Welcome to


Home of Laphon

Coyote's Den is a place of Love, Laughter and Lessons. As well as the Home of Laphon
All are welcome to visit for as long as they like. For those of you that choose to be too
serious, well don't say that you weren't warned, for the times when we are to serious and forget to make time to play, are the times when Coyote decides that it is time to have some fun with us. For those of you who are looking for a good laugh.... Check out  and tell Ash that Laphon sent you :)


Earth Signs

Earth Signs are Messages brought to you from Laphon and his helpers. They are similar to the messages from astrology, but these messages come from the messengers of the earth rather than those of the skies. To see the latest Earth Signs click on the Earth above and enjoy.
For those who are seeking knowlege, I ask you one question:
Are you ready to face your deepest fears?
If you think that you are ready than... please
Let me know
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this WebCircle site is owned by:
Laphon (Matt Kenney)
Born Again Pagan
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Thank you for visiting Coyote's Den
If you have any comments or suggestions please send them to laphon@geocities.com or click on the icon below
Hope to see you here again real soon
May Spirit Bless the path that you have chosen
and all that you meet along the way
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