An Introduction to Sophia
- A Short Course in Living Wisely and Well.

To the reader,

You may relate when I say that I have been fortunate enough to have met some extraordinary people in my life. People who have helped me to see life as a gift, and also to realize that, like child who receives clothes for his birthday, it is not always what we expect.

I have written the story of one of those people in order to pass on what she taught me, and in the hope that others might find an idea or two that would make a difference in their lives. I have tried to keep the story readable by including small bits and memories from Sophia's life and mine, but the real point of the book are the things she taught me. Sophia's principles for living your life with wisdom and rest and contentment.

I believe in Sophia’s message. I know, from the feedback of people I have shared it with, that it has the potential to impact people’s lives for the better. Please read it through slowly and take time to reflect on the principles she outlines. Then act on them. Nothing changes unless we act.

I believe in holding fast the tension between the sovereignty of God and the responsibility of man in the daily flow of our lives. As they say in the east: "Pray to Allah but tie your camel" Man and God together, faith and action interwoven.

Afterwards, send me your feedback via the guestbook or use the answering macine to leave a private message.

Finally, let me say that I believe in serendipity, in the happy synchronicities and coincidences which life provides a person from time to time. I don't know how you found your way to this website, but it is possible that it was no accident. Though we may have never met, I hope that this will prove to have been one of those times for you.

P.S. - Because I believe in the power of the simple truth of these principles, I am making them available to everyone via this site. They were given to me freely and so I pass them on. But I have been reminded that there are still many people who have never accessed the internet, many other who have not even heard of it. And I have been asked for a bound version which could be passed on to them. I thought that was a good idea and have planned to publish a hardcopy version of this book for some time now. I'm happy to say that is now a reality. A link to instructions for ordering can be found on the main page of this site.

Thanks for taking the time to read Sophia's story and listen to her teaching. Hope they make a difference in your life.

Try to stay in the moment, it's all you have.

Enjoy the journey


Main Page Thought for the Month Wisdom Bits
Go to Chapter One
Go to Chapter Two
Go to Chapter Three
Go to Chapter Four
Go to Chapter Five
Go to Chapter Six
Go to Chapter Seven
Go to Chapter Eight
Go to Chapter Nine
Go to Chapter Ten
Go to Chapter Eleven
Go to Chapter Twelve
Go to Chapter Thirteen
Go to Chapter Fourteen
Go to Chapter Fifteen
Go to Chapter Sixteen
Go to Chapter Seventeen
Go to Chapter Eighteen