Tracy's Home Page

Thinkers and Dreamers Welcome

Original Poetry Writing Science Fiction Random Thoughts Fried Brain Sign the Guestbook

Jasper's Corner Message Board X-Fill Up What's Gnu Links Ego Trip

WARNING ...this page is under construction... watch out for falling prices...

Welcome to Tracy's page! Feel free to stop by and take a breather from all the conventional craziness; sample all the eclectic weirdness of my life. This page is science fiction- and writing-oriented. If you're not interested in that, there's always the Random Room (deli-fresh all week.)
One rule only: breathe deep. (Unless you're in an unusually foul-smelling room, in which case, why don't you get off the computer and do something about it?)

Hi! I'm Jasper!Hello, my name is Jasper the Glowyrm. I am Tracy's cyberpet. I live here on her homepage. I hope you enjoy the site. Tracy doesn't update it much, but I like it. Here's a list of new stuff for you.

Please do not try to steal me. Glowyrms are very fragile. Instead, if you want a cyberpet of your own, please adopt a glowyrm or a fyrefly properly.

Are you lost? Do you want to sign or see the guestbook? Come to the Carnival! If you need anything else, you can email Tracy and I'm sure she'll be nice and try to help you.

Click for Minneapolis, Minnesota ForecastWhat?!! I'm supposed to put information like this in my personal section? Lies! Lies, I say! Besides, it's my web page, I can do what I want.
Remember September... For those of you who're utterly out of touch, I'm headed for Macalester College this fall. I won't be changing email addresses ... repeat, I WON'T be changing email addresses. You can reach me at my regular account though I might not be able to reach you...

Announcing: the BIG MOVE! I've been bothered by the non-topicality of my X-Files stuff for a long time, so I now have a half-mirror, half-appendage site at Click here for The X-Files for Normal People! And it's finished! The address is easy to remember: 2831 ---> 4811. Don't say I never did anything for ya. If you're truly lost, you can't miss my callsign: lilgreenmen. Don't be a stranger!

The X-Files Quote of the Week
for November 15, 1998

"Tomorrow the sun will rise in America whether or not we are investigating big piles of doo-doo."

Next week: love in the Bermuda Triangle... and kisses! Big kisses! (Note plural.)

for November 8, 1998
"The Beginning"
Mulder: "What does it take for you to believe? Does something have to jump up and bite you on the ass?"

Check out my own movie prevue at my X-Files site.

What's Gnu

any of the African antelopes of the genus Connochaetes, having an oxlike head, curved horns, and a long tail

Hello, my fellow creatures of the dark and also the incidental travelers and all my friends who pretend not to know me when I'm in a mood like this... this is what's new.

Visit my Lois McMaster Bujold Shrine and read my fan fic, A Bit of Evolution.

12/01 - Added a cool e-mail forward, Why did the chicken cross the road? - X-Files version. Still under construction, but real funny.

9/20 - New Random Room!!! Get it while it's hot!

8/18 - I added "One Week" and other songs to my song lyrics page, which has been extended into two pages. Also a couple of clean-up type things. Come visit!

8/07 - My A-Team page is up and running! Also, visit the updated Brain Drain, and the updated Random Room.

7/27 - Added a new graphic to bridge to my X-Files site.

6/26 - Added a link to Utopia Bookstore, which has a lot of cool sci-fi book recommendations.

The Poetry Corner | The Tesseract | Inky Fingers | The Random Room | The Brain Drain

Primary Links
... and Click Here for More Links

Official Upcoming X-Files Episodes Back to the Neighborhood!

[Cool Graphics] [Hotmail] [Free Speech Online] [Download ICQ] [Horoscopes] [Anime]

Click here for great icons! Get Hotmail Visit the ACLU site! Get ICQ here! Daniel Dowd's Horoscopes Otaku is Anime Central! Roll the dice for a random link or add your site to the random link database.

So, you were expecting something along the lines of my personal information? Well, I fooled you, didn't I? Although this page is really a slice of brain sort of thing, I don't think it's necessary to know that I have dark brown eyes or that my index toes are almost as long as my big toes. Most of you already knew this anyway, so I won't bother with it. The other issue is, of course, that this entire site is composed of personal information. If you don't believe me, go to the Carnival and find out.

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© 1998
This site was last updated December 1, 1998

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