Unsettled Mind
Helloo There!!!!(my
god, he has no idea what he's doing)
I have recently added a What's
New page to let family and friends know what's going on with us and to post
updates to our site.
to my humble home. Kick back, take your shoes off and have a sit down. I am happy
that you could drop by and take a peek at my online mind. I have established
this page for several purposes:
1. To
promote meaningful discussions about interesting topics (see below).
To have a place where my mind may wander without fear of tripping over the furniture.Wandering(Ye
Ole Links Page)
To create an archive of my likes, dislikes, ponderings, wasted synapses and general
weirdness for all the world to see.
To embrace the joys of Parenthood, Family,
and The Love of the Woman Who Puts
Up With Me.Family.
5. To talk
about a big (kersplat!!!) hobby of mine and the Paintball team I'm on.Paintball
To reunite the Phun Bunche. This task will undoubtedly result in at least half
of the continent being reduced to smoking ruins. For that I will apologize
in advance............sorry. Oh yeah, Herb'sWorld Rules! Waayyooohh!PhunBunche

relating to point number one:
of all, it is hoped that all conversations will be interesting, exciting, or
at least mildly amusing. But, as a standard disclaimer, I must allow that any
conversation you enter into is not guaranteed to be fruitful. The subject matter
may become dry or may expire altogether. The topic may change at a moments
notice with no forewarning at all. For your convenience, I have provided an
exceptional list of topics to choose from (you may, of course, enter into a
topic other than those listed, I am always honored by original thought).
MOVIES: Favorite movies/bad movies/worse movies/movies
that TBS and TNT just can't play enough of(same as last item)/psycho movies/foreign
movies/movies that go boom!/should have been a "made for TV movie"
movies/movies that give you weird or haunting dreams after watching them/all
other movies.
MUSIC: Good music/bad music/music that's so
bad it's good music(and vice versa)/rock music/alternative music/top40 (grimace)
music/industrial music/rap (please don't go there) music/Eurotrash music/music
that other people listen to/music that some joker is always playing with way
too much bass in his mini-truck/classical music (yes, I've been know to listen
to classical music, you got a problem with that)/all other music.
BOOKS: Good books/bad books/funny books/books
that make you go hmmmm/books that make you go "why the heck did I bother
reading this thing" books/Hunter S. Thompson's
Books/thick books/heavy books/books that the campus bookstore made you pay
how much??? for/all other books.
Good religion/bad religion/otherworldly religions/funny
religions/religions for profit's sake/religions with lots of prophets/religions
where you get to wear really cool or interesting clothing/all other religions.
POLITICS(when referring to politics I am also
referring to politicians): Good polit.....uggugahmmehahh, ahem, OK, never mind
that/bad politics/annoying politics/useless politics/right-wing politics/left-wing
politics/why-should-we-care-about-politics politics/all other politics.
ALL OTHER TOPICS: Life, the weather, alcohol,
cars, sex, food, money, drugs, health, cliques, new world order, isolationism,
anything covered by an episode of the X-Files, cartoons, happiness, home, family,
love, death, taxes, a better way of life, the future, the past, growing old,
staying young, all other topics.
Please feel free to e-mail me
on these topics or with comments and suggestions.