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Welcome! This page is all about the glorious creatures called dolphins. You can research here, you can look at the beautiful pictures, or just read about dolphins for your enjoyment. A description of this site is below.
~Home~ Back to this page.
~Guestbook~ Sign and/or view my guestbook.
~Definition~ The dictionary definition of "dolphin".
~General Info~ Information that applies to all dolphins and many images.
~FAQ~ Various questions that a lot of people tend to ask.
~Glossary~ A glossary of terms that have to do with dolphins.
~Species~ Information about all 38 of the different species of dolphins.
~Sound Etc.~ This page has information about sounds and echolocation.
~Mythology~ Greek, Christian, and Amazon myths pertaining to dolphins.
~Quotes & Poetry~ Different poems and quotes about dolphins.
~Art~ Pages of Dolphin art by professionals and non.
~Help Dolphins~ Here are ways for you to help protect dolphins.
~Shopping~ Buy dolphin stuff! There are links, book recomendations, and my store.
~About Me~ This is a mini-site about myself. There's nothing about dolphins here.
~Site Stuff~ Credits, Webrings, and Awards.
~Links~ Some links to other dolphin web pages, submit yours. Also, link to me (images).
~Email~ Click to Email this page's Webmistress.
Updates: 6/21/01
There's now a section devoted to mythology.
Past Updates
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Also, please don't take anything from here, it's all copyrighted. A lot of work has been put into this, and it would be optimal for this site to appear original...so don't take anything! If there is something you want feel free to ask for it.