Oklahoma Artists


Robert Annesley, Norman, 1943.
Fred Beaver, best known for his images of the
Seminole people, named "Outstanding Oklahoman of the Year" in 1976. Birth (?)
Joe Beeler, sculptor, painter, founding member of Cowboy Artists of America. Raised Oklahoma, resides in Arizona.
Woody Big Bow, muralist (RCA building in NYC),
Carnegie, 1915.
Mars Biggoose, Pawnee.
Acee Blue Eagle, artist, founding director of the Art
Department, Bacone College. Anadarko, 1909-1959.
Jerome Bushyhead, acrylics on canvas. Calumet, June 13, 1929.
Sherman Chaddlesone, sculptor, artist. Birth (?)
Woody Crumbo, painter, silversmith. Lexington, 1912-1989.
Chester Gould, cartoonist, creator of Dick Tracy comic
strip. Pawnee, 1900-1985.
Gina Gray. One of most respected and well-known artists in Oklahoma, Commissioner on the Indian Arts and Crafts Board. Pawhuska.
John Guthrie, watercolor, acrylic, gouche. Born ?, 1948.
Albert Harjo. Tempura, watercolor. Sept. 25, 1937, Hanna.
Benjamin Harjo, Jr., Oklahoma City.
Clyde Heron, illustrator, artist, historical subjects. Ardmore, 1929.
*Alexander Hogue*. Internationally-known artist, Chair of TU School of Art, 1945-1968. Born Missouri. 1898-1994.
Allan Houser, considered "patriarch of Native American
sculptors", Offering to the Great Spirit, As Long As the Waters Flow,
Fort Sill, 1914-1994.
Stephen Mopope, one of original "Kiowa Five" artists, Anadarko, 1898-1974.
Russell Myers, cartoonist (Broom Hilda, Brad Sherman). Born ?, 1938, Tulsa Univ.
Doc (Joyce Lee Tate) Nevaquaya, artist, Southern Plains flute player. 1932-1996, Apachie.
Charles Pratt, award-winning sculptor (The Blue Corn People), silversmith, stone carver. Concho.
Harvey Pratt, painter, sculpter and one of the leading forensic artists in the United States. El Reno.
Austin Real Rider. Native American themes, various media. March 11, 1941, Pawnee.
Joe Rector, painter. Muskogee.
Robert Redbird, Born ?, 1939, raised Dallas, lives in
Paladine Roye, watercolorist. White Eagle, Okla.
Connie Seabourn, watercolor artist, Born ?, Degree U. of Oklahoma.
Willard Stone. Cherokee woodcarver, sculptor. 1916-1985, Locust Grove.
Robert Taylor, acrylics. Tulsa.
Dana Tiger. Tahlequah/Muskogee, 1961.
Jerome Tiger. Eufaula, 1941-1967.
Gary White Deer. Ada.
Mike Wimmer, award-winning illustrator. Born Muskogee, 1961, resides Norman.

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