach a .... certain practice that has evolved since the beginnings of druidism...... i focus on the powers of elementalism, sorcery, and invocation....... sometimes we find that we are above others in our practice but we can never forget where we came from...

Hildegard - 06/02/98 08:49:04
My URL:http://none
My Email:witch@istar.ca
Are you a member of a Pagan or Earth Based religion?: No, I'm a solitary witch.
How long have you been into Wicca, witchcraft and/or Paganism; including studying and practice.: I guess from the time I came into existence.
If you care to answer this one, how old are you? Be honest or don't answer (none of you are 666 yrs. old!): don't wish to say.
Did you like -The Craft-?: Not really. The acting was good, at least.
Have you ever been discriminated against for your beliefs in Paganism or witchcraft?: They never tried it on me.
Are you -out of the broom-closet-?: Always been.


Danny - 06/02/98 08:10:09
My Email:pellinor@istar.ca
Are you a member of a Pagan or Earth Based religion?: yes
How long have you been into Wicca, witchcraft and/or Paganism; including studying and practice.: nearly all my life but I've been a new student for the past few months. I, however, am more of a Gnostic.
If you care to answer this one, how old are you? Be honest or don't answer (none of you are 666 yrs. old!): I wouldn't say that. Some of us are very, very OLD souls, who remember our pasts.
Did you like -The Craft-?: yes and no. The Craft of the Wise should be used only for good and not evil, unlike the movie. The entertainment I liked. It only goes to show, that The Craft of the Wise could in fact be used for evil purposes. Thus, goo and evil within the world itself.
Have you ever been discriminated against for your beliefs in Paganism or witchcraft?: sometimes. But I don't care; let people say or think what they want to.
Are you -out of the broom-closet-?: I've always been and was strong with that belief. Whoever chose to condemn me, that was their loss.

I just wanted to say, please keep up the online information, and other valuable subjects on the Wiccan religion. I am pleased to know that if I ever need to refresh my mind on something I'd forgotten, I know it will be here. I'm still in the learning proc ss and it doesn't matter how long I've been in the faith, I'm never too proud to learn more. Thank you, Blessed Be.

Luca - 06/02/98 01:35:19
My Email:200 Ruggles av. Npt R.I.
Are you a member of a Pagan or Earth Based religion?: Wicca\Hittien
How long have you been into Wicca, witchcraft and/or Paganism; including studying and practice.: 5 Years
If you care to answer this one, how old are you? Be honest or don't answer (none of you are 666 yrs. old!): 21
Did you like -The Craft-?: kinda skechee
Have you ever been discriminated against for your beliefs in Paganism or witchcraft?: YES
Are you -out of the broom-closet-?: no

IM looking for a coven in newport R.I..If anyone has info I left my address... BLESSED BE.

Jestina - 05/30/98 23:49:10
My Email:bwc_@hotmail.com
Are you a member of a Pagan or Earth Based religion?: no
How long have you been into Wicca, witchcraft and/or Paganism; including studying and practice.: just started
If you care to answer this one, how old are you? Be honest or don't answer (none of you are 666 yrs. old!): 16
Did you like -The Craft-?: heck no
Have you ever been discriminated against for your beliefs in Paganism or witchcraft?: no
Are you -out of the broom-closet-?: no


Lilwitch - 05/29/98 23:52:09
My Email:lilwitch@webtv.net
Are you a member of a Pagan or Earth Based religion?: yes
How long have you been into Wicca, witchcraft and/or Paganism; including studying and practice.: 5 years
If you care to answer this one, how old are you? Be honest or don't answer (none of you are 666 yrs. old!): I 20 in August
Did you like -The Craft-?: not sure
Have you ever been discriminated against for your beliefs in Paganism or witchcraft?: yes
Are you -out of the broom-closet-?: yes


rexleges - 05/29/98 17:43:59
Are you a member of a Pagan or Earth Based religion?: yes
How long have you been into Wicca, witchcraft and/or Paganism; including studying and practice.: 3 months
If you care to answer this one, how old are you? Be honest or don't answer (none of you are 666 yrs. old!): 16
Did you like -The Craft-?: yesssssssss
Have you ever been discriminated against for your beliefs in Paganism or witchcraft?: not yet
Are you -out of the broom-closet-?: sortof

i really like your web ........

Gabriela - 05/29/98 14:48:45
My URL:http://don't have one
My Email:crystalmansgrin@hotmail.com
Are you a member of a Pagan or Earth Based religion?: In a way
How long have you been into Wicca, witchcraft and/or Paganism; including studying and practice.: long time
If you care to answer this one, how old are you? Be honest or don't answer (none of you are 666 yrs. old!): 19
Did you like -The Craft-?: haven't seen it
Have you ever been discriminated against for your beliefs in Paganism or witchcraft?: yes, for other beliefs
Are you -out of the broom-closet-?: always

I find your site very interesting. As a person who was raised with no religion and allowed to choose any I wished I am very interested in these sort of subjects, especially witchcraft. I do not believe in anything, yet everything is a possiblity. Howev r, one can always learn something from someone elses beliefs and religions. I would like to learn more about this subject, so if anyone would be interested in helping me, I would be grateful. When I stated that I am more or less into a earth based relig on I meant it more in a moral way. I believe that the earth is a living organism and that we should all try our best to take care of her. Either way, she will survive, but how much destruction do we have to cause to kill ourselves beforehand?? that is m religion. Simply based on good moral standards that aren't based on the norm.

Tanya - 05/29/98 03:43:40
Are you a member of a Pagan or Earth Based religion?: Yes
How long have you been into Wicca, witchcraft and/or Paganism; including studying and practice.: 2 years
If you care to answer this one, how old are you? Be honest or don't answer (none of you are 666 yrs. old!): 12
Did you like -The Craft-?: Yes
Have you ever been discriminated against for your beliefs in Paganism or witchcraft?: No
Are you -out of the broom-closet-?: No

I'm not a witch i'm just curious about it.

Alise(Beck) - 05/25/98 10:07:33
My URL:http://proxy.oemn.net.au/proxy.pac.
My Email:smart@.omen.com
Are you a member of a Pagan or Earth Based religion?: yes
How long have you been into Wicca, witchcraft and/or Paganism; including studying and practice.: 2years
If you care to answer this one, how old are you? Be honest or don't answer (none of you are 666 yrs. old!): nearly 14
Did you like -The Craft-?: yes
Have you ever been discriminated against for your beliefs in Paganism or witchcraft?: yes
Are you -out of the broom-closet-?: I wish!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Live life with the knowledge that when you (your sprirt)leave this earth you have opened the eyes of someone to your lifestyle/religion.

Poison Ivy - 05/24/98 22:19:07
My URL:Dont know
My Email:jjjm@lineone.net
Are you a member of a Pagan or Earth Based religion?: no(not yet)
How long have you been into Wicca, witchcraft and/or Paganism; including studying and practice.: collected info 4 approx.3 years
If you care to answer this one, how old are you? Be honest or don't answer (none of you are 666 yrs. old!): 15 years old
Did you like -The Craft-?: loved it
Have you ever been discriminated against for your beliefs in Paganism or witchcraft?: yes (a bit0
Are you -out of the broom-closet-?: no (not yet)


Poison Ivy - 05/24/98 22:04:45
My URL:Dont know
My Email:jjjm@lineone.net
Are you a member of a Pagan or Earth Based religion?: no(not yet)
How long have you been into Wicca, witchcraft and/or Paganism; including studying and practice.: collected info 4 approx.3 years
If you care to answer this one, how old are you? Be honest or don't answer (none of you are 666 yrs. old!): 15 years old
Did you like -The Craft-?: loved it
Have you ever been discriminated against for your beliefs in Paganism or witchcraft?: yes (a bit0
Are you -out of the broom-closet-?: no (not yet)

this is the best site in the net

Rebecca(Alise) - 05/24/98 14:16:53
My Email:smart@omen
Are you a member of a Pagan or Earth Based religion?: yes
How long have you been into Wicca, witchcraft and/or Paganism; including studying and practice.: Two or three years
If you care to answer this one, how old are you? Be honest or don't answer (none of you are 666 yrs. old!): 13
Did you like -The Craft-?: It was O.K
Have you ever been discriminated against for your beliefs in Paganism or witchcraft?: Yes
Are you -out of the broom-closet-?: I wish!!!!!!!!!!!

I really enjoyed your sight. One thing I have had to learn very quickly is that people are not always opened minded. The God and the Godess know that I wasn't! But look where I am now, looking for a binding spell I lost. People change for better and for w rse, let them realise who and what they want to be.It's the only way.Blessed Be.

jamie - 05/24/98 07:48:15
My Email:SWEETI6258@aol.com
Are you a member of a Pagan or Earth Based religion?: not currently
How long have you been into Wicca, witchcraft and/or Paganism; including studying and practice.: as long as I can remember
Did you like -The Craft-?: yes
Have you ever been discriminated against for your beliefs in Paganism or witchcraft?: no
Are you -out of the broom-closet-?: no

I would really like to get more familiar with these beliefs and anyone who can help explain please e-mail me ~~Blessed Be~~

alchoolic - 05/22/98 17:41:54
My URL:http://no way
My Email:no
Are you a member of a Pagan or Earth Based religion?: 1 day
How long have you been into Wicca, witchcraft and/or Paganism; including studying and practice.: 20
If you care to answer this one, how old are you? Be honest or don't answer (none of you are 666 yrs. old!): love it
Did you like -The Craft-?: no
Have you ever been discriminated against for your beliefs in Paganism or witchcraft?: Im not gay

u suck,u suck,u suck i'm going to behead u ,so go get fucked P.s. i'm christian, asshole!!!!!!!!!!!!

alchoolic - 05/22/98 17:41:05
My URL:http://no way
My Email:no
Are you a member of a Pagan or Earth Based religion?: 1 day
How long have you been into Wicca, witchcraft and/or Paganism; including studying and practice.: 20
If you care to answer this one, how old are you? Be honest or don't answer (none of you are 666 yrs. old!): love it
Did you like -The Craft-?: no
Have you ever been discriminated against for your beliefs in Paganism or witchcraft?: Im not gay

u suck,u suck,u suck i'm going to behead u ,so go get fucked P.s. i'm christian, asshole!!!!!!!!!!!!

Mary - 05/17/98 16:11:59
My URL:Don't have one.
My Email:Don't have it.
Are you a member of a Pagan or Earth Based religion?: Unfortunately, no.
How long have you been into Wicca, witchcraft and/or Paganism; including studying and practice.: About 6 months.
If you care to answer this one, how old are you? Be honest or don't answer (none of you are 666 yrs. old!): 13 yrs. old.
Did you like -The Craft-?: Yes.
Have you ever been discriminated against for your beliefs in Paganism or witchcraft?: No. My friends believe too.
Are you -out of the broom-closet-?: Yes.

I think this site is wonderful but I would like to see some spells and some chants for the moon and such. I have been looking for some as I don't have a book of my own.

pagan killa - 05/12/98 14:57:33
My URL:http://fuck pagans
My Email:jahovah@aol.com
Are you a member of a Pagan or Earth Based religion?: what do you think
How long have you been into Wicca, witchcraft and/or Paganism; including studying and practice.: when the kkk was founded
If you care to answer this one, how old are you? Be honest or don't answer (none of you are 666 yrs. old!): 666
Did you like -The Craft-?: the ho was cool
Have you ever been discriminated against for your beliefs in Paganism or witchcraft?: yeah my dad stabed me
Are you -out of the broom-closet-?: fuck you


Bluestar - 05/01/98 03:36:47
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Athens/Aegean/7950/
My Email:bluestar@wowmail.com
Are you a member of a Pagan or Earth Based religion?: yes
How long have you been into Wicca, witchcraft and/or Paganism; including studying and practice.: few years
If you care to answer this one, how old are you? Be honest or don't answer (none of you are 666 yrs. old!): 26
Did you like -The Craft-?: yes, as far as entertainment.
Have you ever been discriminated against for your beliefs in Paganism or witchcraft?: yes
Are you -out of the broom-closet-?: oh yes

I love your page Athena!! You did an excellent job on it!! You are an inspiration to the rest of us. I am so glad that you made this page and are sharing it with us. Thank you for all of your hard work.

Bluestar - 05/01/98 03:30:13


Danny LeBlanc - 04/30/98 01:53:53
My Email:dowswell@csource.net
Are you a member of a Pagan or Earth Based religion?: NO
How long have you been into Wicca, witchcraft and/or Paganism; including studying and practice.: 2 Years
If you care to answer this one, how old are you? Be honest or don't answer (none of you are 666 yrs. old!): 13
Did you like -The Craft-?: YES!!!!!!!!!!!!
Have you ever been discriminated against for your beliefs in Paganism or witchcraft?: NO
Are you -out of the broom-closet-?: Yes

I would really like to be a real witch and do supernatural stuff!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! PLEASE

Krow - 04/21/98 19:11:36
My URL:http://www.mobvus.demon.co.uk/
My Email:krow@mobvus.demon.co.uk
How long have you been into Wicca, witchcraft and/or Paganism; including studying and practice.: 21yrs
If you care to answer this one, how old are you? Be honest or don't answer (none of you are 666 yrs. old!): 34
Did you like -The Craft-?: Never saw it!
Have you ever been discriminated against for your beliefs in Paganism or witchcraft?: no
Are you -out of the broom-closet-?: If asked!


Colleen - 04/19/98 23:09:43
My Email:cmm51@aol.com
Are you a member of a Pagan or Earth Based religion?: yes
How long have you been into Wicca, witchcraft and/or Paganism; including studying and practice.: few months
If you care to answer this one, how old are you? Be honest or don't answer (none of you are 666 yrs. old!): 27
Did you like -The Craft-?: yes
Have you ever been discriminated against for your beliefs in Paganism or witchcraft?: no
Are you -out of the broom-closet-?: no

I am interested in learning more..unsure about the correct way to go about finding good and useful information

Harvey F. Shepard - 04/14/98 16:04:35
My Email:harvey.f.shepard@snet.net
Are you a member of a Pagan or Earth Based religion?: No
How long have you been into Wicca, witchcraft and/or Paganism; including studying and practice.: A long time
If you care to answer this one, how old are you? Be honest or don't answer (none of you are 666 yrs. old!): 54
Did you like -The Craft-?: yes
Have you ever been discriminated against for your beliefs in Paganism or witchcraft?: constantly
Are you -out of the broom-closet-?: ????!!

If anyone (usually christian)asks I tell them my religion is a personal thing between me and God. I usually get a lecture as to what hell is all about. I tell them christianity has been helling around for far too long and they should get some new material.

Kathryn AKA Silver - 04/14/98 15:31:10
My Email:AlyaWolf@aol.com
Are you a member of a Pagan or Earth Based religion?: Yes
How long have you been into Wicca, witchcraft and/or Paganism; including studying and practice.: 10+
If you care to answer this one, how old are you? Be honest or don't answer (none of you are 666 yrs. old!): 17
Did you like -The Craft-?: The Movie?;)
Have you ever been discriminated against for your beliefs in Paganism or witchcraft?: Yes
Are you -out of the broom-closet-?: Not all the way yet

I like this sight If any one e-mails me I might or might not respond!! I am kidding I would love to hear from anyone out there with a problem I might not have been around for a very long time but I try to help wher ever I can. Well I'm runnung out of room SO see ya ~SilverAthena~

Kathryn AKA Silver - 04/14/98 15:28:19
My Email:AlyaWolf@aol.com
Are you a member of a Pagan or Earth Based religion?: Yes
How long have you been into Wicca, witchcraft and/or Paganism; including studying and practice.: 10+
If you care to answer this one, how old are you? Be honest or don't answer (none of you are 666 yrs. old!): 17
Did you like -The Craft-?: The Movie?;)
Have you ever been discriminated against for your beliefs in Paganism or witchcraft?: Yes
Are you -out of the broom-closet-?: Not all the way yet

I like this sight If any one e-mails me I might or might not respond!! I am kidding I would love to hear from anyone out there with a problem I might not have been around for a very long time but I try to help wher ever I can. Well I'm runnung out of room SO see ya ~SilverAthena~

Kathryn AKA Silver - 04/14/98 15:27:59
My Email:AlyaWolf@aol.com
Are you a member of a Pagan or Earth Based religion?: Yes
How long have you been into Wicca, witchcraft and/or Paganism; including studying and practice.: 10+
If you care to answer this one, how old are you? Be honest or don't answer (none of you are 666 yrs. old!): 17
Did you like -The Craft-?: The Movie?;)
Have you ever been discriminated against for your beliefs in Paganism or witchcraft?: Yes
Are you -out of the broom-closet-?: Not all the way yet

I like this sight If any one e-mails me I might or might not respond!! I am kidding I would love to hear from anyone out there with a problem I might not have been around for a very long time but I try to help wher ever I can. Well I'm runnung out of room SO see ya ~SilverAthena~

GreenLia - 04/11/98 08:33:13
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/SouthBeach/Sands/6041
My Email:greenlia@geocities.com
Are you a member of a Pagan or Earth Based religion?: Yes
How long have you been into Wicca, witchcraft and/or Paganism; including studying and practice.: a couple years
If you care to answer this one, how old are you? Be honest or don't answer (none of you are 666 yrs. old!): 16
Did you like -The Craft-?: Yes *sheepish grin*
Have you ever been discriminated against for your beliefs in Paganism or witchcraft?: Yes
Are you -out of the broom-closet-?: To friends

I like the page, you've got great stuff on here. A few links don't work (How to Preach to a Pagan - whatever that witch's voice essay is called), but it's no big deal. I love your taste in music!

SERENA YARBROUGH - 04/05/98 21:41:55
Are you a member of a Pagan or Earth Based religion?: TRYING
How long have you been into Wicca, witchcraft and/or Paganism; including studying and practice.: 3 YEARS
If you care to answer this one, how old are you? Be honest or don't answer (none of you are 666 yrs. old!): 13
Did you like -The Craft-?: GREAT,YES
Have you ever been discriminated against for your beliefs in Paganism or witchcraft?: NO
Are you -out of the broom-closet-?: YES


New - 04/04/98 01:29:33
Are you a member of a Pagan or Earth Based religion?: I want to be. My parents are athiest, but think wicca is wierd
How long have you been into Wicca, witchcraft and/or Paganism; including studying and practice.: not long about a year
If you care to answer this one, how old are you? Be honest or don't answer (none of you are 666 yrs. old!): 12
Did you like -The Craft-?: Not the movie, but the honest thing
Have you ever been discriminated against for your beliefs in Paganism or witchcraft?: yes

I don't know much about Wicca, only that it is not hexing people for revenge, that the worship, if I may use that word is directed toward the Goddess and the God.

Taliszanna WhiteCrow - 04/04/98 00:00:21
My URL:http://members.wbs.net/homepages/n/e/o/neon101.html
My Email:jessica@chem4823.usask.ca
Are you a member of a Pagan or Earth Based religion?: Yes-- I'm a Wiccan/Green-level Witch
How long have you been into Wicca, witchcraft and/or Paganism; including studying and practice.: Conciously: since Jan.11th, '97, but actually since I was in gr. 2, (at least!)
If you care to answer this one, how old are you? Be honest or don't answer (none of you are 666 yrs. old!): 17 1/2 (birthday: Oct. 14th, 1980)
Did you like -The Craft-?: I liked it when I saw it, but that was before I really got into Wicca. Now, I watch it and laugh and yet, I also am angered by the deceiving information the movie sends the public about witches in general. I liked that th y had at least 2 nice witches in the movie, (the storekeeper and Sara's mother).
Have you ever been discriminated against for your beliefs in Paganism or witchcraft?: Yes I have.
Are you -out of the broom-closet-?: I'm only 1/2 out of the 'broomcloset'.


Merry Meet!
This is a very nice page you have. I invite you to also come visit my site! It is called *smile*

Blessed Be,

Taliszanna WhiteCrow

vivisect44 - 03/29/98 17:07:21
My URL:http://members.aol.com/inputgod1/resist.html
My Email:inputgod1@aol.com
Are you a member of a Pagan or Earth Based religion?: no
How long have you been into Wicca, witchcraft and/or Paganism; including studying and practice.: i am familiar with the beliefs
If you care to answer this one, how old are you? Be honest or don't answer (none of you are 666 yrs. old!): 18
Did you like -The Craft-?: ive never seen it
Have you ever been discriminated against for your beliefs in Paganism or witchcraft?: no
Are you -out of the broom-closet-?: hehe no

i liked you page alot. Finally a pagan webpage totally deviode of Marilyn Manson pictures and quotes. For some reason every personal webpage like this one had Marilyn Manson slogans all over it. yuk!

heather - 03/28/98 22:44:24
My Email:zig82@aol,com
Are you a member of a Pagan or Earth Based religion?: no
How long have you been into Wicca, witchcraft and/or Paganism; including studying and practice.: just start right this moment
If you care to answer this one, how old are you? Be honest or don't answer (none of you are 666 yrs. old!): 15
Did you like -The Craft-?: yes
Have you ever been discriminated against for your beliefs in Paganism or witchcraft?: no
Are you -out of the broom-closet-?: no

i wanna know if you have spellls to lose weight? thanks

Alextra - 03/27/98 00:50:10
Are you a member of a Pagan or Earth Based religion?: kinda,i believe,but not yet in!
How long have you been into Wicca, witchcraft and/or Paganism; including studying and practice.: ever since I was a little girl!
If you care to answer this one, how old are you? Be honest or don't answer (none of you are 666 yrs. old!): younge
Did you like -The Craft-?: yes
Have you ever been discriminated against for your beliefs in Paganism or witchcraft?: no,i have always been true to it
Are you -out of the broom-closet-?: kinda

Ever since I was a little girl I dreamed of having special powers,and being able to cast spells,(NOT bad ones!) Thanks to this website,I found a few speels I can use and try out,and I think this is the best website on the web! I am now able to accomplish omething I always dreamed of doing,but never thought it would happen. Thanks to you people,it is all possible. Thank you ever so much! I will always be true to witchcraft,and I will treat it right! Thank you peple,ThAnK YoU EvEr So MuCh!!!!

Nathan Cleary - 03/23/98 00:53:09
Are you a member of a Pagan or Earth Based religion?: not sure
How long have you been into Wicca, witchcraft and/or Paganism; including studying and practice.: bout a year
If you care to answer this one, how old are you? Be honest or don't answer (none of you are 666 yrs. old!): 16
Did you like -The Craft-?: yes
Have you ever been discriminated against for your beliefs in Paganism or witchcraft?: yes
Are you -out of the broom-closet-?: kinda

its cool that there are people like you that help other people like me

Sweet Lynx - 03/20/98 19:24:31
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/SouthBeach/Cove/7168
My Email:SweetLynx@mailexcite.com
Are you a member of a Pagan or Earth Based religion?: no
How long have you been into Wicca, witchcraft and/or Paganism; including studying and practice.: for many years, since I was at least 11 years old.
If you care to answer this one, how old are you? Be honest or don't answer (none of you are 666 yrs. old!): 28
Did you like -The Craft-?: One of my Favorite Movies!!!
Have you ever been discriminated against for your beliefs in Paganism or witchcraft?: no
Are you -out of the broom-closet-?: I guess so!!

This is a really kewl site. I love all the wonderful information that is available.

Randy Moon - 03/17/98 22:36:02
My Email:randymoon@flcom.net
Are you a member of a Pagan or Earth Based religion?: no
How long have you been into Wicca, witchcraft and/or Paganism; including studying and practice.: 2 years
If you care to answer this one, how old are you? Be honest or don't answer (none of you are 666 yrs. old!): 43
Did you like -The Craft-?: yes
Have you ever been discriminated against for your beliefs in Paganism or witchcraft?: yes
Are you -out of the broom-closet-?: yes


Caroline Norrman - 03/17/98 09:55:49
Are you a member of a Pagan or Earth Based religion?: No
How long have you been into Wicca, witchcraft and/or Paganism; including studying and practice.: 1 year
If you care to answer this one, how old are you? Be honest or don't answer (none of you are 666 yrs. old!): 18
Did you like -The Craft-?: Yes


Kerry Hauber - 03/16/98 22:26:37
My Email:goddess_4@hotmail.com
Are you a member of a Pagan or Earth Based religion?: not yet
How long have you been into Wicca, witchcraft and/or Paganism; including studying and practice.: i have been studying for over a year.
If you care to answer this one, how old are you? Be honest or don't answer (none of you are 666 yrs. old!): 21
Did you like -The Craft-?: yes
Have you ever been discriminated against for your beliefs in Paganism or witchcraft?: yes

i really like your site. very informative and i am glad it was not one of the teenagers with the ouija board and the video collection of the witchcraft movies. there needs to be more real wicca/witchcraft sites out there to inform the informed and the uni formed. blessed be

Tabby - 03/16/98 00:47:56
My URL:http://www.fortunecity.com/tinpan/prodigy/114/
My Email:dingogal@mailexcite.com
Are you a member of a Pagan or Earth Based religion?: no
How long have you been into Wicca, witchcraft and/or Paganism; including studying and practice.: never
If you care to answer this one, how old are you? Be honest or don't answer (none of you are 666 yrs. old!): 16
Did you like -The Craft-?: yes :0
Have you ever been discriminated against for your beliefs in Paganism or witchcraft?: no
Are you -out of the broom-closet-?: no

Great site luv :)) very interesting to learn about..keep it up !

Mark - 03/15/98 15:21:18
My Email:hillebra@adan.kingston.net
Are you a member of a Pagan or Earth Based religion?: No, mine is a way of life not organized religion
How long have you been into Wicca, witchcraft and/or Paganism; including studying and practice.: 1 or 2 years
If you care to answer this one, how old are you? Be honest or don't answer (none of you are 666 yrs. old!): 23
Did you like -The Craft-?: Yes
Have you ever been discriminated against for your beliefs in Paganism or witchcraft?: Not really, Most of my friends are either off the wall or wiccan's themselves
Are you -out of the broom-closet-?: more or less yes

As I am a Wiccan at heart, but for the momment it's just a way of life an not actually a religion for me. I would like to know more about the tenents of the religion. I have heard a lot of differing views from friends and would like clarificaton. By the way cool web site.

David - 03/14/98 17:25:36
My URL:http://www.c-gate.net
My Email:djlong@c-gate.net
Are you a member of a Pagan or Earth Based religion?: not yet
If you care to answer this one, how old are you? Be honest or don't answer (none of you are 666 yrs. old!): 29
Did you like -The Craft-?: yes and no
Have you ever been discriminated against for your beliefs in Paganism or witchcraft?: n/a


David - 03/14/98 17:21:51
My URL:http://www.c-gate.net
My Email:djlong


- 03/13/98 03:25:27


- 03/13/98 03:24:19


traci - 03/11/98 18:50:18
Are you a member of a Pagan or Earth Based religion?: no
How long have you been into Wicca, witchcraft and/or Paganism; including studying and practice.: 6 mo
If you care to answer this one, how old are you? Be honest or don't answer (none of you are 666 yrs. old!): 17
Did you like -The Craft-?: yes
Have you ever been discriminated against for your beliefs in Paganism or witchcraft?: yes
Are you -out of the broom-closet-?: halfway


Phia - 03/08/98 09:08:07
My Email:GreedGurl@aol.com
Are you a member of a Pagan or Earth Based religion?: Learning
How long have you been into Wicca, witchcraft and/or Paganism; including studying and practice.: 2 years
If you care to answer this one, how old are you? Be honest or don't answer (none of you are 666 yrs. old!): 14
Did you like -The Craft-?: yes and no... it was a very fictional movie and you were able to tell that... but the writers had an excellent imagination
Have you ever been discriminated against for your beliefs in Paganism or witchcraft?: on more then one occasion


Avengelyne - 03/08/98 01:53:03
My Email:little_red_bird@hotmail.com
Are you a member of a Pagan or Earth Based religion?: no
How long have you been into Wicca, witchcraft and/or Paganism; including studying and practice.: 3 months
If you care to answer this one, how old are you? Be honest or don't answer (none of you are 666 yrs. old!): 16
Did you like -The Craft-?: YEAH!
Have you ever been discriminated against for your beliefs in Paganism or witchcraft?: no
Are you -out of the broom-closet-?: no

I really enjoyed your page it has helped me out alot. Now my only problem is finding all the stuff and getting it...I plan to read many books on this subject, cuz I wish to do no harm.

Dawn - 03/05/98 00:18:37
My Email:DawnMN@Yahoo.com
Are you a member of a Pagan or Earth Based religion?: yes, Witch/Wiccan
How long have you been into Wicca, witchcraft and/or Paganism; including studying and practice.: Most of life, Wiccan - about 6 or 8 yrs
If you care to answer this one, how old are you? Be honest or don't answer (none of you are 666 yrs. old!): 35
Did you like -The Craft-?: Had to watch because of controversy.. ... Our Coven has open workshops.. we did one on "The Craft" as an educational dissection.
Have you ever been discriminated against for your beliefs in Paganism or witchcraft?: Not overtly, or obviously to my knowledge...Gotten in some interesting conversations though! ;)
Are you -out of the broom-closet-?: Absolutely! I'm a member of an open, teaching Coven.

Just passing through...saw your site on the Solitary Circle list of folks in CT... Our Coven works in the greater Hartford area! I really like what I see so far, will mark it to return soon! B*B! (wish I had it for the WEB surfing workshop last night!!)

Dawn - 03/05/98 00:18:06
My Email:DawnMN@Yahoo.com
Are you a member of a Pagan or Earth Based religion?: yes, Witch/Wiccan
How long have you been into Wicca, witchcraft and/or Paganism; including studying and practice.: Most of life, Wiccan - about 6 or 8 yrs
If you care to answer this one, how old are you? Be honest or don't answer (none of you are 666 yrs. old!): 35
Did you like -The Craft-?: Had to watch because of controversy.. ... Our Coven has open workshops.. we did one on "The Craft" as an educational dissection.
Have you ever been discriminated against for your beliefs in Paganism or witchcraft?: Not overtly, or obviously to my knowledge...Gotten in some interesting conversations though! ;)
Are you -out of the broom-closet-?: Absolutely! I'm a member of an open, teaching Coven.

Just passing through...saw your site on the Solitary Circle list of folks in CT... Our Coven works in the greater Hartford area! I really like what I see so far, will mark it to return soon! B*B! (wish I had it for the WEB surfing workshop last night!!)

stephanie breuer - 03/04/98 20:24:16
Are you a member of a Pagan or Earth Based religion?: no
How long have you been into Wicca, witchcraft and/or Paganism; including studying and practice.: 2 years
If you care to answer this one, how old are you? Be honest or don't answer (none of you are 666 yrs. old!): 15
Did you like -The Craft-?: yes
Have you ever been discriminated against for your beliefs in Paganism or witchcraft?: no
Are you -out of the broom-closet-?: no

I am very interested in whitchcraft, but I come from a small town and do not have much of an idea how to get started.

stephanie breuer - 03/04/98 20:24:07
Are you a member of a Pagan or Earth Based religion?: no
How long have you been into Wicca, witchcraft and/or Paganism; including studying and practice.: 2 years
If you care to answer this one, how old are you? Be honest or don't answer (none of you are 666 yrs. old!): 15
Did you like -The Craft-?: yes
Have you ever been discriminated against for your beliefs in Paganism or witchcraft?: no
Are you -out of the broom-closet-?: no

I am very interested in whitchcraft, but I come from a small town and do not have much of an idea how to get started.

stephanie breuer - 03/04/98 20:23:44
Are you a member of a Pagan or Earth Based religion?: no
How long have you been into Wicca, witchcraft and/or Paganism; including studying and practice.: 2 years
If you care to answer this one, how old are you? Be honest or don't answer (none of you are 666 yrs. old!): 15
Did you like -The Craft-?: yes
Have you ever been discriminated against for your beliefs in Paganism or witchcraft?: no
Are you -out of the broom-closet-?: no

I am very interested in whitchcraft, but I come from a small town and do not have much of an idea how to get started.

James - 02/26/98 05:30:10
My Email:Seamus6387@aol.com
Are you a member of a Pagan or Earth Based religion?: Wicca
How long have you been into Wicca, witchcraft and/or Paganism; including studying and practice.: close to 8yr
If you care to answer this one, how old are you? Be honest or don't answer (none of you are 666 yrs. old!): 24
Did you like -The Craft-?: no
Have you ever been discriminated against for your beliefs in Paganism or witchcraft?: yes
Are you -out of the broom-closet-?: yes

Nice site

Sasha - 02/19/98 14:58:47
Are you a member of a Pagan or Earth Based religion?: wicca
How long have you been into Wicca, witchcraft and/or Paganism; including studying and practice.: 8 mo.
If you care to answer this one, how old are you? Be honest or don't answer (none of you are 666 yrs. old!): 17
Did you like -The Craft-?: parts...
Have you ever been discriminated against for your beliefs in Paganism or witchcraft?: of course.
Are you -out of the broom-closet-?: not yet...


Amanda - 02/19/98 02:33:21
My Email:sweetgal@flash.net
Are you a member of a Pagan or Earth Based religion?: no
How long have you been into Wicca, witchcraft and/or Paganism; including studying and practice.: 3 years
Did you like -The Craft-?: it was ok
Have you ever been discriminated against for your beliefs in Paganism or witchcraft?: yes
Are you -out of the broom-closet-?: yes


Arcadia - 02/18/98 23:59:07
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/athens/delphi/3781/
My Email:arcadiax@mailcity.com
Are you a member of a Pagan or Earth Based religion?: Yes, Wicca.
How long have you been into Wicca, witchcraft and/or Paganism; including studying and practice.: 20 Years
If you care to answer this one, how old are you? Be honest or don't answer (none of you are 666 yrs. old!): 32
Have you ever been discriminated against for your beliefs in Paganism or witchcraft?: yes
Are you -out of the broom-closet-?: NO!

I enjoyed my visit to your site very much. Good work! Brightest Blessings! Arcadia

scott - 02/16/98 16:29:27
My Email:jebthaxe@usa.net
Are you a member of a Pagan or Earth Based religion?: wicca
How long have you been into Wicca, witchcraft and/or Paganism; including studying and practice.: 9 mo.
If you care to answer this one, how old are you? Be honest or don't answer (none of you are 666 yrs. old!): 35
Did you like -The Craft-?: have not seen
Have you ever been discriminated against for your beliefs in Paganism or witchcraft?: yes
Are you -out of the broom-closet-?: no


Danielle Matonich - 02/12/98 05:22:00
My Email:dannii.matonich@mailexcite.com
Are you a member of a Pagan or Earth Based religion?: no
How long have you been into Wicca, witchcraft and/or Paganism; including studying and practice.: 3 years
Did you like -The Craft-?: yes
Have you ever been discriminated against for your beliefs in Paganism or witchcraft?: yes
Are you -out of the broom-closet-?: no

i'm really interested in the Wiccan religion and wish to know more about it.

Cygnua X1 - 02/11/98 02:48:05
My Email:taj2x1@internetMCI.com
Are you a member of a Pagan or Earth Based religion?: wicca
How long have you been into Wicca, witchcraft and/or Paganism; including studying and practice.: about 5years
If you care to answer this one, how old are you? Be honest or don't answer (none of you are 666 yrs. old!): 25
Did you like -The Craft-?: it was ok
Have you ever been discriminated against for your beliefs in Paganism or witchcraft?: yes
Are you -out of the broom-closet-?: both

cool web page!!! as for being in and out of broom closet. i live in very christain town & father is church decon so it can get kind of rough. so i am careful who i let know the truth.

Cygnua X1 - 02/11/98 02:45:30
My Email:taj2x1@internetMCI.com
Are you a member of a Pagan or Earth Based religion?: wicca
How long have you been into Wicca, witchcraft and/or Paganism; including studying and practice.: about 5years
If you care to answer this one, how old are you? Be honest or don't answer (none of you are 666 yrs. old!): 25
Did you like -The Craft-?: yes
Have you ever been discriminated against for your beliefs in Paganism or witchcraft?: yes
Are you -out of the broom-closet-?: both

cool web page!!! as for being in and out of broom closet. i live in very christain town & father is church decon so it can get kind of rough. so i am careful who i let know the truth.

Cygnua X1 - 02/11/98 02:39:39


Terra Wolf - 02/08/98 04:57:45
Are you a member of a Pagan or Earth Based religion?: Yes
How long have you been into Wicca, witchcraft and/or Paganism; including studying and practice.: five years
If you care to answer this one, how old are you? Be honest or don't answer (none of you are 666 yrs. old!): 15
Did you like -The Craft-?: Definately
Have you ever been discriminated against for your beliefs in Paganism or witchcraft?: Yes
Are you -out of the broom-closet-?: As much as one can

Sometimes what goes around doesn't come around fast enough. And love doesn't make the world go round it makes the trip worth while.

Jaymz - 02/05/98 02:53:46
My Email:randomgas@aol.com
Are you a member of a Pagan or Earth Based religion?: no
How long have you been into Wicca, witchcraft and/or Paganism; including studying and practice.: i'm not...not interested in any religion or belief other than thjat whitch i feel inside me...just curious and looking around
If you care to answer this one, how old are you? Be honest or don't answer (none of you are 666 yrs. old!): 26
Did you like -The Craft-?: it was interesting...don't know anything to base the movie on...other than the common hocus pocus everyday bullshit every cheesehead and their brother who don't know jackshit about it say
Have you ever been discriminated against for your beliefs in Paganism or witchcraft?: not in bad ways......been told i'm going to hell and such by friends jokingly because i don't feel anything or believe inside that there's a god, or satan or such ...

cool web page, it's nice for someone to come out and try to put forth an effort to educate the ones who cause so much trouble in their misunderstandings of a subject in the first place (or something like that)...to bad there wasn't an internet and more kn wledge a few hundred years ago....anyways....good luck! :)

sutra - 01/29/98 09:58:25
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Area51/2506
My Email:sutra@cybergal.com
Are you a member of a Pagan or Earth Based religion?: yes
How long have you been into Wicca, witchcraft and/or Paganism; including studying and practice.: 5 years
If you care to answer this one, how old are you? Be honest or don't answer (none of you are 666 yrs. old!): 30
Did you like -The Craft-?: yes i did
Have you ever been discriminated against for your beliefs in Paganism or witchcraft?: no
Are you -out of the broom-closet-?: to some

I really love you page

Capt. Jeff - 01/26/98 19:08:15
My URL:http://www.piratecreations.com/cafe
My Email:captjeff@piratecreations.com
Are you a member of a Pagan or Earth Based religion?: Yes - Wicca
How long have you been into Wicca, witchcraft and/or Paganism; including studying and practice.: 8 months
If you care to answer this one, how old are you? Be honest or don't answer (none of you are 666 yrs. old!): 33
Did you like -The Craft-?: Haven't seen it...yet
Have you ever been discriminated against for your beliefs in Paganism or witchcraft?: Not yet...
Are you -out of the broom-closet-?: Yep!

Athena, Your page is great! I'm bookmarking it now and plan to visit more often. As I'm a relatively "young" Born Again Pagan, hopefully, I can learn more here. Thanks for sharing your page! Blessed Be

lola - 01/23/98 07:33:01
My URL:http://ms.lola@worldnet.att.net
Are you a member of a Pagan or Earth Based religion?: yes
How long have you been into Wicca, witchcraft and/or Paganism; including studying and practice.: most of life
If you care to answer this one, how old are you? Be honest or don't answer (none of you are 666 yrs. old!): ???????
Did you like -The Craft-?: ????????
Have you ever been discriminated against for your beliefs in Paganism or witchcraft?: no
Are you -out of the broom-closet-?: yes


Charles of the Clan Colquhon - 01/22/98 03:01:25
My Email:clan.chas@btinternet.com
Are you a member of a Pagan or Earth Based religion?: no
If you care to answer this one, how old are you? Be honest or don't answer (none of you are 666 yrs. old!): 56
Did you like -The Craft-?: yes

I am interested to learn more of your concepts. My background beliefs are Tibetan Buddhism. I feel there are many areas of metaphysics with you share with them. Metaphysics work on basic natural laws utilising natural and cosmic forces which can not be ch nged by the name you give to your beliefs. I am interested your applications of these natural laws and forces. May your site prosper in knowledge and harmony.

Patricia Rose - 01/20/98 09:55:21
My Email:prosek@bellatlantic.net
Are you a member of a Pagan or Earth Based religion?: no
If you care to answer this one, how old are you? Be honest or don't answer (none of you are 666 yrs. old!): 47

I would like more information about becoming a member of witchcraft. I always wanted to join . Please help me to obtain this information so I can for fill my dreams of a life time...

Kristina Bierlein - 01/19/98 22:14:59
My Email:Rlb 2106
Are you a member of a Pagan or Earth Based religion?: Yes
How long have you been into Wicca, witchcraft and/or Paganism; including studying and practice.: never have before
If you care to answer this one, how old are you? Be honest or don't answer (none of you are 666 yrs. old!): 14
Did you like -The Craft-?: Yes
Have you ever been discriminated against for your beliefs in Paganism or witchcraft?: No
Are you -out of the broom-closet-?: What does that mean

I want to learn witchcraft and I need help my mother is agianst it and my father would kick me out I have no money for books or supplies. I have tried it once and would like to do it agian but no fooling around this time please help me if you can thanks or listing Kristina

Kristina Bierlein - 01/19/98 22:09:28
My Email:Rlb 2106
Are you a member of a Pagan or Earth Based religion?: Yes
How long have you been into Wicca, witchcraft and/or Paganism; including studying and practice.: never have before
If you care to answer this one, how old are you? Be honest or don't answer (none of you are 666 yrs. old!): 14
Did you like -The Craft-?: Yes
Have you ever been discriminated against for your beliefs in Paganism or witchcraft?: No
Are you -out of the broom-closet-?: What does that mean

I want to learn witchcraft and I need help my mother is agianst it and my father would kick me out I have no money for books or supplies. I have tried it once and would like to do it agian but no fooling around this time please help me if you can thanks or listing Kristina

C.A. Schultz - 01/02/98 14:27:37
My Email:Subbow@aol.com
Are you a member of a Pagan or Earth Based religion?: eclectic
How long have you been into Wicca, witchcraft and/or Paganism; including studying and practice.: approx. 5 yrs.
If you care to answer this one, how old are you? Be honest or don't answer (none of you are 666 yrs. old!): 28
Did you like -The Craft-?: amusing
Have you ever been discriminated against for your beliefs in Paganism or witchcraft?: no
Are you -out of the broom-closet-?: don't ask - don't tell

Use whatever works. There is no one "way".

Razorwitch - 01/02/98 00:24:18
My URL:http://members.aol.com/razorwitch/index.html
My Email:Razorwitch@aol.com
Are you a member of a Pagan or Earth Based religion?: Yes
How long have you been into Wicca, witchcraft and/or Paganism; including studying and practice.: From 9 to 10 Years
If you care to answer this one, how old are you? Be honest or don't answer (none of you are 666 yrs. old!): 28
Did you like -The Craft-?: The movie? or the Lifestyle?
Have you ever been discriminated against for your beliefs in Paganism or witchcraft?: When I lived in AL yes, but not since I moved to Salem, MA
Are you -out of the broom-closet-?: Yes

This is one of the finest pages I have ever blessed my eyes upon. Keep this up! A fantastic place. I cannot say enough good things about it

Garnetdream - 12/28/97 23:36:31
My URL:/Area51/Chamber/3282
My Email:garnetdream@geocities.com
Are you a member of a Pagan or Earth Based religion?: I am a Christian who practices the Craft
How long have you been into Wicca, witchcraft and/or Paganism; including studying and practice.: 21 yrs. since age 8
If you care to answer this one, how old are you? Be honest or don't answer (none of you are 666 yrs. old!): 29
Did you like -The Craft-?: it was a good movie
Have you ever been discriminated against for your beliefs in Paganism or witchcraft?: yes, by many including Christians and fellow Witches. I have been told by both that I can not be both Christian and a Witch. That is simply not true, for here I a .
Are you -out of the broom-closet-?: always have been

Enjoyed visiting your page. I understand your not wanting to be preached to, I agree, I get it from both sides. I think it is important to respect others life path choices. May all that is good keep you safe and well.

Garnetdream - 12/28/97 23:31:04
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Area51/Chamber/3282
My Email:garnetdream@geocities.com
Are you a member of a Pagan or Earth Based religion?: I am a Christian who practices the Craft
How long have you been into Wicca, witchcraft and/or Paganism; including studying and practice.: 21 yrs. since age 8
If you care to answer this one, how old are you? Be honest or don't answer (none of you are 666 yrs. old!): 29
Did you like -The Craft-?: it was a good movie
Have you ever been discriminated against for your beliefs in Paganism or witchcraft?: yes, by many including Christians and fellow Witches. I have been told by both that I can not be both Christian and a Witch. That is simply not true, for here I a .
Are you -out of the broom-closet-?: always have been

Enjoyed visiting your page. I understand your not wanting to be preached to, I agree, I get it from both sides. I think it is important to respect others life path choices. May all that is good keep you safe and well.

miinac - 12/28/97 23:09:22
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Area51/Chamber/3553
My Email:miinac@brinet.com
Are you a member of a Pagan or Earth Based religion?: yes
How long have you been into Wicca, witchcraft and/or Paganism; including studying and practice.: 14 years
If you care to answer this one, how old are you? Be honest or don't answer (none of you are 666 yrs. old!): 32
Did you like -The Craft-?: if you are referring to the movie... sure it was enjoyable. Not exactly realistic but enjoyable none the less.
Have you ever been discriminated against for your beliefs in Paganism or witchcraft?: actually no...
Are you -out of the broom-closet-?: yes

I enjoyed your page. I hope things are going well for you. Keep up the good work. Take care!

Julie - 12/27/97 03:56:55
My Email:JAlday
Are you a member of a Pagan or Earth Based religion?: yes/coven
How long have you been into Wicca, witchcraft and/or Paganism; including studying and practice.: 3 years
If you care to answer this one, how old are you? Be honest or don't answer (none of you are 666 yrs. old!): 33
Did you like -The Craft-?: the movie?-didn't see it
Have you ever been discriminated against for your beliefs in Paganism or witchcraft?: of course
Are you -out of the broom-closet-?: I'm back in...now...

This is a wonderful site, your advise is so well stated. I believe this information will be very helpful to those who wish to study but don't have a group or teacher to guide them. Great Job. BB. Julie

Dawn Marie - 12/16/97 06:58:46
My Email:dmhorn@Colosseum.com
Are you a member of a Pagan or Earth Based religion?: Wicca (
How long have you been into Wicca, witchcraft and/or Paganism; including studying and practice.: 16 years practicing
If you care to answer this one, how old are you? Be honest or don't answer (none of you are 666 yrs. old!): 42
Did you like -The Craft-?: I don't waste my time watching "Hollywood Fanasty Crap".
Have you ever been discriminated against for your beliefs in Paganism or witchcraft?: Not to my knowledge.
Are you -out of the broom-closet-?: Yes

What a marvellous site. I shall return. A very bad cess to those who leave "nasty" little messages in your comment section. I hope you can remove them. They rather spoil the open and friendly nature of the site, don't they?

Dawn Marie - 12/16/97 06:52:06


Dawn Marie - 12/16/97 06:52:04


kaj elizebeth - 12/11/97 00:23:01
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/soho/lofts/9993
My Email:kaj@soon.com
Are you a member of a Pagan or Earth Based religion?: yes, i'm an eclectic, holistic, nova-pagan...aka a "kajist"
How long have you been into Wicca, witchcraft and/or Paganism; including studying and practice.: all of my life...my mother is wiccan and i was brought up on the path
If you care to answer this one, how old are you? Be honest or don't answer (none of you are 666 yrs. old!): i'm 19 summers
Did you like -The Craft-?: the movie??!! no way...it really sucked!
Have you ever been discriminated against for your beliefs in Paganism or witchcraft?: yes, often
Are you -out of the broom-closet-?: yes, "colorfully" so

i'm just coming around Luna's Pagan Pages Ring to meet and greet all of my new neighbors... looking good! i'm happy that someone has dedicated themselves to educating the "stupids" out there! i do what i can ... in small doses. love, light, laughter, a d peace to you! ~kaj~

WINDY - 12/08/97 06:38:59
Are you a member of a Pagan or Earth Based religion?: YES
How long have you been into Wicca, witchcraft and/or Paganism; including studying and practice.: LEARNING
If you care to answer this one, how old are you? Be honest or don't answer (none of you are 666 yrs. old!): 15
Have you ever been discriminated against for your beliefs in Paganism or witchcraft?: NO
Are you -out of the broom-closet-?: WELL HOW CAN I BE..


- 12/06/97 07:59:00
My Email:CrystlStne@aol.com
How long have you been into Wicca, witchcraft and/or Paganism; including studying and practice.: 2 years
If you care to answer this one, how old are you? Be honest or don't answer (none of you are 666 yrs. old!): 23
Did you like -The Craft-?: a little
Have you ever been discriminated against for your beliefs in Paganism or witchcraft?: indirectly
Are you -out of the broom-closet-?: don't know


morgian - 12/06/97 00:22:06
My Email:bacchus@mcmail.com
Are you a member of a Pagan or Earth Based religion?: wiccan
How long have you been into Wicca, witchcraft and/or Paganism; including studying and practice.: 23 years
If you care to answer this one, how old are you? Be honest or don't answer (none of you are 666 yrs. old!): 38
Did you like -The Craft-?: never seen it
Have you ever been discriminated against for your beliefs in Paganism or witchcraft?: no
Are you -out of the broom-closet-?: yes, definitely


Judy Reamy - 12/02/97 21:41:31
My Email:neshell@hotmail.com
Are you a member of a Pagan or Earth Based religion?: yes
How long have you been into Wicca, witchcraft and/or Paganism; including studying and practice.: 16 months
If you care to answer this one, how old are you? Be honest or don't answer (none of you are 666 yrs. old!): 40 yrs
Did you like -The Craft-?: yes
Have you ever been discriminated against for your beliefs in Paganism or witchcraft?: no
Are you -out of the broom-closet-?: kinda


Kitty - 11/29/97 02:15:08
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/enchantedforest/dell/5447/
My Email:kitty13@usa.net
Are you a member of a Pagan or Earth Based religion?: no
How long have you been into Wicca, witchcraft and/or Paganism; including studying and practice.: a month
If you care to answer this one, how old are you? Be honest or don't answer (none of you are 666 yrs. old!): 13
Did you like -The Craft-?: yes
Have you ever been discriminated against for your beliefs in Paganism or witchcraft?: no
Are you -out of the broom-closet-?: no

I think that you people should not be outcasted in any way, but don't take this witch thing too far.

Onaugh - 11/17/97 20:33:29
My Email:sprtlgdn@mnsi.net
Are you a member of a Pagan or Earth Based religion?: yes
How long have you been into Wicca, witchcraft and/or Paganism; including studying and practice.: 8 years
If you care to answer this one, how old are you? Be honest or don't answer (none of you are 666 yrs. old!): 22
Did you like -The Craft-?: yes & no
Have you ever been discriminated against for your beliefs in Paganism or witchcraft?: yes
Are you -out of the broom-closet-?: not fully

I would like to thank all who are involved with this site.Thank you all for sharing your ideas and BoS etc..It is great to finally find a site that is great for all(who have just found themselfs or been in it for awhile).I will be coming back to enjoy thi site from time to time.Looking forward to seeing more information,ideas and artwork.Thank you once again.

Connie - 11/09/97 01:03:28
My URL:http://www.neto.com/tink/top.htm
My Email:No and never would be..
Are you a member of a Pagan or Earth Based religion?: No
How long have you been into Wicca, witchcraft and/or Paganism; including studying and practice.: does not apply
If you care to answer this one, how old are you? Be honest or don't answer (none of you are 666 yrs. old!): 25
Did you like -The Craft-?: No
Have you ever been discriminated against for your beliefs in Paganism or witchcraft?: Does not apply
Are you -out of the broom-closet-?: Never was in one...

I don't know how to describe your site but disturbing. I am not here to preach to you as you suggested on your first page but just to express my view. Witchcraft is exactly what it says, and if you can tell me witches have anything to do with Love and all of that, I don't buy it. Sure there is Dorthy from the wizard of Oz and the "Good Witch" but that is all make believe and so is this. I am sorry our world and our children are surrounded by this...I know you will deleat this, but at least I got my 2 cen s in..

Jess and Mandy - 11/07/97 20:58:40
My Email:mcroush@bellatlantic.net
Are you a member of a Pagan or Earth Based religion?: no preference
How long have you been into Wicca, witchcraft and/or Paganism; including studying and practice.: 1 year
If you care to answer this one, how old are you? Be honest or don't answer (none of you are 666 yrs. old!): 17/18
Did you like -The Craft-?: we loved it
Have you ever been discriminated against for your beliefs in Paganism or witchcraft?: no
Are you -out of the broom-closet-?: no

We Like your web site. It is very informational. People are affraid we are going to cast spells on them. It is funny. Now is the time, this is the hour, ours is the magic, ours is the power. Blessed be!

Llynxa Darkstar - 11/06/97 17:27:55
My URL:http://www.angelfire.com/mi/darkstargathering
My Email:and4u2write@hotmail.com
Are you a member of a Pagan or Earth Based religion?: maybe
How long have you been into Wicca, witchcraft and/or Paganism; including studying and practice.: 28 yrs
Did you like -The Craft-?: the movie? s'ok, great special effects
Have you ever been discriminated against for your beliefs in Paganism or witchcraft?: no
Are you -out of the broom-closet-?: yes


- 11/06/97 02:23:13


Diana - 11/01/97 21:49:46
My URL:http://krypton.mankato.msus.edu/~trillian/index.html
My Email:trillian@mail.mankato.msus.edu
Are you a member of a Pagan or Earth Based religion?: yes
How long have you been into Wicca, witchcraft and/or Paganism; including studying and practice.: more than three years
If you care to answer this one, how old are you? Be honest or don't answer (none of you are 666 yrs. old!): 21
Did you like -The Craft-?: noooooooooooooooooo!
Have you ever been discriminated against for your beliefs in Paganism or witchcraft?: yes
Are you -out of the broom-closet-?: out and hopping around merrily!

Thank you for this site. It was an enjoyable visit.

fate42 - 10/27/97 00:55:29
My URL:http://www.angelfire.com/tx/fate42
My Email:ENTWINED@msn.com
Are you a member of a Pagan or Earth Based religion?: just learning
How long have you been into Wicca, witchcraft and/or Paganism; including studying and practice.: two days
If you care to answer this one, how old are you? Be honest or don't answer (none of you are 666 yrs. old!): 25
Did you like -The Craft-?: yes loved it
Have you ever been discriminated against for your beliefs in Paganism or witchcraft?: no
Are you -out of the broom-closet-?: no

am just starting out with the wicca religion

- 10/24/97 18:28:35
My URL:http://members.tripod.com/~Marie_W/index.htm.
My Email:wolfie@goplay.com
Are you a member of a Pagan or Earth Based religion?: about a year
How long have you been into Wicca, witchcraft and/or Paganism; including studying and practice.: about a year
If you care to answer this one, how old are you? Be honest or don't answer (none of you are 666 yrs. old!): almost 27
Did you like -The Craft-?: kinda sorta...It was JUST a movie!
Have you ever been discriminated against for your beliefs in Paganism or witchcraft?: nope
Are you -out of the broom-closet-?: in a way, I wear my Pentacle in public, but the in-laws don't know!

Neat page! I'd like to add this link to my page, cuz mine is sooooo small! bb, dude!

- 10/24/97 18:25:21
My URL:http://members.tripod.com/Marie_W/index.htm.
My Email:wolfie@goplay.com
Are you a member of a Pagan or Earth Based religion?: about a year
How long have you been into Wicca, witchcraft and/or Paganism; including studying and practice.: about a year
If you care to answer this one, how old are you? Be honest or don't answer (none of you are 666 yrs. old!): almost 27
Did you like -The Craft-?: kinda sorta...It was JUST a movie!
Have you ever been discriminated against for your beliefs in Paganism or witchcraft?: nope
Are you -out of the broom-closet-?: in a way, I wear my Pentacle in public, but the in-laws don't know!

Neat page! I'd like to add this link to my page, cuz mine is sooooo small! bb, dude!

Dennis L. Davis - 10/23/97 09:44:45
My Email:dldavis@midusa.net
Are you a member of a Pagan or Earth Based religion?: yes {Celtic Pagan}
How long have you been into Wicca, witchcraft and/or Paganism; including studying and practice.: 3 years going on 4
If you care to answer this one, how old are you? Be honest or don't answer (none of you are 666 yrs. old!): 44
Did you like -The Craft-?: the movie? never seen
Have you ever been discriminated against for your beliefs in Paganism or witchcraft?: don't think so
Are you -out of the broom-closet-?: sort of

I am in one or more of the Pagan/Wicca email lists that you are in, that is how I came to be here

nate - 10/22/97 16:36:14
Are you a member of a Pagan or Earth Based religion?: no
How long have you been into Wicca, witchcraft and/or Paganism; including studying and practice.: about a day
If you care to answer this one, how old are you? Be honest or don't answer (none of you are 666 yrs. old!): 15
Did you like -The Craft-?: yes
Have you ever been discriminated against for your beliefs in Paganism or witchcraft?: no
Are you -out of the broom-closet-?: no

i think your cool

Veronica - 10/20/97 15:30:47
My Email:ENTWINED@msn.com
Are you a member of a Pagan or Earth Based religion?: no
If you care to answer this one, how old are you? Be honest or don't answer (none of you are 666 yrs. old!): 25
Did you like -The Craft-?: yes

i have always been curious and now i can and will learn more about this subject thanks to your work here. I have to say good job and thank you.

ROBYN SMITH - 10/17/97 21:32:36
Are you a member of a Pagan or Earth Based religion?: I'M TRYING
How long have you been into Wicca, witchcraft and/or Paganism; including studying and practice.: STUDYING 1 MONTH
If you care to answer this one, how old are you? Be honest or don't answer (none of you are 666 yrs. old!): 23
Did you like -The Craft-?: KINDA
Have you ever been discriminated against for your beliefs in Paganism or witchcraft?: NOT YET
Are you -out of the broom-closet-?: YES


becky(sonjia_blue) - 10/16/97 22:49:05
My Email:becky@jaba.on.ca
Are you a member of a Pagan or Earth Based religion?: yes,Pagan
How long have you been into Wicca, witchcraft and/or Paganism; including studying and practice.: my life.
If you care to answer this one, how old are you? Be honest or don't answer (none of you are 666 yrs. old!): 14
Did you like -The Craft-?: it was amusing...
Have you ever been discriminated against for your beliefs in Paganism or witchcraft?: not much
Are you -out of the broom-closet-?: of course, i am not bothered by other peoples religion, if they are bothered by mine, they are not worth my time (sorry if i sound bitchy)

This whole which craft thing is misunderstood. Especially since the movie the Craft, sure it was amusing but most people that saw that movie wanted to get into which craft because they wanted to get even with that bitch in science class.Geez if people o ly knew the truth... email me if you want to , with spells, questions, anything at all. put the suubject as TO BECKY thanks so much... have a great day, o yeah ps this page is one of the best i have seen! :)

Kyra Benedict - 10/16/97 02:31:37
My Email:kcb@sisna.com
Are you a member of a Pagan or Earth Based religion?: no
How long have you been into Wicca, witchcraft and/or Paganism; including studying and practice.: one month
If you care to answer this one, how old are you? Be honest or don't answer (none of you are 666 yrs. old!): 16
Did you like -The Craft-?: a little
Have you ever been discriminated against for your beliefs in Paganism or witchcraft?: yes
Are you -out of the broom-closet-?: not yet

I would like to become a wicca witch, but I am not sure how to do it, please help.

Pol (Born of Star Fire) - 10/15/97 03:24:48
My Email:sheppard@levin.pl.net
Are you a member of a Pagan or Earth Based religion?: not yet
How long have you been into Wicca, witchcraft and/or Paganism; including studying and practice.: for about 3 years
If you care to answer this one, how old are you? Be honest or don't answer (none of you are 666 yrs. old!): 16
Did you like -The Craft-?: like the girls not the content
Have you ever been discriminated against for your beliefs in Paganism or witchcraft?: yes
Are you -out of the broom-closet-?: not quite

any and all info on casting a succesful spell please send to me.

Donald Ranheim Halvorsen - 10/14/97 01:01:24


Erin/Diane - 10/13/97 01:06:22
Are you a member of a Pagan or Earth Based religion?: no
How long have you been into Wicca, witchcraft and/or Paganism; including studying and practice.: just started reserching
If you care to answer this one, how old are you? Be honest or don't answer (none of you are 666 yrs. old!): 12
Did you like -The Craft-?: Yes and no because it discrimanted wiches because not all are evil
Have you ever been discriminated against for your beliefs in Paganism or witchcraft?: no
Are you -out of the broom-closet-?: no

Your web page is great we learned a lot by reading it!

Erin/Diane - 10/13/97 01:03:54
If you care to answer this one, how old are you? Be honest or don't answer (none of you are 666 yrs. old!): 12
Did you like -The Craft-?: Yes
Have you ever been discriminated against for your beliefs in Paganism or witchcraft?: no
Are you -out of the broom-closet-?: yes

we would just like to be treates as normal people. Other religions do not always get treated this way!

john rothwell - 10/13/97 00:56:25
My Email:silverman@clara.net
Are you a member of a Pagan or Earth Based religion?: yes, witch
How long have you been into Wicca, witchcraft and/or Paganism; including studying and practice.: over 20 years
If you care to answer this one, how old are you? Be honest or don't answer (none of you are 666 yrs. old!): 34 - in this life !! ? heh heh!!
Did you like -The Craft-?: the film? yes!
Have you ever been discriminated against for your beliefs in Paganism or witchcraft?: yes
Are you -out of the broom-closet-?: yes - very!!

I am Pagan Federation Regional Coordinator for the Birmingham area, and also run a Pagan Pub Moot here in Birmingham (NOT PF!!) with between 40-60 regular attenders each fortnight with regular speakers. next speaker is Veronica Hammond of Cotswold Order of Druids - on Monday 13th October, next is social a fortnight later. followed by Angie Jennings on Wicca on Nov 10th.

Erin/Diane - 10/13/97 00:55:03
If you care to answer this one, how old are you? Be honest or don't answer (none of you are 666 yrs. old!): 12
Did you like -The Craft-?: Yes
Have you ever been discriminated against for your beliefs in Paganism or witchcraft?: no
Are you -out of the broom-closet-?: yes

we would just like to be treates as normal people. Other religions do not always get treated this way!

Celeste - 10/12/97 23:00:56
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/SouthBeach/Marina/2684
My Email:saxy2000@hotmail.com
Are you a member of a Pagan or Earth Based religion?: yes
How long have you been into Wicca, witchcraft and/or Paganism; including studying and practice.: 3 years
If you care to answer this one, how old are you? Be honest or don't answer (none of you are 666 yrs. old!): 14
Did you like -The Craft-?: Yes, because it was entertaining and it did educate people a little bit about wicca. No, because it prtrayed us to be evil and sinister, which is not true at all.
Have you ever been discriminated against for your beliefs in Paganism or witchcraft?: Yes
Are you -out of the broom-closet-?: Yes, but I don't go around telling everyone, just those who ask :) .

What a WONDERFUL and educational page you have here! I give the url to my friends who ask me what our religion is about, and after viewing your page, they understand wicca/paganism much better. Thank you for the enlightenment and help on my journy. Goddes 's blessings! :)

jim know as bocephus - 10/12/97 18:38:01
My Email:jehb@msn .com
Are you a member of a Pagan or Earth Based religion?: nope
How long have you been into Wicca, witchcraft and/or Paganism; including studying and practice.: just wondering
If you care to answer this one, how old are you? Be honest or don't answer (none of you are 666 yrs. old!): i'm 24 now 10/19 i'll be 25
Did you like -The Craft-?: the movie ?yeah
Have you ever been discriminated against for your beliefs in Paganism or witchcraft?: nope
Are you -out of the broom-closet-?: nope

i have been wondring about the power behind doing spells i'm allways wondering if they really work ..i don't put any one down for what they beleive in ..so if their anyway i could find out how to do spells i would love to just to try it..well i don't know what else i could really say..

stacie - 10/12/97 17:09:13
My Email:nerov@msn.com
Are you a member of a Pagan or Earth Based religion?: no
How long have you been into Wicca, witchcraft and/or Paganism; including studying and practice.: n/a
If you care to answer this one, how old are you? Be honest or don't answer (none of you are 666 yrs. old!): 16
Did you like -The Craft-?: it's intersting
Have you ever been discriminated against for your beliefs in Paganism or witchcraft?: n/a
Are you -out of the broom-closet-?: m/a

very informative

Nina - 10/12/97 03:49:11
My Email:Speedskier@msn.com
Are you a member of a Pagan or Earth Based religion?: yes
How long have you been into Wicca, witchcraft and/or Paganism; including studying and practice.: 1year
If you care to answer this one, how old are you? Be honest or don't answer (none of you are 666 yrs. old!): 14
Did you like -The Craft-?: no and yes
Have you ever been discriminated against for your beliefs in Paganism or witchcraft?: YES
Are you -out of the broom-closet-?: no

I love your page it really opened my mind to new ideas and feelings towards other people! Nina

Camantha - 10/09/97 16:39:55
My URL:/AREA51/LAIR/5997
Are you a member of a Pagan or Earth Based religion?: YES
How long have you been into Wicca, witchcraft and/or Paganism; including studying and practice.: AT AGE 12 I STARTED BUT DID NOT GET DEEP INTO IT UNTILL 6 MO'S. AGO.
If you care to answer this one, how old are you? Be honest or don't answer (none of you are 666 yrs. old!): 35
Did you like -The Craft-?: IT WAS OK ALTHOUGH SOME WAS NOT TRUE.
Have you ever been discriminated against for your beliefs in Paganism or witchcraft?: YES
Are you -out of the broom-closet-?: YES


Camantha - 10/09/97 16:17:53
Are you a member of a Pagan or Earth Based religion?: YES
How long have you been into Wicca, witchcraft and/or Paganism; including studying and practice.: AT AGE 12 I STARTED BUT DID NOT GET DEEP INTO IT UNTILL 6 MO'S. AGO.
If you care to answer this one, how old are you? Be honest or don't answer (none of you are 666 yrs. old!): 35
Did you like -The Craft-?: IT WAS OK ALTHOUGH SOME WAS NOT TRUE.
Have you ever been discriminated against for your beliefs in Paganism or witchcraft?: YES
Are you -out of the broom-closet-?: YES


dinah andersen - 10/02/97 04:15:45
My Email:pudrick@msn.com
Are you a member of a Pagan or Earth Based religion?: yes
How long have you been into Wicca, witchcraft and/or Paganism; including studying and practice.: alittle over a year
If you care to answer this one, how old are you? Be honest or don't answer (none of you are 666 yrs. old!): 45 and thankful
Did you like -The Craft-?: yes
Have you ever been discriminated against for your beliefs in Paganism or witchcraft?: yes
Are you -out of the broom-closet-?: yes

As a child I felt that there was something amiss with "civilized" religions. After many years seeking a faith that I could believe in,and not being successful, a friend introduced me to the "other" faiths. I have never been this complete in my life. And t ere is a world of people that have the same belief. Thank you for this sight. I will visit often to learn and enjoy. Thank you again. dinah

Lorianna - 09/24/97 13:01:21
My Email:lorianna@intrlink.com
Are you a member of a Pagan or Earth Based religion?: yes, Celtic Tradition
How long have you been into Wicca, witchcraft and/or Paganism; including studying and practice.: 8yrs
If you care to answer this one, how old are you? Be honest or don't answer (none of you are 666 yrs. old!): 31
Did you like -The Craft-?: not particularly, showed witches as evil, did not give enough of the love and perfect trust shown among witches that i know and work with
Have you ever been discriminated against for your beliefs in Paganism or witchcraft?: yes, fired from a job because of my beliefs
Are you -out of the broom-closet-?: yes, for 5yrs now

Thank you so much for this page and the links within it. I congradulate you for furthering the cause of Pagans, Wiccans, and other earth-based religions. It is so nice to see someone helping to educate the public. Blessed be. Lorianna

Steve Netting ( Spirit ) - 09/22/97 09:21:56
My URL:http://tao.epinet.co.uk/~spirit
My Email:steven@hippos.demon.co.uk
Are you a member of a Pagan or Earth Based religion?: yes
How long have you been into Wicca, witchcraft and/or Paganism; including studying and practice.: Wicca, 3 months ( new! )
If you care to answer this one, how old are you? Be honest or don't answer (none of you are 666 yrs. old!): 21
Did you like -The Craft-?: The Film? yes! but only as a film!
Have you ever been discriminated against for your beliefs in Paganism or witchcraft?: Yes. but nothing too serious.
Are you -out of the broom-closet-?: well, yes. But steering well away from terms like 'Witch', and sticking to general "I'm a Pagan" or "I'm Wiccan" type things...

Nice web site. Very informative. Some of the graphics are rather nice too! It's bookmarked... and I'll be checking back regularly... ;) Spirit

ichsan - 09/20/97 20:33:24
My URL:http://www@worldonline.nl
My Email:ichsan@worldonline.nl
Are you a member of a Pagan or Earth Based religion?: no
How long have you been into Wicca, witchcraft and/or Paganism; including studying and practice.: n.a.
If you care to answer this one, how old are you? Be honest or don't answer (none of you are 666 yrs. old!): 46
Did you like -The Craft-?: yes
Have you ever been discriminated against for your beliefs in Paganism or witchcraft?: no
Are you -out of the broom-closet-?: no

Nice site. I like the spells. Keep on the good work. Wish you lots of luck and enlightment of the heart.

Debra Patrick - 09/20/97 04:44:36
My Email:merran@skypoint.com
Are you a member of a Pagan or Earth Based religion?: seeker
How long have you been into Wicca, witchcraft and/or Paganism; including studying and practice.: always
If you care to answer this one, how old are you? Be honest or don't answer (none of you are 666 yrs. old!): 30
Did you like -The Craft-?: didn't see
Have you ever been discriminated against for your beliefs in Paganism or witchcraft?: not yet
Are you -out of the broom-closet-?: yes & no

I have been actively seeking my path for a few years now. Most of my friends are non-christian, pagan, Wiccan, or athiest. I am in search of communication with others that believe but need direction. Deb

Cat - 09/19/97 03:54:02
My Email:erebus97@inlandnet.com
Are you a member of a Pagan or Earth Based religion?: yes
How long have you been into Wicca, witchcraft and/or Paganism; including studying and practice.: 16 years
If you care to answer this one, how old are you? Be honest or don't answer (none of you are 666 yrs. old!): 30 years
Did you like -The Craft-?: haven't seen it
Have you ever been discriminated against for your beliefs in Paganism or witchcraft?: yes
Are you -out of the broom-closet-?: opening the door

I really like your site. It has a lot of information and resources for new seekers, as well as those who aren't so new to paganism. I really appreciated the link to the editorial regarding "How to share the Gospel." Thanks!

Selena Firewater - 09/17/97 02:54:39
My URL:http://aol.com
My Email:at AOL, name Ldy Abyss
Are you a member of a Pagan or Earth Based religion?: yes
How long have you been into Wicca, witchcraft and/or Paganism; including studying and practice.: interst 3yr paracitce 6 months
If you care to answer this one, how old are you? Be honest or don't answer (none of you are 666 yrs. old!): 19
Did you like -The Craft-?: yes
Have you ever been discriminated against for your beliefs in Paganism or witchcraft?: yes
Are you -out of the broom-closet-?: yes

It is time the world realizes that their is more to life than what there minds see. It is time for regonized religon to open their hearts and minds to other religons of the world...

Selena Firewater - 09/17/97 02:49:48
My URL:http://aol.com
My Email:at AOL, name Ldy Abyss
Are you a member of a Pagan or Earth Based religion?: yes
How long have you been into Wicca, witchcraft and/or Paganism; including studying and practice.: interst 3yr paracitce 6 months
If you care to answer this one, how old are you? Be honest or don't answer (none of you are 666 yrs. old!): 19
Did you like -The Craft-?: yes
Have you ever been discriminated against for your beliefs in Paganism or witchcraft?: yes
Are you -out of the broom-closet-?: yes

It is time the world realizes that their is more to life than what there minds see. It is time for regonized religon to open their hearts and minds to other religons of the world...

Pandorah-SilverLion* - 09/10/97 15:53:12
My Email:EandZB@worldnet.att.net
Are you a member of a Pagan or Earth Based religion?: yes
How long have you been into Wicca, witchcraft and/or Paganism; including studying and practice.: I have always had Pagan beliefs,discovered witchcraft at 16 and studying and practiced on a continous path since 93
If you care to answer this one, how old are you? Be honest or don't answer (none of you are 666 yrs. old!): 35 yrs young
Did you like -The Craft-?: didn't see it
Have you ever been discriminated against for your beliefs in Paganism or witchcraft?: not yet hopefully never.
Are you -out of the broom-closet-?: yes,and would rather never have to hide it...

Very enjoyable site,I will visit again to see what new things pop up. BrightBlessings and Peace!

Jeannie - 09/10/97 04:16:17
My Email:jeannie@mid-ga.com
Are you a member of a Pagan or Earth Based religion?: perhaps in the future
How long have you been into Wicca, witchcraft and/or Paganism; including studying and practice.: studying a few months
If you care to answer this one, how old are you? Be honest or don't answer (none of you are 666 yrs. old!): 23
Did you like -The Craft-?: The movie? Yes because it had some valid points if you were receptive to them (in spite of Hollywood's influence); no because it was silly.
Have you ever been discriminated against for your beliefs in Paganism or witchcraft?: No, but I have been in the past because I was an atheist.
Are you -out of the broom-closet-?: hmmn. Don't think I was in one.

Of the many sites I have visited that indicated they were interested in teaching/sharing/etc, yours is one of the few where a feeling of - well - almost *warmth* came through. Blessings!

Chad - 09/07/97 21:24:46
Are you a member of a Pagan or Earth Based religion?: Not sure yet, still checking Wicca out.
If you care to answer this one, how old are you? Be honest or don't answer (none of you are 666 yrs. old!): 14
Did you like -The Craft-?: Didn't see it.
Have you ever been discriminated against for your beliefs in Paganism or witchcraft?: Yes, my Mom is a real Bible basher and she thinks that all of this some big fake excuse for a waste of time.

I was just looking for some incantations and spells for some of my enemies. I was hoping I could find some stuff to bind them with. Could you help me out?

Vedis - 09/06/97 23:11:45
My Email:Vedis@webtv.net
Are you a member of a Pagan or Earth Based religion?: not really( want to be wiccan )
How long have you been into Wicca, witchcraft and/or Paganism; including studying and practice.: little over a month, but it has always been my path
If you care to answer this one, how old are you? Be honest or don't answer (none of you are 666 yrs. old!): almost 14yrs.
Did you like -The Craft-?: I didn't see it.
Are you -out of the broom-closet-?: My family knows I read every web page I can about Wicca and I had my mom buy me a Wiccan book.

like your page! I'm on Witchaven list too!

Floyd - 09/03/97 18:51:23
My Email:floyd2@Flash.Net
Are you a member of a Pagan or Earth Based religion?: no
How long have you been into Wicca, witchcraft and/or Paganism; including studying and practice.: 10 years
If you care to answer this one, how old are you? Be honest or don't answer (none of you are 666 yrs. old!): 47
Did you like -The Craft-?: yes
Are you -out of the broom-closet-?: more or less


Shane - 09/01/97 23:28:54
My Email:shane@cais.com
Are you a member of a Pagan or Earth Based religion?: Druidry/OBOD
How long have you been into Wicca, witchcraft and/or Paganism; including studying and practice.: Been studying 2-3; Practicing 0
If you care to answer this one, how old are you? Be honest or don't answer (none of you are 666 yrs. old!): 27
Did you like -The Craft-?: Yes
Have you ever been discriminated against for your beliefs in Paganism or witchcraft?: Yes. Family.
Are you -out of the broom-closet-?: Unsure.

Good Site. Add something flourescent in the back- ground. A errie glow, know what I mean?

Joan/Derwyn Campbell - 09/01/97 19:21:10
My Email:vipr@intergate.bc.ca
Are you a member of a Pagan or Earth Based religion?: Non-affiliated Pagan
How long have you been into Wicca, witchcraft and/or Paganism; including studying and practice.: 1 year
If you care to answer this one, how old are you? Be honest or don't answer (none of you are 666 yrs. old!): 31
Did you like -The Craft-?: yes
Have you ever been discriminated against for your beliefs in Paganism or witchcraft?: No...see comments
Are you -out of the broom-closet-?: Not completely

A person that attacks all level of discrimination, and stands to be unwilling to be the subject of discrimination...of any kind,we refer to as a Harmony Warrior.It is,we believe,a strength to discredit those who tend to judge,with ignorance as thier only platform.

Clover - 09/01/97 13:17:40
My URL:/Athens/Delphi/4097/
My Email:clovergrrl@hotmail.com
Are you a member of a Pagan or Earth Based religion?: oui
How long have you been into Wicca, witchcraft and/or Paganism; including studying and practice.: a lonnnnng time
If you care to answer this one, how old are you? Be honest or don't answer (none of you are 666 yrs. old!): 14 in this life
Did you like -The Craft-?: when I saw it years ago I did
Have you ever been discriminated against for your beliefs in Paganism or witchcraft?: yes
Are you -out of the broom-closet-?: yep

Wonderful! I can't believe it's only three weeks old!

Anyea von Robin - 08/29/97 21:59:32
My Email:LadiTyger1@AOL.com
Are you a member of a Pagan or Earth Based religion?: no
How long have you been into Wicca, witchcraft and/or Paganism; including studying and practice.: 25 years
If you care to answer this one, how old are you? Be honest or don't answer (none of you are 666 yrs. old!): 46
Did you like -The Craft-?: yes
Have you ever been discriminated against for your beliefs in Paganism or witchcraft?: N/A
Are you -out of the broom-closet-?: N/A

As a programmer I love the work that went into your Web page. Your use of colours - fonts and artwork is impressive. As a human I enjoy the information your site and links offer. As a Child of the Universe....I see potential in all.

Josh Gorfain - 08/29/97 00:01:10
My Email:arcanos@mindspring.com
Are you a member of a Pagan or Earth Based religion?: no
How long have you been into Wicca, witchcraft and/or Paganism; including studying and practice.: since college
If you care to answer this one, how old are you? Be honest or don't answer (none of you are 666 yrs. old!): 26
Did you like -The Craft-?: hokey, but good 2hrs of fun
Have you ever been discriminated against for your beliefs in Paganism or witchcraft?: no
Are you -out of the broom-closet-?: not really


Kodiak - 08/28/97 21:13:50
My Email:watt1@freenet.calgary.ab.ca
Are you a member of a Pagan or Earth Based religion?: yes
How long have you been into Wicca, witchcraft and/or Paganism; including studying and practice.: 3 years
If you care to answer this one, how old are you? Be honest or don't answer (none of you are 666 yrs. old!): 21
Did you like -The Craft-?: V E R Y M U C H
Have you ever been discriminated against for your beliefs in Paganism or witchcraft?: yes
Are you -out of the broom-closet-?: yes


Lady Morgan Moonstone - 08/26/97 21:36:38
My URL:http://www.witchs-brew.com/
My Email:morgan@preferred.com
Are you a member of a Pagan or Earth Based religion?: yes
How long have you been into Wicca, witchcraft and/or Paganism; including studying and practice.: Lifetime - Heredity Witch
If you care to answer this one, how old are you? Be honest or don't answer (none of you are 666 yrs. old!): 27
Did you like -The Craft-?: It has it's lessons altho some of it was inaccurate.
Have you ever been discriminated against for your beliefs in Paganism or witchcraft?: yes
Are you -out of the broom-closet-?: Yes

Great site.. I've bookmarked you! Brightest Blessings!

Falling Leaves - 08/24/97 14:33:05
My Email:georgbar@bluemoon.net
Are you a member of a Pagan or Earth Based religion?: Yes
How long have you been into Wicca, witchcraft and/or Paganism; including studying and practice.: 8 years
If you care to answer this one, how old are you? Be honest or don't answer (none of you are 666 yrs. old!): 32
Did you like -The Craft-?: somewhat--my kids loved it more than I did
Have you ever been discriminated against for your beliefs in Paganism or witchcraft?: No
Are you -out of the broom-closet-?: NO

Your page is very nice. I saw it through the witch haven digest. I havent had a time yet to make a formal introduction to the list because my kids are home from school and I dont have much computer time. But I really enjoyed your page and My children l ve the art work on the front page.

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