-The Ranks of Infinite Cheese-

The following are the Official Ranks of Infinite Cheese. The people with the higher ranks have sent us more stories, information, and spoken to us more. To advance in the ranks, you must send us more stories and speak with us more... Also, if you haven’t sent in an official name, please do so, so we can add you to our rankings. Thank you for supporting Infinite Cheese. Remember, YOU make it happen.

Executive Chairmen, co-founders, and CEO’s
     “Dark Prince of Infinity” Jeff Turner
     Aaron “Clever Nickname” Wells

Executive Staff
     “Punching Bag to the Universe” Steve Gomez
     Tim Powe “Grand Wazoo of Infinite Cheese™”

Junior Staff
     “The Fifth Jew”
     “Mr. NiceGuy” Ty Andrews

Infinite Cheese Military

     "The Borkinator"

Cheese Master
     "Fellatio Cheese"

     "Hankering For A Hunk Of Cheese"

     "Moon Inspector"

     "Shredder of Pizza Cheese"

     "Mas Queso"

     "Canned with a Wedge of Cheese and a Platinum Spoon"

     "The Great, Extremely Powerful (and extremely moody) Goddess of All That Is Unimportant and Meaningless"

     "Dictator of EsophagusLand/Tyrant of VillaPumpkin"

     "Viscount St. Austellin-the-Moor Biggleswade-Brix Eham”

"Natsirt the Great Commander of the Cheese Forces in Dun'Modr"


Cheese Consumers

"Executive Officer in Charge of Curds and Whey"

"Supreme Overlord of all Cows and Cow-Based Products"

"Cthulhu Mythos Consultant"

"Canned with a Wedge of Cheese and a Platinum Spoon"

"Infinite Forever"

"Alyson, the Great Dancer Among Carcasses in Rituals of Cheesiness"

"Weird Lady Person Who Can Embarrass Her Friends Quite Easily"


“Swiss Miss Princess of Parmesan”


“Ultimate Goddess of Cheese”

“The Official Infinite Cheese Dominatrix”

“Sue Cheese”



“Cthulhu Worshiper”

“Wizzy the Flying Gazoo”

“Official Interpreter of Important Cheese Messages to the High Pakistani Chiefs of Zimbabwe”


"Bovine Velocity Consultant"

“Cheese Goddess”

“Goddess of All Things Cheesy”

"Bourgewinnie" -also "Ambassador of Zimbabwe"

“Sheara, Princess of Cheese”

“Brie Fatale”


“A Cushy Position of Universal Importance With No Responsibilities to It”

“Goddess Of All Good Cheese and Healer Of All Bad Cheese”

“Owner and Operator of the Original Cheesefest”

“Batchic (Master of Everyone)”

“Ruler of the cheese, and Lord of My Diary Minions”

“Commander Trout”

“Tim the Enchanter--Holder of the Holy Hand Grenade”

“Lord of All Light Bulbs That Twinkle”

“Viscount St. Austellin-the-Moor Biggleswade-Brix Eham”

"Loca Novia De El Vanidad y Queso para Muchos Insinuacion en la Guarida de el Coco Tierra del Ensueno Tambien Diosa de todos cosas Bello, Insignificante, y Brumoso"

“King of All Superfluous Metaphors”

“Girl Who Eat Cheese Almost Every Day Except for Ones That End With Day"


“Official Infinite Cheese™ Frikmaster Jay”

“The Pooped Bubble of Someone’s Already Eaten Cheese”

“Disco Queen”

“The Gargantuan Guru of GUI (graphical user interface) Gorganzola”


“Master of All that is Cheesy in the World”

"Ambassador of Vinland"

"Mother of Divine Cheese Baby (TM)"

"Missionary of the Sacred Cow, All Powerful Deity Subservient to the Afrosnake"

"Cheese Empress"

"Gruyere, the Mad (and Unknown) Cheese Bomber"

"Guams Head Snowboarding Chick"

"P. Funk"

"That Cheese Guy"

"Master of All, And Yet Keeper Of No One"

"Miss Super-Sexy-Spy"

"Master of Cheese In A Bowl"

"Cheese Funk"

"She Who Conquers All with a Silver Spoon and a Slice of Cheese"

"The Official Infinite Cheese Monkey Posse Leader"

"Rambling, Gambling Cheeseman"

"Resident Mad Scientist"

"Honorary Infinite Cheese Foriegn Relations Chairwoman, Mistress of World Aquaintences"

"Extra Cheesey Cheese Boy"


"Slice & Bake or Something"

"Gorgonzola Master"


"Moochie the Talking Taco"

"Infinite CheeseMouse...Protector of All Cheese Within My Reach"

"O Majestic Cheesin' Master of the Ministy of Love of the Florida Keys"

"I Am I Spy"

"Salsalesta El Cheeso"

"The Beddar of Cheddar"

"Queen of Queso

"Runs At Night, Stumbles In Light"

"The Goddess of Cheese Waffles"

"Le Roi de Fromage Coleurs"

"The Funky Cheese Man"

"Moon Inspector"


"Kraftmaster 4000"

"Carla, Doer of Good and Not-So-Good, Friend to All Except Those to Which She is Enemy"

"Official Infinite Cheese™ Hitgirl"



"Superhero, Super At Lookin Good In Under-roos"

"Psycho Cheeser"

"Cochise (Pronounced- Cocheese)"

"Jacob Villarreal, Infinite Cheese Official Left-over Eater"

"Spud With Cheese"

"Chiquitaco, Keeper of the Yellow Snow"

"Empress of Cheese, and All Things Ska"

"I Am Really, Really Awesome"

"Anne Makarony"

"Doth mighty cheese roll through the hills"

"He Who Falls Not From the Floor"

"Master of Everything Unholy and Bob Marley's Estate"

"Cheesy Atlantic City Connection Great Pher"

"Official Infinite Cheese™ Hitwoman, Master of All I See When My Eyes Are Closed, Professional Karate Chopper, Expert of Decapitation by Cheese Blocks, Surveyor of All Cheese Freaks Around Me"

"Drama Queen"

"Head Flirt and Princess of 'Cheese' Power"

"SeXy PiEcEs oF iNFiNiTe ChEeSe"

"The Amazing Phenomenon that you are Extremely Lucky to have Aboard"

"Master of the Brown In My Toilet Bowl"

"The All Mighty Cheese Whiz"

"Electronical Semi-Sweet Starlight With A Twist"

"Executive Officer In Charge of Radishes"

"Mad Cheese"

"The Swiss Pirate Of Death"


"Official Procrastinator"

"Official Follower Of The Voices I Hear In My Head"

"Goddess of All That Resides Inside My Bubble"

"Cheesiee Baby"

"New, Official, Genuine, 40% Fat Free, King of Everything in the Universe Except for Those Gross Multicolored Noodles That They Serve at Gormet Lunches"

"Queen Cheese Gnome"

"Cheesiest Chick"

"Cheesy Spice; the Long Lost Spice Girl"

"Nat Rat Cheese"


"Emperor of Cows"

"Granny Smith's Little Helper"


"Cheesy Goose"


"Dictator of the Planet Zortox"

"Sarah- Official Infinite Cheese™ Punk with a Social Conscience; Master of Lions, Tigers, Bears and especially Oh Mys"

"Slippy the Betrayer, Member of the Kalili Three"

"Cheese Adoratrix"

"Da CheeseFather of T.R.Is.M."

"That Weird Guy In The Corner Making Squeaking Noises"

"Chester Cheese"

"Official Chicken Whipper of Croatia"

"The Forgotten One"

"General Killbaba First in Charge of All Little Green Army Men"

"Roy Destroy"



"Ralphie, Lord of all Christmas Cheese"

"Official Explainer of Colors to the Blind"

"Head Master of the Infinite and Weirdest of All"

"Not so supreme ruler of infinite cheese and all of it's glory"


"The Auspicious Limburgerian Non-believer of Antidisestablishmentarian Cheese Devastation"

If you are interested in joining...click here...or send an e-mail to goober33@aol.com
They both do the same thing...they're just different ways of doing it...whichever you prefer

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