Member Profiles

These are the profiles of all our members who sent them in to us.

Borkinator, formerly 'Official Infinite Cheese Cultist', born Terrence Alexander Martin, March 8th, 1985 at 5:56 am. Began walking at 7 minutes, talking at 7 days (first words:  world...domination......voices...too crocodiles.....Satan...Cheez Whiz.....), planning my empire at 7 years. Joined IC Jan 27th, 1998. Relative newcomer, though well versed in the ways of cheese. Never quite fit in, made friends with outcasts, who refuse to join IC (they'll be dealt with). Current residence:  Ottawa, Ontario, Canada, North America, Earth, Sol solar system, outer arm of Milky Way (60,000 light years from Galactic Central Point, Universe (this one, at least). Enjoys any kind of music excepting dance, R + B, country, soft rock (<-- oxymoron), love songs (blech) and El Shaddai (wondering why El Shaddai sounds like All Should Die).  Reads Michael Crichton, Arthur C. Clarke, Piers Anthony and Isaac Asimov.

Accomplishments to date:
1. started the Bill Clinton sex scandal
2. caused the 1998 Olympic games to be held in Nagano so all the hockey's on at 3 in the morning
3. broke the world record for fastest pig gutting
4. engineered the first human clone (accidentally, involving lots a blood and a photocopier)

Profile for Hankering for a Hunk of Cheese

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Name: There are two reasons why there is no picture. 1.) I don't have a scanner. 2.) I live in the darkness. In the shadows. Few know my identity. I'm secretive and all knowing yet only the people who have seenn me know what I look like. But anyway hello, my name is Jo, and I work in a buttonn factory. One day my boss came up to me and said, "Jo, you busy?" and I said, "NNo." So my boss said, "Jo, push the buttonn with your left hand," and so I did. Hello, my name is Jo, and I work in a button factory. One day my boss came up to me and said, "Jo, you busy?" and I said, "NNo." So my boss said, "Jo, push the buttonn with your right hand," and so I did. Hello, my name is Jo, and I work in a button factory. One day my boss came up to me and said, "Jo, you busy?" and I said, "No." So my boss said, "Jo, push the button with your left foot," and so I did. Hello, my nname is Jo, and I work in a button factory. One day my boss came up to me and said, "Jo, you busy?" and I said, "No." So my boss said, "Jo, push the button with your right foot," and so I did. Isn't that a nneat poem! Also I resent it when people refer to some common person as Joe Schmoe from down the street. Despite popular belief Joe and Jo for that matter, is not a common name. It is a cool name to have and I'm glad I have it. Please do not refer to common people as Joe. It is prejudice, discriminating, and politically incorrect.

Sex: male
Rating On Cheesiness Scale: 10
Marital Status: Still single
Height: 6'0
Weight: 156.8
Eye Color: Brown
Hair Color: Brownn
Occupationn: Clerk at Bi-Focals R Us
Favorite Color: Clear
Computer: One with a broken "n" buttonn
Educationn and Degrees: Good educationn with about 70 degree in Fahrennheit.
Email Address:
Hobbies: Blowing stuff up if it's not mine but it's also funn even when it is mine, surfing, playing guitar, playinng bass guitar, listening to music, watching Oprah, she's cool, and Infinite Cheese (of couse)
Favorite Bomb: Match-head bomb.
Other Favorite Color: Blue with yellow dots on it.
Favorite Presidennt: Garfield…. something, because it is also one of my favorite news paper funnies evenn though they're nnot that funny anymore.
Favorite Food: Mushu if you don't counnt cheese. I'm nnot sure if that's spelled right and I'm not making funn of the Chinese culture. That really is my favorite food.
Favorite Cheese Dish: Mom's Meat Loaf 100% Beef Chunk With Gouda Cheese served at Black Eyed Peas
Favorite Recent Movie: NNot "Stuart Saves His Family". This is the worst movie that could ever possibly be made. It is worse than "Plan Nine From Outer Space". I'm nnot sure I could make a movie worse if I tried. If anyone has not seen it then you are lucky. It is a waste of time to watch and a waste of brain space to even remember the whole name. I would advise just remembering Stuart and never see any movie that has the word Stuart in the title. NNo offence to the director and creator of "Stuart Saves His Family" but it just plainn sucked.
Quotes: "Infinite Cheese will conquer Earth" "Kill Hitler" "God is #1 but Afrosnake's pretty cool too" "I Hate My N Buttonn" "Yo Quero Taco Bell" "I don't want to assassinate Jeff or Aaron or anyone inn Infinite Cheese" "Go Packers! Bronco's Cheat!" "MOOKMEEK is a wuss"

name: madika mikami bryant (alias kraftmaster 4000, alias maud "that one girl" bryant, alias maud alias).
D.O.B: like most people in this world, I was born. Like Judy Garland, I was born on June 10.
residence: as of now, Washington, D.C., just minutes away from many historic sites such as the washington monument, the white house, and newt gingrich. however, I was born and raised in Las Vegas, Nevada, not unlike many prominant people in Infinite Cheese.
occupation: student at Howard University, "The Black Man's Harvard", although I'll probably be sued by many organizations for saying that. But as the case when it comes to whiny PC artsy fartsy wetbacks who complain about nothing, I don't care.
activities: attempting to get soy cheese more readily edible to people, thus Infinite Cheese will attract a large amount of vegans. maybe possibly graduate one day. who knows? maybe clown school counts as college. with Aaron Wells, all things are possible.
other activities: being one of the only english majors that can't seem to capitalize sentences. still more activites: uh.... let me get back to you on that one.
goal: to support Infinite Cheese in whatever activities they wish to do, activites that they might wish to do, and even activities that they don't even know that they wish to do.
attributes: 36-25-36. oh, whoops. i mean, i have easy access to the capital of this country, thus making it easier to infiltrate this limp-wristed government.

1.Full Name: Adena Jane Zadek Vogel Connolly
2.Nicknames: Freak, D's, Eddie, Deener, Dina, Rosita Juanita Chicita Banana Chiuaua Banana Boat, Barbie, Humphrey, Nancy, and Neener
3.Nickname I particularly don't like: maggot

4.DOB: 2/13/? (the year depends)
5.Parents: Lynn and Fran Connolly
6.Siblings and their ages: Arthur (9), and Billy (27)
7.School: Lake Placid High
8.Future School: I donno'
9.Best Friends: Kat, Crystal, Jarrod, Justin, Maeghan, Jenifig (Jenifer, Keira, Jessica, and Brittany
10.Pets and their names: Medusa, Twinkle, Topaz, Bucket, Connie (Turtles), Phantom, MissTree, SirUp, Blue (Cats), Odie (dog), and Jade (Iguana)
11.Jobs: None...
12.Hobbies: talking really loud, writing stupid/long things like this, Arguing
13.Things you collect: uhh.....bread
14.Words or phrases I over use: Cracker says, "Boo"
15.Best Advice ever given: blahblahblahblahblahblah......ok?
16.A non-sport game at which I excel: telephone
17.A non-sport game at which I enjoy: telephone
18.Coolest experience in life: Dumping my X
19.Scariest experience in life: Looking at my X...Brad
20.Fave thing to do in the summer: swim, hang out, test bread samples
21.Fave thing to do in the Fall: sulk because I have to go to school
22.Fave thing to do in the winter: thaw out, chat, swim.....
23.Little known talent you posses: thinking
24.Special Skills or talents: Acting
25.LEAST favorite song: MMMbop and Quit playing games w/ my heart
26.Most Influential person in my life: Everyone who is some-what wierd
27.Character/traits I look for in a person: they have to be insane, nice, and fun to hang out with
28.What I want to be: an actress or an artist or president or a super-genious (yeah right) or an executive of the IC.
29.Future Goals: To be an actress, to be president, to be an artist, to be a super-genious (yeah right) and to be an exec. of the IC.
30. Fave music: I love the song "Frozen" and "Sex and Candy" by marci
playground..I like all music but Country and most heavy metal 31.Groups/Singers I enjoy: Marci Playground, That Madonna person, and KC and JoJo..
32.Fave color: Yellow, Black, and Red
33.Fave food: Well, Cheese...DUH!
34.Least Fave food: tuna-fish...ewww.....
35.Funniest People I know: Pretty much all the members of The Infinite Cheese
36.Fave Vacationing spot: a cruise ship...anywhere....even if It's sinking...
37.Fave Subject: Drama
38.Fave Sport to play: Cheerleading, volleyball, and basketball
39.In and around my C-D player: MTV party to go 98', the soundtrack from Interview w/ the Vampire, Aqua, Bone thugs-n-Harmony, and The sountrack from Booty-call
40.Fave Toy: my gameboy, my playstation, and my bread collection
41.Fave Book: Desperation by Steven King
42.Books I would like to read: The excorcist
43.Favorite Cartoon Characters: all the dudes from SouthPark, and daria
44.Fave Actor: Me, and Leonardo DiCaprio
45.Fave Movie: Interview w/ the Vampire and Heathers
46.Fave Music Video: That one song w/ the running mime whose nose keeps on growing cuz' this queen is chasing him (?) and Anything by Wierd Al.
47.Fave Animal: sasquach, goat, and cow
48.Fave T.V. show: Millenium, SouthPark, and Daria
49.Fave Day: Friday
50. Fave Month: June
51.Fave holiday: Halloween and X-mas
52.Fave part of the newspaper: Arts and entertainment and Comics
53.Fave Toothpaste: That Rembrant Crap
54.Fave thing to wear: Umm, clothes...preferably jeans and a shirt...
55.Biggest fear: ticks! I hate ticks so much! They make me sick!=(

What?! You fools made me a consultant?! Cthulhu is real! He is sleeping! Ug! May the hounds of talos take your soul sreaming in to the void of the everafter! Hello, I am the Cthulhu Mythos Consultant. My real name is Jon Wright. I know most of the Executive staff rather well and I have had several affairs with Laci. Yes you necros, before her death. Anyway, I am in constant communication with my lord Cthulhu. Cthulhu has taken great interest in this organization and has sent me to infiltrate it to ensure it's cooperation when Cthulhu awakens and destroys all those that oppose him. It would be a shame to destroy such a powerful organization. Besides, all members will recieve a really cool "Cthulhu Rocks" T-Shirt (one-size-fits-all-).

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