Truth Research


Bible Prophecy, Biblical Archaeology, Ancient Mysteries & More

"Go Daniel!  For the matters are obscured and sealed until the time of the End.  They will be elucidated and clarified and refined by many [people]…”

Excerpt from Daniel 12:9&10 (The Stone Edition Tanach)

Find out where God parted the Red Sea.
Simple geometry has revealed the location of the site where God parted the Red Sea.  This document includes photographs and maps.

Biblical Archaeology

  • Where God Parted the Red Sea  Simple geometry has finally revealed the location of one of God's most famous miracles.  The author of this article presented it to Dr. Rudolph Cohen, Israel's director of archaeology and  Ms. Ihssan Wali, the Cultural Attaché to the Embassy of Egypt, Washington, DC, in Spring, 1998.  The article includes photographs, maps, and underwater naval charts of the crossing site.
  • The Real Nazareth?  The traditional town of Nazareth does not fit the New Testament's description.  This document explains why, and shows photographs of the site of an ancient, unexcavated town in Galilee that may be the real Nazareth.

Bible Prophecy

  • Ephraim:  the Fullness of the Gentiles  What happened to the "ten lost tribes" of Israel, formerly known as the Kingdom of Ephraim?  Many have pondered this question over the centuries.  This document presents a simple line of reasoning, based on scripture, which may answer this question.
  • Jesus' Vengeance  The Bible says that at Jesus' second coming, he will destroy armies in his wrath and will come from the battle-zone wearing clothing stained red with blood.  The major prophecies concerning this event, particularly those in Isaiah 63, are rarely mentioned.  Here they are.

Ancient Mysteries

  • Dragons or Dinosaurs?  From Europe to China, ancient people told stories of dragons, giant reptiles that once roamed the earth.  Are the dragons of mythology and dinosaurs the same creatures?
  • When Sea Level Rapidly Rose  Did sea level rise thousands of feet less than 5000 years ago, submerging islands and coast lands worldwide?  The Bible and ancient legends from around the world indicate that it did.  This event was not the flood of Noah's day, but happened later, probably after people had migrated to all continents.  The Bible seems to indicate that this event happened in the days of a man named Peleg.
  • The Search for Noah's Ark  Is there a shred of hard evidence that anyone has seen Noah's ark?  Can the location of the ark be determined from information presented in the Bible?  Never-published Noah's ark research is presented.
  • Link:  Where Is the Ark of the Covenant?  Does the Ark of the Covenant still exist?  The Ethiopian Orthodox Church claims that they have it, and have kept it for centuries under guard in a small compound in Ethiopia.  Furthermore, Ethiopian Orthodox churches claim to display replicas of the Ark of the Covenant.  Could the Ark of the Covenant be in Ethiopia?

Creation Science

  • Measuring Time From the Big Bang  Is the universe billions of years old, thousands of years old, or both?  Dr. Donald Ponikvar, a physicist trained at West Point and M.I.T. and a former physics professor at West Point, explains gravity's effects on time during the expansion of the universe.  Perhaps the age of the universe depends on where one would have placed a clock during the universe's expansion.
  • Link: Center for Scientific Creation  Where did the waters of the Great Flood come from, and where did they go?  Why do continents appear to fit together like a jigsaw puzzle?  How was the Grand Canyon formed?  What caused the ice age(s)?  Why did the mammoths freeze?  How old is the earth?  What about the theory of evolution?  At this website, Dr. Walt Brown answers these and other questions.  Dr. Brown's online book, In the Beginning, presents the Hydroplate Theory, a logical alternative to the Plate Tectonics Theory of continental drift.  Dr. Brown is a former United States Air Force Academy science professor.  He graduated from West Point, and holds a Ph.D. in mechanical engineering from M.I.T.  Dr. Brown has been a full-time creation-scientist since 1980.

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