Member Profiles
These are the profiles of all our members who sent them in to us.
Borkinator, formerly 'Official Infinite Cheese Cultist', born Terrence Alexander
Martin, March 8th, 1985 at 5:56 am. Began walking at 7 minutes, talking at
7 days (first words: world...domination......voices...too
crocodiles.....Satan...Cheez Whiz.....), planning my empire at 7 years. Joined
IC Jan 27th, 1998. Relative newcomer, though well versed in the ways of cheese.
Never quite fit in, made friends with outcasts, who refuse to join IC (they'll
be dealt with). Current residence: Ottawa, Ontario, Canada, North America,
Earth, Sol solar system, outer arm of Milky Way (60,000 light years from
Galactic Central Point, Universe (this one, at least). Enjoys any kind of
music excepting dance, R + B, country, soft rock (<-- oxymoron), love
songs (blech) and El Shaddai (wondering why El Shaddai sounds like All Should
Die). Reads Michael Crichton, Arthur C. Clarke, Piers Anthony and Isaac
Accomplishments to date:
1. started the Bill Clinton sex scandal
2. caused the 1998 Olympic games to be held in Nagano so all the hockey's
on at 3 in the morning
3. broke the world record for fastest pig gutting
4. engineered the first human clone (accidentally, involving lots a blood
and a photocopier)