Adam's Plain Homepage -- Pil Sung

Welcome Traveler! Pil Sung is "must win" in Korean.
For easy reference:
A little of who I am. updated 3/17/01
Click here for Reflections. updated 5/24/2000
*ATTENTION* I have basically quit updating this site. Instead, I write on Here is a link to my stuff there.
Here is the most recent journal entry. updated 6/30/01
Here are the archives.

This page is intended to be friendly to those folks fortunate enough to be running lynx. Or I don't suppoes that running lynx in and of itself is all that special, just the platforms it runs on. *cheer*
You may have noticed the use of default colors and very little decoration. This is because of my belief that the web is a pox on bandwidth and system resources, and that most valuable content comes in the form of text. It isn't necessary for me to leave the colors as default, doesn't sap much. But I do it as a form of protest. Producers of sound and graphic intensive pages be warned. Those of us who wish to protect the system for content are coming! And those of you out there stupid enough to be babbling something about my not knowing how to code proper html, and that having to do with the lack of page ornamentation, get one of those pointy thingys for papers on desks and sit on it.

Here at the bottom are the links.
Some websites I like to visit:
My Utmost for His Highest. A website that features all of Oswald Chamber's famous daily devotional guide. I love this site.
Ravi Zacharias International Ministries. Dr. Zacharias is, I believe, the finest Christian apologist and evangelist alive today.
Reasons to Believe An organization formed by your and my favorite Christian Astro-physicist, Dr. Hugh Ross.
The Door. Self heralded as pretty much the world's only religious satire magazine. Funny stuff.
The Trinity Foundation. I don't actually visit this site very often, but they do good things (one of the is publishing The Door ). This site has a lot of good links in addition to the material it focuses on.
Origins. Philosophical theism, mostly Christianity.
Leadership University. A bunch of articles written by Christians on a variety of subjects.
WWW.PORN-FREE.ORG. Help in breaking pornography addiction. The information here is good, even if the author mentions Benny Hinn in a favorable light.
William Lane Craig. A sharp Christian philosopher.
Contact me: