Lori's Pregnancy Page

This page was last updated on:
January 13, 2001

UPDATE: AS OF January 13, 2001 My Baby Kaeli is 2 years 4 months. Boy has time gone quickly. I also wish to let everyone know that as of December 2, 2000, I have a newborn baby boy. The pregnancy with him was very easy and he was born 3 days before his due date with no complication. Delivery was easy with a 5 1/2 hour labor and only 5 mins of pushing!!! You can see a pic of Zachary at Click Here. To visit Kaeli's page and see pictures of her Click Here..

This page, if you haven't guessed it yet, is dedicated to my pregnancy Tim and I are very excited and terrified all at the same time. I decided to write this page for a couple of reasons. First, I wanted to share the joy of this pregnancy with all my friends and family. Second, and probably should be really the first, is that I want to create a site that will hopefully help other pregnant women who may experience some problems in their pregnancy. When I began to spot early in my pregnancy, I looked for sites that had a personal flavor and experience and found none. Everything was from a medical perspective, which is not always very reassuring. I realize that they must be on the "negative" side in case something does go wrong, as can happen, but I need to know that women experience the early bleeding and still make it through. I have yet to go to term, but I am feeling wonderful and just keep my prayers going for a safe pregnancy and birth. I hope you find this site useful and/or enjoyable and I would love to hear your responses. Now, read on...

There are a TON of books, information, advice and links about pregnancy!! It sometimes gets a little overwhelming. The most important thing is to ask questions of you practitioner, and if you do not get an answer keep at them until they answer your questions. This is your pregnancy. No matter how many other babies have been born in the world, your baby is special and deserves respect and attention to details.

While I am not that far along I do intend to write what I feel and what is happening to me at different stages.


January 25, 1998: WEEK 5

First thing that happens is you find out your pregnant (obviously!). This news, even if expected or wanted, can send your senses into overdrive. For me I was excited, but reserved. So much can happen that I didn't want to get too happy, just incase something did. I found out on the 25th of January, 1998. Tim and I wanted children soon and were working toward that goal 8-). I had a suspicion that it may have happened, so I took a home pregnancy test. This came out positive. I took a second one just to make sure I did the first one right. Yep, we had the lines in the right spots. I ran upstairs and told Tim. Tim is a very practical one. He smiled and said we should get the "official" test before we get too thrilled. He was right of course. So the next day I went to the hospital and had the blood test to confirm the pregnancy. It was in our 5th week that we found out. Tim and I chose not to tell extended friends and family until after the first trimester.


January 30, 1998: WEEK 6

I am glad we waited. A week and a half after finding out about the pregnancy, I began to spot blood. This was the most horrible experience of my life. I wanted my child more than anything and the thought that I could lose it was heart wrenching. I visited the doctor, who could only tell me that this happens quite a bit. She also was honest with me and said that it could indicate a "possible" miscarriage. As I said, this type of spotting is very typical. If it becomes heavy then there is even more concern. If you are experiencing any type of bleeding, call you doctor. If you've done this and just want to talk to someone about, please email me. A link to my email is below. The best advice I can give is take it easy for a bit. I really can't explain all the emotions and the tears that drained out of me during this time. Finally I realized that whatever happens will happen for a reason. Usually if a fetus miscarries it is due to a deformity in the formation of cells. It was out of my hands and in God's hands. This is a very tough decision to make and at times falling back into "depression" happens. For me, I was lucky. The spotting continued for two weeks, then stopped for a week and began again for a week. By my 10th week it had stopped completely and so far has not continued. I can only hope it doesn't happen again. I just wanted to say, that if (God forbid) you are experience this now, please email me if you wish to talk about it. It is a horrible thing to go through and if I can offer any encouragement or support I really would like to. Don't be shy about contacting me at the email below!!!

So many things have happened to me physically that it leaves me reeling sometimes. The first thing is the emotions. I feel like I am on a roller coaster at times. I have been moody, which isn't like me. I get grumpy and early in the pregnancy I was very tired all the time. I would come home at 7 and by 7:30 would be asleep. Now, in the second trimester, it is much better. I still take little naps sometime, but my energy is much higher.

Besides the spotting, the worst thing for me has been the pain in my breasts. This pain at times can be very intense. It gets so bad sometimes that if I move, even a little, the pain shoots through them. UGH!!! I wouldn't wish this on my worst enemy. I have increased two cup sizes already. When I began I was a 32D and I just purchased a new bra that is a 34F (I had no idea they came in these sizes...lol). Yet, for all the pain I know that it is worth it. Parenting isn't perfect, but children are wonderful and make the world a better place. I can't wait to see our little one in my arms, or in it's daddy's arms.


Febuary 20, 1998: WEEK 9

Tim and I decided to tell our family around the 9th week. Well it ended up being in the 10th week. We told Tim's mom first. She has wanted a little grandchild since the day we got married (May 18, 1996). It took a second for it to sink in, and then she proceeded to scream. She was so excited. Then we told her she couldn't tell anyone until the later. We wanted to wait until we felt comfortable. She respected this, but it was sooooo hard on her. All of her friends always ask her when she's going to be a grandmother, and she couldn't tell them. I was proud of her restraint though.

We told my father and stepmother that evening. They were expecting us to tell them this sometime soon, so it wasn't quite as shock as it was to Tim's mom. I guess Tim's mom just didn't believe us when we said we wanted children pretty soon. Even though they expected it they were thrilled. We also called my mother in Oregon that night and told her. She was happy. I of course told my two closest friends, Cathy and Pam. Shortly after that, I told David and Anna. By March 12th, we pretty much made it official to all the family. At the end of the first trimester I told my bosses. It has been wonderful all the reactions to our upcoming addition.


February 27, 1998: WEEK 10

At 10 1/2 weeks we heard the heart beat. This was incredible. It beats so fast! To hear this helped to ease some of the fear. This moment is a big step. It solidifies it a little more. For me I can feel all the changes happening in me, but for Tim it is still a bit unreal, even now.

The next couple of weeks came and went with the normal stuff. I had originally purchased What to expect When Expecting and had already read it cover to cover. In fact, I constantly go back to it. I would suggest getting this book if you haven't already. A friend of mine has suggested A Girlfriends Guide to Pregnancy as well. I haven't gotten it yet, but will.


April 17, 1998: WEEK 16

We had our ultrasound this last Friday, April 17. I was so wonderful. I started to cry seeing our baby move. The little feet and hand moving and its mouth opening and gulping "air". We also saw it's heart beat. It is amazing! I can't begin to describe the feeling running through me when I saw this little being moving, yet I couldn't feel it. It was so strange. Tim and I were in awe. I have a picture of our ultrasound, if you click the icon down below you can see our little one. We were a little disappointed that we couldn't see the baby's sex. Oh well, we will have a surprise in 6 months!!!

I have finally hit the point that NONE of my clothes fit me and worst, my cute inny belly button is starting to be an outtie. I am starting to show. I can't wait until I actually "look" pregnancy instead of just feeling it. I got maternity clothing from my friend Pam this weekend (April 18). I also went to a used maternity store and to Motherhood Maternity. Both these store had nice clothing and the used store had some great stuff at good prices. I would suggest to anyone to look into this!! I was actually amazed that Motherhood had some decent (normal) prices. All of the other stores I went to were WAY over priced. It's like they think "hey they're having a baby lets double the prices on things". In one store I actually saw a cotton sundress that in a non-maternity store would have cost me 40 bucks max. In this store it was $130.00. I was floored. So as I said, look around if you can. I also suggest actually getting maternity clothes. You are uncomfortable enough without having to feel like a blob because you are wearing unfitted clothing. Treat yourself special during your time, because you won't be able to so easily later!!

Besides the showing, I am also feeling the stretches happening in my abdomen. It is weird. You think it would hurt, but it doesn't. It feels like when you work out and pull a little muscle. If you stop the stretch eases, or course, you have no control of the stretches in pregnancy. Nothing you do stop or starts them. But it doesn't last very long.


April 24, 1998: WEEK 17

This week has been relativily "calm". 8-). I have felt more pressure on my stomache. I also think I may have felt the little one move, but I am not sure. They say the "quickening" usually starts around the 18th week or anytime between 14 and 22 weeks. Since this is my first child, I don't really know what to expect. What I have been feeling once in a while is like the inside of my stomache being tickled. It almost feels itchy. This may be the baby, who knows. I guess I will know more in a couple of weeks when I can really feel the baby. I have had alot more energy this week and am feeling wonderful.


May 1, 1998: WEEK 18

I just go back from Colorado today (May 4, 1998) and have some exciting news. On the plane trip home I felt the baby. There is no doubt in my mind that it was the baby moving. WOW. It was sooooo wonderful. It felt like a bumping from the inside of my "tummy" on the right side. I am so excited. I can't wait until Tim can feel the little one move too.


May 8, 1998: WEEK 19

God was this morning horrid. It is Friday May 8, 1998 and the beginning of my 19th week of pregnancy. I spoke earlier of my spotting, well this AM when I went to the restroom I was spotting again. Although it was extreamly light, my first reaction was to cry, which I did. It has been 11 weeks since I last spotted and I wasn't sure what was happening. Tim was wonderful. He rushed from bed and held me and said things were perfectly normal and things would be fine. I know I should listen to him. He was right. of course (but that was only after I actually spoke with the doctor). I made an appt. to see my doctor immediately. The doctor was wonderful. She went and looked at cervix, which is very healthy and normal. Then she listened to the heartbeat which is strong. She said that some women experience spotting, usually caused by the outer blood vessals, which are thinner and easily ruptured. She also said since I have felt the little one move this week it is most likely caused by the movement. IT is nothing to worry about and normal. WHEW!!! That was a relief. I am feeling the little one now, and am happy that I don't need to worry about a little spotting. I will keep you all posted on how I am doing and feeling.


May 19, 1998: WEEK 20

Woo hoo...we have hit the half way point. Only twenty more weeks to go. This week has been fairly easy on me, well kinda. I have finally lost my mind completely. Friday night I left my wallet at the movies, and proceeded to BAWL for over an hour because it wasn't turned in. The hormones were raging. By 12:30AM someone had finally turned in my wallet. They took the money, but left my ultrasound pics (thank goodness...as if they would want to keep them...lol). Saturday wasn't much better. Tim and I celebrated our 2 year wedding anniversary Saturday, even though our anniversary was really monday the 18th. That night we went to dinner. On the drive home I realized I left my purse in the restaurant. I laughed so hard I cried. It was too funny. Darn what these hormones will do to a girl. By the way, my purse was still at the table when we got back (whew!!). So aside from my insanity, lets tell what else has happened. The little one is quite active at time. I think it's training for the olympics, but Tim can't feel it yet. Good news finally, my breasts are no longer tender. Yippy they can finally be touched!! Tim is very happy about this latest occurance. He says it's about time. We had a wonderful anniversary and the little one seemed quite pleased as well.


May 28, 1998: WEEK 21

Well, here I am again. The last week and a half has been very nice. I haven't experienced any heartburn and the little one is moving quite a bit. Sometimes I get a sharp pain in my right side when I sneeze, cough or laugh to hard, but I am told this is normal. Two nights ago I went and got a full body massage. OHHHH I suggest this to anyone, pregnant or not. It was great and relaxing. I am sure that I felt the baby turn around (like a back flip), shich I hadn't felt before. Last night I did something special. Early in my pregnancy I decided that when school was out I would make a couple tapes of me telling stories so I could put earphones on my tummy and the baby could hear me read it stories. I figrued even though the little one hears me all day long, it isn't the same as when Daddy is at my tummy talking right to the baby. Yesterday I completed my first tape and put it on my tummy. WOW!!! I didn't expect the little one to move so much. For the entire hour the tape was on the baby moved around. I haven't felt that much movement yet and it was wonderful. I don't know if was my voice on the tape that stimulated the babe, but I like to think so.

I also purchased the book A Girlfriends Guide to Pregnancy about a week ago. This is a great book. It is amusing and not at all like What to Expect When Expecting which is also a great book. A Girlfriends Guide was amusing and help me laugh at myself and what I am going through...we'll see how well it help me in a couple of months to keep my humor up!!!


June 3, 1998: WEEK 22

OH, I just had to write in the journal today!! Last night the coolest thing happened. I was sitting in the bathtub (lukewarm of course)watching my belly--which kinda looked like a beached whale--and then I saw it!! My belly jumped liked it had "Mexican Jumping Beans" inside. I yelled to Tim and told him how much it was moving and he didn't believe it. He came into the bathroom and watched. Of course, at first the little one didn't move. Tim decided (at my prompting) to place his hand on my belly. Sure enough the little one bounced. Tim was a bit confused. He thought it was just a contraction movement. I said nope that's your baby. He proceeded to get the biggest smile on his face. It was so cool to see his look, knowing he was feeling his child for the first time. I am on cloud nine!!!


June 19, 1998: WEEK 25

Hello everyone. Well, it's been fairly uneventful pregnancy wise. The baby is getting very active and strong. We saw our doctor last week. She said the baby is growing great and the heartbeat is strong. All looks great!!! I on the other hand do not look quite so well...lol. UGH!! I found those ugly PURPLE STRETCHMARKS on my lower tummy. EEEEWWWW!!! I can kinda handle the weight gain, but the stretchmarks are horrid (LOL). I have been using coco butter, yet they still look bad. Heck, the coco butter makes me smell like I should be put in the oven @ 400 and baked until I am done **grins**. Home wise , on the other hand, is getting very busy. We are waiting for our home loan to be approved and them we are remodeling our house. We are doing 3 bathrooms, painting the interior, new carpets and linoleum and the baby's room...whew. The hardest for me is deciding on decorating. I thought it was bad enough thinking about the nursery, now I have the rest of the house (LOL). We did decide on Classic Winnie-the-Pooh for the baby's room and will paint it a neutral color. Honey Gold and we will stencil the alphabet around the room. Well, that's enough babbing for now. I hope you have a wonderful time.


July 12, 1998: WEEK 28

Well everyone, it has been almost a month since my last entry. Life has been going wonderfully. The baby is extreamly active. We just had our 28 week check up on Thursday. The doctors was pleased with the activity of the baby and said the little one is right on "schedule" according to it's size. Seems at time like 2 1/2 months will never get here and other times it's going sooooooo fast. I do not like the fact that I have gain WAY to much weight in my opinion (the doctor says, while it is more that they would like, it is not something to worry about -- easy for her to say!). I am at about 35lbs now and still have 12 weeks to go (UGH). Oh well, I have all the time after the birth to get back down, I don't wanna hurt the growing little one!!! My tummy is a good size. I'm told that I look very good and not very big, and one saving grace is that the weight isn't on my rear end or hips!!!! I have loved the second trimester. My energy has been wonderful and aside from a little heartburn and a VERY sore back I am doing well. On a different note, the home loan is approved and we will be remodeling the entire house now. This will keep me so busy. I am very excited. The bathrooms will be great, the painting will look nice and oh how the Nursery will look!!! I can't wait til it's completed!!


July 29, 1998: WEEK 30

Hello again, it's me. Well, we now have about 9 1/2 weeks until our "estimated due date" of Oct. 2. Gosh I wish it was already here!!! To be honest, pregnancy wise, life has been kinda "boring". Nothing new has been happening since last time. The baby is kicking alot and being very active. We now have to count the amount of kick the baby does in a 2 hour period each day. This is fun. Tim and I did start Lamaze classes last thurs. These are very interesting. We are getting alot of information and I love our teacher and hospital. The baby is growing at the rate it's suppose to. Yesterday was a bad day for me though. For the first time I felt real depression about my changing body. No matter what others said or I told myself about the temporary condition, it just didn't help!!! I was moody and at one point on the point of tears. It is tough to get used to the weight gain and the physical changes, but they will be worth it when that sweet child is out in the world!!! As you can tell today I am feeling much better. It was just such a short depression. I'm not one to keep blue for very long 8-). As far as our house is concerned, we begin remodeling on Sat. I am so excited cuz once they are done we can get down to decorating and putting together the nursery. I anticipate having pics online by the end of Aug...woo hoo. Ah well, that is all I have to contribute until next time. Peace to you and yours.


August 10, 1998: WEEK 32

Hello again! Well, finally the pregnancy is catching up to me. For almost a week now I have had a "pinched" syatic (?)nerve that hurts my lower back. The pain is pretty constant, sitting, moving, standing and walking. I kinda limp. So now I waddle and limp...lol...pretty funny to look at. This pain is in my left buttock an inch or so from the tail bone. When I get an exceptionally bad pain it shoots up a bit about 2-4inches. Ah well, so far my pregnancy hasn't been that "difficult" so if I have a little pain now and at delivery, I am luckier than many!! My weight of course could be less and my tummy is HUGE, but this is all the joys of pregnancy...lol. On a different note, the remodelers are almost done and the painters started today. Hopefully by the end of the week I can put my house back in order. Saturday will be my baby shower. My stepmom and mother-in-law are giving it for me. I am so excited. We haven't really gotten anything for the babe's room and I can't wait to see what others get us. Then I get to go shopping for what we don't have!!! Yippee.


Well, I have some great news. On Saturday August 29 at 10:15am I gave birth to a beautiful baby girl. Kaeli Ann was 5 weeks early, but is in good health. Aside from a bit of Jaundice and the need to gain her birth weight back she is in wonderful health. The jaundice in fact is going way and we hope that the weight is on the rise! Thank you all for taking the time to read my journal. I will post pictures of Kaeli as soon as I can. Peace to you all. To See Pics of Kaeli...CLICK HERE.

WOW....Just to let you know, Kaeli celebrated her ONE YEAR BIRTHDAY today. Yep, it's been a year. Let me just say that it has been the best year of my life. She is a perfect angel and worth all the fears and waiting!!!! I only hope that this page has help some women who may have fears during their pregnancy. It's possible to bleed/spot and be just fine!


Ultrasound Pictures

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