The Listswain's Mate

Pages for and about the Listswains,
(Subscribers to patrickobrian and searoom-l)

Don't Give up the List!

The Gallery of Notable Listswains

Important Message!

The Gallery will soon be closing its doors. Since its founding in 1958, The Gallery of Notable Listswains has been pleased to be the repository of portraits of listswains the world over, attracting literally dozens of visitors. Thank you for your patronage.

Listswain Rendezvouses

Milwaukee Tall Ships Rendezvous, August 1, 1998.

A Southern Rendezvous, July, 1998.

Gatherings at the Smith-Petersons, the McDevitts, and The Fort.

On Board Rose, Fell's Point, Baltimore, October 1997.

Patrick Tull's account of the Rose Voyage, June-July, 1998.

A Fare-Well Party for the Rose, given by The Amiable Sluts,
Anne Chotzinoff Grossman and Lisa Grossman Thomas.

Other Pages that may not be entirely unamusing

Listswainiana, items submitted by lissuns
New! An effigy of Preserved Killick by Hope Robbins!

The Roast Beef of Old England, music and sounds from the Pobian Canon.

Roast Beef Reconsidered, New Versions of Roast Beef composed by poetical lissuns.

A Debauched Sloth by Mrs. Robbins.

Beautiful & moving Songs of the Sloth by more poetical lissuns.

Useful and Improving Pobian Sites

Gibbon's Burke's invaluable site, Patrick O'Brian Web Resources

Michael Trick's Patrick O'Brian Discussion Archives

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