Welcome to Hypatia's Patrons!

B.H. Treen - 12/27/00 13:50:57
My Email:treen@mediaone.net
Your Favorite Author: Charles Ammi Cutter

Dietske - 12/25/00 19:10:22
My Email:tomaatje10@hotmail.com
Your Favorite Book: The Lord of the Rings
Your Favorite Author: Toon Kortooms (Dutch author)
Dear Hypatia, Today I found your hilarious and funny site. I am a librarian in a public library myself, and I think some of your quotations and experiences are very recognizable. Keep up your good work! I live in the Netherlands. Do you know the author Toon Kortooms? I have filled in that name in the section "Favorite author". I'm sure I will visit your homepage soon again. Bye, Dietske

chris - 12/18/00 15:00:01
My Email:cjast18@pitt.edu
Your Favorite Book: the Hobbit
Your Favorite Author: Marx
Nice site. It's all about the libraries! e-MAIL me for library hijinx!

Victoria Rooney - 12/15/00 17:02:36
My Email:bttrskch23@hotmail.com
If you do more research on Hypatia you'll find that she was greatly known for her mathematics. She was born aroung 370 AD and the person who might have been responsible for her murder was the Archbishop Cyril. He was not a pope. He did later become a saint.

Joe - 11/29/00 15:32:08
My Email:jdell@hotmail.com
Your Favorite Book: Lord of The Rings
Your Favorite Author: John Steinbeck
Okay, so Tolkien is not my favorite author. Steinbeck was a better realistic writer. But I did enjoy Lord of the Rings by Tolkien. But this is not why I am writing here. I looked at your pet peeves. I have spent my time on both sides of the registrat on desk, both as a worker and a customer. BTW Stacking shelves sucks... But your little pet peaves section seems like you have a ton of pent up anger against those around you. I see you are exploring different avenues to release this pent up anger, lik building this website, but I feel that you should do more. Try making peace with those you are upset with, so you may achieve your own inner peace and be at one with yourselves. If that doesn't work, than waste the suckers... Have a wonderful day...

Bev - 11/21/00 19:47:28
My Email:bpierce@ofsd.k12.mo.us
Your Favorite Book: Jo's Boys
Your Favorite Author: Louisa May Alcott
The favorite book was a tough one!! Loved the stories. As you can tell from the email I am a school librarian. 6-8 Isn't it funny how we name our patrons with clever little names, even when we know them?

lauren & chris - 11/09/00 23:47:30
My Email:Vo11ey Boy & Girl
Your Favorite Book: chicken soup for the teenage soul
Your Favorite Author: ????????

Georgina Cullimore - 11/09/00 23:47:13
Your Favorite Book: The Thorn Birds
Your Favorite Author: James Herbert
One book of many I enjoy and one author of many I enjoy, being as I am an absolute bookworm.

C. - 10/14/00 15:23:37
Your Favorite Author: C.S.Lewis
Did you know that the "What's New" link doesn't work?

Teresa - 10/10/00 06:33:23
My Email:tabennett@hotmail.com
Your Favorite Book: Dragonsinger/Dragonsong
Your Favorite Author: Anne Mccaffrey
Hi thanks for your site, I work in a library in Australia and it is nice to see that all is the same the world over. Cheers Teresa

Jim Stagg - 10/04/00 01:49:11
My Email:jimmy_77@ivillage.com
Your Favorite Book: Wyatt Earp
Your Favorite Author: Jack Denton Scott
Hi Jenny, I was surfing through the State of Missouri, looking for jobs when I happened on your site. Just wanted to let you know I find you funny and entertaining. I never really thought about a library as being such an interesting place to watch human behavior, b t you certainly got my attention! I work at a major university in St.Louis and you wouldn't believe some of the things I see each day. I truly believe the more educated these educators are the less common sense they have.... I've bookmarked your site so keep entertaining me Jenny! Feel free to email me anytime at the above address. I'd enjoy hearing from you. Jim

Mike - 09/23/00 01:37:22
My Email:spider84_13@yahoo.com
Your Favorite Book: "And Then There Were None
Your Favorite Author: Agatha Christie
i found this cite very funny. i work in a library too. im only 16 so i dont have a degree (and i dont intend to get one) but these are some very funny stories. although i dont have gripes against patrons, because i have little time at the front desk, but have gripes about other librarians and other pages (the junior staff like me).

dmcarthur - 09/21/00 13:42:38
Your Favorite Book: who could pick?
Your Favorite Author: impossible to say
OK--LOVE THIS SITE and I have to add my 2c. First job I ever had was as bookmobile librarian in Mississippi (location protected), that was a trip BUT - the oddest patrons on my reference watch were a LARGE, unclean, married couple that requested the JOY OF SEX couple of weeks from ILL; they then w uld hunt me down to let me know that they'd worked their way through another chapter and give me a play by play of how they worked it out. All this as I walked determinedly through the library to other areas and helped other patrons. AAGGHH. The wife wou d even come into the bathroom to find me so I wouldn't miss the latest installment. This went on for months until they finally finished the book! We wound up moving before they started on vol. 2!

Marie - 09/18/00 19:55:11
My Email:amlib@directinter.net
Your Favorite Book: Firestorm
Your Favorite Author: Navada Barr
I love your site. As for weird patrons. My worst was finding a drunk passed out in the mens room at closing time. With his pants down to his ankles! We've also had three flashers arrested. For some reason people can't seem to keep their pants on around here.

Patrik - 08/24/00 10:05:58
My URL:/Athens/Agora/4827/
My Email:lucien_hj@yahoo.com
Your Favorite Book: There are so many...
Your Favorite Author: Neil Gaiman
Love the stories... :-) I am a librarian myself, in Sweden, and we get some very... interesting patrons here too :-) Only today we had to call the police about some drunks who refused to pay for coffe and made threats to one of my colleagues when she tr ed to talk them into leaving... I love this job :-)

Ashley - 08/07/00 03:32:56
My Email:ARock10@aol.com
Your Favorite Author: A. Manette Ansay
I've worked circulation and you do a great job explaining all the crazy things that happen in the library.

- 08/05/00 16:54:34
My Email:bkwoman26@yahoo.com
Your Favorite Book: The Diary of Mattie Spencer
Your Favorite Author: Barbra Delinsky
Great Page!!!

- 08/05/00 16:48:04
My Email:bkwoman26@yahoo.com
Your Favorite Book: The Diary of Mattie Spencer
Your Favorite Author: Barbra Delinsky

Christine - 07/14/00 13:58:06
My Email:finecook@hotmail.com
Your Favorite Author: Stephen King, William Martin,
Hi Hypatia - any tricks for getting cigarette smell out of books? I have bought a used book in great condition, but it reeks of cigarette smell. Any thoughts? Thanks!

David Loftus - 06/27/00 16:17:50
My URL:http://harlanellison.com/review/deathbird.htm
My Email:dloft@netcom.com
Your Favorite Book: Too many to say!
Your Favorite Author: John Fowles or Harlan Ellison
Terrific site! I do some free-lance journalism, and in January I did a story for the Portland Oregonian about lost and stolen library books. One of the "Strange Items Found in Books" a local librarian reported finding in a returned book was a cooked slice of bacon.

Kathy - 06/20/00 17:12:56
My Email:krcrum@excite.com
Your Favorite Book: Homer Price
Your Favorite Author: Robert McCloskey

Kathryn Vogel - 06/17/00 15:18:13
My Email:tw_kate
Your Favorite Book: Sophie's Heart
Your Favorite Author: Lori Wick
I love this web page. Keep it up!

Barbara - 06/16/00 18:59:01
My Email:bgoss@huntingdon.edu
Your Favorite Book: Rumors of Spring
Your Favorite Author: Richard Grant
Cute cute cute!!

Kristin - 06/12/00 16:01:22
Your Favorite Book: The Physician, by Noah Gordon
Your Favorite Author: Tom Robbins
I worked in a library for a year, and your observations are incredibly accurate. It's amazing how rude seemingly normal people turn out to be once you get them in a library. Ever have your butt pinched by an elderly patron while bending over to get a bo k for him? I have. Just one of many horrible stories from my year in the stacks.

Heather - 06/08/00 14:51:48
My Email:bfly1912@hotmail.com
Your Favorite Book: Sweet Valley High
Your Favorite Author: Franceine Pascal
Wow, i really liked ur web-page. Its really funny, and me and my friends really liked it. I hope u don't mind but im using some of ur comments in a school project. Thanks!

John - 05/27/00 22:31:02
My Email:Josivus@aol.com
Your Favorite Book: Dune
Your Favorite Author: Liddell Hart
I am working on a book about heresy wherein Hypatia will be noted as the first martyr by Christianity. Hence I stumbled on your completely irrelevant but utterly charming website. I am in California but have family and friends in Missouri. If you are int rested, I can keep you posted as the book progresses. I am in desperate need of qualified editors and reviewers.

Catherine - 05/18/00 19:17:50
Your Favorite Book: Angela's Ashes
Your Favorite Author: Terry Pratchett
Hi Jenny, I'm a Circ Girl too, studying to be a librarian. And as a 22 year old with an active social life I find that when I mention my career I have to do battle with peoples stereotypes. People don't have a clue what we get up to, and one girl (a student where I work) even asked me one day do I not get bored! I said not with the likes of you around! Let's start a campaign to update the public image of a librarian - let's show that we are not all bookish, boring, bland, virginal, dressed in brown fuddy-duddies!!!! I recommend the Lipstick Librarian website, to help inspire you all. Check it out at www.teleport.com/~petlin/liplib Slan abhaile. Happy stereotype-breaking!

Judie Cooper - 05/16/00 15:28:09
My Email:www.libdragon@yahoo.com
Your Favorite Book: any Amelia Peabody Emerson or Jackie Kirby book
Your Favorite Author: Peters, Elizabeth

InkBirdAnnie - 05/05/00 04:23:48
My Email:arabanne@mindspring.com
As you are a librarian and computer savvy, I suggest you do some further research on Hypatia. While there is some controversy as to exactly why she was murdered, it is generally believed that it was Cyril, bishop of Alexandria (and later St. Cyril) who w s behind the mob violence. In other words, it wasn't the Pope. You might also find it interesting to investigate further the whole issue of the burning of the great library at Alexandria.

Bertha Jones - 05/02/00 03:01:53
My URL:http://nothing.com
My Email:doodoohead@aol.com
Your Favorite Book: What Gorillas Eat
Your Favorite Author: Lisa Williams
blah blah blah. what a like totally awesomely cool site!!! like totally cool dude!!!!!!!!!!!!

Frances Houston - 04/28/00 10:51:54
My Email:fhouston@rvc.ac.uk
Your Favorite Book: Jane Eyre
Your Favorite Author: Barbara Michaels
Great Page. I loved the Pet peeves. It's not just our patrons who can't tell left from right, and get lost on their way up from the front hallway to our first floor library then. Our main problem is that patrons confuse us with the governing body of the Veterinary profession, and get annoyed because they haven't had the references they ordered from the Library there. One man shouted " I pay £120 a year for this service"and was sur rised when I told him "Not to us you don't"

Joyce Carr - 04/26/00 15:45:09
My Email:georgewc@greenapple.com
Your Favorite Book: I Know Why the Caged Bird Sings
Your Favorite Author: Catherine Marshall
Cute site. Librarians don't talk to each other enough. I think we would find that all libraries and librarians have a lot in common whether they are public, school or academic.

Amadee - 04/07/00 17:17:27
Your Favorite Book: several
Your Favorite Author: Alice Munro, Dorothy Allison, Tom Spanbauer
Hi... I'm in library school and work in a community-access computer lab. I think some of your weird patrons must be able to teleport or something, 'cause I could swear Computer Cowboy and the illmannered teacher have come in within the last week... (We re in MN.) I like it when users (of the lab) work at computers that don't print but fail to read the signs on the monitors that say so in 72-point type. They click 'print' 20 or 30 times before asking for assistance, and look all surprised when it crashes the machi es. Your site is lots of fun...

Miles - 04/05/00 17:02:36
My URL:http://milesman.homepage.com/index.html
My Email:heymiles@bangkok.com
Your Favorite Book: The Martian Chronicles
Your Favorite Author: Michael Chrichton
I just have to say I love your site. I go to the library about twice a week and see some similar things, but nothing quite like this!

Anagha - 04/01/00 05:49:42
My Email:anaghamatapurkar@hotmail.com

Kimberly Lehman - 03/29/00 16:23:55
My Email:Kimber0613@aol.com
Your Favorite Book: Little Women
Your Favorite Author: All of them!
I just read all the stories on your site, and I'm laughing my rear end off! I work for a large library system in Akron,Ohio, and I can sympathize with your experiences! I would like to hear back from you in the future. Maybe we can trade stories! Than s for the laugh! Kimberly Lehman Public Service Assistant, Akron, Ohio

Val Junker - 03/29/00 00:52:40
My URL:http://members.aol.com/ValEOoops08/Peculiar.html
My Email:OnlyVal08@aol.com
Your Favorite Book: Lady, by Thomas Tryon
Your Favorite Author: Ann Rule
I too live in Mid-Missouri. Absolutely love your site. I'd LOVE to know which library you are referring to--I'm a "bookish" type myself!! Wonderful work you've done, I laughed all the way through it.

Janice Kessinger - 03/28/00 21:01:58
My Email:janokess@yahoo.com
Your Favorite Book: any Harry Potter
Can't wait to share your site with the rest of the Circ Chicks in Vermilion, OH

rajdian - 03/19/00 21:10:03
Your Favorite Book: the ODDYSSEY, Havava Bay, what I am readiibg
Your Favorite Author: MC Smith, Dave Barry,J Grisham,S Hawking,I Asimov,W Churchill
Great site! The 'war stories' crack me up

Kacie - 03/17/00 19:56:55
My Email:khrasky@hotmail.com
Your Favorite Book: R.L. Stein
Your Favorite Author: none
I'm doing a report on Hypatia she seems very interesting.

circulation chick - 03/10/00 16:34:16
My Email:bookie4ever@yahoo.com
Your Favorite Book: at the moment: memoirs of a geisha
Your Favorite Author: alice hoffman
i work in circulation at a public library. i also am going to school too, to be a librarian. i can really relate to stories about smells, critters from books and sticky covers. This site made my day!!!!!!!!! keep it up!!!

Elizabeth - 03/02/00 20:53:17
I worked as a reference librarian in a public library for two years. Public service is no place for the weak-stomached! I've experienced the same sorts of wierdos, stenches, and unpleasant surprises you've described and then some. I used to hate having to straighten up the children's room because all the books were sticky and smelled doggy. I've since escaped behind the scenes to tech services, where it smells so much better!

Melissa - 03/02/00 20:32:03
My Email:circsuper@hotmail.com
Your Favorite Book: A Heartbreaking Work of Staggering Genius
Your Favorite Author: Dave Eggers
My favorite book is ususally what I happen to be reading at the moment. I am reading Egger's book now. I am a Circ Girl, too. Many of you patrons and stories sound VERY familiar, I wonder if it is a universal thing. Thank you for this website. Melissa

Gail Ryall - 03/01/00 22:46:24
My Email:gryall@jps.net
Your Favorite Book: Abiyoyo (Pete Seeger)
Your Favorite Author: Anne McCaffrey
Found a reference to you in American Libraries. I'm a children's librarian since 1963. I've decided that librarians have great senses of humor, particularly children's librarians. Our Youth Services meetings are serious a lot of the time but we also go into gales of laughter. Anyway, I enjoyed Hypatia. Keep it up.

mollieanna the seapunky goddess - 03/01/00 15:24:30
My URL:http://sorta.bored.org
My Email:seapunky@subdimension.com
Your Favorite Book: the final victim
Your Favorite Author: stephen cannell
hmm... i've got a story about a REALLY great librarian, but you have to go to my page and look in the comedy section to find it. :P if the link doesn't work (sometimes the server is down) here is another. http://members.tripod.com/~marchingrunj/first.html i just love to torment librarians... sometimes i leave mustard packets in books... MUAHAHAHAHAHA!! love, mollieanna

Gina - 02/28/00 04:23:33
My Email:Begina2@aol.com
Your Favorite Book: too many to name!
Your Favorite Author: Patricia Cornwell
The favorite book and author are hard to nail down. I love them all

judy maples - 02/28/00 02:12:19
My Email:grayceem@aol.com
Your Favorite Book: Atlas Shrugged
Your Favorite Author: EdMdBain
I know these two choices are at odds, but they kind of represent two sides of me.I am a reference librarian at a mid-size library in Ga. I am a Lesbian. I love working with patrons and digging for answers. Judy

Keystone Oaks Book Boa - 02/28/00 00:57:14
Your Favorite Book: Joyous Season
Your Favorite Author: Patrick Dennis

Starman - 02/17/00 17:05:53

Dale Barnes - 02/15/00 14:54:42
My Email:dbarnes@mail.ultraweb.net
Your Favorite Book: Elf Stones of Shannara
Your Favorite Author: Terry Brooks
Great site.

Dale Barnes - 02/15/00 14:45:06
My Email:dbarnes@mail.ultraweb.net
Your Favorite Book: Elf Stones of Shannara
Your Favorite Author: Terry Brooks
Great site.

Julie Simoni - 02/12/00 01:14:42
My Email:julieasimoni@hotmail.com
Your Favorite Author: Tami Hoag
I work with the Faulkner County Library system in Arkansas and am a branch manager for Vilonia so I know all about weird or odd patrons see them every day and I love the qoute "You can't scare me. I work in Circulation" that's great. I also love the assu ption that people think librarians know everything, if only they knew:)

Lesley - 02/11/00 17:00:58
My Email:verrlet@hotmail.com
Your Favorite Book: many
Your Favorite Author: Robert Graves
Hi, I enjoyed your web site, I work in a small library in Bethel, Ct. I am the administrative assistant but because I've been here 17 years I also work in all the other departments. We are on 4 levels so scheduling is a nightmare. I found your comments on patrons very amusing, we have a few like that as well. Bethel has more than its' share of eccentrics and cranks. email me back, I'll send you a copy of our newsletter, I do the reviews for it. lesley

Tatiana Miller - 02/08/00 04:57:01
My Email:millert@marquette.edu
Dear Jenny, I really appreciated your web site - I work at a law library as an evening/weekend circulation desk supervisor, so a lot of the stuff that you write about is quite familiar. Thank you very much!

Debbie Eurom - 02/04/00 15:49:00
My Email:drkpblib@lisco.com
Your Favorite Book: Animal dreams by Barbara Kingsolver (at the moment)
Your Favorite Author: Mark Twain
Love your site!

Mark - 01/23/00 18:08:07
My URL:http://web.missouri.edu/~mcm18c
My Email:mcm18c@mizzou.edu
Your Favorite Book: A Happy Death- Camus
Your Favorite Author: Aristophanes
As a fellow librarian (albeit, not full-time, a grad student assistant) in a mid-Missouri library, your Web site was quite inspirational. Working behind the scenes in Tech Services, however, I see not the scary patrons, but the scary fellow librarians. n fact, I may have to suppliment my Web page with a section on them. However, I may have to wait until I get out of that place (if I ever get out-- HELP!!!).

Moneypower - 01/21/00 06:11:07
My Email:hellohello@hanimail.com
While you are online and the Viewbar¢â is active, AllAdvantage.com will pay you $.50 per hour. Currently we have a 40 hour limit per month ($20). You can get the Viewbar¢â off your screen at any time with just one click. Instead of spending millions of do lars on advertising, we pay our members to spread the word. For every person you refer to AllAdvantage.com, we will pay you $.10 for every hour that each of those people is online. In addition, we will pay you for extended referrals at the rate of $.05 pe hour. Extended referrals are those referrals made by the members that you referred to AllAdvantage.com, up to four people past your original referral (there is no limit to the number of referrals you can get paid for). !!!Your referral ID is IJM-705 !!!

Karolina Stewart - 01/11/00 14:57:29
My Email:pinksugar_2000@hotmail.com
Your Favorite Book: Anastastia books
I think Hypatia is a very brave woman of her time! ~Karolina

keley schuch - 01/11/00 14:57:22
My Email:kschuc01
Your Favorite Book: ramona the brave
Your Favorite Author: beverly cleary
you went through a lot im sorry!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

James Henkel - 01/09/00 19:59:55
My Email:jhenkel@mailbag.com
I think those bugs that eat the paper are "silverfish" :) have a good one

James Henkel - 01/09/00 19:56:47
My URL:http://www.mailbag.com/users/jhenkel/
My Email:jhenkel@mailbag.com
Your Favorite Book: Godel, Escher, Bach: An eternal Golden Braid
Please visit this page on my site ... I think you'd like it. You might like some other parts of the site too. I'd be thrilled if you created a link to this page. http://www.mailbag.com/users/jhenkel/math.htm

Jessica - 01/09/00 17:07:47
Your Favorite Book: Chicken Soup for the Teenage Soul
I did a project on Hypatia!

hugh jass - 12/14/99 17:58:52
My Email:googleeyes3@aol.com
Your Favorite Book: mr. brown can moo can you??
Your Favorite Author: dr.suess
i love this book!!!its so wonderfull it made me cry...i eat my snot and my boogers and i love to snif my own ass. i jack off with mashed potatoes!!!

David Wyman - 12/02/99 01:31:06
My Email:twyman@reg.serec.k12.nh.us
Your Favorite Book: LOTR
Your Favorite Author: Tolkien
The "Right-wing Christians" line was rather bigoted, Jenny. Remember,"A human mind, once stretched to a new idea, never returns to its former dimensions." You could, just theoretically, branch out beyond the prejudices of your favorite authors. Distressed, a librarian husband

Brooke Harris-Rains - 11/11/99 20:54:58
My Email:brooke164@yahoo.com
Your Favorite Book: The Testament
Your Favorite Author: John Grisham
For the past 15 months, I have been the Children's Program Director at a local library in East Texas. I love my job as it is very rewarding to see the smiles from the adult and children patrons. Your website is one of the best that I have seen. Keep up th good work and may the Lord bless you with many more great ideas to put on your library webpage.

Donna McKinniss - 11/11/99 18:19:04
My Email:dmckinni@worthington.lib.oh.us

Sara - 11/09/99 19:51:15
My URL:http://www.solinet.net
My Email:sara_swain@solinet.net
Your Favorite Book: At the moment, Cold Mountain
Your Favorite Author: Dorothy L. Sayer
Lots of fun and a great idea! Keep up the good work! I especially appreciate that your humorous portrayals are humane and funny and not mean-spirited. That means a lot these days.

kali mac - 11/04/99 20:59:41
My Email:loopy@disinfo.net
Your Favorite Book: the medium is the massage
Your Favorite Author: chomsky
great site, very funny, though i never have enuf time at work to read/view it all (damn job, damn patrons, damn books). I am putting together a zine about libraries called the LOOP and am wondering if i can reprint some of your stuff. What's your copyright/copywrong policy? How much do i need to bribe you? e-me please. and thanks for the invite to the librarians club, haven't quite had time to figure out what i'm supposed to do. not much time to write/play while at work. (damn job, damn patrons, damn books). and my lunch hours over so i gotta go. thanks for the humor on the net laugh on kali

- 10/30/99 18:40:13

shell - 10/28/99 15:46:45
My URL:http://clubs.yahoo.com/clubs/librariansandfuturelibrarians
My Email:mnfrost@iupui.edu
Your Favorite Author: Erica Spindler
you should come join my yahoo club for librarians :-) Love the site!

- 10/13/99 19:52:19

Jennie Duncan - 10/13/99 18:37:19
My Email:jenfduncan@yahoo.com
Your Favorite Book: Possession by A.S. Byatt
Your Favorite Author: Ruth Rendell
Your "weird patrons" section was hilarious. We have quite a few of our own here at Peachtree Corners Library in Atlanta. Nicknames are also "de rigeur" for these kooks: we have "stockbroker guy", "sweatpant man" aka "perv boy" (likes to stare at women), the neckbrace woman" (a real mental case who thinks the world has a conspiracy against her, plus she can't speak). The weird patron list is almost endless! Maybe I'll write in to your "weird patron section" with these stories. Thanks for the laughs Jennie Duncan Librarian Peachtree Corners Library

Trixie - 09/30/99 21:13:08
My Email:trixrabbit74@yahoo.com
Your Favorite Book: any Xanth
Your Favorite Author: Peirs Anthony
Nice site. Very funny stories.

Kali Mac - 09/23/99 21:09:35
My Email:loopy@disinfo.net
Your Favorite Book: Jamming the Media
Your Favorite Author: anonymous
Great page! I laughed, I cried, i spit up book glue. My only question is "Can I Quote you" I edit a newsletter called LOOP (Library Organizational Outreach Press) for crazed library employees with nothing better to do than collect oddities of patron, coworker and book behavior. I'd really love to reprint some of your stuff without infringing o you copyrights. Can I e-me, babe!

Hufnagel Vicki - 09/20/99 18:40:50
My Email:HypatiaPub
Your Favorite Book: writing it I hope
Your Favorite Author: sands/elliot
Great site we would like to call you and newtwork I am have started a publishing company see www.nomorehyterecomies.com call us at 310 471 6512 ask for Vicki or Fedhar

Mary Vasquez - 09/05/99 07:42:53
My Email:mvasquez@rnc.net
Your Favorite Book: Millionaire Next Door
Your Favorite Author: Harvey Mckay
Thanks for the laughs. I have to give a humorous speech. I think I'll talk about my job. I work for a mail-order catalog company selling plus sized womens clothes. I have lots of great customer and coworker stories. One dumb customer asked if she could ax a check. Sure, we'll fax you back a picture of you outfit! Have a nice day.

Jennie Stoltz - 08/13/99 01:12:21
My Email:jjstoltz@execpc.com
Your Favorite Book: The Giver by Lowry
Your Favorite Author: Tedd Arnold
Favorite book and favorite author. Tough questions. I'm working on a new webpage, I'm going to link your page. I hope that's okay. I'll get back to you with the address. Wonderful page!!!

Aimee - 08/12/99 05:11:03
My Email:vibrantviolet@hotmail.com
Your Favorite Book: Sweet Liar
Your Favorite Author: Jude Deveraux
Hilarious!! I'm 23 and the head librarian at a small town Missouri library. I've been through all the wierd patrons and typical library problems, but my favorite is that everyone thinks that librarians know EVERYTHING about EVERYTHING and they get mad whe you don't know something.

babette a perina - 08/05/99 02:35:14
My Email:jflib@ddis.com.au
Your site is great, but I find the printing light and very hard to read

Ivette - 07/30/99 23:47:39
My Email:m_boeck@hotmail.com
Your Favorite Book: The Martian Chronicles
Your Favorite Author: Hard to say, because the truth is I CAN'T remember the names of authors.
I am a library assist. in the Youth area of a public library, so I Know about weird smells on books! I also did a stint in Circ/Customer Service at a different public library. Fact IS stranger then fiction. Here's a quote to concider adding to your list, this was supposedly written/spoken by Hypatia herself! "Reserve your right to think, for even to think wrongly is better then not to think at all."

Ivette - 07/30/99 23:38:19
My Email:m_boeck@hotmail.com
Your Favorite Book: The Martian Chronicles
Your Favorite Author: Hard to say...
I am a library assist. in the Youth area of a public library, so I Know about weird smells on books! I also did a stint in Circ/Customer Service at a different public library. Fact IS stranger then fiction. Here's a quote to concider adding to your list, this was supposedly written/spoken by Hypatia herself! "Reserve your right to think, for even to think wrongly is better then not to think at all."

Joyce Johnson - 07/30/99 19:26:15
My Email:carrousel76@yahoo.com
Your Favorite Book: Daughter of the Legend by Jesse Stuart
Your Favorite Author: Danielle Steel and Sidney Sheldon
I work at the Laurel County Public Library where I have been employed for almost 23 years. I am the technical services librarian. I enjoyed visiting your site it was picked by something called library roulette

Liana Nickol - 07/29/99 16:31:56
My Email:liand99@hotmail.com
Your Favorite Book: The Little Prince
Your Favorite Author: Jerry Seinfeld Show
Hi, Something funny will write next time, I'm in hurry now. Here where I live is raining all the time. Not Seattle, not US, but CA. I like that website.

kathy Meier - 07/23/99 14:31:31
My URL:http://www.members.tripod.com/Endpage/index.html
My Email:meierkathy@hotmail.com
Your Favorite Book: The dog who wouldn't be
Hail, fellow circulation sufferer I also work at an unnamed Library circulation desk. The truth is stranger than Fiction, Stephen King Fiction..

Jane Boyles - 07/20/99 03:40:07
My Email:boylesjm@hotmail.com
Your Favorite Book: Where The Red Fern Grows
Your Favorite Author: Dr. Seuss
Hypatia, I adored reading about your experiences, since many of them I've also encountered. I am just beginning my school librarian career in PA, and I've already seen some of those funny library situations at that level. Thanks for the laughs.

eViL*eVa*CyBeRDiVa - 07/13/99 20:09:24
Your Favorite Book: Great Gatsby
Your Favorite Author: oh no! option paralysis! can't decide!
I was a "circ girl" in a public library for eight and a half years. I call them my Fellini Years. The junior college library I work in now is pretty tame compared to my public library experience, but I still let my sense of humor be my guide. Keep laughin ! --EECD

Rosie Alvarez - 07/09/99 21:33:54
My Email:texrose@mailcity.com
Your Favorite Book: How much for just the planet
Your Favorite Author: diane carey
Loved your site I have been working in a public library for 10 and a half years boy!! I should write a book.!!! One of these days I will tell you about some of the most memorable patrons we have(and have had) keep up the great work

josh apel - 06/10/99 21:25:43
My Email:romeos_end@hotmail.com
Your Favorite Book: The Bell Jar
Your Favorite Author: Sylvia Plath
I really like your website, and I know who you are, and you are a really cool person.

niki - 06/06/99 06:14:07
My Email:nshah56@hotmail.com
Dear Jenny, luved your pg.R u support staff at your library? Have recently arrived to this country. Had to accept a job in a lab but miss very much working in a library. need pointers to update mylibrary skills.work for 45 hours look after kids,time flys would like to keep in touch with some one who luvs to work in the lib. you sound like you enjoy your work hope its true.hope to read lots more stories about you lib and its patrons

niki - 06/06/99 06:13:38
My Email:nshah56@hotmail.com
Dear Jenny, luved your pg.R u support staff at your library? Have recently arrived to this country. Had to accept a job in a lab but miss very much working in a library. need pointers to update mylibrary skills.work for 45 hours look after kids,time flys would like to keep in touch with some one who luvs to work in the lib. you sound like you enjoy your work hope its true.hope to read lots more stories about you lib and its patrons

Helen Miskin - 06/02/99 21:56:24
My Email:helenmiskin@hotmail.com
Wonderful site - this is so true - I work in Te Anau library, in New Zealand. Thanks a lot for inspiring our day... we need it sometimes!

John Holtzclaw - 05/30/99 20:33:01
My Email:jholtzcl@yahoo.com
Your Favorite Book: One Best Way: Frederick Winslow Taylor and the enigma of effieciency
Your Favorite Author: Stephenson, Neal
Interesting site -- as a former clerk/LTA/Librarian in a public library, I know your patrons well -- there are characters in every public library! And even in corporate libraries!

Nigel Brown - 05/24/99 02:01:03
My Email:nigbrown@hotmail.com
Your Favorite Book: Is that the Library speaking?
Your Favorite Author: Numerous
Excellent web site. We Librarians surely do see it all and hear it all!!!!!

Sherry Rector - 04/22/99 14:58:30
My Email:sherryrector@lane.k12.ok.us
Your Favorite Book: Shiloh, Shiloh Season, Saving Shiloh
Your Favorite Author: Naylor
A lot of kids enjoy reading these books. And they are very good reading.

Sherry Rector - 04/22/99 14:53:03
My Email:sherryrector@lane.k12.ok.us
Your Favorite Book: Shiloh, Shiloh Season, Saving Shiloh
Your Favorite Author: Naylor

Caitlin. - 04/17/99 08:22:48
My URL:http://www.idonthaveone.com.au
Your Favorite Book: Matilda
Your Favorite Author: Roald Dahl
I am twelve, and I love reading. I looked around on the net for a while, and when I found this site, it really cracked me up. I love it.

susan eaton - 04/11/99 14:01:14
My Email:sbe6982@garnet.acns.fsu.edu
Your Favorite Book: Bible
Your Favorite Author: pg wodehouse

Anita Winkler - 04/08/99 11:37:12
My Email:anita.winkler@a49.de
Your Favorite Book: Andromeda Strain by Michael Chrichton
Your Favorite Author: Tanith Lee and other SF Authors
Nice to read about / listen to people living with and off books. Take care!

Pierre Normand Desrochers - 04/07/99 07:15:30
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/athens/aegean/4186/
My Email:polymorph@hotmail.com
Your Favorite Book: Green Eggs and Ham
Your Favorite Author: (2) Margeret Weis and Tracey Hickman
Great site.... Some of your patrons sound like some of the customers I've dealt with in retail... Example: Man walks in, leans on a cardboard display for "GT-88" and asks..."Hi, Do you carry a scratch remover called GT-88?" Well, anyways, I love the site and am adding it to my tour...

gonzo - 03/24/99 18:20:44
My Email:rollerboy13@hotmail.com
Your Favorite Book: screwtape letters
Your Favorite Author: Richard Marcinko, and C. S. Lewis
I too work for a library, but fortunately it's at a college. Too many humorous stories to share, but you take the prize with your list of patrons. Godspeed, Gonzo

courtland smith - 03/24/99 02:23:02
My Email:ca-smith3@govst.edu
Your Favorite Book: disapearing acts
Your Favorite Author: terry mcmillan
I really enjoy your site.

Hypatia Brand - 03/09/99 00:30:27
My Email:soccerchick4@hotmail.com
Hi, I really like your web site it's very interesting and it's nice to see the story of Hypatia. My dad named me after her. I'm 16 and love soccer! See ya later.... Hypatia

Abalene - 03/02/99 20:37:19
My Email:schula91@hotmail.com
Your Favorite Book: Infinite Jest
Your Favorite Author: ?? Too many to list
I've worked as a page for about 4 years - 2 in Tech Services and 2 in Circ. I"m working on getting a p/t position as LA I so I can get my MLIS. Great site! It made my day!

Theo Melaet - 02/20/99 19:18:01
My URL:http://www.wxs.nl/~melae000
My Email:th.melaet@wxs.nl
Your Favorite Book: the domino principal
Nice site

Kevin Argo - 02/18/99 15:34:49
My Email:pascal@yourlink.net
Your Favorite Book: Principia Mathematica
Your Favorite Author: Zelazny
You have a very nice set of...pages. Keep up the good work, amiga.

Henk Kosters - 02/18/99 15:09:43
My URL:http://www.zebi.nl
My Email:hkos@mail.zebi.nl
Your Favorite Book: The wind in the willows
Your Favorite Author: various
Hi Hypathia, What a wonderful idea to start this website! I work in the library in Middelburg, the Netherlands. All the stories you tell could easily have happened here!

Ton - 02/16/99 23:42:21
My Email:Berina-ton@wxs.nl
We really liked your page!!! We are not realy bookreaders, but after reading your page we got a different look on library's :-) Go on this way, and we will visit your page many times. (sorry for the bad english, we are dutch and did not learn that much english at school)

Jessie - 02/16/99 18:51:37
Your Favorite Book: The Pigman/Romeo+Juliet
Your Favorite Author: Paul Zindel
I was looking for info for my school project and I came across this site. It's cool!

Wilbert Marinissen - 02/16/99 13:01:38
My URL:http://www/zebi.nl
My Email:Wmar@zebi.nl
Your Favorite Book: In persuit of the green Lion
Your Favorite Author: Judith Merkle Riley
Nice site ! Very recognisable, since I work in a Library too..(Middelburg-Netherlands,about 1 bilion books Someone here spread the word about your site, I'm grateful!

Karin Stokla - 02/15/99 19:46:05
My Email:kakekisa.stokla@wxs.nl
Your Favorite Book: Het (It) Stephen King
I'm learning to be a librarian. I just started the course assistent-librarian. It will take two years before I'm ready. It takes a lot of time and energy, because it has been a long time that I've been learning. I'm 41 years old, married and I have two da ghters of 14 and 16 years.

jan ewout van der putten - 02/14/99 22:13:13
My Email:janewoutvanderputten@wxs.nl
Your Favorite Book: the lord of the rings
Your Favorite Author: leavit
fine site

janneke knol - 02/14/99 13:58:12
My Email:bibl6601@bart.nl
Your Favorite Book: the discovery of heaven by harry mulisch (dutch)
Your Favorite Author: grafton, sue
nice homepage you've got! i'll show it my colleges! I work in the library of Sneek (Holland), and Harlingen. Fortunately we dont have bugs in the library. A car, once. The lady pushed the gas instead of the brake-pedal. Our front-window broke, and the wat r of the central heating sprayed out. She was so upset that she kept crying: my husband should not know this, my husband should not know this. Well, we'll visit you again. Best wishes from Janneke Knol Netherlands

- 02/13/99 21:54:10

Jacky - 02/13/99 20:33:57
My Email:cardon@dds.nl
Your Favorite Book: de ontdekking van de hemel
Your Favorite Author: Harry Mulish
Hi Jenny, I'm a librarian too. I run a school-library in The Netherlands. Try to get a picture on your home-page! Love, Jacky

Robert Jones - 02/13/99 12:26:34
My Email:robert.watte@wxs.nl
Your Favorite Book: The Discovery of Heaven
Your Favorite Author: Too many to mention
A very interesting and amusing site, the content of which is very recognisable for me, a library assistant here in The Hague, Netherlands. I'll keep on dropping by. Thanks for the good work

Chryseis - 02/12/99 16:02:51
My Email:j_b_Brouwer@yahoo.com
Your Favorite Book: the Illiad, no, Cyrion, no, the Odyssey, no, Lordof the Rings, no, ah well i just can't choose one.
Your Favorite Author: Homer, Stephen King, Sappho, Laurie King, Sue Grafton, Roald Dahl and a lot more
hi Hypathia. As a bibliophile i spend a lot of my time in the library. The staff know me by name, and i talk to them a lot. They say everything you write is true. Please contact me some time, i think it would be nice if we could talk. I loved your page.

Danielle - 02/08/99 15:19:36
My URL:http://ughsoij
My Email:lhgs;kls;jgxnckzj\\mjv,jcvmj;;;;
Your Favorite Book: ghznfd;lkzm
Your Favorite Author: sjd;lzkh'g;dl
fueASYGHKLnczxbvSND You suck

Susan Drexler - 02/04/99 14:23:13
My Email:sdrexler@strongmuseum.org
Your Favorite Book: too many to pick
Even though I'm not in circulation, I really enjoyed this site. I'm a cataloger/librarian in a museum library. Great stuff...

Linda Wilson - 02/03/99 00:33:18
My URL:http://www.tiac.net/users/lmwilson/index.htm
My Email:lmwilson@tiac.net
Your Favorite Book: The Runaway Bunny
Your Favorite Author: Margaret Wise Brown

Matt Votaw - 01/29/99 14:38:29
My Email:maroon51@aol.com
Your Favorite Book: Box Car Children
Your Favorite Author: Who ever wrote this book.
I like the boxcar children...

Tori Jones - 01/29/99 14:35:43
My Email:fly_away7@hotmail.com
Your Favorite Book: Pretend You Don't See Her
Your Favorite Author: Mary Higgins Clark
I really enjoy looking up information about you.. I think you lived a wonderful life.... Sorry you were killed the way you were.. Tori

Mudslide - 01/28/99 20:23:54
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Paris/LeftBank/2556
My Email:mudpie@usit.net
Your Favorite Book: The Little Prince and The Last Unicorn
Your Favorite Author: Mark Twain, Ken Follett
I'm a high school media specialist...and there's never a dull moment in the library--which is a good thing, 'cause most of us put way too much time and effort into library school to just spend all day every day saying "shhhhhh!!!"

Jan Fröding - 01/28/99 13:54:48
My Email:jan.froding@filipstad.se
Your Favorite Book: The unbearable lightness of being
Your Favorite Author: P. G Wodehouse
We have have them to! jan fröding filipstads public library sweden

John Wilkes - 01/27/99 23:57:45
My URL:http://Middlesex
My Email:England
Your Favorite Book: The Republic
Your Favorite Author: Plato
Jolly good. Haven't had so much fun since the days of the North Briton #45 and "Wilkes and Liberty".

- 01/27/99 23:35:47

pierre - 01/26/99 15:11:42
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Tokyo/7970
My Email:pierremal@yahoo.com
Your Favorite Book: just one! um ahh "Mason and Dixon"
Your Favorite Author: at the moment...Thomas Pynchon
Got here from the Librarian's site du jour... Could I list you on my "people i know in geocities" page?

Wendy Eisenberg - 01/25/99 17:37:42
My URL:http://www.sjvls.lib.ca.us/fresno/reference.html
My Email:weisenbe@sjvls.lib.ca.us
Your Favorite Book: The Bible
Your Favorite Author: James Herriot, Marion Zimmer Bradley, Laura Ingalls Wilder, and many many more
This site is great!! Gonna feature it in our Staff Newsletter. My fave quote from a patron is the one who wanted information about the opera "Hansel and Gretel" by "Engelbert Pumpernickel". We also have a branch here named after childrens author Leo Poli i, so one day a patron asked if we had a certain book at the "Poultry" branch. I stifled the urge to say "no, we keep only farming books and chicken cookbooks at that particular branch!) This Christmas, one patron asked whether "Bobtail" was the name of he horse in "Jingle Bells" (You know, "Bells on bob-tail ring. . .") Patrons keep my job from ever being boring, and we do have our share of "interesting" patrons, and I love what I do! Wendy Eisenberg, Reference Librarian, Fresno County Library, Califor ia.

Holly - 01/25/99 15:58:35
Your Favorite Book: TIME & AGAIN
Your Favorite Author: CHARLES DICKENS

Anonymous Children's Librarian in Michigan - 01/16/99 15:40:31
You could add to your list of 'wierd things found in books' our most memorable to-date: a smushed peanut butter & jelly sandwich.

nobiki - 01/14/99 22:29:21
My Email:nobiki@yahoo.com
Your Favorite Book: little princess
Your Favorite Author: anne mccaffrey
my favorite quote from library work (10+years): "I'm looking for a book..."(before they begin to describe it, and sometimes they don't) you want to pull up the old monty python skit "We've got a lot of books here. This is a bookstore(but insert library)." it's great you're keeping your sense of humor about this - low pay and lower treatment have driven far too many good employees from libraries...

barbzie - 01/13/99 14:52:14
My Email:barbzie@hotmail.com
Your Favorite Book: The Pit and the Pendulum
Your Favorite Author: Edgar Allen Poe

Ferdinand Solis - 01/13/99 14:05:07
My Email:fcsolis@cofc.edu
Your Favorite Book: The Cider House Rules
Your Favorite Author: Anne Tyler/John Irving/Barbara Kingsolver
Great web site! More power to you librarians.

Lori - 01/04/99 02:00:01
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/heartland/park/4691
My Email:Loriaa@bellsouth.net
Your Favorite Book: Pillars of The Earth
Your Favorite Author: Follett
This site is GREAT!!! I used to work in the public library system for 10 years, and I think that you sent all those crazy nuts to our library, or maybe they are just cloans sent to every state to drive librarians NUTS!!! hehehe Thanks for the laughs!

Tommy - 12/29/98 21:34:44
My Email:hy22@nr.infi.net
Your Favorite Book: Bible
Your Favorite Author: Clive Cussler
I just found you today and I enjoyed browsing your web site. I love my local library. Keep up the good work.

WENDY FRAZIER - 11/25/98 18:58:24
My Email:wfrazier@leo.vsla.edu
Your Favorite Book: Wind in the willows
Your Favorite Author: Dick Francis
Just find your site today, I'm impressed and enjoyed it very much. By the way, I think we have the same weird patrons, maybe they just circulate from library to library!

Rosa Ruggles - 11/18/98 14:22:30
My Email:rorug@fuse.net
Your Favorite Book: Gone With the Wind
Your Favorite Author: Magaret Mitchell
I am a Library Assistant in Ohio. I enjoyed your pages of library humor and "insight." Thanks

Mimi - 11/13/98 04:25:52
My URL:http://www.angelfire.com/il/mimibailey
My Email:mimi@ice.net
Your Favorite Book: I CANT DECIDE AAAAH
Your Favorite Author: Charles DeLint, Tanya Huff, Marion ZB, Mercedes Lackey, Wilkie Collins
Hey from the reference department! I have some good "unidentifiable stains" stories. . not to mention the reference questions like "Do you have that one green book I read here a few years ago?" (uh, oh yeah, THAT green book) Keep it up girl! Mimi your favorite gothique librarian

Eileen Barnett - 11/10/98 21:47:34
My Email:eileen@menzies.school.nz
Your Favorite Book: Bible
Your Favorite Author: many
Greetings! I'm a librarian at Menzies College in New Zealand Southland. Been doing it for 3 years now. Our school term finishes for the year in December and starts again in Feb. I've enjoyed looking through your site and will be back. Bye Eileen

Shauna Kovach - 11/10/98 03:54:00
My URL:http://www.city.surrey.bc.ca
My Email:askovach@city.surrey.bc.ca
Enjoyed it! Love the jokes! Keep it up!

10/26/98 12:55:29
Name: Bad Bunny My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me

Just passing thru and saw your page Thanks

Debbie - 10/15/98 23:14:26
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/WestHollywood/Heights/6248
My Email:richardd@simmons.edu
Your Favorite Book: too many to name
Your Favorite Author: Patricia Powell
Wonderful site. I'm adding your site to my list for sharing with my fellow students in library school.

Jaiya Gonsalves - 10/15/98 01:15:54
My Email:jj37ves@wsu.edu
WHAT A WOMAN!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Bahar Ocal Duzgoren - 10/09/98 19:13:53
My URL:http://superonline.com.tr
My Email:kbduzgoren@superonline.com
Your Favorite Book: L'Angoisse du roi solomon
Your Favorite Author: Romain Gary

Mayris Woods - 10/09/98 18:30:21
My Email:woodmk@stlo.smhs.com
Your Favorite Book: Gone With the Wind
Your Favorite Author: Dick Francis

Tiffany Peterson - 09/29/98 18:24:06
Thank you so much for web site

Cindy - 09/25/98 12:03:04
My URL:http://www.zecrets.com/users/cindy
My Email:cinth@usa.net
comment: Nice page.... please come visit my site :-) Thanks, Cindy

DAN!!!! - 09/24/98 13:08:46

Robin - 09/23/98 17:45:52
My URL:http://members.tripod.com/~RobinDawn
My Email:gtrobin@hotmail.com
Your Favorite Book: It would take up the whole guestbook if I tried to list them
Your Favorite Author: Jane Smiley, Alice Walker, Jill McCorkle
Having worked in a film library in Mid-Missouri, I'm sure I could contribute to your horror stories. However, I seem to have repressed most of them! Great page (and wonderful name). :)

Rachel A. Wamlsey - 09/22/98 23:32:49
My Email:Dandelion@eudoramail.com
Your Favorite Book: Wise Child, The Last Unicorn, and A Bone from a dry sea
Your Favorite Author: Robert Jordan
Hey!! Your page is wonderful!!! I'm trying to write a novel on Hypatia(said sheepishly). And anyway since you seem to really like books and be around them all the time so I wonder if you could e-mail me and give me some info about Hypatia and also some tips o writing and what you like to read. Sincerely, Rachel A. Wamsley

SHANNON NALLEY - 09/22/98 18:13:05

jessica aheran - 09/16/98 14:20:06
My Email:2234456
Your Favorite Book: the giving tree
Your Favorite Author: judy blume
we need to now what was her contribution to astronomy

Deb - 09/05/98 03:08:14
Your Favorite Book: To Kill a Mockingbird
I work in a library in southern Indiana and we get our fair share of strange questions also. I will never forget the lady who came into the library after seeing the movie "The Bridges of Madison County" and all but demanded to see all the old issues of N tional Geographic so she could see some of the photographers' work. She did not believe us when we tried to explain he was a fictional character and was never actually a photographer for National Geographic. She left the library upset and determined to o to another library to find the pictures there.

Jerith Alexander - 09/03/98 17:47:13
My URL:http://www.yahoo.com
My Email:yahoo.com
Your Favorite Book: Goosebumps
Your Favorite Author: R.L Stein

Jerith Alexander - 09/03/98 17:42:54
Your Favorite Book: Goosebumps
Your Favorite Author: R.L Stein

- 08/07/98 22:55:06

Dan Smith - 08/07/98 19:06:27
My Email:parzifal@iname.com
Your Favorite Book: Lord of the Rings
Your Favorite Author: Patrick McMannus
I visited a couple of websites about Hypatia. I think is was the local bishop in Alexandria, not the pope, who had a problem with her. Not really clear if he was directly involved in her death, or a mob took it upon themselves. If only the Library of Alexandria had had Xerox machines **sigh**

Sean Reeder - 08/06/98 12:41:04
My Email:ReederS@kochind.com
Your Favorite Book: Modern Control Systems
Your Favorite Author: Ogata
I was wondering if you have ever read a poem about Hypatia, by the French Poet Charles Lecounte De Lisle. I can't seem to track it down anywhere? Any help you could give would be appreciated. Thanks

Elizabeth Stapleton - 07/27/98 23:09:54
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Athens/Oracle/1124
My Email:christchild@geocities.com
Your Favorite Book: The Bible
Your Favorite Author: Robin Cook, M.D.
Nice page! I've been looking for a library humor page and found yours through YAHOO. At an art school we have lots of fun with painted books.

Elizabeth Stapleton - 07/27/98 23:06:35
Your Favorite Book: The Bible
Your Favorite Author: Robin Cook, M.D.
Nice page! I've been looking for a library humor page and found yours through YAHOO. Good luck!

Melissa Myers - 07/24/98 21:00:12
My Email:greenhil@waldo.nashv.lib.tn.us
Your Favorite Book: So you want to be a wizard
Your Favorite Author: Gordon Korman
This site is great stress relief for librarians! My biggest pet peeve is the front door before opening time. Advice to patrons: If the door is locked, trying to push it open anyway might get you hurt. Rattling it strongly is also a bad idea.

- 07/23/98 23:01:25
My Email:saline@cajun.net
Does anyone know Mark Daganaar a 1986 Missouri Library School graduate who was at Three Rivers Community College in Poplar Bluffs, MO?

Bruno the Elder - 07/17/98 06:15:13
My Email:tdoss@dallasnews.com
Your Favorite Book: Palm of the Hand Stories
Your Favorite Author: Yasunari Kawabata
Hail Hypatia, full of grace, Bruno the Elder, I am Humble librarian handsome of face, whose father was fond of spam. I toil at a newspaper, tis true. In the very bowels of journalism dwell I, My hours, of choice 5 pm til 2. Tis my calling I do ot lie. I'll send you stories if I recall, what happened to who, etc. etall. Perhaps they'll bring a smile or two. I'm old enough to be your father in law, so I have twice as many tales as you. Til then....Bruno t e Elder

Jesse Dubin - 07/16/98 15:05:33
My Email:jdu001@engr.latech.edu
Your Favorite Book: 1984
Your Favorite Author: "classic-ish": Orwell, modern: Doug Coupland
This is a FABULOUS site! I'm a page (and more, really) at a library in the East Baton Rouge Parish library system in Louisiana, and all of that stuff is SO TRUE! I guess it's kinda comforting to know that people are universal, but not really. Great job on the page, I'm going to have to show everyone at work! Jesse Dubin

Kelly Bringmann - 07/10/98 18:32:15
My Email:kbringma@yahoo.com
Your Favorite Book: Mists of Avalon
Your Favorite Author: Jane Austen
I am a graduate student at University of South Carolina during our first course we had a Hypatia Conference to explore all the different types of libraries and employment possibilities. You have a great site. I agree that libraries can be a very interes ing place to work.

Jodi Wingler - 07/08/98 02:09:12
My URL:http://www.in-motion.net/~dpl
My Email:poky2@hotmail.com
Your Favorite Book: Never have been able to narrow that down!
Your Favorite Author: Right now...Patricia Cornwell
Terrific website! Will show it to my colleagues. Got another strange thing found in a book for you. One of our librarians found a slice of pizza in a book! Thanks for the fun!

John Futia - 07/05/98 18:34:56
My Email:EWDY97A@prodigy.com
Your Favorite Book: A Crown of Swords
Your Favorite Author: Robert Jordan

Helge Heitmann - 07/04/98 21:26:44
My Email:feynman@online.no
Your Favorite Book: Surely you're Joking Mr. Feynman
Your Favorite Author: R.P. Feynman
Question: I am looking for the book(s) which best documents the life and faith of Hypathia. Any tips? Thanks in advance.

Kara Townsend - 07/03/98 11:38:27
My URL:http://www.dynamicSex.com
My Email:dwebmistress@yahoo.com

Hi! I was surfing through GeoCities and saw your page. Pretty Cool! My name is Kara. I am 24 years old and live in San Diego, CA. I have been teaching myself HTML for the last several months. Please visit my site, Kara s dynamicSex and tell me what you think of it. I will be adding pictures of myself within the next couple days. I would love to exchange links with you!

Jennifer Friedman - 06/29/98 21:45:45
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Athens/6461/
My Email:friedman@tznet.com
Your Favorite Book: _The Westing Game_ by Ellen Raskin
Your Favorite Author: Hmmm...don't have one at the moment.
Hypatia, I love your pages, I linked to them under my 'Annotated Bookmarks' page. Those into library humor might like my 'Short Library Humor Pieces', too. I know just what you mean about people with clueless questions. I worked at a telephone referenc desk once and an older lady called to ask for the phone number for Salt Lake City. I asked her who she was trying to reach in Salt Lake City, and she said, "No, my son just said there is a problem with my insurance policy and I should call Salt Lake Cit . Can you get me the number?" As if there were a person sitting at the Salt Lake City Main Phone Desk, waiting to take calls for the city itself! We finally figured out the company that sold her policy and gave her that number. She was quite confused y the idea that she might actually have to call a particular COMPANY in Salt Lake City. Keep up the good work! --Jennifer

B. Talley - 06/24/98 03:01:56
My Email:bjtalley@gte.net
Your Favorite Author: Dean Koontz, no Steven King wait maybe Barbara Michaels, just a sec.Robin Cook, Oh I give up.
I liked your site very much. I work with the public(won't say where)so I can identify with a lot of what you said. Sometimes you don't know if you should laugh,cry or just shake your head.Keep up the good work. B.T.

Clyde Fahlman - 06/16/98 21:44:10
My URL:http://www.teleport.com/~laff9to5/llaff9to5.html
My Email:laff9to5@teleport.com
Your Favorite Book: Laughing Nine to Five
Your Favorite Author: (in all modesty?)
I really became interested in my local library when I was in the sixth grade. I started reading books at home, but often, in the library itself. I had a crush on the librarian. Great perfume. That was 54 years ago. Now I can't smell any more. I can't he r either. (Llibraries still seem quiet to me.) Your web page promoting situational humor is great! Promotes mind cells. (Okay...I need those too.)

Kat Anderson - 06/12/98 03:28:06
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Area51/8691/
My Email:brnhilda@gte.net
Your Favorite Book: Doomstar
Your Favorite Author: Christopher Rowley
Tell it like it is! I'm a LA in the Hawaii State Library System, and I swear, we've been asked some of the strangest questions. Nice to see it's not just MY library....

Cricket - 06/12/98 01:34:50
My Email:doccondo@microtronics.com.au
Your Favorite Book: Any Sci/fi
Your Favorite Author: Anne McCaffrey
I had a great laugh. I am an avid reader and almost live in the library. I can feel for anyone who works in one. I have seen and heard some weird things at the library myself. Sometimes I wonder if people really think before they act. Keep up the great wo k.

Claudia Cuca - 06/09/98 13:53:22
My Email:Claudia.Cuca@wl.com
Hypatia, I, too, work in a library, in New Jersey! You have a delightful website. A radio program you might like is National Public Radio (npr). Try http://www.npr.org.

Jacob Albers - 06/09/98 06:01:58
My URL:http://welcome.to/sosclowns/
My Email:janbers@geocities.com
Your Favorite Book: Chronicles of Narnia series
Your Favorite Author: Robert Jordan
I really enjoyed your pages. I never really thought about some of the strange people and occurrances in a library. Thanks for enlightening me, and making me laugh at the same time.

SOS Clowns Homepage

Kris McLonis - 06/07/98 15:48:32
My URL:http://ic.net/~mclonisk
My Email:mclonisk@ic.net
Your Favorite Book: Strange days : my life with and without Jim Morrison (by Patricia Kenealy-Morrison)
Your Favorite Author: no favorite -- as is the case with my musical tastes, I like lots of different books and types of writing!
I have a link to you on my web page (under the section "MY DAY JOB"). I hope you get a chance to check out my page and that you find it at least half as enjoyable as I have found yours! Before starting in my current position, I worked as a library techn cian (doing cataloging and database management on a paraprofessional level) and before that as a circulation clerk. So, like you, I feel as if I have seen it all, and I sincerely hope that my library never outsources cataloging because, after my experien es behind the circulation desk, I'd hate to work full-time as a reference librarian!

Nick Eisenhauer - 06/06/98 03:21:08
My Email:windex@dtgnet.com
Your Favorite Book: Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy
Your Favorite Author: Arthur C. Clarke
I work in a library too, I feel your pain.

Melody - 06/05/98 13:57:48
My Email:Meleen212@aol.com
Your Favorite Book: Pride and Prejudice
Your Favorite Author: Edith Wharton
Thanks for the laughs.I work at a large regional library and the weirdest patron award has to go to one of ours.A man called 911 because school buses were blocking the bookdrops and he could'nt return his books!

Jeff Taylor - 06/03/98 17:12:50
My Email:ananda@pioneer.net
Your Favorite Book: Modesty forbids
Your Favorite Author: Currently, uh, self
Loved your cyber-library, Hypatia. The Weird Patrons made me laugh; we have their clones at our local book-temple. I write humor -- look in the June issues of Esquire and This Old HOuse -- so greatly appreciate a funny place to go on the Net. Does your library carry my first book? ISBN 0-8118-1273-1, Tools of the Trade(Chronicle Books, 1996)? just curious. Libraries forever! A librarian for President! (Our reference librarian has helped me find info that was nearly lost to the memory of humankind.)

Sarah Trent - 06/02/98 06:19:48
My Email:sarahtrent@hotmail.com
Your Favorite Book: too many to mention
Your Favorite Author: again hard to define, depends what I am into at the time.
Thanks for your great site. Some parts are very amusing. I guess anybody who has ever worked in a Library have their "favourite" partons.

- 05/27/98 00:58:52
You should make the type dark (not white on dark background) -- it takes a while for the background to load.

christine bannon - 05/20/98 17:32:51
My Email:cbannon@jefferson.lib.co.us
Your Favorite Book: (at least at the moment)Tuning the Rig, by Harvey Oxenhorn
Your Favorite Author: Anna Kavan
Found you while looking for humor to share with my paging staff. We are a branch of the second largest library system in Colorado. Our particular workforce here at Villa Library is 13 strong, and always amusing. Looking forward to mining your humor, Chris B, aka Fearless Leader

Shelley McCoy - 05/17/98 01:04:39
My URL:http://korrnet.org/fms
My Email:mccoys@korrnet.org
Your Favorite Book: Shogun
Your Favorite Author: Patricia Cornwell
I'm a school librarian in Knoxville, Tenn., so I wondered what things other librarians had come across in their careers. BTW, the home page is for the school, but I oversee its maintenance.

Robert Mead - 05/16/98 23:02:27
My Email:mead@law.unm.edu
Your Favorite Author: C.S. Lewis
Great Webpage! I work as a Ref./Circ. Specialist at the University of New Mexico Law Library. Our "less than healthy" patrons generally are looking to sue the CIA for bugging their car radios or seeking to get appointed to the U.S. Supreme Court.

- 05/15/98 15:54:46
Your page confirms the image of librarians as humorless people. Leaden humor. The guest book has funnier stories.

Marya - 05/12/98 21:28:46
My Email:ryalsml@hotmail.com
Your Favorite Book: I love a wide variety
Your Favorite Author: Anne McCaffrey
Excellent site!Fun but true. I thought we had cornered the market on weird patrons at my public library branch. It's a relief to see that they are everywhere. We have one lady "the ripper" who feels compelled to rip the subscription cards out of every mag zine. She comes in about once a week to stay current on the latest issues. Lest you think she's going to order these magazines, please realize that she doesn't take the cards--we find them scattered about the reading room. She also talks to herself. Als we've found that providing internet access to patrons has added a whole new dimension to weirdness. Keep up the good work!!

Adam Hayes - 05/12/98 06:08:08
My Email:newsky@enol.com

John C. Strickland - 05/11/98 17:10:46
Vedddddy interesting!

Dr. Wayne L. Threlkeld - 05/06/98 17:15:09
My Email:wthrelkeld@hotmail.com
Your Favorite Book: A Stone for Danny Fisher
Your Favorite Author: Harold Robbins
Great stuff! I have shared the info with my five district librarians.

Judith Cutright - 05/05/98 03:53:44
My Email:jcutrigh@mail.state.tn.us
Your Favorite Book: Debt of Honor
Your Favorite Author: Tom Clancy
It's so nice to know there are other librarians out there with the same brand of humor!

Sandra Overly - 05/05/98 02:10:57
My Email:soverly@hotmail.com
Your Favorite Book: too many to cite
Your Favorite Author: ditto!
Thanks for all your good work on this site! I'm a 34-year veteran of library work & have done everything from translating a Mexican divorce decree to putting on puppet shows to driving the bookmobile. My personal favorite bookmark was a rasher of raw ba on. Keep up the good work!

Sandra Overly - 05/05/98 02:10:26
My Email:soverly@hotmail.com
Your Favorite Book: too many to cite
Your Favorite Author: ditto!
Thanks for all your good work on this site! I'm a 34-year veteran of library work & have done everything from translating a Mexican divorce decree to putting on puppet shows to driving the bookmobile. My personal favorite bookmark was a rasher of raw ba on. Keep up the good work!

Jessica - 05/01/98 00:46:37

Tracey Jackson - 04/30/98 11:49:57
My URL:http://hertslib.hertscc.gov.uk
My Email:fm034@viscount.org.uk
Your Favorite Book: War and peace
Your Favorite Author: Terry Pratchett

Heather Speight - 04/29/98 18:53:45
My Email:hspeight.hsfc@sympatico.ca
Great site that really helps when work gets you down. If you think a public library is bad, try working in a small, one-person corporate library where you have to know everything! I'm the page, the shelver, the a/p person, the acquisitioner, the catalogu r, the reference desk, etc. etc. Oh, and my fave stupid question? Getting a call and hearing, "what's the area code for New York City?" (or pick your own city) I didn't realize that I am the only one who knows how to look in the first few pages of the hone book! (I'm Canadian , BTW) Thanks for the laugh - I reeeaaally needed it today! :-}

Christine Dunmire - 04/26/98 12:45:08
My URL:http://www.ipagedir.com
My Email:christine.dunmire@mailexcite.com
I really like your site, it's funny!

Tina - 04/25/98 19:26:28
My Email:gregday@aeneas.net
Like most of the other librarians in your guest book, I love your site! Here's my pet peeve: "Can you find this book I had the other day? I don't remember the author or title, but it was a big red book." (The book is always red). Also, I once found a dried out goldfish in a book on tropical fish. I'll be back to read more later, I'm sure.

John M. Guess - 04/21/98 11:16:20
My Email:guess@c2i2.com
Your Favorite Book: Walden
Your Favorite Author: Henry David Thoreau
Your site is charming! You seem to be a sensititive and witty observer of the common man. keep up the wonderful work!

Geraldine - 04/21/98 02:42:20
My Email:jolly@midusa.net
Your Favorite Book: Old home town newspapers on microfilm
I have spent a great deal of time at our local library viewing the old papers on microfilm. Old editors and reporters had a great sense of humor. Your web site is super! Have it bookmarked and will be back.

Angela - 04/20/98 19:25:26
My Email:angela_ballard@hotmail.com
Your Favorite Book: too many to mention!
Your Favorite Author: Douglas Copeland
Your page is very entertaining. Makes me feel like I am not quite so alone here in the wonderful world of libraries! Angela Ballard Library Technician, Assumption School, Cold Lake, Alberta.

Kollin Hoskins - 04/20/98 15:38:47
Your Favorite Book: The Ear The Eye And The Arm

vidnus - 04/17/98 10:43:16
My Email:vidnus@yahoo.com
I loved your stories. I am from Singapore and I work as a librarian in an educational institute. Thanks you made my day.

Dan Hain - 04/16/98 17:26:43
My Email:dhain@ibm.net

Katharine - 04/15/98 04:08:57
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Athens/Olympus/7472/
Your Favorite Book: Walden
Your Favorite Author: Only one?!? Lewis Carrol and H.D. Thoreau are the top two...
I was highly amused by your site! I'm looking forward to visiting again and reading some more!

Nada - 04/15/98 02:50:15

Jimmy - 04/10/98 19:18:38
My Email:jimmylu@earthlink.net
Your Favorite Book: Tough time never Last Tough People do
Your Favorite Author: Dr. Robert H. Schuller
I needed something to perk me up during a slow day at work. You did it. I am still laughing. Please keep the humor coming. Jimmy Lu from KC Mo

BADDOG321 - 04/10/98 14:14:53
My Email:BADDOG321
Your Favorite Book: N/A
Your Favorite Author: N/A
you have some very good talent

Roberta Stuemke - 04/08/98 15:49:28
My Email:stuemke@uwosh.edu
Your Favorite Book: Forgotten Beasts of Eld, by Patricia McKillip
Your Favorite Author: Guy Gavriel Kay
Boy, do I have stories for you! I've been working at the same Academic library (Univ. of WI Oshkosh) for 20 years now, so have plenty of material. I really enjoyed yours.Let me know if you want mine. (the library phantom, the animal rights activist who mells like he lives with animals, the I'm-positive-I-returned-my-books books that were found in the hunting cabin the next year and were returned to us literally growing, etc..

- 04/05/98 22:55:17
Your site is hilarious! I work in a small college library in a rural area and I can relate to the strange things that have happened to you. Thanks for the humor. It has really taken the edge off my day!

Becky Brunton - 04/04/98 20:14:07
My URL:http://www2.rscc.cc.tn.us
My Email:brunton_bi@a1.rscc.cc.tn.us
Your Favorite Book: Pilgrim at Tinker Creek
Your Favorite Author: Annie Dillard
Great Page! Thanks for all the great library humor. We're using some of it for our library display this month to celebrate America's libraries.

- 04/03/98 03:17:22

anna - 03/30/98 20:07:28
My Email:none
Your Favorite Book: any
Your Favorite Author: don't have one
i have done some weird things in librarys just to make people mad. Like I've walked in and asked where's the candy section. And if the have any pop.

Jimmy Kirk - 03/28/98 18:51:30
My Email:MLSGRAD@aol.com
Your Favorite Book: The Men from the Boys (at this moment in time)
Your Favorite Author: John Irving
Great site; wish i had time to read it all!!!

Debra Jo Sujka - 03/26/98 23:06:19
My Email:djsujka@acs.ryerson.ca
Your Favorite Book: whatever reading at moment
Work in the AV Library here at Ryerson. We would get these film students who thought they knew everything about using film equipment. One day one came into the AV Library to screen his film on the Cinescan. For a few moments I was hearing strange sounds coming from that corner. And then nothing. Somehow he had managed to get his film tied up into a 5 inch ball. He was trying to pick it apart. I kept my instruction to him simple "STEP AWAY FROM THE MACHINE." I had to repeat it several times before he complied. He stood for more than 10 minutes watching me undo the film from the equipment. After I was finished I turned to him and asked him if he was a first year student. He admitted he was. I told him to cheer up, the film was not damaged and whatever he did, he would never do it again. And he never did (but then he never did come around again).

Joanne Jividen - 03/23/98 22:57:21
My Email:jmj@oceancounty.lib.nj.us
Your Favorite Author: James Michener
I enjoy your webpage. I'm a Library Assistant in a public library in NJ & it's reassuring to find out that we all suffer the same. As long as we can find some humor in it all we'll survive the daily trials & weirdos. Keep up the good work. By the way, I once found a Mama slug + eggs in a returned book on cassette. I handled it well & quietly but when I showed the branch librarian she shrieked. And "What! No condoms?" We find them from time to time, unused & clean, in books. And, oh yes, you didn't mention boogers in books, MY PET PEEVE. One weirdo woman uses very long strands of black hair as page markers. She returns her books full of these hairs. See? You got me going. Thanks for the laughs.

Leonardo - 03/23/98 19:07:10
Your Favorite Book: Cat In The Hat
Your Favorite Author: Dr.Suess

DEEPTI MATHEW - 03/21/98 10:39:51
My Email:deeptirm@hotmail.com
Your Favorite Book: Prayer for Owen Meany
Your Favorite Author: JRR Tolkien
dear jenny, this comes to you all the way from india. great web site! one of my favourite people from my past is the librarian in my school in Cameroon, W Africa. Mrs Handelman. she just made the library feel like a magical place. we have many amazing bookshops here in india, but sadly not that many libraries for works of fiction. keep passing the open windows (borrowed from John Irving's World Acc to Garp). deepti

Lissy - 03/12/98 01:48:03
My Email:lissy@angelfire.com
Your Favorite Book: Mortal Fear
Your Favorite Author: Greg Ilges
I like you page. I work in a public library in NEW YORK CITY. So, you can image what stories I have.

Carrie McDaniel - 03/11/98 13:13:25
My Email:cmcdaniel01@sprynet.com
Your Favorite Book: Gone with the wind
Your Favorite Author: Margret Mitchell

Tara Persaud - 03/05/98 18:34:18
My Email:TP069@mdx.ac.uk
Your Favorite Book: Anything about libraries
Your Favorite Author: Alan Sillitoe
I loved your pages. I collect anything about libraries and librarians and I simply adore libraries. I am at University in the UK, but spend more of my time in the library than I do in lectures.

Diana - 03/05/98 03:25:36
My Email:Cali1@webtv.net
Your Favorite Book: Interview With the Vampire
Your Favorite Author: Anne Rice, Isabel Allende...
I haven't laughed so much in a long time. Its nice to FINALLY see a decent library page! I work as a Library Tech/Assistant (they haven't decided yet, but they keep on piling the work) at a Community College in the San Francisco Bay Area in California. 'm 28 and run the Computer Lab, work at the Circulation Desk, and process and input new materials in the Tech-Processing Area I can't even BEGIN to agree with you that incidents that take place in the library: stinky reeking patrons, threatening patrons, flirting patrons, patrons that walk in with tons of bags, tennis rackets and umbrellas and think we're a coat-check, patrons that think you're trying to cheat them by charging overdue fines for books that are three months old that they forgot about, patro s that want you to call other patrons with overdue books that they want RIGHT NOW to threaten them.....yada yada yada...of course there's also those students that want you to type of their term papers because.....well...you're just sitting there reading.. YAH right buddy....reading and sorting through the piles of work on my desk....SIGH.... I can totally relate to picking up books in the bookdrops and finding diapers, trays of food, and books covered in urine...AAAACCCKKKKK! you're page doesn't take me away from all that, but it totally gives me a new perspective on all of it! Gotta love t e library! Cheers! @:^)

sherri - 03/03/98 21:26:30
My Email:sherri@rogers.wave.ca
Your Favorite Book: Where the Red Fern Grows
I love your page. It's really funny. I have to worked in a library for two years and boy! do I know where you are coming from! Currently I work in two book stores and we too get really wierd requests like sex books for the dominant male and on and on. Kee up the great work!!

frank - 02/27/98 21:03:11
My Email:fng7594@usl.edu
Your Favorite Book: The Hobbit
Your Favorite Author: Frank Herbert

Zeki Kavanoz - 02/26/98 19:12:05
My Email:zekst+@pitt.edu
Your Favorite Book: Malcolm X
Your Favorite Author: Girzone
Your homepage is awesome.Thank you.

Mason Betha - 02/25/98 15:51:53
My Email:trinidam@utep.edu
Your Favorite Book: the firm
Your Favorite Author: grisham
To who this may concern, Are you missing one computer cowboy? I think I've met Computer Cowboy. He was here at UTEP feeding our new computers chocolate chip cookies. The computer administrator told him to stop, but the computers told him to continue. Are chocolate chip coo ies the same type of cookies that computers are suppose to take? I don't think so, so get that honkey out of El Paso ASAP!! MA$E

Mason Betha - 02/25/98 15:47:18
My Email:trinidam@utep.edu
Your Favorite Book: The Firm
Your Favorite Author: grisham
To who this may concern,

Jason - 02/14/98 01:35:07
My URL:http://www.bentonark.com
My Email:jhart@saline.lib.ar.us
Your Favorite Book: Too many to count
Your Favorite Author: Ditto
Love your web page. Really shows a behind the scenes look at what happens in libraries. Of course your library can't in any way compare to the SALINE COUNTY LIBRARY of BENTON, ARKANSAS- the most miserable hell hole on the face of the earth. The directo hates mena but tells the world about her sex life, and the reference librarian is a fat slob who doesn't know her rear end from a hole in the ground.

Linda - 02/12/98 01:33:34
My URL:http://www.angelfire.com/ct/Linsyshidingplace
My Email:Linsy34@cyberzone.net
Your Favorite Author: Janet Taylor Caldwell
BOY !!! do I know where you're coming from!!!! I have worked in my library for over 11 years now, in almost every dept. I have seen (and smelled) most everything. People just don't understand what it's like to work in a library, like we go around shushing people ALL the time!!! LIBRARIANS ARE PEOPLE TOO!!!!!

Lisa Hullett - 01/29/98 20:34:12
My Email:hullettl@email.uah.edu
Your Favorite Book: To Kill a Mockingbird
Your Favorite Author: Elizabeth Peters
I'm a Serials/Reference librarian at a university. It is amazing how true your patron stories are to our library! I reread what I wrote and realized that I needed to edit my grammar and spelling.

Lisa Hullett - 01/29/98 20:33:56
My Email:hullettl@email.uah.edu
Your Favorite Book: To Kill a Mockingbird
Your Favorite Author: Elizabeth Peters
I'm a Serials/Reference librarian at a university. It is amazing how true your patron stories are to our library! I reread what I wrote and realizes that I needed to edit my grammar and spelling.

Lisa Hullett - 01/29/98 20:32:10
My Email:hullettl@email.uah.edu
Your Favorite Book: To Kill a Mockingbird
Your Favorite Author: Elizabeth Peters
I'm a Serials/Reference librarian at a university. It is amazing how true you're patron stories are to our library!

Lia - 01/28/98 19:51:55
My URL:http://www.longbeach.lib.ms.us
My Email:Liabealive@AOL.com
Your Favorite Book: The Little Prince
Your Favorite Author: Antoine de Saint Exupery
I LOVE YOUR PAGE!! If you have been or are currently a librarian, you know the stories are true. Keep up the good work!!

Lindsey - 01/27/98 02:03:19
My Email:lindseyke@hotmail.com
Your Favorite Book: "Matilda" by Roald Dahl
Your Favorite Author: I couldn't pick a favorite
I'm a student employee at a Big Ten University library, and before that I worked at a page at a small town library, and your stories ring so true. Libraries are fun places to work in, but people have a tendency to ask stupid questions.

David Julian - 01/26/98 04:49:15
My Email:David_Julian@baylor.edu
Your Favorite Book: Seven Habits...
Your Favorite Author: Stephen Covey
I'm a business major, here, and have been working in our library for over a year now (as a student assistant--work study). I can surely relate to your stories...thanks for the laugh!!

john - 01/26/98 03:03:30
My Email:elkjedi@cvalley.net
Your Favorite Book: Fantasic Voyage
Your Favorite Author: I. Asimov
Great sight!!! I loved the libr. stories. It sounds like you work in a real interesting place. I'd really like to visit it some day. :)~

Bytesmythe - 01/20/98 22:45:44
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/SiliconValley/Lakes/6448
My Email:bytesmythe@geocities.com
Your Favorite Book:
Your Favorite Author:
I can't honestly put a favorite book or author... there are way too many. :) I love the stories. My wife worked at a library once, and I have been a computer lab supervisor (same difference, just computers instead of books. ;) It's amazing how completely clueless people can be. (Granted, we all do it sometimes, but it seems tha some of us do it FAR more often than others. It's those people that scare me...) Thanks!

Agnes Pawelkiewicz - 01/20/98 22:11:45
My Email:apawelki@credit.erin.utoronto.ca
You know, I was reading the comments people left and I couldn't actually believe the few negative ones I found. There are some really bitter people out there! If someone doesn't find this site funny, I swear I don't know what is wrong with them!! Jenny I laught OUT LOUD!!! Gimme more!!!

lana hale - 01/19/98 18:45:47
My Email:lana@barbourville.com
I am a librarian in a small town in KY. I love your stories. They are so familiar to me. Things and people must be the same all over! I would also like to add that there are many nice people that we meet in the library.

SHARON VALDES - 01/16/98 19:09:47
Your Favorite Author: DR. ROBERT ROHLM
this is great! your stories are quite a bunch keep up the good work thanks

SHARON VALDES - 01/16/98 18:54:03
Your Favorite Author: DR. ROBERT ROHLM

Vanessa Baca - 01/15/98 20:16:09
My URL:http://tvi.cc.nm.us
My Email:nessa@tvi.cc.nm.us
Your Favorite Book: Possession by A.S. Byatt
Your Favorite Author: Stephen King, Dean Koontz, Rosamunde Pilcher, Anne Rice, Angela Carter, Gabriel Garcia Marquez, Andrew Greeley, Laurell K. Hamilton, and a whole slew of others.
I loved your Web site!! I work in a college library in Albuquerque, New Mexico and I definitely recognize many of the weird patrons. We have one guy who goes by the simple name of Stinky. I imagine you can guess why! He not only smells like he hasn't athed in eons, he also trails the odor in his wake when he cruises the library. He also monopolizes the Internet, and hits on all the young female students who (poor things) come in here unsuspectingly to try and do research for their classes. He wears yellow, stained ski jacket, a filthy baseball cap, and the ugliest argyle socks in the world. Obviously that's not all he wears, but those items stand out. Again, thanks for your humorous Web page. It's nice to see someone who works in our type of e vironment and sees the humor in it. I will return!! Thanks!!

joe - 01/14/98 23:22:07
You know what my pet peeve is. When i load up a page like this where gray words show before the background loads and then when i can finally read it and i find out that the page isn't funny at all but some kind of disgruntled librarian thing. Those storie were soo lame. And like you never make mistakes. I think ill vote this worst page of 1997.

Estebandito - 01/12/98 23:12:03
My Email:zuniga@bellsouth.net
Your Favorite Book: Inca Gold
Your Favorite Author: Clive Cussler
I really think that is true that people should wear signs with such things as illiterate,moronic and other such names. Your story about the dumb moron who wanted his change back is really amazing, maybe I shouldn't say that , these people are around us ev ryday. Anyways the good lord tells us to have patience, which is truly a virtue. Well bon- voyage , ciao!! If you respond to my email address, I may stay in touch with you. Happy New Year Estebandito

Todd - 01/07/98 19:11:25
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Athens/Delphi/1766
My Email:tcby1968@hotmail.com
Your Favorite Book: Frankenstein
Your Favorite Author: no favorite
Your web site is quite humurous. I've never worked at a library, but I love to go to the library, when I have the time, which isn't often. You sound like a nice person with a good sense of humor; God bless you!!

gayle hoffberger - 01/05/98 21:51:50
My Email:ghoffber@hq.crrl.org
Your Favorite Book: wizard of oz
Your Favorite Author: king
I am a cataloging processor and desk assistant for Central Rappanhanock Regional Library in Fredericksburg, Va. This site is great and look forward to more jokes and trivia.

gayle hoffberger - 01/05/98 21:49:18
My Email:ghoffber@hq.crrl.org
Your Favorite Book: wizard of oz
Your Favorite Author: king

nichelle stephens - 01/03/98 01:35:15
My URL:http://plch.lib.oh.us
Your Favorite Book: some soul to keep
Your Favorite Author: tina mcelroy ansa
I am a library assistant in the periodicals department of an Ohio library. This is a great site.

heather - 12/30/97 17:34:05
My Email:miscell@hotmail.com
Your Favorite Book: changeover
Your Favorite Author: l.j. smith
I'm a page. Talk about pet peeves. I could name fifty more excluding the ones you brought up. Weird patrons are basically a fixture at my library. We have one named smiley. This guy is here from opening to closing on the internet. He never moves. I really enjoyed your web site. I've been thinking of doing something similar but not on the internet.

tom - 12/30/97 15:57:36
set the background color of your web page so that people can start reading the white text while the background is still loading.

Ruth Houston - 12/29/97 20:42:18
My Email:houstor@dodgenet.com
Your Favorite Book: Too many to name
Your Favorite Author: James A. Michener
Enjoyed your website tremendously! Will visit again.

Jennifer Heider - 12/29/97 04:59:32
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/SunsetStrip/Towers/5212/
My Email:jkheider@mci2000.com
Your Favorite Book: Lots! :)
Your Favorite Author: Anne Rice
Very cute page. Working as an assistant in a library, I've amassed quite a few stories as well- many of them you've already covered, though. As a student employee, I'll have to give this job up after graduation, and I'm going to miss it~ for all the craz stuff that goes on, it's still a wonderful place to work. Keep up the good work. :)

Trenna Stephens - 12/28/97 23:39:54
My Email:trennas@hotmail.com
Your Favorite Book: Gone With The Wind
Your Favorite Author: Margaret Mitchell
I really enjoyed reading the stories, they were funny. Thank you, Trenna

Heather Watt - 12/24/97 13:18:32
My Email:h.watt@Mailcity.com
Your Favorite Book: The Bell Jar, Sylvia Plath
Your Favorite Author: Mary Higgins Clark
We work in a medical library where you think people would be smart, but the pet peeves here are never-ending because these people can't seem to read signs, help themselves, or just use plain common sense! And these are our future doctors??? Library work i no joke, nerves of steel are a MUST!

Melissa - 12/23/97 22:44:44
My Email:msaucier@harrison.lib.ms.us
Sorry, can't name one single favorite book. Every one I read is great in some way or the other. Loved your site. I work at a library myself and could add plenty to your list of patrons and library stories.

Liz Frazier - 12/22/97 21:51:03
My URL:http://www.chariott.com~liz
My Email:liz.frazier@compaq.com
Your Favorite Book: Frankenstein
Your Favorite Author: My Mother
Only in Missouri....which is where I am from of course. :) WELL DONE!

Lia Frazier - 12/22/97 21:49:44
My URL:http://www.chariott.com~liz
My Email:liz.frazier@compaq.com
Your Favorite Book: Frankenstein
Your Favorite Author: My Mother
Only in Missouri....which is where I am from of course. :) WELL DONE!

John Allen - 12/17/97 23:50:27
My Email:johnallen1@juno.com
Your Favorite Book: Lord of the Flies
Your Favorite Author: F.Scott Fitzgerald

Naias`jah Jones - 12/14/97 09:04:44
Your Favorite Book: Invisible Life
Your Favorite Author: E.Lynn Harris

Sara Sly - 12/11/97 17:02:45
My Email:jdms47d@Prodigy.com
Your Favorite Book: Swiss Family Robinson
Your Favorite Author: Mercedes Lackey
This website is wonderful! I had a great time reading through your pages and sharing them with coworkers on a slow day. Thank you for the laughs.

vikki phillips - 12/09/97 04:18:19
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Athens/Acropolis/2168/
My Email:vikkip@rocketmail.com
Your Favorite Book: too many to choose from
Your Favorite Author: see above *L*
I'm back again!!! I told you I'd be back!!! Well I spent ages on the page this time and LOVED IT!!! IT's a truly rocking page my friend, you should be proud!! See you 'round!!

Tami - 12/08/97 22:56:53
My Email:TDown18580@aol.com
Your Favorite Book: The Catcher in the Rye
Your Favorite Author: J.D. Salinger
Love the page! I work for a library in St. Louis, Missouri and could relate to everything on your page! I will definitely be sharing this with my co-workers! They'll love it! :)

Charles Davis - 12/06/97 09:52:47
My URL:http://www.bodley.ox.ac.uk/
My Email:csd@bodley.ox.ac.uk
Love your site. Found it via the Libraries FAQ while looking for amusing items for our Christmas Newsletter. Also found "The Lipstick Librarian at http://www.teleport.com/~petlin/liplib/index.html Another site to prove librarianship is not dull !

- 12/04/97 06:35:06

Cliff Francis - 12/03/97 19:44:16
My Email:cfrancis@cinergy.com
Your Favorite Book: Whatever I am Reading
Your Favorite Author: Tony Hillerman

liz snead - 11/23/97 19:24:57
My Email:wildrose@msinets.com
Your Favorite Book: Foundation
Your Favorite Author: Isaac Asimov
What an interesting site. I am a librarian and received my MLS from MU in Columbia in 1979. We work in heaven, but you are right. People just don't understand that we are busy all the time. As a high school librarian, I collect the "lost" kids because I always have time for them. Picking a favorite book is tough, but I do love sci-fi. (not fantasy) My most recent author I love is Barbara Kingsolver. Cyberspace has cut into my pleasure reading time, however. I also like re-reading the classics I re d as a teen and didn't get! Now Silas Marner makes me weep. I would like to revise English teachers' reading lists and include books the kids just couldn't put down and modern writers. My favorite poet is Rilke, and I think the most romantic book may b Song of Solomon. Ann Weems is the poet who lifts my spirits. We should stock more books on tape because people spend so much time in their cars now. I have even driven around longer to get to the end of a book before turning into my driveway. Thanks f r the site. I shall visit again.

liz snad - 11/23/97 19:24:23
My Email:wildrose@msinets.com
Your Favorite Book: Foundation
Your Favorite Author: Isaac Asimov
What an interesting site. I am a librarian and received my MLS from MU in Columbia in 1979. We work in heaven, but you are right. People just don't understand that we are busy all the time. As a high school librarian, I collect the "lost" kids because I always have time for them. Picking a favorite book is tough, but I do love sci-fi. (not fantasy) My most recent author I love is Barbara Kingsolver. Cyberspace has cut into my pleasure reading time, however. I also like re-reading the classics I re d as a teen and didn't get! Now Silas Marner makes me weep. I would like to revise English teachers' reading lists and include books the kids just couldn't put down and modern writers. My favorite poet is Rilke, and I think the most romantic book may b Song of Solomon. Ann Weems is the poet who lifts my spirits. We should stock more books on tape because people spend so much time in their cars now. I have even driven around longer to get to the end of a book before turning into my driveway. Thanks f r the site. I shall visit again.

Monica - 11/21/97 16:33:00
Your Favorite Book: A Tree Grows in Brooklyn
Your Favorite Author: I have many!
Loved your site! I am a librarian in Massachusetts and can relate to everything you have mentioned! One of my pet peeves are when people ask for a certain book but have no clue as to the author or title or even when published. Just because I'm a librar an doesn't mean I've read every book ever written!

Monica - 11/21/97 16:29:22
Your Favorite Book: A Tree Grows in Brooklyn
Your Favorite Author: I have many!
Loved your site! I am a librarian in Massachusetts and can relate to everything you have mentioned! One of my pet peeves are when people ask for a certain book but have no clue as to the author or title or even when published. Just because I'm a librar an doesn't mean I've read every book ever written!

Pamela Lieber - 11/20/97 00:31:56
My Email:liberperlo@hotmail.com
Your Favorite Book: Stranger in a strange land
Your Favorite Author: Asimov, Isaac
Great site! I'm a library employee too, living in New York City. I'll tell the other library folk about this site too.

Robert Lauder - 11/17/97 23:37:10
Nice site. Your peeves on users not reading signs ring true. Did you know the architect of the new british library reckons that a properly designed space doesn't need signs, because everything will be in it's natural place. Depends on where you work.

jennelle - 11/17/97 21:29:22
Your Favorite Book: can't choose
Your Favorite Author: many
I loved your website page. It was so interesting to know that librarians had such fun in libraries. I'll try back to read more!!!

"Dolphin" - 11/09/97 03:49:50
My URL:http://mehitabel.educ.washington.edu/dolphin/
My Email:aleach@pacificcrest.org
Your Favorite Book: Ender's Game
Your Favorite Author: ???

jennifer - 11/04/97 19:39:08
My Email:JBashore@alpha.albion.edu
Your Favorite Book: The Dragonlance Trilogys
Your Favorite Author: Steven Brust
Cool Site. That little "Do you work here" thing applies everywhere

lkasdjnsamn - 10/29/97 00:00:43
Your Favorite Book: concieving you
Your Favorite Author: your mom

Tres Costa - 10/28/97 07:11:22
My URL:http://satmech@earthlink.net
My Email:oops
...have to think re: favbook. fav author either Heinlein or S. Robinson McCaffrey's cool too!

Steven D. Seals - 10/24/97 13:37:34
My Email:saseals@midusa.net
Your Favorite Book: Dragonlance Trilogy
Your Favorite Author: Anne McCaffrey
Star Trek Rules cool page :-) \

Maryann - 10/23/97 21:59:04
My Email:jsawyer@olg.com
Your Favorite Book: The Scarlet Letter
Your Favorite Author: Nathaniel Hawthorne
I simply love your page! I'm a librarian as well, and I can relate to EVERYTHING in here! :-)

Vanessa Whittemore - 10/21/97 01:05:10
My Email:mccf78a@prodigy.com
Your Favorite Book: Depends on my mood
Your Favorite Author: Robert Fulghum
Favorite library -- Harry Ransom Center aka Human Resources Center at UT Austin. It's closed stack & while doing my grad work I was a clerk there for a couple of semesters. Erle Stanley Gardner (Perry Mason, etc) donated his memorabilia. Lots of old ma uscripts & books. On slow afternoons it was heaven to just rummage through the stacks!

Sara - 10/20/97 21:09:04
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Hollywood/Boulevard/2649
My Email:sara-c@rocketmail.com
Your Favorite Author: R. L. Stine
Hi Jenny- It's me, your sister. Wow! I actually went to your web page and read most of it! Aren't you surprised?! It just came up when I was looking for an address on the history on the computer, so I thought I would look at it. Well, I have to go, C ya Later! Sara

roxycool - 10/19/97 12:00:40
My Email:roxycool@hotmail.com
Your Favorite Book: Many
Your Favorite Author: just as many
Got a good laugh from your page. Most people think libraries are dull. I work in an Adult Campus Library in Australia and see and hear some amazing things. One patron wears a compass around his neck and often asks directions to various classes. No problem well he wants the directions to be according to the North magnetic pole. ???? I could go on ..... :) Regards to you all from Australia.

Athene - 10/16/97 19:27:59
My Email:vtriggs@telusplanet.net
I couldn't name a favourite book or author because I have way too many! I love to read. You're page is great.

towana - 10/14/97 21:23:51
My Email:towana@hotmail.com
Your Favorite Book: Accident!
Your Favorite Author: Daniel Steele
i think that this is a cool site. Personally, I thought that all librarians were weird, but after reading this... i know they are weird! Just Kidding!

Towana - 10/14/97 21:20:22
My Email:towana@hotmail.com
Your Favorite Book: Accident!
Your Favorite Author: Daniel Steele
I really don't think that this website is a very good one. But anyhow, do whatever makes you feel happy.

Tony Wilson - 10/11/97 03:53:54
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Athens/Acropolis/1107
My Email:paw@iglou.com
Very funny, Jenny. If you don't mind, I'd like to mention your page in the Libraries FAQ (Sec 7:Culture-library humor). I think folks will get a kick out of it. Tony

Quentin Pierce - 10/09/97 22:36:46
My Email:Quentin@goplay.com
Your Favorite Book: Battlefield Earth - A Saga of the year 3000
Your Favorite Author: Zane Grey
I like reading, and espceally jokes!

Sue Kapcoe - 10/09/97 16:32:41
My Email:Ezus@aol.com
Your Favorite Book: Too many to mention!
Your Favorite Author: Two Favs: John Irving & Anne Tyler among many.
Just dropped by. I'm a bibliophile and consideded becoming a librarian. Don't have the money for a master's degree though. Enjoyed your site!

- 10/02/97 01:13:44

tamonia rudeseal - 09/30/97 20:12:22
My Email:Tamonia@aol.com
Your Favorite Author: VC Andrews
i found your site very hularious. and i needed a good laugh, keep up the good work

Katherine Reid - 09/29/97 19:19:13
My Email:rune@marc.com
Enjoyed your web site, but there is NOOOOOOO way I could list 1 favorite book or 1 favorite author. Thanks Katherine

Jen Kwok - 09/28/97 01:28:43
My Email:jen_kwok@hotmail.com
Your Favorite Book: Small Gods
Your Favorite Author: Terry Pratchett
This is a great site! My friend Joseph mass mailed a bunch of us from summer camp so more people will get to enjoy this site. Other favorite books: To Kill a Mockingbird Pride and Prejudice Flowers for Algernon Peter Pan Jonathan Livingston Seagull

stephanie mayer - 09/27/97 19:54:05
My Email:www.stephmayer@rocketmail.com
Your Favorite Book: The Last Unicorn
Your Favorite Author: None in particular
Hey, I justwanted to say: You have a really cool site and, that you have to be careful that we know which Hypatia you are talking about

Bowld Music Library - Circulation staff - 09/26/97 21:42:36
My URL:http://www.swbts.edu
My Email:na
Your Favorite Book: Telephone
Your Favorite Author: God
We can relate. Our patrons are weird, too!

Huntress - 09/20/97 16:14:57
My URL:http://wvnvm.wvnet.edu/~scb01691/bookdee.htm
My Email:schuntress@hotmail.com
Your Favorite Book: Family Man
Your Favorite Author: Jayne Anne Krentz
I went looking for fun...and loving books enough to make my page about them, I decided to try your page. Glad I did! Laughed a lot. I printed this whole page out to show friends at work (hospital).

Hope - 09/19/97 13:55:15
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Athens/Forum/2124
Your page is great,Hypatia!!! Whoever said that Libraries are boring? I read the piece about the Weird Patrons, think I've met a multitude of them myself around town here. The cowboy's hat is black, right? He came to Canada here, I smel...ummm, saw h m!! I'll be back to read more (bookmarked this site). I'm a writer myself, stop by and check out my page. Thanx for the laughs!! Hope

Joseph Lillo - 09/18/97 16:34:54
My Email:the_shadow_falls@hotmail.com
Your Favorite Book: I like poetry better, as opposed to conventional books.
Your Favorite Author: Elizabeth Barrett Browning
The site KICKS!! Especially since MY public library sucks... read "Sonnets from the Portuguese". You won't regret it!!!

Chrissy - 09/14/97 23:48:17
Your Favorite Book: Of Mice and Men
Your Favorite Author: don't know

Ann Marie - 09/11/97 17:14:12
My Email:hickeyam@planet.eon.net
Your Favorite Book: To Kill a Mockingbird
Your Favorite Author: James Michner
Thanks for the good laugh! Yes library people do have a sense of humour!

Kelly Williams - 09/11/97 10:39:38
My Email:tjwilliams@xtra.co.nz
Your Favorite Book: The cat who came in from the cold
Your Favorite Author: Dean Koontz
Hi, I'm a Librarian from a small library at Auckland, New Zealand. It's wonderful to see a site dedicated to this wonderful profession!!

Elaine - 09/11/97 04:28:59
Thanks for providing a humorous look at the public library.

TR Freund - 09/10/97 16:39:39
My Email:tammyf@iosys.net
Your Favorite Book: Lestat
Your Favorite Author: Anne Rice
Great site!

Jack Burdett - 09/10/97 04:49:54
Your Favorite Book: The Princess Bride
Your Favorite Author: Steven Brust

Jack Burdett - 09/10/97 04:48:12
Your Favorite Book: The Princess Bride
Your Favorite Author: Steven Brust

Jack Burdett - 09/10/97 04:51:20
Your Favorite Book: The Pricess Bride
Your Favorite Author: Steven Brust

Jean Akins - 09/09/97 18:37:40
My Email:jakins@admin2.mail.co.alameda.ca.us
Your Favorite Book: Watchers, by Dean Koontz
Your Favorite Author: Scott Adams
Love your web site! Can certainly relate to a lot of what I've read here. Gave this URL address to my co-workers and asked them to visit it. Submitted a story a few minutes ago, and will submit a few more as the occasion arises. Keep up the good work.

carolun lohah - 09/08/97 20:39:37

Somaiya - 09/08/97 06:28:18
My Email:somaiya@cyber.net.pk
Your Favorite Book: Wuthering Heights
Your Favorite Author: Sydney Sheldon
Hi! I read your library stories and found them to be really neat. See I'm an avid reader and read whatever I can get. Due to this I have bugged my School, College and University's librarians. So it was kind of nice to read what you on the other side of th desk think about us :> Well, have a good time and keep writing more stories. I'll come back again to read them soon. Take Care, Somaiya

Don - 09/08/97 05:08:24
My Email:algerd@jcave.com
Your Favorite Book: just about any with words or pictures
Your Favorite Author: far to many to list
Ilove to read my interests vary with my mood I don't like romance novels or artsy books but i'll try just about anything else.

Dennis - 09/07/97 02:00:53
My URL:http://www.biosys.net/dkp
My Email:dkp@biosys.net
Your Favorite Book: "The Luck of Relian Kru" by Paula Volsky
Your Favorite Author: Stuart Woods
Great site! I work in a library myself; there seem to be certain universal themes. Keep up the good work.

Jeaneta Catterson - 09/05/97 18:09:44
My Email:jcatterson@htls.lib.il.us
Your Favorite Book: Love too many to have a favorite
Your Favorite Author: Dean Koontz
At last! Library website with humor. (Yes, we DO have a sense of humor.) I've shared this with my co-workers here at an Illinois library--we can relate. I'll be sending stories soon.

- 09/05/97 17:49:26

donnis - 09/05/97 17:48:12
My Email:donnis@dezine.com
Your Favorite Book: too many to name
Your Favorite Author: Patricia Cornwell

Huntress - 09/05/97 15:46:53
My URL:http://wvnvm.wvnet.edu/~scb01691/bookdee.htm
My Email:SChuntress@hotmail.com
Your Favorite Book: IN ENEMY HANDS
Your Favorite Author: David Weber
Interesting page...printed to show ladies who work in hospital w/me on 3rd

monte yates - 09/04/97 22:03:42
My Email:jester@cottagesoft.com
Your Favorite Book: battlefield earth
Your Favorite Author: anne mcaffrey
hypatia i really enjoyed your site , it was really good. thank you for sharing your experiances. monte

Andrew Wahl - 09/03/97 20:44:18
My Email:awahl@usaid.gov
Your Favorite Book: The Fountainhead
Your Favorite Author: Charles Bukowski
Great Page!

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