Greenville Ohio Online Job Resources
Looking for a job in or around Greenville, and frustrated because it seems that every time you're looking for a job, national sites pop up with job ads for Dayton, Sydney or Richmond?  This site is dedicated to laying out the online resources for Greenville.  It's a work in progress.  I'll be adding things as I find them on my own search for a job.  Let me know if it helps anyone!
Temp agencies of Greenville
Brownlee Personnel Services
202 Wagner Avenue
(937) 547-5627

Extrahelp Staffing Services
1555 Wagner Avenue, Greenville, OH 45331
(937) 547-3303
(937) 224-5523 (fax)

Note: Greenville has more staffing agencies, but these are the only two that are online as of this update.
Help Wanted Ads
The Daily Advocate help wanted ads can be reached here. Beware 800 numbers and offers that seem too good to be true.