Endorphin Bath & Todd E. Jones presents...

of Todd E. Jones & Endorphin Bath

July 14, 2003:
    Wow!  I started a new INDIE MUSIC review and interview site called INDIE MUSIC REVIEWS AND INTERVIEWS by TODD E JONES. Creative, huh? (hehe). Anyway, you can get there via this easy to remember url:
    I also am doing interviews for PIXELSURGEON! Check out my MOMUS interview! So, I am off. I have many interviews to write up. Already the following are done and need to be typed up: Cherrywine (Ish from Digable Planets), Motion Man, Ugly Duckling, Son Doobie, Blueprint, Prophetix, etc. Don't hate me because I am over-worked.
    Check out the TRIBUTE albums I am working on! I am working on a TRISOMIE 21 Tribute Album as well as a CLOSE LOBSTERS Tribute Album. Send me your cover versions of either a T21 song or a Close Lobster song to toddejones@yahoo.com. Email me for info!
    My email has changed!!! Now, email me at "toddejones@yahoo.com" or "endorph@optonline.net" My kforce email does NOT work anymore. New interviews will be coming soon...
    I fixed the Close Lobsters Audio Page! With the help of Tom Ellard of Severed Heads and Sevcom, I have some very rare CL mp3s on the web! Check em out! Nothing Really Matters , Never Seen Before  , Going To Heaven To See If It Rains  and, D.D.R.I.N. .
    I'd like to say hello to Carla Zanoni and Stacy Kohut! Carla, be careful in South America! Stacy, be careful in the Netherlands! Also, as always, I want to give a big kiss and hugg to Arianna Astuni! Oooooh, baby! You are incredible!
    Sorry.. I haven't updated this news page in a long time. Now, I'm doing many INTERVIEWS for Punchline Magazine! ("http://www.punchlineinc.com") You can check out the un-edited ones on my INTERVIEWS page. Check out interviews I did with Slum Village, Thirstin Howl III, DJ Jazzy Jeff, Tre Hardson (aka Slim Kid Tre of The Pharcyde and more!!! Also, I began doing LP reviews for MVRemix! Check my reviews out on the "Urban" section of MVRemix.com.
    Also. The T21 Shop is open! You can by T21 Posters, CDs, and even musical equiptment! There are specific instructions so pay attention! Go to The T21 Shop!
    I updated the LINKS page. Many gif and jpg files have been deleted because I had to trim the fat of the site due to the transfer problems. But, don't worry... I added and fixed a whole bunch of links! Also, You may not be seeing as many pics in the review sections. For the T21 and Close Lobsters sites, I will keep all of those pictures.
     I just want to give a big hug and kiss to Arianna! You sexy thang, you!
      The NEW unreleased song by Herve Lomprez of Trisomie 21 is here!!! "Unrequired Love" by Process Of Composition is wonderful! This is a 40-second snippit that you can NOT get anywhere else but here (The Official Trisomie 21 Home Page)!!! You need Real JUKEBOX to play this.. not just Real Audio. Thanks, Herve! You said that there would be a new song in MAY and you were correct! You are a man of your word and that's a beautiful thing.. like the song.. it's a beautiful thing!
         The normal email of  "sscwon@bellatlantic.net" does NOT work anymore!!! Please send all emails to "toddejones@yahoo.com ". Sorry for any confusion.
   The very wonderful Stephan Aguilar from t21_live4 France sent me beautiful pictures of TRISOMIE 21 LIVE from a 1989 show. I put all 12 of them in the new section called: The TRISOMIE 21 LIVE Photo Gallery! Do NOT get this confused with the regular picture gallery which has album covers and artwork. Do you want a T21 promo picture? Let me know!
  Soon, we will have a T21 fan club, a T21 Shop to buy T21 Merchandise and an interview with Herve Lomprez. For now, check out The Official Trisomie 21 Discography that was sent to me by Herve himself. Thank you Herve! Thank you...
   I have PART 2 of The ANDREW BURNETT of CLOSE LOBSTERS Interview.  Click on Part TWO Of An Interview With A Lobster: Andrew Burnett.
    Also. Thanks to Norm Tallant... I have a Real Audio Mp3 file of the brand new TRISOMIE 21 (T21) song called " Youth Calls To Age". It's amazing!!! Thank you Norm!!!

        Congrats to Stuart McFayden of the Close Lobsters! He is a father! Hiswife just gave birth to a wonderful bouncing boy named Charlie! Good luckStuart! I hope Charlie is healthy and happy! Best wishes!
   We got NEW poetry coming from two very talented young ladies... Check out
The Guest's Corner  and the poetry of Arianna Astuni.  The picture of the Ankh is for her section... ... She's very cool and I know you'll dig it.. Till then, check out the POETRY section.

    Please enjoy and check out the new page for ENDORPHIN BATH Records.. It's the home of such dope independent groups as Enkephalins ,The New Jeru Poets, and Bleached Jeans. You can check out a complete discography of everything we released!!! Bathe in the bath!!!
     Also.. check out the new ENDORPHIN BATH banner. Please download it an linkit to

"/Athens/Parthenon/2111 "
    Please add it to any link pages you may have.. I also have banners for Trisomie 21, Close Lobsters, and Hardcore Hip-Hop Record Reviews by New Jeru Poetz. Thank you..

  You can check it out at the Hardcore Hip-Hop Record Reviewz   which has an easier url:

That will take you to the review section too but remember that the "C" is "Cool"is uppercase! 
  You can now get to Endorphin Bath by:

      Isn't that easier to remember, och? You can also get to The TRISOMIE 21 Home Page by these URLs:
   You can also get to The Official CLOSE LOBSTERS Home Page by the following URLs:
*Remember the "C" is "Cool" MUST be capitalized!
BOOKMARK it!, Ya' Monkey!
         I also added some secret surprises... find them yourself!
    Thanks to everyone who emailed me and said that the site has been looking better. I appreciate every complement!
  I'm always ready to hear from you! So email your creativity to me!!! toddejones@yahoo.com .
    Remember, check out the poems and sign the guestbook! Also, surf the webrings!!!! Iadded some more!
    So, relax and max. Get yourself clean, y'know what I mean! Get ready to cry and laugh and bathe in the bath!!!

     See You In The Next One,

 Todd E. Jones

Endorphin Bath : Home


 TRISOMIE 21 (T21) : The French Gothic Industrial Band


 The Never Ending Rhymes

 Hip-Hop Record Reviewz


 TheWeekly Freestyle Rhyme by Todd E. Jones


  E N K E P H A L I N S


  A Line From An ENKEPHALINS Song



 P O E T R Y

 The Guest's Corner

 The Poetry Of Susan White

 The Writings Of Arianna Astuni

  SIGN the Guestbook

  VIEW the Guestbook

 What People Have 2 Say About The Bath

 you need H E L P ?