Welcome to L.B. Pearson Summer School 2008
Your starting point to aid in your successful completion of this course.
Classes start at 8:00 AM and end at 1:30 PM. You may be asked to withdraw from this course if you are consistently late or sustain several (3) abstinences.
The first break is 9:30 to 9:40 and the second break is 12:20 to 12:30, and remember you can't go far in 10 minutes.
Consider this as your homework reading assignment to be completed by the next day!
Been a while since you were in grade 10? The Motion Strand is not part of this program. You are suppost to know this material. Hence for a review of Motion, vectors, velocity, accelerations and assorted graphs you should rewiew all of the material presented on the next three pages.
Introductory Remarks | ROE |
Course Material | Expectations and Topics |
Weekly Outlines |
Material Covered Weekly |
Unit I July 3 to 8 |
Light and Geometric Optics |
Unit II July 9 to 15 |
Forces and Motion, Kinematics, Acceleration Newtons Laws of Motion
Unit III July 16 to 21 |
Work & Energy Machines, Power & Energy |
Unit IV July 22 to 25 |
A) Magnetism B) Electromagnetism C) Motors & Generators |
Unit V July 28 to 30 |
A) Lessons on Sound: A complete tutorial
B) The Guitar Pickup: Electromagnetism joins with Sound
Problem Solving Rules and Guidelines with example from each Unit |
Word problem help |
Home Work |
Optics & Light Unit I,
Work, Energy, Machines, Power Unit III Magnetism & Electromagnetism Unit IV
Assigned homework based on the Irwin text, |
Notes on Selected Topics |
A) Reflection: Mirrors &
Refraction: Lenses E) A slide presentation intoducing kinematic equations and graphs. F) Three notes from the Physics Classroom G)Java Physics Applets by Walter Fendt at http://www.walter-fendt.de/ph14e/ Click Here forAppletsMust view are listed below
Internet Designed Projects. Assignments to be done off the Internet. |
A) Refraction: Lenses B) The Eye |
Test Outlines #1 - Light, Optics, & Colour |
Hints & Must Know Stuff |
Exam Review | An Outline of Topics |
If used wisely and ofter this web site will both enhance your learning skills and hopefully create a more proactive approach to this course.
This site will enable you to plan ahead or catch up, if used. Computer skills will also be acquired.
Interesting sites of much merit are listed. (See Below). These will give you extra insight and knowledge on our areas of study; just make the effort!
Last Update: July 21 2008