Reference Links

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Messianic Friends Network

Menorah Ministry

Ancient Israelites came to Japan

Messianic Bible Institution-Yeshiva

Spirit of Israel

Watchman in Jerusalem i??~L?Œ?’n?V?•?j
SARA's Messianic Homepage

A crossroad of Messianic believers!

Brandnew Messianic HP

The Messianic Witness

Must for Studies of Daniel.

Beth Shalom

Messianic Congragation in Helena, Montana.

Malachi's Torah Scrolli?‹~‹‚?Š?‘b “I‰??j

DUGIT: Messianic Outreach Center
Subspeciality Forums

Judaism and Jewish Resources

Hebrew on Internetiƒwƒuƒ‹Œ?ƒtƒHƒ“ƒgj

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(Click the Picture so that you may see more details. )
The Bible code software is now available from Israel!
From Sabbath to Sunday :This book is a must for any sincere Christian and Jew.
God's Festivals 1 : Why Jewish Holidays are still important for Christians
God's Festivals 2 : This book explains implications of Jewish Holidays in Yeshua

Great "Gerim" Connections

Internet Mission Club, Tamachan (Japansese)
    Extensive Japansese Chiristian Network Links.
Harvest Time Japan (English & Japanese)
    Christian Media which emphasizes Jewishness of Chiristianity.
"SDA" Japan (English & Japanese)
    Alas, they eliminated the word "Seventh-Day" from the formal name..
Sabbath Keepers Homepage, by Seventh Day Baptists (Australia)
    You must see these impressive articles there!
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