Gretchen's Photo Album.....

Many thanks to Gretchen Mansfield Wilson for sharing the following photos from her collection... She offers a challenge to all of us to dig in those old boxes of photos and submit them to the class webpage.


Gaynell Galio & Bryant Mansfield............................................................ Bobby Cropper



Gretchen, Mildred Rice & Others at Birthday Party.......................................... Alena Schroder


................................................................................Judy Livingston, Mary Fuller, Marilyn Miller, Patsy Kirkland ................................................................................ Jeanne Jones...... Slumber Party at Gretchens's




Dale Huey.......................................................... Gloria .........................................Gretchen


Patsy Kirkland............................................ Toby Mosely.......................................... Gretchen


Picture of 1956 Greenie Band members.... Geraldine Bryan, Fred Minor, Gretchen Mansfield and others.... This picture was from the collection of Nola Kelly Mansfield, Class of 56, (Bottom left with trombone). Nola is no longer with us and her husband (Gretchen's brother) thoughtfully contributed the picture for our enjoyment and in her rememberance. Our thanks to him.


1955 Greenie Gusher clipping...



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