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This may shock you... indeed, you may want to sit down before reading this. You see, it turns out - and please, TRY not to be shocked - that if you take the very best of the web pages out there, all of them AREN'T this one. Keeping this in mind, I thought I'd stick in a few links to happier hunting grounds to keep ya'll occupied. Have fun.

I would further like to add a section of links here, under a different criteria. Basically, this bit is for links to my friends, family, or anyone else stupid enough to give me a URL. In any event, if you think you qualify according to the above criteria, drop me a line with the requisite info, and i'll do my best to bung you in here. Cheers. BE FORWARNED THOUGH: Many of these links are defunct, on account of lousy friends not keeping up to date on things.

This last bit, I'd like to devote to those organizations who aren't actually my friend per se, but who I still spend time doing things for/at/with. The reasons for declaiming them to be not ACTUAL friends are rather complicated, and involve lots of horribly tricky ontological and gramatical arguments about whether it is possible to befriend a multiplicity.
However, you will all be releaved to know that these nasty thorny little issues are easy to resolve with nothing more than a little gif of a cheap DIY tape-and-string job, and a paragraph or so of awkward prose.

  • I now live at Minota Hagey. Some of the residents made a very cool web page here for your viewing pleasure.
  • I have spent much time amusing myself at the Hart House Debating club. Please note, these guys ALSO have a pretty neat links page.
  • Hart House debating is also, as my brother would like to point out, a nasty vile organization that isn't nearly as good as VUDU (Victoria University Debate Union). I spent even more time in my undergrad debating for VUDU than HH, and I still have a bunch of friends there (bro included), so they get even better billing. Go see their much superior website (it really is better. Honest! Go see if you don't believe me.
  • The Hart House Music Committee puts on loads of free concerts. I've helped organize such things, and i'm even helping them make this webpage. It was beautiful. It was charming. I left UT, and someone else arrived and made it all fancy with frames and everything. Pah. Not that I'm bitter. If I can't do html, nobody should be allowed to. Click here to see them anyway. But NOT here.

  • Back to Maine.

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