Sem 2 2009
These pages are written for the STM community to give the STM students additional aid, review and subject reinforcement. These pages are written and maintain by
Mr. R. Warren and tend to be specific to his courses especially quoted dates for labs, assignments and tests.
The practice exams and tests are valuble for everyone.
Areas of Study or Interest
Choose one of the following links for your subject or interest.
use this material wisely and access often
Disiplines |
Grade & Level |
Course Code |
| 10 Academic |
SNC 2D1 |
10 Applied |
SNC 2P1 |
10 Applied
Assisted |
SNC 2P4 |
10 Locally
Developed |
SNC 2L1 |
| 12 University |
SPH 4U1 |
12 College |
SPH 4C1 |
11 University |
SPH 3U1 |
| 12 University |
SCH 4U1 |
11 University |
SCH 3U1 |
Study Guides to
Better Learning
| From Virgina Tech
Study Skills & Self-help |
Study Guides & Strategies |
Exam Preparation
from Mrs. DiGiovanni
in three parts, just follow the arrows. |
Lab Safety |
Rules & Procedures |
Links to other sites on the Web giving excellent additional information, help and maybe a differing viewpoint.
Chemistry Links
Created by Mr. R. Warren for the STM community
Special thanks to Mrs. P. Milligan for grammatical editing etc.
and to Bernard P. for web site construction help.
Latest revision August 10 2003
Grade 11 exam help thanks to Mark C.
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© 1997 I can be reached at R. Warren comments would be appriciated
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