Bereishis - Perspective
Noach - Difficult Situations
Lech Lecha - Temimus
VaYeira - Brachah
VaYeitzei - Continuity
VaYigash - Achdus
Shmos - Asking the Question
Trumah - Gold, Gold, Gold
VaYikra - Little Letters, Big Sacrifices and the Ego
BeChukosai - Emunah
Bamidbar - Hashem Loves You
Naso - Fear of Heaven
Korach - Supporting Others
Balak - Materialism
Matos-Masei - The Importance of the Process
VaEschanan - Details, Details...
VaEschanan - Idolatry
Eikev - Self Confidence
Shoftim - Beauty
Ki Seitzei - Coincidence
Ki Savo - Happiness
Nitzavim - Teshuvah
Tznius, Negiah and Shidduch Dating
Jewish Comedy - Simchah
Divrei Torah From HaRav Ilan Segal SHLIT"A
Chassidish Stories
Read exerps from
Rav Tatz's Books:
Why a Good Time Never Lasts
Doubt and Certainty
Pesach - Faster then Time
Anatomy of a Search
Or, Rav Tatz's essay
 Rav Tatz on video!!! You need Real Player to listen.
Hagada Shel Pesach
Tisha B'Av
Yom HaKippurim
Asarah B'Teves
Purim 5758