Unusual Picture Gallery
Collection of pictures which may provoke your frontal lobe neurons activities...
Look at these two pictures and compare them carefully. The one in the left came from the most recent issue of the Jerusalem Post International Edition (#1926, October 4, 1997). A nice gentleman blowing a Shofar in the morning service of Slihot in Rosh HaShana. He has a teffilin (teffilin shel rosh), which is traditionally supposed to hold a part of Torah, on the forehead. Now, look at the man on the right hand. Guess who he is. He is a Japanese but what he wears is by no means a standard Japanese outfit. This guy is a priest of very old religious group named "Shugen-dou." The priest of "Shugen-dou" is called "Ten-gu." He blows a "hora" which is a large sea shell ( Now please resist to temptation to say, "that's not Kosher"). Behold, he wears a cylinder like black small hat, which looks like a teffilin on the forehead. This cylinder shaped hat is called "tokin," which is a crown holding The Five Wisdoms of their God (Dainichi-nyorai) and has twelve radial folds on the top for uncertain reason. The religious clan was founded 1,500 years ago by a man named "Yen-no-ozunu" according to a Japanese legend but nobody is sure who he actually was. It is thought that, however, this religious clan was philosophically contaminated with other imported religions like Buddism until the time Yen-no-ozunu became famous in 699 A.D. So, it is suspected that the clan might has even older history. This clan believes that God visits on the top of mountains, so they sanctify the acts of mountain climbing. In their tradition, only men were allowed to climb mountains.
Have you ever seen the seal of the Emperor family in Japan? The right one from my old Japanese history textbook, and the left one was from the wall of Jerusalem.
This unusual picrure is from a postcard depicting one of the ancient festival only done in the Emperor's office. Can you guess what this performance about? Do not be surprised. This is a picture of prayer of the Emperor to clean the sins of his people. This was called, "Kiyo-harai" and was only performed the very end of the year by old Japanese calender system which based on the movement of the moon. This festival was gradually dwindle but tottaly abolished and disappeared in the war. (Ohnin's war: 1467-1477; not in the W.W.II !)
(picture 1)
(picture 2)
Do you think these are nice pictures? Does the picture-1 seem the areal view of a complex like the picture-2 ? Yes. You are right. Would you consider to visit any one of these place for fun in your vacation? No. Don't do that. The both of the pictures are building complex of the same purpose in different locations by different people to oppress the differnt people simultaneously. The above one is the picture of Dachau concentration camp by Nazi for Jews, and the below picture is a concentration camp for Japanese-Americans during the Warld War II in somewhere in the West coast. It was the historical fact that the Dachau concentration camp was first liberated by 522nd Field Artillery Battalion consisted of Japanese soldiers whose families were still held in such concentration camps on the other side of the earth. They fought for America to prove themselves good US citizen, and the result was the shocking encounter to Jewish Holocaust. Now, I would like to challenge you by asking this question: are these things all just coincident?
The left hand side two pictures are, of course, traditional torah scrolls. The right hand side two objects seem sharing similarity in gross appearance. Do you know what are these two awkward objects? They are the most popular spin-stabilized spacecraft and the world's most-purchased commercial communication satellite models HS 376. Until the end of 1997, fifty three HS 376 sattelites were produced or ordered by many countries including USA, Japan, China, Indonesia, Korea, Russia, Sweden, Norway, Malaysia, Mexico, United Kingdom, Australia, Brazil, Canada and so on. These torah-scroll- like objects are now indispencible for the worlds' extensive telecommunication system. No wonder the prophet Zechariah could have thought this as a "flying scroll" if he saw this in his prophetic vision at all. Read Zechariah 5:1-3 and tell me what you think.
reference: http://www.hughespace.com/factsheets/376/376fleet.html
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