current season September 17th, 1998

Vienna, Austria

Hans Hartmann's homepage

"improving on the topic"

My original cause for starting these pages.
Die erste Veranlassung , um diese Seiten ins Internet zu stellen.
A homepage maker and the way 

A small step in the right direction. A big step if compared to anything in the past.
Eine Zukunft könnte hier beginnen.

Some details of the way

Not much has changed as far as contents are concerned. The main entries still exist and this will never be a site with thousands of visitors. But it has survived for more than a year now and information is gathering.
I consider this page as a reverse holographic image construction. Rather than breaking apart a big and contrastful hologram, this site will start with a very faint image and probably sharpen as times go by.
Toastmasters International
Lifelong Learning: Better listening, better speaking, better communicating - this is also leisure time business 
Präsentation, Englisch und eine phantastisches Angebot zur Weiterbildung.
When I am not working
Die Bilder kommen natürlich aus dem Freizeitbereich.
An example of what is to be found here would be:




Sometimes you have to care for your future possibilities. This page is mainly directed to some future employers.
Warum sollte das Internet nicht auf diese Weise genützt werden?
bigger (43kB) version of it you could drag from your browser.

Want to see the old page? former homepage


email to webmaster:Hans Hartmann Sign Guestbook View Guestbook

I will not advertise these pages. Comments in forms of email are welcome and may effect something, if they are well phrased. However, for the sake of it I will announce the frequency of visits, taking my personal bets when it will tresspass the magical number of 1000 since the day I was born.

people have visited this place, since I was born.

All content is copyright © 1997, Hans Hartmann unless otherwise noted. All rights reserved worldwide.



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