Welcome to the official page of Infinite Cheese

The place where you are both pointed and laughed at

Our Logo

We don't have AIDS!... yet most of us are now dead, go figure.

Infinite Cheese ------because we can

Infinite Cheese is an organization planning world domination through an understanding of cheese. We also manufacture a newsletter that we send out to our members.

Why is Infinite Cheese?

The amount of cheese we have

cannot be determined

Current Newsletter For all of you who cannot figure it out... everyone dies... except me (The Grand Wazoo) and the Afrosnake... Do you understand now??? Hoes.
Past Newsletters Not so current
Afrosnake's Advice Seek answers from the Official God of Infinite Cheese (He's Omnipotent).... Column **Updated August 28, 1998...
Member Names The names of our members...the one's that sent them in anyways
Search Engine Hook You may ask yourself "What the Hell is a search enigine hook?" Well, we'll tell you. If a search engine finds a certain word on a a page, it shows you the link. On this page are several words which are commonly looked up on browsers; words such as "sex", "donkey", and "girl". Although these words have nothing to do with Infinite Cheese (or perhaps they do, but that is DEFINITELY a different story) this link will show up. If someone follows this link, they will arrive at the Infinite Cheese Search Engine Hook. Ahahahahahahaha!
Executive Bios Descriptions of the Executive Members of Infinite Cheese
Member Bios Descriptions of the other members of Infinite Cheese
Member Pages The special pages of Infinite Cheese members
Thanksgiving Treat A story from Mr. Cow
Chat Room The Infinite Cheese chat room... no one's ever in there because we're all bitches.

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Legal stuff:
The Afrosnake, The Fifth Jew, Grand Wazoo, Dark Prince of Infinity, Punching Bag to the Universe, and Daryl the Evil Mime, are trademarks and copyrighted to Infinite Cheese Productions. Infinite Cheese is copyrighted to Jeff Turner and Aaron Wells.