
I am an 21 year old chemical engineering major at Texas Tech University in Lubbock, Texas, and I love the Lord.
That's generic information. I believe there are four facts you must know to understand my personality. First, I don't do well in crowds of strangers. I like to meet people one-on-one some place where we can really talk and get to know one another. Second, I am a defensive fighter. My roomate pointed out to me that I always lure people onto my preferred playing field, THEN attack. Very true. Third, I always doubt that there's anything good or virtuous about me. I say that like it's a rule I try to follow. But it's not. It's just the way I am. I continually (to a fault) tear apart every motive I have for doing things until I am satisfied that selfishness underlies whatever I do. Finally, I always pretend to be smarter than I actually am. Sometimes I do a good enough job that I fool people