Brian Wilson
The best show on TV!
Alias Double agents galore and the beautiful Sidney Bristow.
Play your days and night away with the addictive
Fussballmanager 2004
Wax nostalgic:
TV Nostalgie A great site for German baby boomers.
HB Maennchen:
Bruno, der Werbemann Wer wird denn gleich...

The Nostalgia Site
....and other things!
This site takes its visitors into the recent past. However, in the Latest Stuff area you will find links to some cool other websites which don't always dwell on the past.
Relive the fantastic Ali-Frazier fight
or remember the times when legendary goalkeepers dominated the German Bundesliga. Ride into the texas sunset with Bronco Layne or follow the Cartwrights as they ride herd on the Ponderosa in Bonanza . Spend some time with the suave detectives on 77 Sunset Strip . Pay homage to a soccer game that nobody will ever forget, but which only very few actually saw. Or read about how the Wembley myth was destroyed once and for all.
My dogs:
Take a look at Saskia and Wendywho were born on April 2, 2003.
I will never forget my first dog Britta who died on March 11, 2003.