Over the past year you have learned to love, respect, honor, and worship the Executive members of Infinite Cheese....
Well.... perhaps you've just learned to loathe and detest the Executive members,
just like they have learned to detest each other....
The good news is that all of those wacky, wiggy, narcissistic,
self-centered bastards are going to try and save the world from Bokstar,
the evil sentient energy being....
....the better news????
Not everyone will survive.....
Jeff Turner
Aaron Wells
Steve Gomez
The Grand Wazoo
Fifth Jew
Mr. NiceGuy
the Rent-A-Cop
The Escaped Mac
and, the Afrosnake....
Who will live?
Who will die?
Who will make asses out of themselves?
This is.....
#12; The Collector's Anniversary Edition
In this newsletter...
....the destruction of Bokstar and/or the Executive members of Infinite Cheese!!!!
That's coming up next.... now, relax and submit your mind to Infinite
Issue #12
Infinite Cheese
"We dont have AIDS!"
--A Lost Grand Wazoo Moment--
written by the Grand Wazoo, Tim Pö
The phone in the conference room rang. Tim Powe answered it.
"Hello?.... Yes, this is he.... he what?..... again?..... yes, right
"What is it?" whined Jeff.
Tim whispered in Jeff's ear.
"Oooh...that...that bastard..." replied Jeff.
"I suppose I'll go get him," stated Tim.
Tim Powe entered the classroom and saw Aaron Wells lying on the ground,
unconscious. Tim looked around the room and saw that it was filled with 15
year-old girls, sitting at desks, staring at him. Tim smiled. Tim picked
up the bottle of booze and placed it in his felt cape, and then picked up
Aaron. He grumbled as the Grand Wazoo lift him off the floor.
"Thanks for contacting me," Tim said to the teacher and walked out of the
room, dragging Aaron behind him.
"Sherble gerble boo...," muttered Aaron.
"Aaron, you need to stop going to those all-girl schools like that... Next
time I may not come get you..."
Aaron whined. Tim shoved him into the car.
"Take him back to headquarters, Buxley. I have some... business... to take
care of here."
"Yes sir...," replied Buxley.
Tim walked back towards the school, giggling.
--MegaStory; part 7--
An Infinite Cheese Story
Immediately, the plane began accelerating forward with increasing force.
...in case of a water landing....you...AAAAAHHHHH!!!! screamed
the stewardess as she began to slide toward the back of the plane in the
growing G-force of the Freshmakers jets, eventually losing purchase
on the floor and flying, bullet-like to the rear of the plane, where she
landed with a THUD.
I...sure...hope...its...padded...back...there, said Aaron
as face was pushed back against his skull by the planes speed.
When he got no response, he used all the strength of his neck to turn his
head to the side and look at Jeff. Jeff was giggling wildly, the face-mask
pressed deeply into his cheeks, and one hand forced down hard against the
gas canister.
Then, Aaron blacked out. The Freshmaker zoomed onward at over twenty times
the Earths gravity, toward the Atlantic Ocean cheese accelerator, and
towards inevitable wackiness.
Twenty minutes later...
Atlantic Ocean
The USS Missouri steadily swayed on the many waves of the Atlantic
Ocean. Standing on the deck of the giant battleship was General Robert Peterson
of the Infinite Cheese-United States unified secret military operations.
He steadily swayed in the wind.
Suddenly a deep rumbling sound could be heard. It sounded a bit like a dual
washer and dryer unit being swung precariously above your head while you
were half-asleep in bed...
General Peterson looked up into the sky, trying to find the location of the
incoming noise.
I suppose that would be the Freshmaker, said the general to
Then... the proverbial dual washer and dryer unit dropped.
Before General Peterson could comprehend anything further, the Freshmaker
whooshed (for whooshed is the only verb used to describe something landing
on a battleship while going several times the speed of light) onto the USS
Missouri and immediately came to a stop at the edge of the battleship.
If anything was more impressive then the speed of the Freshmaker, it was
its brake job.
Inside the now-stopped Freshmaker, sat the Executive members of Infinite
Cheese. In the front throne-like seats of the airplane, Jeff and Aaron sat.
The mask which lead to Jeffs tank of Nifty Oxygen slipped
off his face. For the entire twenty minute flight on the Freshmaker, it had
been plastered to his nose and mouth area.
Jeff was quietly singing/mumbling to himself, having fallen unconscious several
minutes ago.
23 wheel of cheese on the wall; 23 bottles of cheese.. you take one...
give it to a mouse.... squeak.. wheels of cheese on the wall.... spoke
Jeff quietly in his dreams.
Next to him, Aaron unbuckled his seat belt and jumped up from his throne.
Just as he did, the Fifth Jew walked past, headed towards the exit.
Youre sitting up front with Jeff on the way back, demanded
Aaron Wells. In the throne chair!? asked the Fifth Jew
Whatever. I aint sitting next to some naked freak wrapped
in a blanket mumbling things to himself for another twenty minutes.
Oh, I just wanted to sit up front. I didnt know it would have
to be next to Jeff, said the Fifth Jew, a bit disappointed.
Im not sitting next to him, pouted Aaron.
Well, I dont want to, spouted back the Fifth Jew.
As the argument continued, the bathroom door in the back of the Freshmaker
opened, and Jannis and Mr. NiceGuy flopped out.
That was the most enjoyable twenty minutes of my life, said Steve
Gomez, commenting on the torrid beauty of an airplane flight at several times
the speed of light.
I agree, said Jannis, commenting on the torrid beauty that took
place in the Freshmaker bathroom during the airplane flight.
Ty Andrews walked on down the aisle, exiting the plane right behind the Fifth
Jannis lingered around Steve Gomez. Steve stared out the window in a dream-like
Hey, Stevie. Ive been watching you lately, said Jannis
Yeho? asked Steve, only semi-aware of his surroundings.
Yes, and I like what I see....
Further up the aisle Aaron was trying to wake up Jeff. After several mild
punches to the face Jeff awoke.
Are we there? asked Jeff.
Yes, keep your blanket on and follow me, said Aaron, as motherly
as he could.
Okay... I dont feel good, said Jeff quietly. Jeff got up,
wobbling a bit, then started to follow Aaron out the airplane.
Just as they were about to exit, Aaron turned and saw Jannis and Steve talking
at the back of the airplane.
Aw... he deserves it, said Aaron, helping Jeff out of the
On the deck of the USS Missouri General Peterson shook hands with Aaron
Wells. Hello, Mr. Wells, said the General. Its a
pleasure for my ship to be of use to Infinite Cheese.
I know; also this is Jeff Turner, co-founder and co-CEO of Infinite
Cheese, said Aaron pointing at the WWF blanket-covered lump lying on
the USS Missouri deck.
Of course. I have spoken with your president of Research and Development,
Steve Something-or-other, said General Peterson. What exactly
is his name?
Doesnt matter-- its not really important, answered
Oh, well, in that case, Whatever-His-Name-Is said that you guys needed
to go to the bottom of the Atlantic Ocean to your secret Cheese Base.
Good, well, docked on the bottom of this ship is the Y2K submarine,
capable of plunging you all to the depths of this ocean.
The Y2K submarine? Why does that sound familiar? asked Aaron
to anyone that would answer.
Jeff named it, said Steve exiting the Freshmaker as he rebuttoned
his shirt. Jannis quickly followed. He named it after our ultimate
We have an ultimate weapon? asked Aaron, rubbing his eyes. The
Co-founder of Infinite Cheese had been having a trying time lately with the
loss of his hair and all, and not to happy with having to be drug out into
the middle of the ocean to dive and try to intercept a giant energy being.
Yes. Jeff and I devised an ultimate weapon. We came up with it awhile
ago. It will bring about the end of the world and thrust Infinite Cheese
into power faster then a two-cent whore thrusting herself upon you,
Oh? said Aaron with a bit of disbelief and suspicion, I
know some two-cent whores which can thrust pretty good.
Hey, what about me? groaned the Fifth Jew. Ive been
workin at this place for a year now and I never knew nothing about
no ultimate weapon.
Steve glared at each of the Executive members of Infinite Cheese at once.
That is because we have done nothing in the past year except bitch
to and about each other, fight and bicker, capture various defectors, kill
homosexual murderers, retrieve Aarons hair, and fix major global problems
which we, in our complete and utter ignorance, have brought about. Hence
Bokstar, hence us standing on the USS Missouri in the middle of the Atlantic
Ocean, and hence that we havent had time to debrief anyone about our
ultimate weapon, spouted Steve.
For a moment everyone was silent. Steve then ended the silence as quickly
as he started it.
Now, he muttered, falling to one knee, I havent
slept in several days trying to figure out how to stop Bokstar. Im
taking a nap.
Steve collapsed onto the deck of the USS Missouri, already fast asleep.
Well, someones bitchy, stated Mr. NiceGuy.
Aaron glared at Jannis who was standing next to the now-unconsciene Steve.
Damn, Jannis, what did you do to him in there? asked Aaron, still
shocked by Steves outburst.
I... liberated him.. tee hee hee, said Jannis, smiling.
Aaron winced a bit; an expression which could have either been interpreted
as Aaron trying to figure out what Jannis meant, or knowing damn well what
Jannis meant, and trying to block the thought out of his mouth.
At any rate, it was at that moment that the lump of WWF blanket which was
Jeff Turner, sat up.
I think Im getting my second wind, said Jeff, from beneath
the blanket. But I think Im naked, add Jeff.
I think you are too, said Aaron.
I should get some clothes..
I think so.
...or not.
I really think you should.
Oh.... okay.
Aaron began to search for clothes for Jeff as the rest of the Executives
members began to walk down a flight of stairs to the underbelly of the USS
written by Missionary
of the Sacred Cow,
All Powerful Deity
Subservient to the Afrosnake
okay, so heres the deal, theres this giant gopher beast right? and its
got like testosterone dripping from every pore, right? and it smells really
funky, kinda like an old gym sock thats been left in the locker too long
and no one even knows its there, it just lays there in the bottom of the
locker, underneath the old traperkeepers. cold, alone, sobbing gently to
itself at night, crying itself to sleep. becoming hard and cold to the world,
unfeeling and uncaring, wanting nothing but the ultimate destruction of all
pleasant smells. then the day finally comes! its chance!!!!! as it oozes
its now mostly liquid mass out of the locker, it holds itself together in
pure hatred of the one thing he knows brings happiness to the world....LAUNDRY
DETERGENT!!!!!!! dripping through the city like liquid cheese off of a freshly
toasted bun, he searches, searches, searches for the destruction of his greatest
hate, yes.......LAUNDRY DETERGENT!!!!! the gentle bringer of silken soft
cotton undies and nice smelling t-shirts.now, this sentient liquid gym sock
thingy ((notice how all these inanimate objects are becoming sentient? geez,
first the fungus bastid, then the demons of hell, now inanimate objects bent
on destroying the worlds cheesy goodness, we cant find NORMAL problems to
deal with??)) crawls its slow but steady pace looking for the source of all
the goodness of detergent, DOWNY! yes, that annoying cute little bear, and
the pungent aroma of the sicknening sweetness drew him through the nighttime
streets, exuding odor as he went,bent on bringing down society as a whole!
a world without comfortable underwear cannot stand! ((or sit, or run, or
jog, or even cross their legs)) the leaders of the world would bicker pointlessly
and relentlessy because of their chaffing undergarments. The hate filled
slime-sock continued to allow himself to be drawn by the cloying aroma of
fabric softener and detergent all in one. after downy he would find BOUNCE.....
then whatever other low-end products were out there waiting for his destructive
powers. and then, once the world was brought to its knees without their
comfortable underwear, and chaos had reigned supreme, the people would look
to HIM for leadership! to guide them through their troubled times! the stinky
sock that had insulted and degraded would lead them! and he would lead them
down a path of ruin!!! it chortled to itself with the pure glee of its madman's
insanity! stopping to reasses its surroundings, it realized where it had
been drawn, THE INFINITE CHEESE HEADQUARTERS!!!! for some reason the sickening
sweet smell of fabric softener seemed to emanate from the severely damaged
structural wonder. the newly sentient sock being stopped to take in this
new information as it stared at the marveling structure before it, and decided
infinite cheese had thought of the same plan!!!!! damn those bastards!!!
except they werent detroying the softener, they were..........storing it?
preparing for the end of fabric softener, but managing to keep enough to
keep their own personal undergarments springtime soft?
"those bastard must die!!!!!", the sockbeing would have screamed if it had
a mouth. bracing itself to bumrush the building and destroy all softeners
within, the sock being hurtled toward the glass doors and the security guard
((is his name brian? you edit it, i cant remember)) the sock noticed only
one thing before he realized what mistake he had made, THAT ?BRIAN? WAS A
COMPLETE IDIOT!!!!! the overpowering stench of the sock beast was nothing
to the mental midget before him. noticing the thick splootch on the floor,
the security guard did what any respectable idiot would do. he picked up
the sock to hide it from his bosses ((forgetting they were several thousand
miles away and on the bottom of an ocean))
"NOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!" the evil sock wanted to scream, "I CANT BE FOILED
and ?brian? finally realizing that what he held was a rather stinky
old gym sock, ALSO realized it looked alot like one of his own socks. ?brian?
the boy-blunder was always losing his socks somehow, and not just in the
wash. he'd come to work wearing 6 or 7 pairs of socks, and go home with maybe
a pair and a half sometimes. so, instead of blowing all his income on socks
((his sock fetish was almost as extensive as aarons, errr, or is it jeffs..
yes its jeffs, thats right... flag fetish, though he was unluckier in keeping
his collection, least till bokstar came.....))he just picked up stray ones
off the street to wash at home and keep as his own. when hhe went home for
the evening, the strange sock he had found was attempting to escape, and
although ?brian? saw nothing wrong in this, it was just noticeable that the
sockbeast was growing. so ?brian? tossed it into the washing machine with
plenty of fabric softener to give it a good whirl go round
truth be told, the sock was actually very tired, in ?brians? back pocket
all day in the nevada heat it was unbearably stinky. the man probably didnt
know how to wipe properly, which would account for the stench. the poor evil
sockbeast bent on wolrd domination had been foiled by the most incompetant
man in the infinite cheese superstructure, as the sock slipped into narcoleptic
dreams while the fabric softener loosened the fabric of his mind, he could
only hope that once day he would come out of it.but now he had a new goal,
the desstruction of brian and all of infinite cheese!!!!!!! course, what
can one sock do......
oh yeah, the gopher beast got hit by a truck crossing the highway late
at night, a LAUNDRY DETERGENT truck at that! ahh yes, the sad ends of our
evilest villains.........
--MegaStory; part 8--
An Infinite Cheese Story
The Grand Wazoo sat in the conference room. The other chairs did not
contain their usual items; the items, of course, being the other Executive
members of Infinite Cheese. In their place, sitting on each of the chairs
were different baskets of fruits and vegetables.
On Jeffs chair was a basket of cherries. On Aarons chair was
a basket of zucchinis. The Fifth Jew and Mr. NiceGuys chair held baskets
of lettuce and tomatoes, respectively. On Steves chair were several
dozen bananas.
Most would see no connection; these people are foolish, bastards even. The
odd connection with the various fruits and vegetables was that each of the
Executive members chair held a food item which they were enormously
allergic to.
The Grand Wazoo giggled.
The phone near the Grand Wazoo rang.
The Grand Wazoo looked at it.
It rang again.
The Wazoo winked at it.
It rang again.
The Wazoo picked it up.
There was silence on both ends for a moment, then:
Wazoo, is that you? said Aaron through the phone.
Yes, responded the Grand Wazoo, Tim Powe.
We need something.
Yes. Things are going well so far, except finding clothes for Jeff,
but we even got that taken care of.
Anyway, I was talking to Steve about what we should do when we actually
find Bokstar.
By the way, I think Steve got some from Jannis, said Aaron,
Oh? I gave Jannis a vile of semen once.
What was that? asked Aaron, not sure that he heard correctly,
but frightened that he had.
For that surprise birthday party I planned for myself. I didnt
tell anyone, then I all invited them to a party in the conference room on
my birthday. It was a surprise party for myself. Anyway, one of the party
favors I gave out was a vile of semen. That and a bag of--
I dont remember going to a surprise birthday party, said
Aaron, thankfully interrupting the Grand Wazoo.
Oh... I didnt invite you. Anyway, I think that Jannis keeps the
vile in her purse for good luck. What a weirdo.
Why wasnt I invited?
I never really liked you.
Oh, said Aaron, carefully. Anyhow, we need you to go track
down the Escaped Mac. You know, Jeffs personal Mac which escaped from
his office. Steve thinks that it may be possible to have the Escaped Mac
interface with the InfiCheese computer within Bokstar, and shut it
Well, I guess thats it. Try to find him and get him over here
as soon as possible.
It may be hard. Jeff and I have been searching for him for months.
Try, though, okay? The world may depend on it.
I will.... bitch.
What? Why did you just call me a... Oh, never mind, just find the damn
With that said, Aaron hung up. The Grand Wazoo hung up also, then adjusted
his hat.
Ill find the computer... for the worlds safety.... I
suppose.... said the Grand Wazoo, but first, I need a Slurpee.
The Grand Wazoo shuffled out of the conference room.
The Grand Wazoo walked into the 7-11 which was located across the street
from the Infinite Cheese headquarters building.
Behind the counter the Escaped Mac, who had been working there for several
months, shrinked back a bit.
The Grand Wazoo made a beeline for the Slurpee machine. Once there he created
himself a Slurpee, using the Triple Super Big Gulp container instead of the
regular Slurpee cup.
Once the cup was filled up it weighed approximately eight pounds.
The Grand Wazoo giggled as he lugged his Triple Super Big Gulp filled with
Coca-Cola and Wild Cherry to the cash register. He whipped out a five dollar
bill and his Official Infinite Cheese discount card.
Here, and hurry, I have a world to save, said the Grand Wazoo.
O--o--okay, said the frightened Mac, hovering over to the
The Grand Wazoo looked at the Escaped Mac.
The Escaped Mac looked at the Grand Wazoo.
Youre the escaped Mac, arent you? said the Grand
Im not.
Take off those glasses.
Dont make me pour water on you.
Ha! Only a computer would be frightened of having water thrown on them
in this 120 degree Las Vegas heat! The Grand Wazoo began to glide over
the counter ominously, like some sort of demented desert tortoise.
No! Wait! Im not a computer, cried the Macintosh,
Im just Canadian!
The Grand Wazoo froze. Was it just a Canadian?
Oh? asked the Grand Wazoo.
Tell me about Canada.
Well.... its nice, cold, has lots of tress--
I wasnt always the spin doctor of Infinite Cheese, you little
Mac, interrupted the Grand Wazoo. Before I gained knowledge of
everything important, I was a student. One of my majors at one of the colleges
I attended was Canadian Anthropology. I learned everything about
Oh..... Ah... Did you? said the Escaped Mac, hovering away from
the counter, What did you learn?
I learned all about Canadians. In Canada gravity only exists from the
hours of 10 am to 8 pm. The rest of the time all the Canadians must strap
themselves to trees so they wont float into space.... and all those
moose dont really exist. They are just brought about into existence
from random psychic energy stored up in Canadians from all the excess radiation
they receive due to the fact that they dont have oxygen nor an atmosphere
in Canada.
The Grand Wazoo moved his face sparse inches from the Escaped Mac. So....
if I dont see you materialize a Goddamn moose in the next ten seconds...
I will know you arent Canadian.
The Escaped Mac stared at the Grand Wazoo.
The Grand Wazoo winked at the Escaped Mac.
One hour later the Escaped Mac was being placed onto the deck of the
Not-So-Fresh-Feeling-Maker, the back up air craft owned by Infinite Cheese.
The Grand Wazoo just finished explaining to the Escaped Mac how the world
may depend on if it could stop Bokstar.
Ill do it, but just because I know the world would be doomed
if it was left up to Jeff and Aaron, came the reply from the little
And with that... the brave little Mac took off in the Not-So-Fresh-Feeling-Maker
and headed towards the Atlantic Ocean.
--The Search for the Unholy Swiss, part 3 or,
How We Spent Our Summer Vacation--
written by Those Moon People
warning: the following story contains no explicit lyrics, and just happens
to be a continuation from where the last installment left off. Please
{begin transmission}
The Moon Inspector and I walked off toward the direction of the shady side
of the moon in search of the Block of Swiss. I didn't want to stare, but
I could not take my eyes off of him. He was so handsome, even with his two
missing front teeth he lost in that fight. As we walked along holding hands,
I noticed some moon rocks to the right side of a small crater. Excitedly
I headed over in that direction, pulling the Moon Inspector along with me.
Letting go of his hand I picked up a few small pretty rocks and held them
up to the starlight. They glittered and sparkled. Also, they were of unusual
size and shapes. "Yippie, just perfect for my moon rock collection!" I exclaimed,
as I flashed the Moon Inspector one my of big smiles. He could not help but
smile back, as he was amused with my simplicity. I have always found fun,
amazement, and pleasure over the small things in life that most people do
not take notice to. He gently took the rocks and tucked them away in his
pocket safely for me.
"Are you ready to resume the search?" I heard him say in his masculine voice.
Brought back from the moment of day dreaming, I gave him an eager "yes!"
and once more we headed in the direction of the shady side of the moon, in
search of that Block of Swiss.
We were headed for Andrelseekan Crater. This is where the Moon Inspector
came from. He wanted to show me around that crater, and said that we would
stop to eat there. Together we walked, until... There it was, this huge crater.
This time the Moon Inspector flashed one of his grins with that cute little
laugh he makes, it just makes me melt every time I hear it. Before Having
a look around he suggested we stop and eat. Taking his hand, he brushed moon
sand off a rock for me to sit, as he did not want to get my pink form fitting
body suit dirty. I politely thanked him and sat. He went over and broke off
some cheese for us to much on. I watched as he ate. I never saw anyone eat
quite so fast. I guess this comes from being on the run, always inspecting
the moon. I sat there gently picking off small pieces with my fingers and
nibbling. Suddenly we both hear a noise... Could it be? Maybe, hopefully,
it was the sound of that Block of Swiss. The Moon Inspector insisted I stay
put as he went to check it out...
...and so the guy that was in the bathroom says, "What? I have brown
stuff on my chin?" The other guy says... What was that? We're on? OH! Ladies
and gentlemen, please disregard everything I just said... Now, to continue
where she left off...
I was walking down into the crater... Andrelseekan Crater, if I remember
the name correctly... It basically looked exactly like it did about 20 years
ago when I had last been there. But there was one small difference, and this
small difference wasn't small at all, because, well, it was BIG. I'm talking
HUGE. The Crater, I mean. Last time I was there, there was barely enough
room to lay down. Now, you could put 5,000 antelope on one side and about
3,000 lions on the other and they would never see or smell each other...
Well, the "not smelling" comes from being on the moon, but that's beside
the point... "What's your point?" you ask. Well, I will tell you. This was
not the same crater that I remembered from my youth.
As you can imagine, I was very distraught and afraid, because, well, I had
no idea what was going on, and, as I worked my way towards the center, I
pretty much had gotten myself lost. I had been away for about, um, let's
say 6 hours, and, as you might have guessed, she came, running after me,
which, naturally, started a rock slide. I was both thankful and regretful
about this. Thankful, because there was a beautiful female sliding down on
top of this, and it would soon catch up to me and hasten my trek to the center.
The problem was, though, that it would be much harder for us to get out,
given the fact that much of the rock that provided my way down was sliding
down under the south side of my playmate. I might add that this person was
the Moon Inspectress. I might, but I won't, because I just did.
When the rocks (and the inspectress) caught up to me, I discovered that I
was in for the ride of my life. To my surprise, she was riding on a very
big rock, by big I mean flat, long, and wide, about the size of the deck
of a ship. Not a ship in a bottle, but a cruise ship. I hopped aboard, and
was informed by this temptress that she wanted to "get busy" with me right
then and there. I, of course, could not refuse. Needless to say, the seemingly
endless vibrations of the rock slide heightened the pleasure of our "joy
ride" tremendously.
When the rocks stopped, we came to a halt...
..."Ruck a fuss a!" I exclaimed. "What dust!" Sliding down that crater
stirred up a lot of moon dust and now it was all in my hair and on my pink
suit. The Moon Inspector just gave me on of his little laughs, the kind that
makes me melt. He then took his hand and gently brushed away the dust from
my suit, and I combed it out of my hair, so that, once again, my brown hair
sparkled in the star light. After we had composed ourselves, we heard that
noise again. Yes, I believe it was the sound of that Block of Swiss. Grabbing
my hand the Moon Inspector gently pulled me behind him out of harm's way
toward that muffled noise that we thought to be the Block of Swiss.
We edged our way along the inside walls of the crater following the noise.
Suddenly, as we came to a large cavity in the crater, the noise became louder.
The Moon Inspector turned and quietly told me to stay behind and not make
any noise. We then proceeded to look into the cavity ... and there he was...
THOS... the person holding the Block of Swiss hostage. He wanted it all to
himself. He was a greedy little man, I would say about 5 ft 7 in. tall, kind
of thin, approximately 145 lb. He had glasses that slid down to the end of
his nose. What little hair he had was around the sides of his head, and gray.
The top of his head was bald and so shiny it look like we could get a glimpse
of the reflection of a small portion of that Block of Swiss, so we knew it
was in there...
We interrupt this broadcast to bring you ... absolutely nothing!
...What was that? Couldn't have been a commercial...
Where were we? I think I remember...
This cavity that we had stumbled upon was a small, private lab. This guy
THOS was not only hogging the UnHoly Swiss to himself, but he was also running
experiments on it, like a mad scientist. I, being the hero of this particular
story, decided that it was up to me, and me alone, to take care of this
As I quietly worked my way toward the maniac, I could tell that the Moon
Inspectress was having considerable trouble stifling her giggles, as she
watched me with awe, or at least I hope it was awe. Wait, I just remembered
something... There was a hole in my pants! Well, anyway, creeping along,
I overheard the schemer mumbling to himself. I could only make out two words:
Swice, and worthless.
I was about two feet away from this evil being, when the moment occurred
that the Moon Inspectress could hold back her laughter no more. It burst
out of her, as loud as a foghorn, being that the walls of the crater amplified
the sound many times over. THOS, who we called this because it was written
in large letters on the back of his lab coat, turned around, and saw a human
skull on the ground. Not just any human skull, but his, for in fact, he had
no face, and he could see his reflection. I knew that the Moon Inspectress
was going to laugh, so I was prepared... I had my trusty rusty knife ready.
This was no ordinary knife, though, because, even though it was rusty, I
could still (and did, on occasion) use it to cut someone's face off. This
is what happened to THOS.
THOS, being "mad" as he was, refused to die from just losing his face. He
reached behind me and grabbed a foil, and, being the honorable fighter I
was, I could not refuse a duel, but I had no foil at hand. Being the Moon
Inspector, as I was, I knew much about the moon, though, and how to use it
to get what I needed, so I reached down and, seemingly, pulled my weapon
up out of the ground.
"En guarde!" I shouted. As a man of few words, this is one of the phrases
I enjoy saying. We proceeded with the duel.
Parry! Thrust! Parry! Thrust! As a last resort, I decided to use my foil
as a tooth pick, which confused my adversary, so he did the same. That was
my chance! Thrust! Stab! Stab! Thrust! Thrust! Stab! I heard an ominous voice
in the background say "Finish him," so I did. He was dead in less than two
His journal was on a table nearby, so I proceeded to read it. I could only
read a page, because it self-destructed in 10 seconds. What I could read,
though, informed me that the Swice that I had previously battled was created
by THOS himself from the UnHoly Swiss. Luckily for us, he didn't use all
of it. I could not even begin to tell you how much of this UnHoly Swiss was
left, you'll just have to come see for yourself. Oh, and, just for the record,
I discovered that the moon's core is pure Swiss cheese, no holes, no fungi,
no nothing. Just pure Swiss.
After all of this was done, I had realized that the crater that the Moon
Inpectress's rocks came from was Andrelseekan Crater, and not this place.
Where we found ourselves was a crater I had named the Specific Crater about
3 years ago.
We, the Moon Inspectress and I, are now mining the UnHoly Swiss to export
to the earth. When we get enough for one shipment, we shall contact you
{end transmission}
--MegaStory; part 9--
An Infinite Cheese Story
Well, said the general, Theres only one way
to get down to the Mid-Atlantic cheese accelerator. You descend, two at a
time in the pressure-resistant minisub weve designed on a variation
of the Spam can. Its an eight hour trip, in order to avoid the bends,
and one of our subs was swallowed by a giant squid, so we can only transport
four of you at a time.
A giant squid? asked Jeff, Do you get many of those out
Unfortunately, yes. Its the cheese that gets them. When the
acclerators been generating a giant slab of swiss and its being
floated up to the surface, the squid feel the holes on the cheese, confuse
them for sucker-marks, and try to mate with them. Ah, but who can blame them?
Out here on the lonely ocean, you realize the seductiveness of a good swiss,
the softness of it as it melts in your han-- Suddenly the general realized
that everyone was staring at him, except for Aaron, who was nodding
sympathetically until he, too, realized that everyone was staring at the
general and he began to do likewise. Ahem, uh, that is to say...the
subs are right over this way! With that, the general began leading
them to the mini-sub docking platform on the side of the carrier.
Hmm, said Jeff, as they reached the subs, You say you can
only fit in two people into each of those, and you only have two, and itll
take eight hours?
Yes, said the general, Thats exactly what I said.
Do you have some sort of memory problem?
I could have you killed. But anyhow, I was just wondering if there
was some faster way to get anybody down there. we dont have 24 hours
to travel four of us down there and then wait for the other two to come down.
In fact, we barely have 8 hours to get us down there.
Well, chuckled the general, I suppose you could always
strap someone into a pressure suit, tie weights to their legs, and toss them
overboard, and theyd get there a lot faster. That is, of course, if
you didnt care that they would suffer massive internal and external
injury from that much pressure added so quickly, and that after they hit
bottom theyd probably have to walk a mile or more to reach the base
before those injuries could treated.
Jeff nodded at Steve. Immediately, ship workers stepped forward and began
preparing him for the trip. Minutes later, as they hoisted a still unaware
Steve to the edge of the ship and prepared to drop him in the water, Jeff
and Aaron walked up to bid him a good trip. And remember, said
Aaron, Youre our advance guard, so dont dally when you
hit the bottom. Youve got to walk to the accelerator immediately to
make sure that theres nothing dangerous there to hurt us when we get
out of the subs. Oh, and dont worry if your legs break when you slam
into the ocean floor. Youll be lighter there, so you can probably walk
okay even with shattered femurs. Okay boys, drop him. With a splash.
Steve Gomez was on his way to the Atlantic Ocean Cheese Accelerator.
Well, said Aaron, that leaves five of us here. Whos
going to stay behind?
How about one of the hitmen? Jeff suggested. One of them
could ride down with Jannis while the other stays behind to guard the
Thats an excellent idea, agreed Mr. Niceguy, glancing at
Jannis and the cushioned interior of the minisubs.
Im glad you think so, said Jeff, Fifth Jew, Jannis,
grab your bags and get in that sub.
What?! said Mr. Niceguy, and watched in shock as Aaron and Jeff
left in their sub, followed by Jannis and the Fifth Jew climbing into the
other sub. Boy, its hot in here, he could hear the Fifth
Jew saying just before the hatch closed, Maybe we should take our clothes
off, followed by a giggle of acquiescence from Jannis.
Dont worry, said a sailor, walking up from behind and clapping
Mr. Niceguy on the shoulder, We have lots of fun here. You wont
even miss your girlfriend there.
Lightning fast, Ty reached back, grabbed the sailor by his neck, and flipped
him over his shoulder, slamming the sailors back on the ground. Ty
looked down on the man, writhing in agony and struggling to breathe.
Shes not my girlfriend.
When Steve awoke, he was surrounded by a dim blueness and was chilled
to the bone. He also felt weightless, as if he were floating. Whats
going on? he thought, Am I dead? A pulse of elation ran
through his body at the thought. Yes! he shouted, Im
dead! Lets see those bastards make me do work now! Ha ha ha!!!
At least, he tried to shout that. However, as he opened his mouth to say
the words, the mouthpiece from which he had been breathing fell out and his
mouth instantly flooded with water. That was when he realized he wasnt
dead, remembered the half-dazed preparations for his dive, and then further
realized that although he wasnt in Hell, he certainly was very far
down, under the ocean at least. He also shortly realized that he desperately
needed the respirator that he had just spit out. As his breath grew shorter,
he flailed blindly amongst the tubes and tanks strapped to him, searching
in the darkness for the important one that was supposed to let him breathe.
Somehow, he managed to hit the on button for the lamps that someone had wisely
strapped to his shoulders, and in the new light he quickly found the mouthpiece
and inserted it into his mouth, breathing gratefully. Despite his intense
hatred of life, Steve still found that it was over-ridden by his fear of
death, and so he breathed a sigh of relief as well as he could with a scuba
hose thrust into his throat.
Then, he noticed the odd orange color in the water around him, rising up
in tendrils from below, as if diffusing into the seawater from some unseen
source. Curious and filled with the deadened dread that comes from an everyday
familiarity with horrible shit happening to you every day of your life starting
when your sternum collapsed eight minutes after birth, Steve looked down,
and saw that, as fast as he was sinking into the ocean, a mammoth wedge of
swiss cheese was shooting upward on its natural buoyancy. The wedge stretched
out for thousands of feet in all directions, giving off tendrils of cheese
into the oceans murk as its fringe dissolved into the briny ocean.
Oh shit, thought Steve, and kicked his legs desperately in an
attempt to swim past the wedges nearest edge and avoid being flattened
into cheesy oblivion on its massive bulk. However, flail as he might, he
made almost no progress. Glancing at his feet, he saw that, despite all of
the other worthless tons of crap strapped all over him, no one had remembered
to give him a pair of flippers. Instead, a 5 pound weight was strapped to
each foot to add to his natural sinking ability. In resignation, Steve stopped
kicking, put his arms to his side, took a deep breath, and clenched his eyes
shut. Then the cheese hit.
All that Steve felt was a thick mushiness all around him, getting thicker
and thicker and then, abruptly disappearing. Once again, he felt like he
was floating, but this time, he couldnt feel any of his limbs or move.
Opening his eyes, he saw a white brightness all around him. Yes!
he shouted, Now Im dead for real!
Except that once again his shout was cut short by his mouthpiece being dislodged
from his mouth and the bitter ocean flooding his lungs. In shock, Steve shook
his head back and forth, and the white brightness disappeared in patches
and revealed itself to be soggy swiss caking his viewing mask and illuminated
by his shoulder lamps. Familiarly panicked, Steve found the respirator and
shoved it back into his mouth, breathing deeply despite the fact that the
respirator now tasted disgustingly of pickled Swiss. Swiftly, the Swiss that
had coated him dissolved off into the ocean, and Steve could feel his limbs
again. Looking up, he saw a hole in the bottom of the Swiss. He had shot
through it like any heavy weight would sink through a soggy wedge of
Oh well, thought Steve as he sank into the oceans darkness,
Im not dead, but at least the worst of its past.
Then the darkness of the ocean rotated in front of him, bringing a five-foot
eye to bear on him. Steve instantly remembered what the general had said
about squid and Swiss. And then the dark, giant squid rotated once more,
revealing a giant, parrot-like beak in its underside, a beak which opened
and shot forward, swallowing Steve whole. And then, all was darkness once
Eight hours after their drop from the carrier, the minisubs docked at
the accelerator. The Fifth Jew and Janniss sub was first. The heavy
scent of sweat and bacon wafted out as the airlock opened, and The Fifth
Jew walked out, pulling up his zipper. Right behind him, Jannis walked out,
straightening her pantyhose. Minutes later, the second sub un-docked behind
them. Aaron and Jeff walked out, each holding a canister of Jeffs
oxygen. But the anesthesia-induced smile on Jeffs face
disappeared instantly as he looked around the docking bay of the cheese
accelerator and saw no Steve present.
Dammit! said Jeff, We loaded that stinker with enough weights
to plummet him to the bottom of the Atlantic in 3 hours, and at least enough
air to last two hours, and hes still not here! I bet that slackers
off taking a nap somewhere.
Aaron, who hadnt developed as much of a tolerance for oxygen
as Jeff, continued smiling as he looked out the window and said Man,
a giant squid is taking on a crap on the station.
What?! said Jeff, rushing to share the window, See, if
Steve were here, he could have prevented this. Or he could swim out there
with a skimmer or something and get that out of there! We cant have
squids and things pissing in the Atlantic! We float cheese in this ocean,
for goodnesss sake! Thats it, first thing Im going to do
when I see Steve is make him skim the Atlantic. Thatll serve
First youre going to have to skim Steve, it looks like,
giggled Aaron, pointing out the window at the distinctly bad-luck-shaped
outline of Steve, flowing in the midst of the freshly expelled cloud of squid
No, said Jeff, Hes going to have to skim
The last thing Steve remembered was the affair with the cheese, then
being swallowed by the giant squid, and then darkness. As he opened his eyes
from the darkness, he saw a bright light in front of him. There was a shape
in the light, the outline of a person, beckoning to him, summoning him.
Steve, called the booming voice, Steve, come here, Steve,
get up Steve, Steve, get your lazy ass moving, I know you can see me because
your eyes are open. You may have gone for over five hours without oxygen
in the stomach of a giant squid, but the doctors said that you normally function
on only an eighth of the oxygen of a normal person anyhow, so dont
try pulling any brain damage crap on me, okay?
Steve blinked. The figure came into focus. It was Aaron Wells, leaning over
him with a toilet scrubbing brush. Steve looked around. He was lying on a
tile floor in a puddle of seawater and squid crap, still fully clothed and
still coated with squid excrement. Steve closed his eyes again. I knew
I couldnt be dead, he said.
Thats the spirit, said Aaron, tossing the toilet-scrubbing
brush onto Steves chest. Now clean yourself up and get moving
weve got a lot to do down here, and afterwards Jeff wants you to skim
the Atlantic. And, uh, you might consider putting on some cologne or something.
You smell like swiss cheese and rotting fish.
A few hours later...
Aaron and Jeff walked along the main corridor of the cheese accelerator,
curving in a ring around the vast cheese-acceleration apparatus. Neither
one said a word, just listened to the thrum of various cheeses being accelerated
circularly at various speeds in the inner sections of the plant. Finally,
Jeff broke the silence.
Aaron, he said, This certainly is an impressive facility
here. But, uh, just why the hell did you build it?
Aaron stopped still and looked at Jeff. I didnt build it. I thought
you did. This is just like something you would do. Just like those Jeffey
tubes you had installed between each floor of the HQ building, just
like the orbital giant clown nose in geosynchronous orbit over
Yeah, said Jeff thoughtfully, This does seem more like
something I would do, I guess. You would probably have built a strip club
on the floor of the Atlantic, not a cheese accelerator.
Actually, its on the floor of the Pacific. And its a massage
parlor, not a strip joint, said Aaron, moving again. But the
question remains, then, just what the hell is this place for?
I dont know. Lets ask that guy, Jeff said, pointing
at a passing man in a white labcoat. Hey, you!
The man turned to look at Jeff and Aaron, recognized who they were, and
immediately backed into the wall behind him, his face twisted with fear.
Oh, please Mr. Wells and Mr. Turner, whatever I did, I didnt
mean it! Please, let me live! Ive got a wife and children!
Aaron looked at Jeff. Gee, maybe weve been a little too callous
in our random killings. It looks like weve gained a reputation as careless
Nonsense! said Jeff, gesturing at the shivering labcoated man,
We havent been callous enough. Hes just cowering. Hes
not begging! On you knees, man! The scientist sank to his knees and
clasped his hands, collapsing onto the floor in a groveling heap.
Thats more like it.
This is getting us nowhere, said Aaron. He stepped forward and
kicked the groveling scientist. Hey, we wont kill you if youll
tell us what it is you do here. Thats all we want.
The man looked up, straightened his glasses, and got back up to his feet.
Oh. Um, very well. As long as you wont kill me. Right this
As Aaron and Jeff followed the man, Jeff leaned over and whispered
Whyd you tell him we wouldnt kill him? What if he gets
Well then, we wont kill him. Mr. Niceguy or the Fifth Jew
Shortly, the group arrived at a door on the inner wall of the corridor. Entering
it, they found themselves in another curved room, with its inner wall composed
of glass. Workers busily poured various materials into hatches on the inner
wall, where they disappeared into the blur behind the glass. The purpose
of this emplacement,said the scientist, Is to perform advanced
research in physics and cheesery. The theory were based on is that
the fundamental substance behind the universe, more fundamental than the
elements or quarks or even energy or space, is cheese. Hence, if you spin
any substance fast enough, and create enough pressure to break it down
completely, it will revert to its cheesy base. And the more you spin it,
the sharper the cheese youll get. If you spin it at 5 miles per second,
youll get provolone. 7 miles per second yields mild Swiss. 15 miles
per second yields a cheddar so sharp you could shave your teeth with it.
Our goal is to spin matter so fast that we create a cheese that can be used
as a weapon. So far, weve created an uber-brie that can warp time and
an over-muenster that implodes anything within a 15 foot radius of it. In
between those power-intensive big spins, though, we create giant slabs of
near-pure cheese, which we then dump straight into the ocean where they float
to the top covered in kelp and plankton, and then have to be reprocessed
to attain industrial-grade purity and be sold to prison food halls and college
The man gestured at the glass wall. Behind that wall is the accelerated
cheese. As you can see, we have workers pouring substances mined from the
oceans floor into the mix to add to the cheeses bulk. Today
were going for the worlds largest string cheese. If were
successful, the string cheese will yield fibers large enough and strong enough
to create that Earth to Moon elevator you ordered last month.
Wow, said Jeff, This is really very impressive. I guess
I did order. I must have been drunk at the time. Say, uh, why is it on the
floor of the Atlantic? Wouldnt it make more sense to have it somewhere
above water, or is the pressure important?
No, actually the pressure is a major impediment that prevents us from
reaching speeds we need for certain reactions. Really, it would have been
infinitely better to place it above water. The only reason we ever got from
HQ on why it was on the oceans floor was that real estate was cheaper
here. The popular theory around base is that you were drunk, sir.
Aaron nodded. Jeff scowled. So, said Aaron, Since you mine
the cheese-fodder from the Oceans floor, is that what we mean by the
cheese mines under the accelerator?
Oh no, said the scientist, Thats actually cheese.
Its a long story.
Suddenly Jeff checked his watch. Oh, Id love to stay and chat
more, he said, But we really do have to get going. Theres
an energy being in the cheese mines that weve got to deal with or risk
his consuming all the energy on Earth.
Oh, said the scientist. Well, good luck then. Im
sure you can do it sirs. I have the utmost faith in your ability, wisdom,
and intelligence.
Thanks, said Aaron, But... ...how exactly do you get into
the cheese mines?
The scientist looked at him blankly. You see the signs every three
feet that say This way to the cheese mines? You follow
Oh, said Jeff, I figured those were for distraction. Come
on, Aaron, lets head to the cheese mines. The others must be
waiting. Aaron and Jeff walked out of the room, going in the opposite
direction from the This way to the cheese mines signs. The scientist
waited until they were out of sight, then shook his head in combined disgust
and relief, and turned back to watch the cheese in the glass, ever spinning,
ever spinning...
On the surface of the battleship employed by Infinite Cheese to guard
the waters above the Atlantic Ocean Cheese Accelerator, Mr. Niceguy leaned
over the railing and watched the ocean listlessly. He had been left behind
by his employers, spurned in favor of The Fifth Jew. He felt like killing
something, and had indeed done so several times before they had managed to
overpower him and chain him to the ships railing. Now he sat and
His sulking, however was interrupted as the oceans surface began to
change in nature drastically and frighteningly. The small, friendly ripples
of its surface began to smooth out, creating a vast, smooth circle of flatness
off to the side of the ship. Then the water began to rush away from the center
of the circle swiftly, creating a huge, ring-shaped wave at its edge.
Wedge off the starboard bow! shouted a nearby sailor, noticing
the effect. The cry was echoed across the length of the ship, and soon a
siren cut in. Ty watched in curiosity as panic set in all around him, and
then noticed that the ships engines had cut in, rotating the ship around
so it pointed away from the center of the circle, and pushing the ship away
from the circle.
Then, the wave hit. The ship was rocked high, nearly tossed from the water,
its entire surface drenched as the tips of the wave splashed over its edge.
Even chained to the railing, Ty lost his footing on the slippery floor as
it tilted 45 degrees from the horizontal. Then, the ship began falling back
down. For an instant, it was horizontal again, then it was tipped back the
other way. Dazed by the switch in direction, Ty was washed under the railing,
over the edge of the ship. Screaming in terror, he fell.
With a wrench, he stopped falling, and his arms were jerked behind him up
above his head. The ship settled down, and Ty hung quietly from its side,
chained to its rail. From this vantage point, through the pain that wracked
his dislocated arms, Ty saw the cause of the disturbance: a mile-wide wheel
of Swiss cheese that bobbed gently where the ship had been, floated up fresh
from the cheese accelerator. Damn, said Ty, kicking his legs
idly as whoops of Cheese ahoy! spread jubilantly along the ship,
Thats a lot of cheese.
--The Creators of the failed 5 cheese Macaroni and Cheese, and
the secret hidden message. - Part 2--
by Sarah Smith AKA Mas Quesso,
creator in charge of fine grilled cheese and Macaroni
Dora stood in a dark alley way, next to the Cathedral of Learning building
on the University of Pittsburgh campus. A man in a black leather jacket,
with cowboy boots and spurs handed her an envelope.
"Ok, here ya go, now keep your mouth shut about this meeting, or your gonna
be the next depressed college student to fling herself off this building."
"Yeah, I don't think you have to worry." said Dora, smugly, as she tore open
the envelope with her alfredo stained teeth. "most people don't even think
there are any dark alley ways next to the cathedral of learning, they all
think it's in the middle of a lawn, all by its self, patewee!" she spat out
the piece of envelope she ripped off. "Little do they know, eh?"
"Yeah, whatever. We all know you and your 4 cheese freaks up there in that
shabby three bed room apartment are crazy." joked the man in the leather
"Hey, how do you know that I live in a shabby 3 bed room apartment with 4
cheese freaks." whispered Dora, leerily.
Man, you ARE paranoid. It said so in the last chapter. Dont you
read anything?
Ok, sorry, in these situations, you can never be too sure. She
pulled the contents of the envelope from it. They consisted of a counterfeit
plane ticket to Illinois, and a ticket home. Ok, great, thank you for
the help Zeph.
No problem Dora, anything to help out a fellow aspiring
Just like my uncle Max. I wonder whatever happened to him...
Dora jumped in her 86 Oldsmobile Cuttless Ciera and sped immediately
to the airport. She hopped a plane to Ilinois and was there in 2 and a half
hours. She looked sharply at her indiglo watch.
Ok, 11 hours and 25 minutes left. she said officially. She spotted
an escalator, and ran down it immediately, knocking over as few people as
she possibly could. Then, she went to run through the revolving doors, but
it was the automatic kind, and they swung slowly, and annoyingly, jammed
behind her in the door compartment with her was a tall red headed man, in
his mid-thirties.
God damnit. he squeaked. Why cant these doors ever
open normally. Look at me, I must look like and big Irish sardine.
Canned laughter echoed stiffly through the glass doors. I mean
seriously... he began. No, wait, start the joke that way and
I turn into Gerry Sinefeld, which...really wouldnt be such a bad
thing. More canned laughter could be heard. This time, it kind of freaked
Dora out. She turned at looked behind her. Excuse me sir. She
said moodily. could you please shut the lid on your canned laughter.
Or else Im gonna have to take down my own can. and its gonna
be a can of Whop-ass!
Ooh, excellent bad puns! Hey, could you do that for me? he asked.
Dora glared at him, and didnt answer. Finally, the doors had turned
enough for her to escape, but he wasnt far behind her. She ran out
into the dim of the complex parking lot. As she hid behind a pillar that
held up the front airport kiosk, she looked at the man. Connan
OBrien she thought to herself. Whats HE doing in
Illinois, miles from Chicago? She couldnt be thinking about things
like that right then. She had to worry about getting information on
static-electricity, and she only had 12 and a half hours left.
Dora hitched a cab across town, to the Fruit of the Loom factory. Once she
got there, ran to the back of the building where Fruit of the Loom trucks
headed in and out, carrying the cottony products of Fruit of the Loom. As
she got closer, she spotted men dressed in white work uniforms, with white
hard hats, white rubber gloves, clipboards, and identification cards. Being
a member of Infinite Cheese, Dora was trained in how to deal with this situation.
She hid behind one of the trucks, and waited for one of the men to stupidly
separate from the others, and walk backwards towards the truck, where she
waited. Of course, because this story is pro-Infinite Cheese, one such stupid
man, did one such stupid thing. Dora immediately used the Vulcan death grip
on him, and he immediately fell to the ground. She dragged him off, and within
minutes had put on his uniform, and taken his identification, and his clip
board. She then hurried inside the Fruit of the Loom building. She headed
through the halls, following instinct, she came a pon other workers, but
none of them seemed to notice her. After running around the giant cloth weaving
machinery of the factory, she realized five minutes had passed her already,
she needed to work faster. Dizzy from trying to find a way out of the factory,
she leaned against a cinder block wall. How will I ever find the head
of wool socks, if I cant even find the stairs out of here! She
asked herself. She sighed. One of the workers turned and looked at her
Well. He said, you must be new here. Theres a pile
of tour maps in that compartment on the wall next to you. Dora looked
at the man, stunned. She turned her head, and sure enough, there on the wall
beside her was plastic compartment, with a pile of maps in it. Welcome
to the Fruit of the Loom factory... She read allowed. huh.
Thanks.. she said to the man. He smiled, and walked on. Dora pulled
herself to her feet, and opened the map. Stairs are located at the
edges of each floor, and in other various places through out the building.
They are marked by purple symbols...blah blah blah, ok Dora read.
stairs, good. She followed the maps directions, and in moments
she was heading up the stairs, into the office area of the building. HEY
YOU! cried someone who had spotted her from below. Marty! You
cant leave yet, your shifts not over for 25 minutes! Dora quickly
slid through the doors. HEY! Heeeeey! called the man.
Dora ran up more and more stairs. The head of wool socks has got to
have a really big office, REALLY high up, Im sure of it. she
Four minutes later, she had found the correct floor from the map, and was
heading for the head of wool socks door. She opened it up, and stuck
her head inside. Much to her surprise, someone was in there with him.
Conan OBrien? she asked her self. Again? she
tried to listen to the conversation.
Thank you for endorsing our products Mr. OBrien. said the
head of socks.
Oh, My pleasure Mr. Evanston. The chicks really go for the 2 red stripes
on top...no doubt about it.
Yes Connan, but...ph-huh, ph huh-huh huh. he laughed.
Whats so funny Mr. Evanston. smiled Connan OBrien,
wanting to be in on the joke.
Your mother called you Connan! Hah Ha! I mean, what kind of cruel joke
is that, to a poor defenseless child! Mr. Evanston looked up, Connan
was looking down at the floor, frowning. Im sorry...umm, I was
saying...Connan, YOU are the reason that America is still purchasing our
striped mens socks. Ha ha, and they thought it was just a MILK add, ha ha.
Little do they know, right?
Yes, Mr. Evanston, and red converse high-tops. But I mean, if they
stopped buying them, I mean...Fruit of the Loom would go on right? I mean,
you have other products, so whats the big deal? Theyre just
so.. The door of the office flew opened.
Sorry Mr. Evanston said Dora, who had realized, she didnt
have time to listen to Connan OBrien bicker about his sock deal. But
I need some information from you.
Does your supervisor know youre up here? Evanston
Im not an employee Mr. Evanston, I just...
Yeah, then why are you the one in the plastic suit, and IM the
one behind the desk?
MR EVANSTON. OK! I stole this uniform from one of your employees to
get in here, and get some information from you, that may possibly prevent
Infinite Cheese from making a horrible mistake in its quest to take over
the world!
Oh... said Mr. Evanston. I see, ummm... the information
buzzed through his head like the sound of a dog whistle to those who can
hear it. Mr. OBrien, this is one of the mental patient we let
work here on weekends. Mr. Evanston bull shat. Dont let her change
your mind about that contract. Now, lets humor her for a moment and give
her the answers she asks for, then send her on her merry way. Sound good
to you dear?
Dora looked at Mr. Evanston with a raised eyebrow. Lovely idea
she answered. Connan OBrien stared at the two of them for a moment,
and the mentioned I- gotta go. and fled from the room.
Infinite Cheese eh? said Mr. Evanston.
ummm... maybe. Dora realized she could have just made a really
big freakin mistake. That, might be...what I said.
Well, if it is, Im glad to be of any help. You see, my brother
joined Infinite Cheese a few months ago, and since then, hes stopped
shooting up. Im very thankful to them...all. Now, what did you
Well, I take it you are the EXPERT number one on static electricity.
Dora began, she knew this investigation was worthwhile. She suddenly got
a feeling, that she was sent on this journey by the Afrosnake himself.
'Sock' are © 1998, Missionary of the Sacred Cow, All Powerful Deity
Subservient to the Afrosnake
'The Creators of the failed 5 cheese Maccaroni and Cheese, and the secret
hidden message - Part 2' is © 1998, Sarah Smith, AKA, Mas Queso, Creator
in Charge of Fine Grilled Cheese and Maccaroni
The Search for the Unholy Swiss, part 3 is © 1998, Moon
Inspector and Moon Inspectoress
The rest of this newsletter is © 1998, Jeff Turner and Aaron Wells