195 Prospect Park West, Apt. 1B
Brooklyn, NY 11215
(718) 788-8430        (212) 552-3968

9/95 - presentExecutive SecretaryChase Manhattan Bank, New York
As administrative support to Chase’s Consulting Services department, an internal team of one senior vice president, three vice presidents and eight consultants, I have an array of responsibilities, including:

10/94-7/95Administrative AssistantState Street Bank, New York
Supported two vice presidents of marketing, with responsibilities such as:

8/94-10/94Administrative AssistantApplied Microbiology, Inc., New York
Supported entire research department of this international biotechnology firm.


University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, M.S. in journalism, August 1994.
GPA: 3.2.         GRE: 780 verbal / 690 quantitative / 710 analytical.

Brown University, B.A. in modern culture and media, May 1993.
GPA: 3.3.        SAT: 760 verbal / 710 quantitative.

Computer Literacy

All packages for Windows and Macintosh. Latest release of all packages.

Presentations:PowerPoint, Harvard Graphics
Spreadsheets:Excel, 1-2-3
Word Processing:Word, WordPerfect, AmiPro
Graphics:Visio, Photoshop, Illustrator, Corel Draw, Corel PhotoPaint, PaintShop Pro, FreeHand
Databases:Access, FileMaker Pro
WWW Publishing:HTML literate; NoteTab Pro, PageSpinner
Desktop Publishing:Quark Xpress
Other:Lotus Notes, Microsoft Project, Netscape Navigator, Reference Manager

Internet literate in text-based, GUI and World Wide Web environments.
Proficient with color, grayscale and OCR scanning.

Other Activities

Published own literary journal,Your Pretty Head, from October 1993 to December 1994. Solicited and screened fiction, nonfiction and art submissions; wrote editorials and columns; created photo essays; designed entire layout, typography and “look” of magazine; sold advertising space; coordinated production and distribution throughout Midwest and New York metropolitan areas.

Freelance writer with publication credits including Journal of Object Oriented Programming (JOOP), The Independent and Merlyn’s Pen.

Featured performer at spoken word showcases throughout Manhattan and Brooklyn.