by jordan
Disclaimer: Characters created by Chris Carter and owned by 1013 Productions and Fox.
Category: MSR /MOTW/adventure
Spoilers: assume them all
Summary: big monster in swamp attacks FBI agents
Thanks again to the many critics who helped make this smoother, and the only places it isn't changed per critique is where two authors disagreed and I had to make a decision
Texas/Louisiana Border
Somewhere in the Wetlands
Special Agent Dana Scully, FBI woman,
steadied her wrist on the cypress stump and sighted down
the barrel of her Sig at the man on the other side of the
water. The gun was heavy and cold in her hand. A
mosquito was biting the back of her left thigh and she
didn't dare swat at it because she might give away her
position. The smell of the swamp was like something that
had died of a terrible disease.
Scully was tired and hot and hungry, and she
wanted desperately to shoot this man.
Three months of investigation. Three long
months of leads, interviews, and paperwork, while they
compiled a painstakingly thorough case against Edgar Ray
Terran. Three long miserable months of talking to
coughing old men and smarmy lotharios who stared at her
breasts while they talked and women who somehow
managed to include the details of each of their last
childbirths as part of their replies to simple questions
like, "And did you observe Mr. Terran enter the building at
that time?" It had all the comic tragedy of a teenager
they had once arrested who used a heart to dot the "i"
in the word "kill" in her confession.
Disk after disk of reports, until her laptop hard
drive was full, and Mulder pissed off all the time once he
decided it wasn't an X-file after all, but Skinner adamant
that they finish the case they had begun.
She was so damn sick of this. Pull out a gun,
Eddie, fire at will, let me end this waste of taxpayer's
money once and for all, please God.
But of course he only looked around long and
cautiously before turning and slipping back into the woods.
She waited, eyes on her watch because she didn't trust
her own sense of time, for ten minutes. Long enough for
him to get back to the cabin he thought was so well
concealed in the heart of the wetlands of south Texas.
Fucking Texas.
She straightened and slapped at the mosquito,
connected, made a dime-sized splat of blood on her dark green pants. Then she put the safety back on the Sig, dipped it into her holster, and called Mulder on her cell phone. "He's on his way."
Squelching through the mud, Scully followed the
edge of the water around a curve and then went into the woods, cutting off the escape route in case Terran somehow got away from her partner and tried to double back.
Mulder was the worst part of this case, she thought
bitterly, waving away a small crowd of curious gnats.
Since the whole Houston case, when he had kissed her in
some half-drugged stupor which he pretended not to
remember, he had not touched her. Not once. It was a
small thing made large by its absence; no more casual
touching of her arm or the small of her back or even
taking her elbow the way he used to do. The atmosphere
between them had reached the last level of tension
before it had to erupt in violence. Or in getting the hell
away from each other.
They each dealt with it in their own way, of
course. She slept a lot. He didn't. But while Mulder
prowled around the motel rooms and the late night
diners and the fluorescent lit malls, Scully's sleep was
filled with dreams. She dreamed of him crashing into her
bedroom and wrestling her to the bed and overcoming her anger at him through violent sex. She dreamed of shooting him and then trying to hide his body from Skinner. She dreamed strange
dark sick things that woke her in the night feeling like she
needed a shower. Or at least a shower head.
Please, God, let this be the end of it. Let this be the
day we bring Eddie in. We need a rest, Mulder and I; we
need some time apart. We need--
In the distance, the sound of a muted gunshot.
Every noise she had not been aware of, the buzzing of
insects, the peeping of frogs, the twittering of birds,
suddenly came to a stop, filling the woods with ominous
silence. A heron flapped overhead, wings making a
sound like a flag whipping in the wind.
Scully froze, her hand on the butt of her gun.
Five more shots in rapid succession, popcorn soft in
the dead air. A scream. A terrible, high pitched scream
that suddenly dropped to a wrenching guttural sob.
Scully began to run. She knew the path; she and
Mulder had found the cabin a week ago, and had staked it
out each day waiting for Terran to return. Still, she had
to duck under low branches and jump over unexpected
logs, light and quick as a deer in her motions, but sick
and heavy at heart. Mulder, God, please don't let it be
Something blew by her, like the vortex of a truck
barreling by on a freeway, and she lost her concentration
and slipped on a wet patch. She cried out despite herself,
and went down, trying to tuck her shoulder and roll
but only falling instead on her arm, and twisting it
painfully as she tumbled over some broken branches.
Cursing under her breath, she got to her feet and
stood shaking from the adrenaline. Her clothes were
soaked from her fall.
Footsteps crashed through the leaves and Scully
wavered a little dizzily, bringing her gun up at the sound.
Mulder burst through the foliage, his face white, eyes
wide with terror. When he saw her she could see the same
thing in his face that must be reflected on hers: thank
God you're all right.
"You okay?" he asked. Then his face turned even
paler, sick looking. "Oh, Scully," he said brokenly, like a
child about to cry.
"What? What is it, Mulder?"
He was staring at her clothes and she looked down to
realize for the first time that she was drenched in blood,
dripping blood from her hands, streaked and mottled in
bright arterial red.
"No, no, no," she said hurriedly; "I'm fine. I just
slipped. It must be--"
He covered the distance between them in two long
strides and grabbed her arm, the sore one, making her
gasp in pain as he turned her around. He looked her up
and down until he was sure the blood was not hers, and
then turned her back and jerked her hard against him, his
face hidden in her hair as he took a long shuddering
breath. His arms held her in a rough, desperate
embrace. And then just as quickly he thrust her away
from him.
Dazed, she could only stand looking down at the long
patch of blood she had slid in, slowly comprehending the
"Oh, my God," she said. "Mulder. Look."
He was looking. Then he was walking away into the
woods, bending over, and she heard him cough a couple of
times and then the husky bubbling rasp of his vomit.
Edgar Ray Terran was dead. The wet parts of him
seemed to have ended up on Scully, or splattered among
the leaves, or in a long furrow filled with blackish blood
and gore. There were patches of skin and hair on the
tree trunks on the path, and fragments of clothing torn in
pieces on the ground. The scene looked like the aftermath
of an airplane crash with only one passenger and no
Mulder lurched back to her, wiping his mouth with
the back of his hand. Between the smell of his vomit and
the smell of blood like old pennies in the heavy air, Scully
had to swallow back the acid taste in her own throat.
Then almost without any thought at all, she had the
Sig in her hands and Mulder was holding his automatic in a
two handed grip and they were facing away from each
other, turning in a slow circle. Whoever or whatever had
done this was still out there. Scully felt her back come
up warm and solid against his. They stopped for a
moment, their breathing exactly in synch.
A loon called, sad and haunted, somewhere in the
distance, and a squirrel chattered back, and then the
woods came back to life again in sound, deafening after
the silence.
Slowly, the agents let their arms drop, though
neither holstered their gun.
"I guess that's the end of it," Scully said, looking
down at the trench of blood that had been Terran.
Mulder said, "What, are you crazy? We came up
here originally to find a shapeshifter, didn't we?"
She pursed her lips and stared into the middle
distance, waiting for Mulder to slam dunk another theory
through her hoop of logic.
"Well, that's what YOU came up here for, Mulder,"
she pointed out, "But I don't think even the elusive Eddie
Terran can shift his shape much more than he already
"Scully, what the hell just happened to him?"
She shrugged. "Frankly, Mulder, I don't care.
He's dead, and it's over. Let's just get back to the jeep and
get the hell out of here."
"Scully" His voice was softer, concerned, not
joking for once. "Something just--EXPLODED this man.
Aren't you the least bit curious or concerned about what
it was?"
Scanning the woods slowly, her head tracking right
to left, Scully said, "Maybe I will be later, but at this
exact moment, no, I am not. I just want to get out of
"If we go now, we won't be coming back. Once we
report Eddie dead, the case really will be over."
"Don't you want it to end?" She asked. "I know
you're as sick of it as I am, Mulder. So what's your point?"
"My point is, the reason we got into this thing in
the first place is because people reported Eddie Terran as
being protected by some sort of shapeshifting thing, and
Skinner thought we'd be able to track it down and --"
"And prove it was bullshit. I was there at the meeting,
remember? I know what he said."
Mulder shrugged. "Look, Scully, if you want to go back
now, be my guest. I just want to look around a little more, okay?"
There was a long, long sigh through the trees, almost as
if a storm was coming. All day the sky had been a heavy wool grey,holding heat down on
top of them like a blanket, but there had been no sign of
rain. And this was not a freshening wind, though it seemed to grow stronger as it swept through the branches. Scully lifted her head, eyes narrowed.
The wind--well, it had to be the wind, didn't it?--was
making a sound, a high, keening sound like banshees, like demons. It focused into a single cry,deep, clear, sharp as surgery, and as full of unmistakable intent as the growl of a dog.
Impossible to define, because it was like nothing either of
them had ever heard before.
For some reason, Scully flashed back to a film she had
seen midway through medical school. A mouse, a bowl, an alarm clock. The experimenter put a mouse in a shiny aluminum bowl, steep enough so the mouse couldn't climb or jump out. An old fashioned alarm clock, the kind with clappers that rang
like a 1950's telephone, was set to go off at eleven at
night, a time when the mouse would normally be foraging. When the alarm went off, making a hellish din against the aluminum bowl, the mouse had scurried around and around in terrified laps, for x amount of time, until it settled down again and crouched trembling, looking up at the camera with wet black eyes.
And that's me now, Scully thought, as the cry reached a
crescendo and then ribboned out into a fading undulation of notes, almost flutelike, to blend again with the sigh of the wind. The next scream you hear is going to be mine.
She turned to Mulder. He was looking into the shadows,
his eyes searching the path behind them carefully. In a white tee shirt and faded jeans, his tan Doc Martens crusted with mud and leaves, he looked like a teenaged boy,arms and legs a little out of proportion to his height, as if the result of a recent growth spurt. It was that unfinished look that made him so irresistible to women, those big sweet eyes, the vaguely goofy smile. Even Scully had to remind herself from time to time that under that everywhichway hair was an exquisitely brilliant mind, a genius she might not understand but had to ultimately trust. She was trying to trust it now, trying to believe he would
not deliberately put them both in the path of unnecessary
"Where did that come from?" he asked.
She shook her head. Everywhere. Nowhere. "From the
"I think it came from behind us, over there." He pointed
down the path she had come down when she had been following Terran.
Mulder came to stand close beside her, and she made no
effort to move away.
"Listen," he said, "Did you ever hear of the legend of the
In West Virginia, in a town called Dunbar, when she was a
girl scout on an overnight hike, they had told stories around the campfire,and she still remembered that one quite clearly. "Some kind of Indian legend about a monster that lives in the woods," she said. "I think Steven King wrote about it in 'Pet Semetary.'"
"Well, I think we just heard it, Scully."
Scully's gaze fastened on his for a second, and then she
said, "Well,whatever it was, it wasn't the wind."
"And I think we are in very deep shit here."
From somewhere behind them, in the direction Mulder had
pointed in, came a creaking groan, the sound of a tree slowly coming down. It crashed through the woods, and above the roof of the forest there was a whoof of debris, like smoke billowing up from a small explosion. Whatever knocked it down was definitely moving in their direction; something was thrashing the bushes, and birds burst up in a squawking covey. Except for the noise of an engine, it sounded for all the world as if a bulldozer was
coming through the woods towards them.
Mulder grabbed Scully's hand and yanked her behind him
as he began to run. "The cabin!" he shouted. "We have to try to get to the cabin!"
"You'll see when we get there. Come on!"
With a fresh burst of energy, Scully matched his pace,
and would have passed him if she'd known where they were going. As it was, she was as hot on his heels as whatever it was coming down the path seemed to be on theirs; they could actually look over their shoulders and see the saplings coming down in the distance as something bullied its way through the thick woods, gaining on them by the second.
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pat pat pat Part 02/03