Erin, the Adorable One

Welcomes you

My name is Erin Rachael Bromhal and I am 5 and a half years old. I am loving school, including riding the bus with my friends. I also love Barbies, playing sports and other games with my brothers, and the newest activitiy of mine; dance lessons. I'm taking tap and ballet. I like ballet best.

I'll have to share more about myself with you latter.

I look forward to putting many stories of my pranks and escapades on this page so that if you are about my age you can learn a thing or two about how to get over on your Mom and Dad.

Here I am just being my adorable self. You know, you could see a lot more pictures of me and pictures with me in them if you would just CLICK HERE!

Well, That's enough for now. Look below for some more adorable pictures of me.