awww...Aren't they cute?
Sweaty Palms

"Oh, no, no speaking up...That way leads
to madness and sweaty palms..."
-Willow, "Angel"
Updated on February 25th, 1999

Welcome to Sweaty Palms, the only existing Willow/Giles 'shipper archive (that the author knows of). It's two months old, and STILL small. Why? Because people don't submit anything! Let me see if I can make it more clear: If you have Willow/Giles fic, or fanart, or anything like that, email me with your submission, and I'll get it put up as soon as I can, 'cause we'd kinda like to expand... And now, without further ado:

What's new on Sweaty Palms?

The Library
Giles/Willow FanFic

The Gallery
Giles/Willow Fan Artwork

The Tea Room
Giles/Willow Poetry

The Grotto
Adult G/W Fiction

The Subtext
Giles/Willow Near Misses and 'Shipper Ep Analysis

The Feedback
Okay, yeah, I'm gloating. But these people like the site! I'm cool now, honest!

The Trophy Room
Awards This Site Has Won (well, actually, there's only one, but...)

The Titian
About Willow

The Watcher
About Giles

The Fine Print
Site Disclaimer and Credits

The Rules
Submission Guidelines

The BuffyOtaku
About The Warped Woman Who Runs This Site

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Since 24 October 1998 people have thought that Willow was much, much better than Xander.