Everything that you need to know about Athena...
People are always asking me questions about myself and sometimes answering the same questions over and over in the same day gets a bit tired. So I thought I'd work on getting together a bit of an introduction to me on here and give everyone a chance to see who I am and what I like.
Athena's real name...:
I'm not telling. :P
I'm 24 and an Aries (April 5th is the day to mark on the calander)
I live in Southington, Connecticut.
Wicca and witchcraft (duh), computers, reading, going to Boston when I can, doing gothy things, dancing and lurking at the goth clubs in the tri-state area, movies (I just LOVE movies...), writing and making artistic type stuff when the urge strikes me.
Are you "hitched"?
No I'm not married or handfasted...there seems to be a lack of decent, honest, sweet, mature, and cute men in the state of Connecticut.
Do you have any kids?
Again, no...and let me just say that I'm not anticpating any. But if it happens then I'll look at it as the Goddess has some weird plan in mind. But I myself do not. I do however have 1 cat thinks she's a baby and is treated better than most people.
Did you go to school?
Yes sir...I graduated high school (just barely, sad to say) and have an Associates Degree in Communications from Dean College in Franklin, MA where I made Dean's List 3 out of 4 semesters. I was working towards doing something in the musical print media. As you will see when you read on that never happened. *sign* But hey I'm still young.
Favorite types of music:
Celtic, New Age, Pagan, Gothic, Industrial, Techno, Ambient, and plain old good Rock.
Favorite Bands and Musicians:
:WUMPSCUT: (!!!!!) Enya, Loreena McKennitt, Mother's Tounge, Medwyn Goodall, Jim Brickman, Luka Bloom, Lycia, Love Spirals Downwards, Alien Sex Fiend, Sisters Of Mercy, Black Tape For A Blue Girl, Inkubus Sukkubus, Switchblade Symphony, Thrill Kill Kult, Electric Hellfire Club, Nitzer Ebb, 16 Volt, Skinny Puppy, Download, Ministry, NiN, Corpus Delicti, You Shriek, Blade Fetish, Two Witches, Faith and the Muse, The Shroud, Big Electric Cat, Voltaire, Love is Colder Than Death, Gary Numan, London After Midnight, Lords of Acid, Josh Wink, Orbital, Orb, DJ Frankie Bones, Underworld, Crystal Method, Cold Cut, Bjork, Massive Attack, Space Time Continuim, Rabbit in the Moon, Cosmic Baby, Real Life, DJ Keoki....as you can see the list goes on and on....
What do you do?
I am a customer service rep for a packaging company. We manufacture shopping bags. It's actually really neat and I like it quite a bit and the money is decent for what I do. All I can say is it's the best paying job I've had yet and one that I enjoy going to every day. That and I don't scare anyone at work, at least I dont think so. So I think that's a good thing. They find me amusing if nothing else.
Favorite Movies:
The Doom Generation (Rose McGowan is a Goddess!), Goodfellas, Resivor Dogs, The Godfather (mostly the first one, but all three were good), pretty much anything that has to do with the mafia, Friday (or pretty much anything with Ice Cube in it), Scream (of course) The Craft (give me some credit!! for a MOVIE it isn't half bad, it's entertaining and most of all stars Fariuza Balk!!), Hackers (yeah I know...but it's the same thing as The Craft. There is not an ioda of reality to it but it's a cool MOVIE. And in this case stars Matthew Lillard!!), Edward Sicissorhands, Nightmare Before Christmas, Sid and Nancy. And thanks to my weirdo boyfriend (and I mean that in the best way possible) I've gathered an even greater appreciation for Ed Wood and find anything he's done (the "adult films" included) quite amusing. I am also hooked on anything related to Twin Peaks.
How did you get interested in Witchcraft?
Well I was about 11 when I started to really get into reading anything that I could on the subject. Young, I know. My Mother had this thing about taking my sister and I to the library every week and we had to take out books each time to read during the week. I found the section in the childerns part of the library that had the books on the supernatural and read all of them 2 and 3 times. When I was able to read the adult ones I read all of those. Finally I went and started getting books from bookstores and read all that I could afford to buy. I started practicing fully at 13, even though nobody really knew. But my grandmother remembers me being 12 and reading tarot cards (and they wonder why I am the way I am sometimes. *grin*)
My interest really came from not believing what I was taught in CCD classes. I was attending Catholic church for the classes but never actually went to church. My parents aren't religious and I didn't really believe in anything that we were taught in chruch. But as my Mother put it then and still does, she was sending me and my sister (who, BTW, got out of having to go all the way through with it) to make the family on a whole happy. They expected us to go so off we went. Meanwhile I was studying up on paganism on my spare time and was fully practicing before I was even confirmed in the Catholic church. Again, something that I didn't agree with or want to do but really had no say.
As time has gone on since then I have studied many other religions as well and I think that all are valid paths for those that find peace and comfort in them. For me it's Witchcraft. I don't believe in the things that I was "taught" as a child in church and it isn't something that I am going to start to believe in because some people think that what I do believe is wrong or because it says in a book that I should believe in one thing and not another. That's what freedom of religion is. Not freedom to believe in CERTAIN religions, but ALL religions.
If anyone's got anything that they want to ask me about myself, feel free to email me and ask. I know there is more I could add on to here...I'm going to add Craft related things later when I get the chance... But until then, go back and take a look at the rest of the page!!
Birghtest Blessings!
^^..^^ Athena
Here, this is what I look like.
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