Aussie snaps


Here are some snaps of aussieland. Had a bit of a riot while I was down there... Spent a good three months hanging around. I stayed with relatives in Sydney and worked at University of New South Whales for a month (research assistant type stuff with a prof). Then I did a big tour accross to Adelaide, up to Alice Springs, and then to Perth and back to Sydney. That's a lot further than it sounds. Anyway, sooner or later I'll spend a bit more effort on this page. Hopefully I'll arange these pics in a more aestheticaly pleasing manner, add some comentary, etc. Maybe even put more pics up.


Sydney-royal-botanic-gardens also-me

nice-sunset near-adelaide


you-should-know-these another-sunset

One other thing of interest. The eriest things happen in broad daylight (and I'm not talking about the lake here).

  • Do you think you can get me back to main without making a joke for gawds sake?