A Southern Listswain Rendezvous, July 1998

Contributed by C. Mark Smith

C. Mark Smith making welcoming remarks.

Still a long way from dinner. John Brand, a graduate student at Auburn University; Dean Barber, former business editor o The Birminghan News and newest member of the Economic Development Partnership of Alabama's marketing team; Andy Wall, a senior at the University of South Alabama; Christie Panell, a graduate student at the University of Alabama at Birmingham (warming up a Mark Smith Look-alike); Virginia and Clyde Williams of Birmingham; and Donni Call from New Orleans.

Hostess with Mostest Ginny Granade (GINLAW) with Dean Barber, John Brand and Donni Call in the background.

Dave and Andree Stefferud of Madisonville, LA get acquainted with Fred Grenade of Bay Minette, AL. Aubrey-Maturin "Not a Moment to Lose" bumper stickers and lists of POB urls lie ready for distribution on the table.

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