So, you have decided to learn a little about my family and me. Thank you for you curiosity. However, now I must come up with something interesting to say about myself. Well, where to begin? Let us start with where I am from. I lived in Northern California, in Santa Clara County, which is commonly called Silicon Valley. Santa Clara County is about 45 minutes from San Francisco. However about a year ago we moved from Northern California to Central California to be able to raise our children in a better enviroment. We love it here in Clovis. I was born in Palo Alto, California. I have spent my entire life in California. I love it here, never far from the mountains, the beach or the desert.
The next question you may ask is who is Lorinda. That certainly is a loaded question. I am different things to different people. I know how cliché, but it is so true. I am a wife,a mother, a daughter, a friend, a teacher, a student, a companion, an adventurer, a pest, a nerd, and so much more. At 28 years old, I have learned so much and yet so little.
I am 5' 3 1/2" tall. I currently have red hair, although it used to be brownish-blond. I have yellow/gray eyes and am athletic to a point. I love fitness, but am not as dedicated as I would like to be. I have so many interests and not enough time to do them all.
I currently work full time raising my children while attending college. I am a history student at Fresno State University, with a special love of Ancient and Medieval history. School is such an important aspect of my life. I am currently on the Dean Scholar list for maintaining a 3.70 grade point average, and very proud of this accomplishment. I am not often a prideful person, but I have worked hard at school. I have attended college for 12 years, ever since I graduated high school Taking one or two classes a semester makes it a slow trek, but at least I am still at it. Education is something that, no matter how long it takes, everyone should strive to obtain it. I am a junior and will probably be finished with shool...well never (LOL). I intend to get my BA in History and then continue on with the teaching credential program. It is my goal to teach 7/8th graders. Children are so precious and need all the help, understanding and learning we can give them. 7/8th grade is a very tough age, but I feel a very rewarding age. Often times it is at this point that people give these children up for lost. It is exactly because of this that I feel they deserve extra attention an care. I hope that I can give it to them.
I love my entire family very much, not only my birth family but my in-laws as well. I have been blessed in such a wonderful family. My mother and Stepfather currently live in Oregon and I talk with them often. My Father and Stepmother live close to Tim and I. I love my parents dearly. Tim's mother and father also live close by and we are able to see them frequently as well. I am lucky to be able to say that I am close with my in-laws. They are very special to Tim and I. Eventually I will have pictures of both sides of Tim's family and mine.
Friends mean a lot to me. I try to choose them very carefully. Respect and understanding are needed in all relationships. People often forget that to forge great friendships one must put a lot of energy and time into it. Anything that comes too easy also fades just as fast. Many of my friends have been close to me since my late teens and early twenties. My Bestest friend is Cathy. We have been close friends since our junior year in high school and have seen each other through numerous disasters and joyous occasions (with more of both to You can visit the page I dedicated to her by click the button below. Pam is another of my dearest friends. Both Cathy and Pam were in my wedding. Cathy was my Maid of Honor and Pam one of my bridesmaids. Kari is a very dear friend who is like a sister to me. Her and I share a love of learning and enjoy discussing our classes and life anytime we can. David is also one of my closest friends. I have known him for years and he the brother I should have had. I have also made some wonderful new friends lately. Not only will I post pictures of my friends but I will also include links to their pages, for those who have them. I hope you will take the opportunity to visit them as well.
That pretty much finishes up the basics of this page. Feel free to stay and view my pictures. I am camera crazy, so there are many pictures. If you want to get a more well rounded view of who I am please look at more of my site. While this particular page gives a brief description of me, it can not possible capture all of my facets. You will need to look deeper into the entire site to understand me better, but it is a start.
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Thanks for your time. |