Our View Of Wicca.....

Our View Of Wicca.....

Wicca to us is many things, its is understandable, and love, and happiness. Wicca is not a religon of "sin" or "Hell", wicca is all the things we mentioned above. We are happy being Wiccan, some people who don't know use might say that we don't know what we beleive in at such a young age, or we are only doing it cause everyone else is doing it. But we know what we beleive, and no we aren't doing it because everyone else is, cause not many other people where we go to school are. To us Wicca is happiness and joy and the beauty and magick that is all around us. Its not doing what a book tells you, or even strictly going to a church for worship. Wicca is happiness.....
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