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A1C Nicholas Kurtz
Aviano DJ
What's up? Thanks for visiting my site. Not too much here but pictures, so I guess I can tell you a little about myself. My name is Nick, and I'm a 22 year old Airman 1st Class in the Ubited States Air Force. I work for the American Forces Radio and Television Service as a broadcast journalist. I'm stationed in Aviano, Italy, one of the nicest Air Forse Bases around. I'm from Southern California originally, so that;s where all my family is. I love it out here in Italy, I'm traveling a lot, and I really enjoy the work that I do, so I guess you could say I'm leading a perfect existence right now, hahaha.  I've got some pictures up of my family and places I've been in Italy, so check em out if you have time. Thanks for stopping by!