Nisan I | 1. Genesis 1-6.8 In the Beginning |
Isa. 42:5-43:10 -- Josh 1-2 (Rehab); Isa. 1 (Vain Offerings); Hos. 1-2; Dan. 1; Ecclus. 42b-43 (Creation Hymn) | 12:38-44 Widows, poor widow | 23 Woes to the Pharisees | 20:19-21:4 Tribute Question, etc. | |
Nisan II | 2. Genesis 6.9-11 Noah |
Isa. 54-55:5 -- Josh. 3-4 (Jordan); Isa. 2 (Day of the Lord); Hos. 3-4; Dan. 2; Ecclus. 44 (Enoch, Noah, etc.) | 13 Apocalyptic Discourse | 24-25 Apocalyptic Discourse | 21:5-end Apocalyptic Discourse | |
Nisan 14th | 14:1-11 Anointing at Bethany | 26:1-16 Anointing at Bethany | ||||
6 p.m. |
(Day 1) Exodus 12:21-31 | Josh. 5:2-6:1&27, Num 28:16-25 -- Dan. 3-9; Song of Songs | 14:12-21 Last Supper | 26:17-25 Last Supper | 22:1-23 Last Supper | |
9 p.m. |
(Day 2) Lev. 22:26-23 | Num. 28:16-25, II Kgs. 23:1-9 & 21-25 | 14:22-31 The End of the Supper | 26:26-35 The End of the Supper | 22:24-39 The End of the Supper | |
Midnight |
(Intermediate Sabbath) Exod. 33:12-34:26 | Num. 28:19-25, Ezek. 37:1-14 | 14:32-52 Gethsemane | 26:36-56 Gethsemane | 22:40-53 Gethsemane | |
3 a.m. |
(Day 7) Exodus 13:17-15:26 | Num. 28:19-25, II Sam. 22 | 14:53-72 Sanhedrin Trial, Denial | 26:57-75 Sanhedrin, Trial, Denial | 22:54-65 Peters Denial | |
6 a.m. |
(Day 8) Deut. 15:19-16:17) [Sabbath Deut. 14:22-16:17] | Num. 28:19-25, Isa. 10:32-12:6 | 15:1-15 Trial before Pilate | 27:1-26 Judas Death, Pilate | 22:66-23:12 Sanhedrin, Trial, Herod | |
9 a.m. |
15:16-26 Mocking, Crucifixion | 27:27-37 Mocking, Crucifixion | 23:13-32 Trial before Pilate | |||
Noon |
15:27-33 On the Cross | 27:38-45 On the Cross | 23:33-43 On the Cross | |||
3 p.m. |
15:34-41 Jesus Death | 27:46-56 Jesus Death | 23:44-49 Jesus Death | |||
6 p.m. |
15:42-47 Burial | 27:57-66 Burial | 23:50-56 Burial | |||
Easter (Nisan III) | 3.Geneisis 12-17 Go you |
Isa. 40:27-41:16 --Josh. 7-24 (Ai, Adonisedek, etc); Isa. 3-4. (Daughters of Zion); Hos.5-6; Ecclus. 45 (Moses) | 16:1-18 Empty Tomb | 28:1-20 Empty Tomb, Galiee | 24:1-12 Empty Tomb | |
Nisan IV | 4. Genesis 18-22 And God appeared |
II Kgs. 4:1-37 -- Judg. -5 (Introduction, Deborah); Isa. 5 (Vineyard); Hos. 7; Dan. 10-12; Ecclus. 46 | (28:1-20) | 24:13-52 Road
to Emmaus (Gen. 18) |
Iyyar I | 5. Genesis 23-25:18 Sarahs Life |
I Kg 1:1-31 -- Jg. 6-9 (Gideon, Abimelech); Isa. 6 (Temple Vision); Hos. 8; Tobit 1-3: Ecclus. 47 | 1 Genealogy, Birth (Mic. 5:2) | 1:5-25 Johns Annunciation (1:6/G26:5) (1:7/G11:30, 18:11) (1:11/G18:11) (1:25/G30:23) |
Iyyar II | 6. Genesis 25:19-28:9 The Descendants |
Mal. 1-2:7 -- Jg. 10-12; (Jephthah); Isa. 7 (Ahaz Sign); Hos. 10-11.6; Tobit 7-9; Ecclus. 49 | 2:1-12 The Magi (Isa.60; Num 24; 1 Kgs 10) | 1:26-56
Jesus Annunciation (1:37/G18:14) (1:48/G29:30, 30:13) |
Iyyar III | 7. Gen 28:10-32.2 And he went forth |
Hosea 12-14:10 -- Jg. 13-16 (Samson); Isa. 8 (Rezin & Pekah); Hos.10-11:6; Tobit 7-9; Ecclus.49 | 2:13-23 The Innocents (Gen 37) | 1:57-80 Johns Birth, Circumcision | ||
Iyyar IV | 8. Gen 32:3-36 And he sent |
Hosea 11:7-12:12 / Obadiah -- Jg. 17-21 (Dan, Benjaminites); Isa. 9 (To us a son); Hos. 11.7-12.11; Tobit 10-12; Ecclus. 50 | 3:-4:16 Baptist, Temptations (2 kg 1; Zech 13) (Ps 78) (Isa. 40) |
Jesus birth, Circumcision (See Gen 32-35, Joseph to Bethle-hem, Peniel) |
Sivan I | 9. Gen 37-40 And he dwelt |
Amos 2:6-3:8 -- 1 Sam. 1-3 (Boy Samuel); Isa. 10 (Ho, Assyria); Hos. 12:12-13; Tobit 13-14); Ecclus. 51 (Draw near) | 4:17-25 Call of Four (1 Kgs 19; Amos 7) | 2:41-52
Jesus, age 12 (Loss of Joseph to Jacob) |
Pentecost | Exod.
19-20 (?23) Sinai Lawgiving |
[Day 1] Ezek. 1 & 3:12 (Num. 28:26-31): [Day 2] Deut. 15:19-16:17 (Num. 28:26-31) / Habakkuk 2:30-3:19 / [Sabbath] Deut. 14:22-16:17]; Psalm 119 Also Ruth | 5-7 (eight sections) Sermon on the Mount | |||
Sivan II | 10. Gen 41-44:17 At the end |
I Kgs 3:15-4:1 -- 1 Sam. 4-6 (ark lost & recovered); Isa. 11-12 (Shoot of Jesse); Hos. 14; Ecclus. 1a | 3:1-20
Johns Preaching (Isa. 40:3) |
Sivan III | 11. Gen 44:18-47:27 And he drew near |
Ezek. 37:15-28 -- 1 Sam 7-9 (Saul Annointed); Isa. 13 (Fall of Babylon); Amos 1; 1 Macc. 1 ; Ecclus. 1b | 8:1-4 The Leper (Lev 13; 2 Kg 5) | 3:21-38 Baptism, Genealogy (Gen. 41:38) + (Genealogy of Joseph) |
Sivan IV | 12. Gen 47:28-50 And he lived |
I kgs. 2:1-12 -- 1 Sam. 10-12 (Saul King); Isa. 14 (Taunt-Song); Amos 2; 1 Macc. 2 (Mattathias Testament); Ecclus. 2 | 8:5-3 Centurions Boy | 4:1-13
Temptations (End of Genesis Portion) |
Sivan V | 13. Exod 1-6:1 The Names |
Isa. 27:6-28:13 & 29:22-23 / Jer. 1-2:3 -- 1 Sam. 13-15 (Saul & Jonathan); Isa. 15-16 (Moab); Amos 3; 1 Macc. 3 | 8:14-15 Simons Wifes Mother | 4:14-30 Rejection at Nazareth (See Acts 7:2-53 for rehersal of Moses rejection by Israel) |
Tammuz I | 14. Exod 6:2-9 And I appeared |
Ezek. 28:25-29:21 -- 1 Sam. 16-18 (Rise of David); Isa. 17 (Damascus); Amos 4; 1 Macc.4; Ecclus. 4 | 8:16-18 Mass Healings | 4:31-37 Demoniac in Synagogue | ||
Tammuz II | 15. Exod 10-13:16 Go in |
Jer. 46:13-28 -- 1 Sam. 19-21 (Davids Flight); Isa. 18-19 (Ethiopia, Egypt); Amos 5; 1 Macc.5; Ecclus. 5 | 8:19-22 Two Disciples | 4:38-44 Simons Wife, Mother | ||
Tammuz III | 16. Exod 13:17-17 When he let them go |
Judg. 4:4-5:31 -- 1 Sam 22-24 (David in the hold); Isa. 20-21 (Ditto, Negeb); Amos 6; 1 Macc. 6; Ecclus.6a | 8:23-27 Storm on Lake | 5:1-11 First Apostles Called | ||
Tammuz IV | 17. Exod 18-20 Jethro |
Isa. 6-7:6 & 9:5-6 --1 Sam 25-28 ((David to Philistia); Isa. 22 (Valley of vision); Amos 7; 1 Macc.7, Ecclus. 6b | 8:28-34 Gadarene Demoniacs | 5:12-16 The Leper | ||
Ab I | 18. Exod 21-24 The Ordinances |
Jer 34:8-22 & 33:25-26 -- 1 Sam. 29-31 (Sauls Death); Isa. 23 (Tyre); Amos 8; 1 Macc. 8; Ecclus7 | 9:1-8 The Paralytic | 5:17-26 The Paralytic | ||
9th Ab | Deut. 4:25-40 | Jer. 8:13-9:23 | 9:9-17 Call of Matthew, Fasting Controversy | 5:27-39 Levis House | ||
Ab II | 19. Exod 25-27:19 The Offering |
I Kgs. 5:26-6:3 -- 2 Sam 1-3 (Civil War); Isa. 24 (Earth Desolate); Amos 9; 1 Macc. 9; Ecclus. 8 | ||||
Ab III | 20. Exod 27:20-30:10 You shall commend |
2 Sam 4-6 (Ark to Jerusalem); Isa. 25-26 (God our savior); Mic. 1-2; 1 Macc. 10; Ecclus. 9 (old/new wine) | 9:18-22 Woman with Flux | 6:1-5 The Cornfield | ||
Ab IV | 21. Exod 30:11-34 When you take |
I Kgs. 18:1-39 -- 2 Sam 7-9 (David Victorious); Isa. 27 (Leviathan); Mic. 3; 1 Macc 11; Ecclus. 10 | 9:23-26 Rulers Daughter | 6:6-11 The Withered Hand | ||
Elul I | 22. Exod. 35-38:20 and he assembled |
I Kgs. 7:40-50 / I Kgs. 7:13-26 -- 2 Sam 10-12 (Bathsheba); Isa. (Drunkards of Ephraim); Mic. 4; 1 Macc. 12; Ecclus. 11 | 9:27-31 Two Blind Men | 6:12-19 Call
of Twelve (End of Exodus Phase) |
Elul II | 23. Exod 38:31-40 The Sum |
I Kgs. 7:5-8:21 -- 2 Sam 13-15 (Rise of Absalom); Isa. 29 (Ariel); Mic. 5; 1 Macc. 13; Ecclus.12 | 9:23-34 The Dumb Demoniac | |||
Elul III | 24. Lev 1-6.7 And he called |
Isa. 43:21-44:23 -- 2 Sam 16-18 (Fall of Absalom); Isa. 30 (Rebellious Children); Mic 6; 1 Macc 14; Ecclus 13 | 9:35-10 The mission charge | 6:20-49 Sermon on the Plain (Opening of Leviticus Phase) |
Elul IV | 25. Lev 6.8-8 Command |
Jer. 7:21-8:3 & 9:22-23 -- 2 Sam 19-21 (Davids Triumph); Isa. 31-32 (Trust in Egypt); Mic. 7; 1 Macc. 15; Ecclus. 14 | 11:1-19 Jesus and John | 7:1-10 Centurions Slave | ||
Elul V | 26. Lev. 9-11 On the eight day |
II Sam. 6:1-7:17 -- 2 Sam 22-24 (Davids Last Words); Isa. 33 (Woe to Destroyer); Joel 1-2; 1 Macc 16; Ecclus. 15 | 11:20-30 Woes to cities, Babes | 7:11-17 Widow
at Nain (I kgs. 17) (Lev. 10:-14) |
New Year | Gen. 21 Sarah | I Sam 1-2:10, Num. 29:1-6 | 1:1-20 (?1-8,9-20) | |||
Tishri 2nd | Gen. 22 Isaac | Jer 3:2-20, Num. 29:1-6 | John, Baptism, 4 called | |||
Tishri I | 27. Lev 12-13 If she conceives |
II Kgs. 4:42-5:19 -- 1 Kgs. 1-2 ( Solomon King); Isa.35 (The Wilderness); Joel 3-4; Ecclus 16 | 1:21-34 Day at Capernaum | 12:1-8 The Cornfield | 7:18-35 Jesus
& John (Isa. 26:19, 29:18-19, 35:5-6, 61:1-5) |
Tishri II | 28. Lev 4-15 The Leper |
II Kgs. 7:3-20 -- 1Kgs 3-4 (Solomons Wisdom); Isa. 36 Hezekiah I; Obadiah; Eccles 17. | 1:35-45 Next towms, lepers | 12:9-21 The withered hand | ||
Atonement | 29. Lev. 16-18 | |||||
(a.m.) |
Lev. 16-17 |
Num. 29:7-11, Isa. 57:14-58:14 | 2:1-12 The Paralytic | 12:22-37 Beelzebulb | 7:36-50 Sinner Forgiven (Powerful Atonement Day story) | |
(p.m.) |
Lev. 18 After the death |
Jonah, Micah 7:18-20; Ezek. 22:1-19 | 2:13-22 Call of Levi, Fasting | 12:38-45 Sign of Jonah, Solomon | ||
Tishri II (alt) | 30. Lev 19-20 Holy |
Amos 9:7-15 / Ezek. 20: 2-20 -- 1 Kgs. 5-6 (Solomon & Hiram); Isa. 39 (Hezekiah & Envoys); Nahum 1 | 2:22-3:6 Sabbath Controversies | 12:46-50 Mother & Brothers | ||
Tabernacles 15th |
Lev.22.26-23 | Num. 29:12-16, Zech. 14 -- Prov. 1 | Ecclesiasiicus |
3:7-19, Multitudes, 12 | 13:1-9 The Sower | |
Tabernacles 16th |
Lev.22.26-23 | I Kgs. 8:2-21 -- Prov. 2 | (? read |
3:20-30 Beelzebul | 13:10-17 Parables | |
Tabernacles 17th |
Prov. 3 | 3:31-35 Mother/brothers | 13:18-23 Sower Interpreted | |||
Tabernacles 18th |
31. Lev 21-24 Say | Prov. 4 | though |
4:1-9 The Sower | 13:24-30 The Tares | |
(Tishri III) |
31. Lev 21-24 Say (Ex. 33:12-34:26) |
Num 29:17-31, Ezek. 38:18-39:16 -- 1 Kings 7-8:53 (Temple I); Isa. 40 (Comfort ye); Nahum 2; Ecclus. 18a | 8:1-21 Sower etc. (Cleansing of women v.1-3, Lev. 12, 18, 19, 20) | |||
Tabernacles 19th |
Prov. 5 | the |
4:10-20 Sower Interpreted | 3:31-35 Mustard & Leaven | ||
Tabernacles 20th |
Prov. 6 | Feast) |
4:21-25 Lamp & Measure | 13:36-43 Tares Interpreted | ||
Tabernacles 21st |
Prov. 7 | 4:26-29 Seed in Secret | 13:44-52 Treasure, pearl, net | |||
Tabernacles 22nd |
Deut. 14:22-16:17 | Num. 29:35-39, I Kgs. 8:54-66 -- Prov. 8 | 4:30-34 Mustard seed | 13:53-58 Nazareth rejection | ||
Tishri IV | 32.Lev 25-26:2 On the mountain |
Jer. 32:6-27 -- 1 Kgs. 8:54-59 (Temple II); Isa. 41 (Listen to me); Nahum 3; | 4:35-4 The Storm on the Lake | 14:1-12 John & Herod | 8:22-25 The Storm on the Lake | |
(Tishri V) | 33. Lev 26:3-27 In my statutes |
Jer. 16:19-17:14 -- 1 Kgs 10-11 (End of Solomon); Isa. 42 (Behold, my servant); Hab 1; Prov. 10; Ecclus. 19 | The Storm on the Lake | |||
Cheshvan I | 34. Num 1-4:20 In the Wilderness |
Hosea 2:1-22 -- 1 Kgs. 12 (13) (Jeroboam); Isa. 43 (Fear not); Hab. 2; Prov. 1; Ecclus. 20a | 5:1-20 The Gerasene Demoniac | 14:13-21 Feeding of 5,000 | 8:26-39 Gerasene Demoniac | |
Cheshvan II | 35. Num 4.21-7 Take the census |
Judg. 13:2-25 -- 1 Kgs. 13 (14-15) (Jeroboams Hand); Isa. 44 (But now hear); Hab. 3; Prov. 12; Ecclus. 20b | 5:21-34 Woman with flux | 14:22-36 Walking on water | 8:40-48 Woman
with Flux (Num. 5:1) |
Chesvan III | 36. Num 8-12 When you set up |
Zech. 2:14-4:7 -- 1 Kgs 14 (16-17) (Jeroboams son); Isa. 45 (Cyrus); Zeph 1-2; Prov. 13; Ecclus. 21a | 5:35-43 Jarius daughter | 15:1-21 Washing & food | 8:49-56
Jairus Daughter (Num. 9:6ff) |
Chesvan IV | 37. Num 13-15 Send you |
Josh. 2:-24 -- 1 Kgs 15-16 (18) (Abijam-Ahab); Isa. 46-47 (Bel & Nebo); Zeph. 3; Prov. 14; Ecclus. 21b | 6.1-6a Nazareth | 15:22-28 Canaanite Woman | 9:1-9 Mission
of Twelve (Num. 13-15) |
Kislev I | 38. Num 16-18 Korah |
I Sam. 11:14-2:22 -- 1 Kgs. 17 (19) (Elijah to Zarepath); Isa. 48 (Former things); Hag. 1; Prov. 15; Ecclus. 22 | 6:6b-13 Mission of Twelve | 15:29-31 Crowds Healed | 9:10-17 Feeding of 5,000 | |
Kislev II | 39. Num 19-22:1 The Statute |
Judg. 11:1-33 -- 1 Kgs. 18 (20-21)(Elijah at Mt. Carmel); Isa. 49 (Called from the womb); Hag 2; Prov.16; Ecclus. 23 | 6:14-29 John & Herod | 15:32-16:1 Feeding of 4,000 | 9:18-27 Peters Confession | |
Kislev III | 40. Num 22:-25:9 Balak |
Micah 5:6-6:8 -- 1 Kgs. 19 (20) (Elijah at Horeb); Isa. 50-51 (Bill of Divorce); Zech. 1; Prov 17; Ecclus. 24 | 6:30-44 Feeding of 5,000 | 16:5-12 Sign, Boat Conversation | 9:28-36
Transfiguration (Num. 16:42 ff) |
Kislev IV | 41. Num 25:10-29 Phinehas |
I Kgs. 8:46 - 9:21 -- 1 Kgs 20 (2 kgs 1-2); Isa. 52 (Awake, awake); Zech 2; Prov. 18; Ecclus.25 | 6:45-55 Walking on Water | 16:13-28 Peters Confession | 9:37-43a Demoniac Boy | |
Dedication 25th |
Num 7-8:4 | Zech 2:14-4:7 | 7:1-23 Washing & Food | 17:1-13 Transfiguration | ||
26th |
I Kgs. 7:40-50 | 7:24-30 Syro-Phoenician | 17:14-23 Demoniac Boy | |||
27th |
7:31-37 Deaf Stammerer | 17:24-27 Temple Tax | ||||
28th |
8:1-10 4,000 | 18:1-10 The Greatest | ||||
(Kislev V) |
42. Num 30-32 Tribes |
Jer. 1-2:3 -- 1 Kgs 21 (2 kgs 3-4) (Naboth); Isa. 53 (Sufferinf Servant); Zech 3-4.7; Prov. 19; Ecclus. 26 | 9:43b-48 The Greatest | |||
29th |
8:11-26 Blind Bethsaidan | 18:12-20 Lost sheep | ||||
30th |
8:27-9:1 Peters Confession | 18:21-35 Unmerciful servant | ||||
Tebeth 1st |
9:2-13 Transfiguration | 19:1-15 Divorce, Children | ||||
Tebeth 2nd |
9:14-29 Demoniac Boy | 19:16-30 Rich Man | ||||
Tebeth I | 43. Num 33-36 The Stages |
Jer. 2:4-28;3:4; 4:1-2 -- 1 Kgs 22 (2 Kings 5-6.23) (Ahab & Micaiah); Isa. 54 Sing, O Barren); Zech 4.8-5; Prov. 20; Ecclus. 27 | 9:30-50 Little Ones | 20:1-16 Laborers in vineyard | 9:49-50
Strange Exorcist (End of Num. Section) |
Tebeth II | 44. Deut 1-3:22 The Words |
Isa. 1:1-27 -- 2 kgs 1-3 (6:24-7); Isa. 55 (Come, buy); Zech. 6; Prov. 21; Ecclus. 28 | 10:1-16 Divorce, Children | 20:17-28 Sons of Zebedee | 9:51-10:24 Discipleship, Seventy (Begin of Deut. Section, see Deut 1, 2:26-30, 3:28) |
Tebeth III | 45. Deut 3:23-7:11 And I besought |
Isa. 40:1-26 -- 2 Kgs 4-6:23 (8) (Elisha I); Isa. 56 (Foreigner & Eunnuch; Zech. 7; Prov 22; Ecclus. 29 | 10:17-31 The Rich Man | 20:29-34 Two Blind Men | 10:25-11:13 Commandents, Prayer (What is written in the
law?) (Deut 5-6) |
Tebeth IV | 46. Deut 7:2-11:25 When |
Isa. 49:14-51:3 -- 2 Kgs 6:24-8 (9-10) (Elisha II); Isa. 57 (Righteous perishes); Zech 8; Prov. 23; Ecclus 30 | 10:32-45 Sons of Zebedee | 21:1-13 Triumphal Entry | 11:14-54 Pharisaic Rejection (Deut. 12:1-16) |
Shebat I | 47. Deut 11:26-16:17 Behold |
Isa. 54:11-55:5 -- 2 Kgs 9-10 (11-12) (Jehu); Isa. 58 (The true fast); Zech 9; Prov. 24; Ecclus. 31 (Riches & folly) | 10:46-52 Bartimaeus | 21:14-17 Blind & Lame | 12:1-13:9 Detachment | |
Shebat II (NY of Trees) | 48. Deut 16:18-21:9 Judges |
Isa. 51:12-52:12 -- 2 Kgs. 11-12 (13-14) (Athaliah, Joash); Isa. 59 (The Lords Hand); Zech 10; Prov 25 (Come up here); Ecclus. 32 (Humility at Feast) | 1:1-11 Triumphal Entry | 21:18-32 Fig Tree | 13:10-14:22
Israel Rejected (Deut. 12:1-18) |
Shebat III | 49. Deut 21:10-25 When you go forth |
Isa. 54:1-10 -- 2 kgs. 13-14 (15-16) (Joahaz-Amaziah); Isa. 60 (Arise, shine); Zech 11; Prov. 26; Ecclus. 33 (Distribute at death) | 11:12-25 Cleansing, fig tree | 21:23-27 Question of Authority | 14:25-16:13
Discipleship (Deut. 21:18-21) |
Shebat IV | 50. Deut 26-29.9 When you come |
Isa. 60 -- 2 Kgs. 15-17 (17) (Fall of Samaria); Isa. 61-62 (The Spirit); Zech. 12-3; Prov. 27: Ecclus. 34 | 11:27-12:2 Wicked Husbandmen | 21:28-32 Two Sons | 16:14-17:19 Faithfulness | |
Adar I (Sheqalim) | 51. Deut 29:10-30 You stand |
Isa. 61:10-63:9 -- 2 Kgs. 18-19 (Hezekiah); Isa. 63 (From Edom); Zech. 14; Prov. 28; Ecclus. 35 (Widows Prayers) | 12:13-17 Tribute Question | 21:33-46 Wicked Husbandmen | 17:20-18:14 Son of Man Coming | |
Adar II (Zakor) | 52. Deut. 31 And he continued |
Hosea 14:2-10, Micah 7:18-20, Joel 2:15-27 -- 2 Kgs 20-21 (Hezekiah-Manasseh); Isa. 64 Rend the heavens); Mal. 1; Prov. 29; Ecclus. 36-37. | 12:18-27 Resurrection Question | 22:1-14 Marriage Feast | 18:15-end --
Children, etc. (Deut. 26:1-15) |
Purim | Esther |
Adar III (Parah) | 53. Deut. 32 Give Ear |
II Sam. 22 -- 2 Kgs. 23-24 (Josiah-Jehoiakim); Isa. 65 (I was ready); Mal. 2; Prov. 30; Ecclus. 38-39 (Praise of Scribe) | 12:28-34 Scribes Question | 22:15-22, 23-33 Tribute & Resn Question | 19:1-38 Zacchaeus, etc. | |
Adar IV (Hahodesh) | 54. Deut 33-34 This is the Blessing |
Josh. 1 -- 2 Kgs. 24-25 (Fall of Judah); Isa. 66 (Heaven my throne); Mal. 3-4; Prov. 31; Ecclus. 40-42a | 12:35-37 Davids Son | 22:34-40, 41-46 Lawyer, Davids Son | 19:39-20:18 Entry to Jerusalem, etc. |
* Material for this chart is from The Evangelists Calendar : A Lectionary Explanation of the Development of Scripture, by M. D. Goulder (London: SPCK, 1978), and Liberating the Gospels: Reading the Bible with Jewish Eyes, by John Shelby Spong (San Francisco: Harper, 1996), and from Pentateuch & Haftorahs: Hebrew Text, English Translation & Commentary, Edited by Dr. J. H. Hertz (London: The Soncino Press Ltd., 2nd Edition,1960).
** The readings in bold print are the modern haftorahs assigned to the Torah and which are currently being read in synagogues today. The following readings are an attempt by M.D. Goulder to recreate the ancient lectionary. His recreation has been vigorously attacked and these readings are to be understood as only one authors attempt to recreate it. There is not enough ancient material to allow scholars to recreate the ancient lectionary with any accuracy. Also, the leaders of the synagogues in ancient times had a wide latitude in choosing the haftorah materials which suited them in their synagogue. Also the haftorah readings varied between Hebrew and Helenized Jewish congregations.